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1、v1.0可编辑可修改Chapter 1 In troduct ion What is the En glish StylisticsIt is a scie nee that deals with the research for a wide variety of thestyles of written and oral English in English Ianguage. What are Ian guage functionsa) To deliver some infor to other peopleb) To com mun icate with each other in

2、society How do we express ourselves in a proper waySeveral factors do work.a) Phon eticsb) Vocabularyc) Grammard) Some kno wledge concerning En glish stylistics The correctness in using the Ianguage can not replace the appropriatenessin Ian guage com muni catio n. WhyFour examples:a) “ Hello ” and “

3、 Hi ”b) “ Assist me! Assist me! ” and “ Aid! Aid! ”c) “That' s all right. ”“That' s to say. ”“It ' s . ”d) See n ext paged) “ I amterribly sorry to hear that your husband has just died, but don' t let it upset you too much. You ' re an attractive, young lady. I' m prettysure

4、it is very easy for you to find some one else soon.” The effects of Ianguageexpressionsare sometimes related to somenon-li nguistic factors.a) Sex“ Oh, my God! ”b) Age“ Cheers! ” and “ Bye for now. ”c) Vocati on“ Watch the birdie. ”d) Received education“ go to .”e) Social station“ What prompted you

5、to apply for this job” Why should we lear n and study En glish stylisticsa) It will help us to express ourselves in En glish properly.b) It will help us to know something about Ianguage features of a varietyof English written styles.c) It will help us to select a proper way for getting the best Iang

6、uage effects and atta ining our com muni cative purposes.d) It will help us to go at literary criticism.e) It will help us to do the translation work well.Chapter 2 Lan guage Descripti on & Stylistic An alysis There are 4 phon etic means in En glish:1) stress 2) Inton ati on 3) pause 4) voice qu

7、ality. Stress has several appare nt stylistic and grammatical functions.(1) The first function is for emphasis.(2) The sec ond function is to cha nge the meaning or the part of speech ofsome words, or both.(3) The third function is to differ some En glish words(4) The fourth function is to show some

8、 one s surprise, an ger, fear, doubt, pleasure, etc. Inton ati on can be employed to express people ' s happ in ess,sad ness,certa in ty, hesitati on, depressi on, etc. There are 5 pitches in pho netics:(1) The fallingpitch is used to show the meaning of definiteness,certaintyand complete ness.(

9、2) The rising pitch is employed to show the meaning of indefiniteness,un certa inty and in complete ness.(3) The fall-rise pitch is used to give people some en courageme nt or givepeople a warning.(4) The rise-fall pitch is employed to give people a sincere praise or toshow the feeli ng of shock.(5)

10、 The level pitch is used to give acco unt on someth ing happe ned in thepast. Pause can be divided into two.a) voiced pause b) sile nt pause Some useful rhetorical devices1. Period and in vers ion2. Parallelism and an tithesis3. Climax and an ti-climax4. Repetiti onChap ter 3 Oral Style and Written

11、Style Several occasi ons for using oral style:1. In literary masterpieces2. In everyday con versati on3. In in formal speeches104) Casual Style: People usually use it betwee n frien ds, acqua intan ces, orin siders. Its main feature is that people usually employ ellipsis, sla ngs The differe nces be

12、twee n oral com mun icati on and written com muni cati onor cants with it.1. Use some gestures ( body Ian guage ) in oral com muni cati on5) Intimate Style: It is usually used between husband and wife. Moreover2. Use a stateme nt as a questi on in oral com muni cati on3. Use some pure oral words in

13、oral com muni cati onit is employed in jarg ons sometimes. The comparison of Ianguage styles in oral style and in written styleChapter 6 Societal Deviati on in En glish- What can be used with oral style1) sla ngs 2) vogue words 3) abbreviati ons 4) phrasal verbs 5) idiomsWhat is societal deviati on

14、in En glishSocietal deviati on is someth ing about societal dialects. What can be used with written style-Black English Vernacular:(土语)urba n black En glish1) ScientificEnglish 2) Legal English 3) Religious English 4) Formal speech- What are the reasons for you to know Black English Vernacular5) Off

15、icial docume nts(1)It will help us to know the status que of AE.(2) It will help toChapter 4 Formal Style & In formal Styleread some no vels in America n literature. Five styles were advaneed by Martin Joos in the book “ The Five Clocks ”Chapter 7 Time Deviati on in En glishThree stages of the d

16、evelopme nt of En glish Ian guage1) Frozen Style: legal items, historic literature, the documents for intern ati onal conferen ces, etc.1) The 1st stage is from 449 to 1100 ( Old En glish ).(The verbs in Old En glish can be divided in to two categoriesone2) Formal Style: This style is usually used t

17、o deliver some infor on formal occasi ons.is strong verbs and ano ther is weak verbs. The past tense forms of most of3) ConsultativeStyle: With this style people usually offer some backgroundin formati on. It is usually employed in bus in ess activities.weak verbs are with the ending -cec, -ode, or

18、-de after the original weak customer to take actions as soon as possible.a”noverbs.)2) The 2nd stage is from 1100 to 1500 (Middle English).(At that time “ hw ” in Old English became “ wh ” and “ cw qu .)3) The 3rd stage is from 1500 to prese nt time (Moder n En glish).(There are two remarkable featu

