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吉林省伊通县实验中学八年级英语下册《Module 4 New technology》Period 5课件 外研版_第5页
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1、第五课时:第五课时:Self-assessment, analysis of Ex. Teaching Aims and Demands: 1. Self-assessment 2. To summarize and consolidate “if” structure. 3. Making a debateTeaching Aids: Multi-Media Step1 Sharing stories Check their previous homework: Search and find out stories about how a mobile phone saved someon

2、es life.设计意图设计意图:让学生充分分享他们自己在课外收集起来的信息,满足学生让学生充分分享他们自己在课外收集起来的信息,满足学生的表现欲望和成就感,同时可以加强同学们之间的感情交流。学生是有的表现欲望和成就感,同时可以加强同学们之间的感情交流。学生是有准备的,有话可说。准备的,有话可说。Step 2 Making a debate Support: the advantages of the new technology VSOppose: the disadvantages of the new technology设计意图设计意图:辩论赛的形式能激起学生的学习热情。因为在前面对这

3、个话题辩论赛的形式能激起学生的学习热情。因为在前面对这个话题有所准备,相信学生能够做的好。有所准备,相信学生能够做的好。Step 3 Additional exercisesComplete the passage with the correct form of the words.I know about a really good website called Photo Box. If you _ (like) a photo, you _ (can, print) it on your computer. And if you _ (want, buy) the photo _ (c

4、hoose) “Buy” on the website page. If you _ (not, like) the photos, or if they _ (be, not) good. _ (not, save) them. So, if you _ (want, save) money and get good photos, _ (write) down this website address! Step 4 Self-assessment 1. How much have you learned in this module?I can say If you want to tu

5、rn on the recorder, press the blue key.If the red light doesnt come on, wait thirty seconds.I know these wordsChoose, come on, copy, connect,instruction, key, light, play back, memory, symbol, turn on, basic, boring, especially, excellent, only simple, worth it2. I hope to do the following in order

6、to improve my English: _Step 5 Homework Writing (choose one of them): (1) What are the advantages / disadvantages of the computer games? (2) Write a short story about how a mobile phone saved someones life. 1. If you _ (want) to listen to music, _ (choose) a CD. 2. If you _ (buy) a new camera, _ (get) a good one . 3. If the light _ (not come) on, _ (wait) one minute. 4. If you _(not like) the programme, _ (turn) the TV off. 5. If you _(not work), _(wait ) a minute and then _ (try) again. 6. If you _(want) to keep th


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