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1、AsiaNorth AmericaEuropeAfricaSouthAmericaOceaniaAntarctica1234567AsiaAntarcticaWhatWhat1. is the worlds largest continent?2. is the worlds coldest and driest continent? At the end of class, you will be able to1. Learn some words and expressions about Antarctica .2. Understand the passage and use wor

2、ds and expressions weve learnt to describe Antarctica. 3. Learn to love science and have the spirits of expedition. What type of article do you guess the passage is? A. narrative (记叙文)记叙文) B. exposition(说明文)(说明文) C. argument ( 议论文)议论文) To know the type To get main idea of each part To find the main

3、idea of each paragraph, we neednt read the passage word by word, but just look through it and find out the key words and topic sentences .Usually the first or the last sentence in each paragraph.The land Plants and animalsA great place for researchersThe Antarctic TreatyThe discovery of Antarctica53

4、5 To get detail information Part 1- _ The landColdestDriest(covering)14 million square kilometersFifth largest (with) annual rainfall close to zeroTrans-Antarctica range runs from east to westCut the continent in twoholds 90% of the worlds iceice cap: strong :blow from the pole to the coastlineother

5、 :blow round the coastConclusion: Its difficult to imagine a more inhospitable place.The land98 % /on average / 2km thick1. climate:2. area:3. mountain:4. ice:5. wind:How many aspectsWhat are they Part 2-_ wildlife: Plants: Reason : Plants and animalsadapt toLong winter night182 daysExtreme coldLack

6、 of rainfallOnly two types of flowering plantsNo treesThe rest of plants:Mosses, algae and lichenfull of few types ofPart 3 -_What makes it a great place for researchers?A great place for researchersIce Gases and minerals Rocks- thousands of years- a window on the past- information volcanic dust 火山灰

7、火山灰 -the worlds climatemeteorites from outer space-evidence of extra-terrestrial lifeThey are dark in color and stand out against the white background and are easy to identify and collect. Chinese explorers on Antarctica雪龙号南极考察船雪龙号南极考察船2011年年2月月21日,日,“雪龙雪龙”号极地考察船抵近南极中山站号极地考察船抵近南极中山站Chinas Antarctic

8、research stationsPart 4-_yearsevents 2000 years agoIn the 15th century Until the late 18th On 11th Dec 1911The discovery of AntarcticaGreek geographers believed that there was a large land existing in the north.Europeans discovered the continent of America and the great age of exploration began.The

9、British explorer James Cook cross the Antarctic Circle.the Norwegian Roald reached the Antarctica.In 1895A Norwegian became the first man to set foot on the Antarctica mainland.James CookCarstens BorchgrevinkRoald Amundsenthe late 18th In 1895the first man to set foot on On 11th Dec 1911crossed the

10、Antarctic circlewhen:countries: aims: The Antarctica Treaty196112 countriesa.To keep Antarctica free from nuclear tests and radioactive waste.b. To promote international scientific projects.c. To end arguments about who owns the land.To prevent the commercial and military use of the continent.In par

11、ticularThe treatyThe treaty Part 5 -_ SummaryThe landPlants and animalsA great place for scientific researchThe treatyPart 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5The discovery of Antarctica535 To consolidate what we have learned Antarctica , the coldest and driest place on Earth, is the fifth largest continent in

12、 the world. 1._annual rainfall close to zero, the conditions there are quite extreme. 98% of the surface is covered 2._ (permanent) by ice and strong winds 3._ (drive) by gravity blow from the pole to the coastline. 4._ , it is full of wildlife like the famous penguins, 5._ can adapt . The ice there

13、 has become a window on the past with gases and minerals 6._(trap) in it. It was not until 1895 7._ the Norwegian explorer 8._ (call) Carstens Borchgrevink set foot 9._ the Antarctic mainland. In 1961,12countries 10_ (study) its resources and work together for progress and peace.withpermanentlydrive

14、nHoweverwhichtrappedthatcalledonto study链接高考链接高考R: Hello ,can I ask you some questions about Antarctica ?S: Sure, go ahead R: What is the climate like there? S: Its the coldest and -. With annual rainfall-R: Are there animals and plants? S: Yes, its full of -,which has adapted to -,R: I know many sc

15、ientists went there to do some research. Do you think its a good place for researchers. S: Of course. Most of the ice- gases and minerals can tell us-R: Thank you.Suppose you are a scientist coming back from Antarctica ;your partner is a reporter. Please do an interview. It is said that the ice in A

16、ntarctica is melting (融融化化)because of globe warming. Can you give some advice?If everybody makes a little change and contribution to preventglobal warming, we would be doing a great thing. So please take into consideration what we have discussed, and try to do your part. After all, it will be our next generation that will feel the effects.Life tips Topic: Antarctica: the las


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