1、计算机操作系统主讲教师:主讲教师: 刘咏梅刘咏梅 白翔宇白翔宇 斯勤夫斯勤夫内蒙古大学计算机学院内蒙古大学计算机学院计算机操作系统参考书:1、计算机操作系统(汤子瀛著)西安电子科技大学2、现代操作系统(陈向群译)机械工业出版社3、操作系统精髓与设计原理(William Stallings著)清华大 学出版社4、实用操作系统概念(Abraham Silberschatz著) 高等教育 出版社5、 操作系统原理教程(孟静著)清华大学出版社第一章第一章 操作系统引论操作系统引论1.1 1.1 什么是操作系统什么是操作系统1.2 1.2 操作系统的发展操作系统的发展1.3 1.3 操作系统的特征和功能
2、操作系统的特征和功能1.4 1.4 操作系统的结构操作系统的结构1.1 什么是操作系统什么是操作系统一、计算机系统组成一、计算机系统组成 中央处理机(中央处理机(CPU) 硬件硬件 内存内存 I/O设备设备(键盘、显示器、打字机、鼠标) 外部设备外部设备 存储设备存储设备(硬盘、软盘、光盘、磁带) 其它设备其它设备(MODEM、通信口) 系统软件系统软件(操作系统、Turbo-C、数据库管理系统) 软件软件 应用软件应用软件 (CAD、游戏、用户自己开发的系统等) 一个现代计算机系统CPU磁盘磁盘驱动器驱动器打印机打印机驱动器驱动器磁带磁带驱动器驱动器存储器驱动器存储器驱动器 磁盘磁盘 磁盘磁
3、盘打印机打印机磁带磁带存储器存储器系统总线系统总线1.1 什么是操作系统什么是操作系统二、操作系统在计算机系统中的地位二、操作系统在计算机系统中的地位应用软件应用软件其它系统软件其它系统软件操作系统操作系统计算机硬件(裸机)计算机硬件(裸机) 操作系统的地位:操作系统的地位: 配置在硬件之上的配置在硬件之上的第一层软件;第一层软件; 对硬件功能的第一对硬件功能的第一次扩充。次扩充。1.1 什么是操作系统什么是操作系统应用软件应用软件其它系统软件其它系统软件操作系统操作系统计算机硬件(裸机)计算机硬件(裸机)普通用户普通用户操作系统操作系统开发人员开发人员三、用户使用操作系统的途径三、用户使用操
4、作系统的途径1.1 什么是操作系统什么是操作系统 1. 方便性:使计算机系统更容易使用。 2. 有效性:提高计算机系统的资源利用率; 提高系统的吞吐量。 3. 可扩充性:允许改进老的功能及增加新的功能。 四、设置操作系统的目标四、设置操作系统的目标1.1 什么是操作系统什么是操作系统五、操作系统的作用五、操作系统的作用 v 作用作用1(1(服务服务):):操作系统是用户与计算机硬件系统之间的接口。操作系统是用户与计算机硬件系统之间的接口。操作系统为用户和程序员提供的服务:操作系统为用户和程序员提供的服务: 1.负责程序的创建、启动、执行和结束处理。 2.访问I/O设备。 3.控制文件存取。 4
5、.通信。 5.差错检测。接口类型:接口类型: 1.命令接口:例如DOS命令。 2.程序接口:即系统调用,例如编程中使用的read命令。 3.图形接口:例如WINDOWS图标。1.1 什么是操作系统什么是操作系统包括:包括: 1.CPU管理; 2.存储器管理; 3.I/O设备管理; 4.文件管理。五、操作系统的作用五、操作系统的作用 v 作用作用2(2(管理管理) ):操作系统是计算机系统的资源管理者,它负责 计算机系统的全部资源的分配、控制、调度和回收。1.1 什么是操作系统什么是操作系统五、操作系统的作用五、操作系统的作用 v作用作用3(3(虚拟机) ):操作系统隐蔽硬件特性,为用户提供了一
6、台等 价的扩充机器(虚拟机)。虚拟机:虚拟机:覆盖了软件、功能变得更加强大的机器。例:只能做加法的机器(只能做加法的机器(+ +)2+325先转成先转成2+2+2+2+2实现乘法的软件(实现乘法的软件(+ +和和 )直接做直接做直接做直接做直接做直接做1.1 什么是操作系统什么是操作系统一是自顶向下、从用户的角度看;(作用一是自顶向下、从用户的角度看;(作用1、3) 一是自底向上、从硬件的角度看。(作用一是自底向上、从硬件的角度看。(作用2)面对用户、面对机器面对用户、面对机器1.1 什么是操作系统什么是操作系统操作系统定义:操作系统定义: 操作系统是一组控制和管理计算机硬件和软件操作系统是一
7、组控制和管理计算机硬件和软件资源、合理地对各类作业进行调度,以及方便用资源、合理地对各类作业进行调度,以及方便用户的程序的集合。户的程序的集合。1.2 操作系统的发展操作系统的发展发展原因:发展原因:内因:受计算机硬件发展的驱动。外因:受计算机应用的刺激。 与计算机系统发展同步与计算机系统发展同步1.2 操作系统的发展操作系统的发展一、无操作系统时的计算机系统一、无操作系统时的计算机系统工作过程:工作过程: 用户1:纸带 纸带输入机 计算机 纸带输出机 纸带 用户2:工作方式:工作方式: 编程语言:机器语言。 输入输出:纸带或卡片。 用户:既是程序员,又是操作员;是计算机专业人员。1.2 操作
8、系统的发展操作系统的发展一、无操作系统时的计算机系统一、无操作系统时的计算机系统特点:特点: 1.用户独占全机:不出现资源被其他用户占用的情况, 资源利用率低; 2.CPU等待用户:计算前后,手工装卸纸带或卡片; CPU利用率低。造成:1、人机矛盾; 2、CPU与I/O设备 速度不匹配的矛盾。 -CPU浪费严重!专门的操作员;批处理。1.2 操作系统的发展操作系统的发展二、单道二、单道批处理系统(批处理系统(Simple Batch System)工作过程:工作过程: 程序员将各自的作业提交给系统操作员,系统操作员采用脱机输入方式将多个作业组织成一批,输入磁带。在系统中配置有监督程序,它从磁带
