1、2019学年辽宁沈阳第二中学高二下期末考试英语试卷【含答案及解析】姓名_ 班级_ 分数_题号三四五六总分得分、阅读理解1.Pocket Tape- Recorders“Family and Home Magazine”test whats on the market now.1)Pearlcorder S702 $64This simple model at the bottom of the Olympus rangescored the most poi nts for its excelle nt quality ofrecord ing. Backgro und no ise hard
2、ly affects the sound andrecord ing from a pocket is perfectly possible, but it does nt tur n off automatically.Tape len gth: 30 minu tes per side. Weight: 240g.2)Sony M9 $49.95Small and very good looking, sonys latest offering scoredmost for appeara nee. Sounds clear, but there is slightmachi ne no
3、ise. The big con trol butt ons are a greatimproveme nt on some of the complicated little con trols onother tape- recorders. Doesnt switch off automatically but ared light shows if the machi ne is still running.Tape len gth: 60 minu tes per side. Weight: 195g.3)So ny M400 $115Lots of little con trol
4、butt ons that make a no ise and aredifficult to use . Record ing was good but machi ne no iselost poin ts. Tape coun ter and automatic switch-off whe n tapehas fini shed record ing or rewinding are useful .Tape len gth: 60 minu tes per side. Weight: 230g.4)Imperial OEM. MC $29.95Cheap and simple com
5、pared with the rest, but record ing wasgood as long as there was no backgro und no ise. Use onlyA|;U96 Aq posnpE se/v snOj eq; jo uoiAisod eq; 9npeoojd o屮6uuno Buiuedo |BOi6Jnseq; qoeejq o; se/v p|iqo o屮joAied ou pue snon eq; uiq;i/v 9oe|d羽印p|no/v ainpeoojd 3Ji;ue oq丄 (訓Y)sq6iq; s 瞽2.B3.D4.A5.B6.C7.
6、A8.B 9? D10. A11. C12. D13. A14. C15. A16. C17. D18. B19. C20. A【解析】试题分析:文童通过父亲生病志愿者来看望的故事告诉我门要分享爱。1.C 考查朋词 9 A. iiwi 七遇请/ B. amuse 娱乐/ C. visit 拜访/ D? watch 此处指的是我和哥哥去看 父亲。兪选 C。2.B 考查动词。A. fused 拒绝,B. admitted.爭认,C. hurt 受伤,D. wmmded 使受伤;此处指的是 痂诊 J故选 B。3.D 考查名词。止匕处指的是诊断父亲患病的人,应该杲医生。故选 D。望父亲4.A 考查形容
7、词。因为父亲患有肺炎同时发现癌症,所以父亲很伤心难过。故选 A 。第7题【答案】1.assistant2.3.The4.vith5.He6.vas ieceiv&d7.Obvious lyB,closej. la shalte10-what【解析】 试题分析:文壹讲 述了作 者的面试故事 ?1.考查词性 Q 此处需要填的名词册式?故填 assistants2.A0 考查固定用法。根据后文的血t 可知此处是丸that 结构*故塔皿3. The 考查冠 i 亂此处是特指指的罡前 文中提到的。故 埴聪。4. vitli 考查介词。be fariliar v th s+/sb 的意思是对某东西
8、、某人熟知 故填沁址心3. He 宵查句竜理跟此处指的是经理看起耒不像一个左好的儿故埴 H&呻 rectivtd 考查被动语态心此处表示我的答薬收到的,应该用被动语态* S!?填啊器工託小皿丄史巫学与考套固定用?去。 如让心煜一个英语单词, 可以用 作副词 ,可以翻 译为明 显地,可用在 句 首表爪强隅 敌埴 Obvious lyEJQEG考查固宦用法* Gaw X 卷 clw 亡表乎临近,接近?故填GLW9.to shahe 考査固定用法?此处士。do 表示目的,我站起耒去 提手*故埴前 shaken10.第8题【答案】1. manner2? before - after3. a d
9、innex dinnex4. impolite - olite5. crowding - crowded6.offer - to offei7. particular - axticulailyB? shake - shaking9. Unless- if10? theirs - his【解析】1, fannermanners 考查名词的单复数。此处指的是方比礼貌,应该用复数表明这个男士具有很多礼仪 o 故填 mannw: annerso2. before - after 考查连词。此处指的是在约会后将女士送回家。故 before -aftero3?力 dinnex -dinnex 考查冠词
10、out for dinner 表示出去吃晚餐)不需要加冠 i 司。故 Q dinnex-dinner4. impolite - olite 考查句青理解。句意:当她起床或坐下来时,帮她把椅子扶起来是有礼貌的o 故 impolite - oliteo-5. crowding - rowded 考查非谓语动词。此处过去分词形式表示一种状态,表示车厢非常拥挤。故 crowding- crowde d o6. offer to offer 考查固定用法。此处表示目的,表示T 立男士给女生让座。故 offer to offero7. particular axticulaxly 考查词性。particu
11、larly示特别尤其放在句首,表示强调。故paxticulaz axticularlyA8. shake- shaking 考查动词。cone to 后接名词、数词、代 i 司表示 i 炎到,涉及到;故 shake- shakingsD IlnlAAs 考查连词 ?句就 如果一个女人不向男人停岀手来,男人不应该为她们提供他的 故Unless- if10. theirshis 考查句意理解。根据前文的 the man,可知此处是单数,故 theirshiso第9题【答案】NOTICEAn evening party 屮 ill be held to celebratethe Wew Year a
12、nd sons students axeneeded to perform an int&zesti ng English di ana at the party?Stude nts who axe irrtexisted in it shcLild be quick to sig n up at tkt Students Union Officebefore next Friday? In tke drama, a giaupof students go on a picnic. They are in great trouble because ofthe heavy lain.
13、However, vith theii: teajiLwoili spirit, they fin ally overcome all the difficulties. Sturie nts .are requiied ta speak English in theplay, so yaur cral En glish should be quite i lue nt? BesideS you sliculd lave and Le good at act ing.They are in gieat trouble because ofthe heavy 3rain? 运用固左Q去?However, Aritk tluexr feariwoxlc spirit,keliially oveicons a 11 the diificulti 总 S? 云用 入语的用法 B An evening paxty will be keld to celebrate tlie New Y earandL sone stude nts are n eeded lo perforii an in teresti ng En glish drania at the party, itt 句式为丈章增色,显得文童?与番吕汇假时运m旬、高新豎会塑阿时2
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