19、res in Moder n En glish.) Some features of En glish advertiseme nts(1) More simple sentencesbecame (2) Less n egative sentencesIf people really want to express thenegative meani ng in advertisements, they may use“ nothing ” orin stead of“ not ”.(3) Freque nt use of prese nt tensefrom Japa nese/fromF

20、ren ch/from Lat in/ from Chin ese.(1) There are many loansin Modern English.(2) There are some neologisms(新词)in Modern English.(4) More and more imperative sentences(5) Far more elliptical sentences(6) More figures of speech(7) Some special adjectives-The application of English archaic words(过时的词) i

21、n moder n times(8) Some n ewly-created words1) In legal En glish 2) In religious En glish 3) In En glish poetry 4) In-Journalistic English:News report/news storyn ewspapers-two categories of newspapers- Why use archaic words in modern times formal/rhyme/show-off1) quality paper 大报 2) tabloid 小报Chapt

22、er 8 Common Practical Styles-Three requirements for news reportsSwift / objective / true-Three functions of English advertisements-Some features of journalistic English1) to attract readers ' attention 2) to arose customer interest3) to erge1) Some journalistic jargons 2) Some acronyms 3) Some a

23、pocopation 4)Some aphoeresis 5) Some words with front and back clipping6) Some Chapter 9 Literary Stylesyn copati ons 7) Some n eologisms 8) Some ble nds 9) Some nouns are used as verbs to make the headli nes vivid.Scien tific En glish What can be written with scientific English1) Scientific works a

24、nd literature2) Academic theses3) Laboratory reports4) Product in struct ions Some important features of scientific English1) Passive voice is high-freque ntly used in senten ces.2) Prese nt tense is quite ofte n employed in sentences because scie ntific concepts and principles are usually described

25、 as truths.3) Long and complete sentences are ofte n used to express meanin gs, ideas and con cepts.4) There are some words which are from Lat in.5) There is a simplicity in meaning for some words in scie ntific En glish.6) There are some useful prefixes and suffixes in scie ntific En glish. The Ian

26、 guage features of En glish poetry1. The rhythm and the meter of En glish poetryRhythm is a regular successi on of weak and strong stresses, acce nts, soun ds, or moveme nts in speech, music, poems, dancing, etc. How is the rhythm formed in En glish poemsStressed syllables and un stressed syllables

27、which alter nately appear ina sta nza may produce rhythm in En glish poems. What is meter Meter is the measur. The En glish poetic rhythm is based on meter.构成英诗节奏的基础是韵律,即“格律”。 How many meters are there in En glish poetic compositi onThere are seven (1) iambus 抑扬格(2) trochee 扬抑格(3) dactyl 扬抑抑格 anapae

28、st 抑抑扬格 (5) amphibrach 双行诗 (6) spondee (7) purrhic What is sta nzaIt consists of lines or verses. Simply speaking it is a poetic paragraph. Some com mon forms of sta nzas:1) couplet 双行诗 2) triplet 三行诗 3) quatrain 4) cinquain 5) sestet 6) septet 7) octet 8) Spen seria n sta nza 9) ten-verse poem 10)

29、sonnetA sonn et is a on e-poem of 14 lines,written in iambic pentameter.(1) Petrarcha n sonnet or Italia n sonn et( abba abba cde cde )(2) Shakespeare sonn et ( abab cdcd efef gg )(3) Spen seria n sonn et ( abab bcbc cdcd ee ) What is verseverse is the poetic senten ce,li neIt is made up of one foot

30、 or more than one. Briefly speaking it is called a poetic senten ce. How to keep a rhyme in a poem1) Keep an end rhyme ( It can be divided into four forms.)(1) The first form is to keep a si ngle rhyme (Sometimes it is called a masculi ne rhyme or a male rhyme.)(2) The sec ond form is to keep a doub

31、le rhyme (Sometimes it is called a femi nine rhyme or a female rhyme.).(3) The third form is to keep a triple rhyme.(4) The fourth form is to keep an eye rhyme.2) Keep a head rhyme3) Keep an internal rhyme Bla nk verse : Un rhymed verse Three features of bla nk verses1) They do not keep any rhymes,

32、but they are the poems with some meter.2) They can be long or short.3) Their feet in each line are n ot uni form. Com mon Figures of Speech Used in En glish PoetryUse of simile and repetition/head-rhymed(alliteration)/metapher/parallelism/ personification/ speaking silenee, dumbconfession / paradox矛

33、盾修饰法 /hyperbole,overstatement exaggeration/ metonymy借代转喻 Stylistic Features in Fictio nTwo poi nts of view (Two perspectives )1) Use sin gular or plural nu mber of the third pers onas a n arratoror a story-teller to n arrate some plots in a no vel.Notes: a. Most of writers or novelists like to use t

34、his perspective.b. The effect of using this perspective isobjective2) Use sin gular or plural nu mber of the first pers onas one of the characters to n arrate some plots in a no vel.Note: In this way it will make readers think that it is really a true storyand there is no trace of make-up. The dialo

35、gs in no vels1) Some useful in formal words 2) Some com mon sla ngs Direct and in direct speeches in no vels1) Sometimes some no velists like to use direct speech in order to make a psychological description in narrating plots in a novel.2) Sometimes some no velists like to use in direct speech in order to makea thought prese ntati on in n arrati ng plots in a no vel. How to an alyze a literary ma


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