9、上读入第一个作业并运行,其输出写到另一个磁带;每个作业结束后,监督程序自动从磁带上读入下一个作业并运行。当这批作业全部结束后,系统操作员再采用脱机输出技术将保存在磁带上的结果打印,交给相应的程序员。提交的作业包括提交的作业包括:用户程序、数据和作业说明书(作业控制语言) 关键 脱机输入输出技术 监督程序:现代操作系统的前身,常驻内存 job1job2job3job4主机主机监督程序监督程序输入设备输入设备外围机外围机磁盘磁盘磁盘磁盘输出设备输出设备程序员程序员操作员操作员外围机外围机job1job2job3job4job1job2job3job41.2 操作系统的发展操作系统的发展二、单道二、
10、单道批处理系统(批处理系统(Simple Batch System)工作方式:工作方式: 编程语言:汇编语言、FORTRAN语言。 输入输出:磁带。 用户:第一次在程序员、操作员和维护员之间有了明确的分工。进步之处:进步之处: 减少了CPU的空闲时间、提高了I/O速度,从而提高了 CPU的利用率。不足之处:不足之处: I/O速度仍显慢,使CPU许多时间空闲;无交互能力。1.2 操作系统的发展操作系统的发展三、多道批处理系统三、多道批处理系统(Multiprogramming Batch SystemMultiprogramming Batch System)与单道批处理系统的区别:与单道批处理
11、系统的区别: 输入输出:磁盘,spooling技术(联机)。 操作系统:使用多道程序技术处理作业。优点:优点: 1.资源利用率高; 2.系统吞吐量大。缺点:缺点: 1.平均周转时间长; 2.无交互能力1.2 操作系统的发展操作系统的发展多道程序技术:多道程序技术:多道:计算机内存中同时存放几个用户作业;宏观上并行运行:内存中的几个作业都处于运行状态, 但都未运行完;微观上串行运行:内存中的各作业交替使用CPU;可共享计算机系统中的各种软、硬件资源。例:作业A和B在单道和多道系统下的运行对比。job1job2job3job4主机主机监督程序监督程序单道系统单道系统job1job2job3job4
12、主机主机监督程序监督程序多道系统多道系统job1job1job2job2job3job3job4job4job1job3job3job2job4job1job4job2 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9时间时间输入机输入机CPU打印机打印机 磁带机磁带机时间时间输入机输入机CPU打印机打印机 磁带机磁带机BAAAAAABBAAAAABBB单单道道多多道道1.2 操作系统的发展操作系统的发展四、分时系统(四、分时系统(Time-sharing System)工作方式:工作方式: 一台计算机连接多个用户终端,允许多个用户共享计 算机中的资源,每个用户可通过各自的终端以交互方式
13、使用计算机。分类:分类: 1.单道分时系统 2.具有“前台”和“后台”的分时系统 3.多道分时系统1.2 操作系统的发展操作系统的发展四、四、分时系统(分时系统(Time-sharing System)特点:特点: 1.多路性 2.独立性 3.及时性 4.交互性 1.2 操作系统的发展操作系统的发展五、五、实时系统(实时系统(Real-time System)实时系统:实时系统:系统能及时响应外部事件的请求,在规定的时间内 完成对该事件的处理,并控制所有实时任务协调一致地运行。分类:分类: 1.实时控制:例如飞机自动驾驶系统、工业控制等 2.实时信息处理:例如图书管理系统、民航售票系统等特点:
14、特点: 1.多路性 2.独立性 3.及时性 4.交互性 5.可靠性 1.2 操作系统的发展操作系统的发展六、六、微机操作系统微机操作系统应用领域:应用领域:事务处理,个人娱乐;系统要求:系统要求:使用方便、支持多种硬件和外部设备(多媒体设备、 网络、远程通信)、效率不必很高。常用的个人计算机操作系统:常用的个人计算机操作系统: 1.单用户单任务:CP/M、MS-DOS 2.单用户多任务:OS/2、MS Windows 3.多用户多任务:UNIX1.2 操作系统的发展操作系统的发展七、网络操作系统(七、网络操作系统(Network Operating System)计算机网络:计算机网络:一些自
15、主的计算机系统,通过通信设施相互连接, 完成信息交换、资源共享、互操作和协同工作等功能。计算机网络类型:计算机网络类型: 1.按网络拓扑:星形、树形、总线形、环形、网状形; 2.按地理范围:局域网、广域网;1.2 操作系统的发展操作系统的发展七、七、网络操作系统(网络操作系统(Network Operating System)网络网络OS:根据已有标准开发出的、具有支持网络资源通信、共 享和管理等功能的软件模块和原有网络计算机系统中 操作系统的合称。网络网络OS功能:功能: 1.通常操作系统的功能 2.网络通信功能 3.网络资源管理 4.网络服务 5.网络管理 6.互操作能力1.2 操作系统的
16、发展操作系统的发展八、八、分布式操作系统(分布式操作系统(Distributed System)分布式系统:分布式系统:指由多个分散的处理单元,经互连网络的连接而 形成的系统。它的基本特征是处理上的分布,即 资源、功能、任务和控制的分布。分布式操作系统:分布式操作系统:所有系统任务可在系统中任何处理机上运行, 自动实现全系统范围内的任务分配并自动调度各 处理机的工作负载。1.2 操作系统的发展操作系统的发展分布式分布式OS与网络与网络OS的比较的比较分布式分布式OS网络网络OS分布性分布性处理分布、控制分布处理分布、控制分布处理分布、控制集中处理分布、控制集中并行性并行性有任务分配功能,任务有
