1、 Module4 unit2 Will it be windy in Beijing?广汉市松林学校广汉市松林学校 张颜红张颜红windysunnyrainhotcoldsnowweather天气天气 bebebebeIt will be windy.How will the weather tomorrow?It will rain.How will the weather tomorrow?It will be sunny.How will the weather tomorrow?It will be hot.How will the weather tomorrow?It will b
2、e cold.How will the weather tomorrow?It will snow.How will the weather tomorrow?Windy, windy, it will be windy. Sunny, sunny, it will be sunny.Hot, hot, it will be hot.Cold, cold, it will be cold.Rain, rain, it will rain. Snow, snow, it will snow.It will _ in _.be windyBeijingShengyangsnowYinchuanbe
3、 coldHangzhourianGuangzhoube sunnySanyabe hotWill it _ in _?be windyBeijingShengyangsnowYinchuanbe coldHangzhourianGuangzhoube sunnySanyabe hot Yes, it will. No, it wont.A: Will it Yes, it will.B: No, it wont.be (hot, cold, sunny, windy) in _?(snow, rain) in _?A: Will it be _ in Hangzhou?sunnyB: Yes
4、, it will.A: Will it be _ in Sanya?windyB: Yes, it will.A: Will it be _ in London?hotB: No, it wont.A: Will it be _ in Shanghai?sunnyB: No, it wont.A: Will it _ in Xian?snowB: No, it wont. Hello, I am_. Nice to meet you! It will beSunny in Beijing. It will snow in shengyang. It will be . Thank you!
5、windysunnyrainhotcoldsnow Will it be windy?Will it be hot?I dont know.I hope not.Will it be cloudy?Will it snow?I hope not.But I dont know.What will the weather be today?I hope its good.And we can play. 3月月23日日 世界气象日世界气象日2013年世界气象日主题:年世界气象日主题: 监视天气,保护生命和财产。监视天气,保护生命和财产。我们要保护好赖以生存的地球,大气,生我们要保护好赖以生存的地球,大气,生态环境,这是保护人类自身的最好方式。态环境,这是保护人类自身的最好方式。保护环境保护环境 从我做起从我做起Homework1 Write the six wordsabout the weather.
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