17、任务分配功能,任务可并行执行可并行执行无任务分配功能无任务分配功能透明性透明性网络资源调度对用户透网络资源调度对用户透明明网络资源的使用由用户直网络资源的使用由用户直接指定接指定共享性共享性所有资源可供系统中所所有资源可供系统中所有用户共享有用户共享可共享资源大多设置在服可共享资源大多设置在服务器上务器上健壮性健壮性强强弱弱1.2 操作系统的发展(小结)操作系统的发展(小结)第一代第一代第二代第二代第三代第三代第四代第四代1945-19551955-19651965-19801980至今电子管晶体管集成电路超大规模集成电路无操作系统;无程序设计语言;采用手工操作方式单道批处理系统;FORTRA
18、N、汇编语言;多道批处理系统;分时系统;实时系统;多道程序设计技术;spooling技术;中断、通道、DMA、虚存、设备独立性;微机操作系统;网络操作系统;分布式操作系统;Knot tying is one of the oldest skills known to man. Many thousands of different knots exist; these are some of the most common.Common Knots早期的计算工具早期的计算工具 - 计算尺计算尺 Blaise Pascal(布里斯(布里斯.帕斯卡)制造的世界上第一台机械计算机帕斯卡)制造的世界上
19、第一台机械计算机Pascals Calculator In 1642, Blaise Pascal developed a mechanical calculator to speed arithmetic calculations for his father, a tax official. Numbers are dialed in on the metal wheels on the front of the calculator. The solutions appear in the little windows along the top.Pascals Calculator 世
20、界上第一台差分机械计算机的发明人查尔斯世界上第一台差分机械计算机的发明人查尔斯.巴贝奇巴贝奇Inventor of the Difference Engine, British mathematician Charles Babbage is credited with conceiving the first true computer. With the help of his partner, Augusta Ada Byron, Babbage also created a design for the Analytical Engine, another machine remark
21、ably like the modern computer, even including a memory. Unfortunately, there was no way to build the machine with 19th-century technology.Charles BabbageCharles Babbage (查尔斯(查尔斯.巴贝奇)发明的世界上第一台差分机械计算机巴贝奇)发明的世界上第一台差分机械计算机Considered by many to be a direct forerunner of the modern computer, the Differenc
22、e Engine was able to compute mathematical tables. This woodcut shows a small portion of the ingenious machine, which was designed by Charles Babbage in the 1820s. Although the device did not have a memory, Babbages later idea for the Analytical Engine would have been a true, programmable computer if
23、 the technology of his time had been able to build it.Babbages Difference Engine早期电子真空管早期电子真空管 A model of the Fleming valve illustrates the technology that led to the development of the vacuum tube, one of the most important early electronic devices. A typical vacuum tube consists of electrodes (met
24、al plates) and wires in an evacuated glass bulb and is used to regulate electric currents or electronic signals. Before the advent of the transistor, vacuum tubes were used extensively in the operation of devices such as televisions, radios, and computers. Sir John Ambrose Fleming experimented with
25、Edisons diode vacuum tube (an invention Edison did not pursue) during the early 1900s, and his valves represent the first practical radio tubes.Early Vacuum Tubes半导体集成电路板集成电路板集成电路板集成电路板集成电路板计算机中的集成电路计算机中的集成电路计算机中的集成电路芯片计算机中的集成电路芯片- CPUThe Pentium microprocessor (shown at 2.5X magnification) is manuf
26、actured by the Intel Corporation. It contains more than three million transistors. The most common semiconductor materials used in making computer chips are the elements silicon and germanium, although nearly all computer chips are made from silicon.奔腾处理机Pentium(放大 2.51,000,000倍)Intel Pentium处理器全家福处
27、理器全家福In 1965 semiconductor pioneer Gordon Moore predicted that the number of transistors contained on a computer chip would double every year. This is now known as Moores Law, and it has proven to be somewhat accurate. The number of transistors and the computational speed of microprocessors currentl
28、y doubles approximately every 18 months. Components continue to shrink in size and are becoming faster, cheaper, and more versatile.Gordon Moores Law戈登戈登.摩尔定律摩尔定律Early United States censuses were tabulated by hand, a process that took years. The electric tabulating machine, invented by American engi
29、neer Herman Hollerith and first used in the 1890 U.S. census, dramatically reduced the time and effort required to process census data. To use the machine, census clerks converted responses on census questionnaires to holes punched in predetermined locations on paper cards. When pins in the card rea
30、der passed through the holes, an electrical circuit was completed that activated the appropriate mechanical counters.Electric Tabulating Machine穿孔卡片机械的早期创始人穿孔卡片机械的早期创始人赫尔曼赫尔曼.赫尔里希赫尔里希American inventor Herman Hollerith developed the punch card system of recording data, an important step in the develo
31、pment of computers. In 1896 he organized the Tabulating Machine Corporation, which became the International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) in 1924.Herman HollerithENIAC (Electronic Numerator, Integrator, And Computer) was the first fully electronic digital computer. Built at the University of P
32、ennsylvania in 1946, it remained in service until 1955. ENIAC contained 18,000 vacuum tubes and required manual rewiring to be programmed.世界上第一台电子计算机世界上第一台电子计算机 - ENIAC 世界上第一台商用电子数字计算机世界上第一台商用电子数字计算机UNIVACUNIVAC Computer System The first commercially available electronic computer, UNIVAC I, was also
33、 the first computer to handle both numeric and textual information. Designed by John Presper Eckert, Jr., and John Mauchly, whose corporation subsequently passed to Remington Rand, the implementation of the machine marked the beginning of the computer era. Here, a UNIVAC computer is shown in action.
34、 The central computer is in the background, and in the foreground is the supervisory control panel. Remington Rand delivered the first UNIVAC machine to the U.S. Bureau of Census in 1951.早期计算机的输入设备早期计算机的输入设备Card Key Punch(穿孔卡片机)(穿孔卡片机)数据处理领域的先驱者Grace Hopper(格里斯.胡泊)(女)A pioneer in data processing, Re
35、ar Admiral Grace Hopper received credit for creating the first compiler in 1952. Hopper helped to develop two computer languages and to make computers attractive to businesses. One of the most prominent women in the computer industry, Hopper died in 1992.In 1964 International Business Machines Corpo
36、ration (IBM) introduced its revolutionary System/360, the first mainframe computer that used interchangeable software and equipment. During the 1960s and 1970s IBM dominated the world market for mainframe computers.60年代的IBM-360(大型计算机)Steven Jobs(史迪瓦(史迪瓦.乔布斯)和乔布斯)和他的苹果计算机他的苹果计算机APPLE IIApple Computer
37、 cofounder Steven Jobs, left, CEO John Sculley, center, and cofounder Stephen Wozniak, right, are shown at the 1984 debut of the Apple IIc computer, which was introduced in the same year as the revolutionary Macintosh computer. All three played crucial roles in developing and marketing computers tha
38、t are easy to learn and use. Men Behind Apple Computer苹果计算机的创始人之一苹果计算机的创始人之一Steven Jobs(史迪夫(史迪夫.乔布斯)乔布斯)Steven Jobs, with Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak, built the first Apple computer in his parents garage. Apple Computer went on to become the fastest-growing company in American history. In 1985, af
39、ter developing the original Apple Macintosh, Jobs resigned to form NeXT, Inc. His innovative designs have proven technologically superior but prohibitively expensive and are often considered to be too far ahead of their time.苹果计算机的创始人之一苹果计算机的创始人之一John Sculley(约翰(约翰.斯库李)斯库李)John Sculley started as a
40、trainee at PepsiCo in 1967 and became the companys president ten years later. In 1983 he was recruited to Apple Computer by cofounder Steven Jobs. As chief executive officer (CEO) of Apple, Sculley oversaw further development of the Macintosh computer and the introduction of the System 7 operating s
41、ystem and the Newton, a personal digital assistant. He was replaced as the CEO in 1993 and resigned from the company later that year.The Apple Macintosh, released in 1984, was among the first personal computers to use a graphical user interface. A graphical user interface enables computer users to e
42、asily execute commands by clicking on pictures, words, or icons with a pointing device called a mouse.1984年的苹果计算机年的苹果计算机Apple MacintoshBill Gates is the chairman, chief software architect, and cofounder (with Paul Allen) of Microsoft Corporation, the worlds leading computer software company. The com
43、panys success made Gates one of the worlds richest people.Bill Gates微软具有代表意义的图形界面操作系统微软具有代表意义的图形界面操作系统Windows 95A typical personal computer has components to display and print information (monitor and laser printer); input commands and data (keyboard and mouse); retrieve and store information (CD-RO
44、M and disk drives); and communicate with other computers (modem).Personal Computer Components早期机械打字机早期机械打字机The AT keyboard is an 84-key model introduced by IBM. An attempt to make the personal computer (PC) keyboard more suited to touch-typing, its layout is similar to that of a standard typewriter.
45、AT KeyboardThe IBM enhanced keyboard features several options not used in earlier models. Additions include 12 function keys across the top (versus 10 down the side), additional Control and Alt keys, and a bank of cursor-movement and editing keys between the main section of the keyboard and the nume
46、ric keypad.Enhanced Keyboard机械鼠标的内部结构机械鼠标的内部结构Hard disks are used to record computer data magnetically. A hard disk drive consists of a stack of inflexible magnetic disks mounted on a motor. As the disks spin at high speeds, read/write heads at the end of a metal fork swing in and out to access sect
47、ors of the disks.硬磁盘的结构硬磁盘的结构The concept of the paperless e-book became a reality in the late 1990s with the marketing of several devices. These machines allow users to download texts from the Internet and read them on a portable, handheld display. The RCA REB1100 model e-book shown here is about th
48、e size of a paperback. It lasts 20 to 40 hours between battery charges, holds a minimum of 8,000 pages of text, and includes an internal modem for downloading books.E-Book世界上功能最强大的超级计算机CRAY(克雷机)The Cray-2 Supercomputer (designed by Seymour Cray of Cray Research, Eagan, MN) was first introduced in 19
49、85, nine years after the first model, the Cray-1, was introduced. This type of supercomputer is used for mathematical studies of very complex problems, such as speech analysis, weather forecasting, and fundamental questions in physics and chemistry.Cray Supercomputer著名的国际象棋大师Kasparov与IBM的超级计算机Deep B
50、lue(深蓝)下棋Inernet(互联网互联网)计算机网络计算机网络计算机网络的结构Connecting individual computers to each other creates networks. The Internet is a series of interconnected networks. Personal computers and workstations are connected to a Local Area Network (LAN) by either a dial-up connection through a modem and standard p
51、hone line or by being directly wired into the LAN. Other modes of data transmission that allow for connection to a network include T-1 connections and dedicated lines. Bridges and hubs link multiple networks to each other. Routers transmit data through networks and determine the best path of transmi
52、ssion.Computer Network Timothy Berners-Lee British computer scientist, developed the World Wide Web during the 1980s.万维网的创始人万维网的创始人 Timothy Berners-Lee 现代计算机体系结构的创始人John von Neumann(约翰.冯.诺伊曼)A brilliant mathematician, John von Neumann made several valuable contributions to 20th-century science. The
53、best known of these was the development of game theory, a mathematical way to analyze a conflict of interest and generate the best choices to advance toward a desired outcome. Although it is generally applied to games, many people apply Neumanns theory to sociological, economic, and political situat
54、ions.Alan Turing(爱伦.图灵) 现代理论计算机体系结构的创始人Considered a forerunner in the field of electronic computers, Alan Turing envisioned a device that could, in theory, perform any calculation. Referred to as the Turing Machine, it was designed to “read” commands and data from a long piece of tape, using a table
55、 to determine the order in which the required operations would be carried out. In the related field of artificial intelligence, he originated the “Turing test” a process designed to determine if a computer can “think” like a human.Alan Turing1.3 操作系统特征和功能操作系统特征和功能一、操作系统的特征一、操作系统的特征1. 并发性(并发性(Concurr
56、ence) 并行性:并行性:两个或多个事件在同一时刻发生。 并发性:并发性:两个或多个事件在同一时间间隔内发生。并行是一种微观的同时性概念。并发是一种宏观上的同时性概念:宏观上并发,微观 上交替占用CPU运行。为更好描述并发性,引入进程概念。 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9时间时间输入机输入机CPU打印机打印机 磁带机磁带机时间时间输入机输入机CPU打印机打印机 磁带机磁带机BAAAAAABBAAAAABBB单单道道多多道道1.3 操作系统特征和功能操作系统特征和功能一、操作系统的特征一、操作系统的特征2.2.共享共享(Sharing) 共享:共享:指计算机系统中的各种软、硬件资源可供内存中 多个并发运行的进程共同使用。 方式方式: 互斥共享:例打印机 同时访问:例磁盘文件 (注:“同时”也是宏观上的同时)1.3 操作系统特征和功能操作系统特征和功能一、操作系统的特征一、操作系统的特征3.3.虚拟虚拟(Virtual) 虚拟:虚拟:通过某种技术将一个物理实体变为若干个逻辑上 的对应物。 例:CPU -分时系统 多个CPU 前者真实存在;后者只是用户的感觉。4.4.异步性(异步性(Asynchronism) 异步性异步性:也称不确定性,指进程的执行
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