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1、质量体系文件编写规则质量体系文件编写规则2014.03.12The copying, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to others without expressed authorization is prohibited.Offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a p

2、atent, utility model or ornamental design registration.1描述质量方针/目标、质量管理体系过程及过程之间的相互关系 质量管理手册数据与信息的载体,提供质量体系有效运行的符合性证据 ?控制程序为质量管理体系活动提供指导并分配职责 ?指导文件详细描述具体质量活动的每个步骤与要求 ?个质量记录质量体系文件结构质量体系文件结构质量记录质量记录The copying, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents t

3、o others without expressed authorization is prohibited.Offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or ornamental design registration.2v文件发布方式:通过IT室在公司内部网发布v文件管理权限: 质量保证部体系管理员:可读可写 公司所有电脑使用用户:可读v文件查询目录:Y盘/specical

4、folder/质量体系文件/质量手册、程序、流程质量体系发布路径质量体系发布路径The copying, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to others without expressed authorization is prohibited.Offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages. All rights reserved in the event of the gr

5、ant of a patent, utility model or ornamental design registration.质量体系文件编制原则质量体系文件编制原则The copying, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to others without expressed authorization is prohibited.Offenders will be held liable for the payment of damage

6、s. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or ornamental design registration.4质量体系控制程序质量体系控制程序u 来源来源质量体系过程分析图(乌龟图)u 确定确定深刻理解所负责体系过程整理现有质量体系文件整合/融合 u 定义定义是涉及到质量管理体系的一个逻辑上的独立部分或活动是对质量管理体系的某项质量活动实施内容、方法和顺序要求的规定对质量活动应规定目的和范围,实施的具体步骤,实施结果的处理、反馈,以及在实施过程中与各部门的关系等是质量手册的支持性的文

7、件。因此,程序文件实际上是对质量手册规定的进一步展 开、落实和细化。可以是质量管理体系的一个条款的一部分,或涉及多个相关的条款The copying, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to others without expressed authorization is prohibited.Offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages. All rights reserved

8、 in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or ornamental design registration.5质量体系控制程序质量体系控制程序u 编写要求考虑质量管理体系的整体性、系统性充分展开各项质量活动建立各个程序文件之间的关系相互作用的有机整体明确部门接口强调可操作性和可指导性描述简明、用词准确,避免赘述。可操作性可指导性注重方法和步骤、职责 不涉及技术细 节和工作细节The copying, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the com

9、munication of its contents to others without expressed authorization is prohibited.Offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or ornamental design registration.6u 程序文件格式纸张/页边距A4/上:2.54cm;下:2.54cm 左: 1.91cm;下:1.91

10、cm页眉固定板式;文件编号/版本由质量保证部统一编制页码:总页数及当页码字体/全篇宋体字号名称/小三大标题/小四、加粗副标题/小四、加粗正文/小四、不加粗章节编号阿拉伯数字,按自然顺序排列最多4个数字,每个数字之间用点隔开每增加一个数字,整行需向后2个字节质量体系控制程序质量体系控制程序The copying, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to others without expressed authorization is prohibi

11、ted.Offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or ornamental design registration.7质量体系控制程序质量体系控制程序u 内容描述1 目的为什么做?为达到什么样的目标?发挥什么样的作用?2 适用范围通常描述的是工作的主要内容的缩写,如XXX工作的计划、实施与监控等。3 术语和定义必须描述的为:采用ISO 9001:2008 质量管理体系基本原理

12、词汇以及ISO/TS16949:2009技术规范中相关的汽车行业术语和定义。其它:文中出现的不易理解、看懂的词汇,如英文缩写、DBTS惯用的词语、认为有不要特别解释/说明的。4 职责程序中涉及部门责、权、利的描述(职责描述不须具体到部门的某类岗位/人员)通常采用主、谓、宾结构;谓语可以为负责、支持、参与、策划、监控、配合、协助等动词。职责中的工作内容须与正文内容相对应与呼应The copying, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to other

13、s without expressed authorization is prohibited.Offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or ornamental design registration.8质量体系控制程序质量体系控制程序5 工作程序采用文字描述,层级关系采用第6页PPT规定的编码规则进行叙述采用“6问5W1H分析法”,进行文件的构思步骤应脉络清晰、逻辑关系正

14、常、不跳跃、不杂乱说明各种不同活动实施方法,使用的文件和所进行的控制对质量活动中所涉及到的责任、权力和相互关系作出规定。对于质量活动所涉及到 的文件应注明文件名称注:程序的内容 主要是规定质量活动应做什么,即实施的方法和步骤,需要而不是叙述如何做的具体细节。细节应在三层级文件中予以规定。 6 相关支持性文件文中所描述的质量活动在实施/控制中需引用/参照执行的相关程序、流程、标准以及管理办法等。此项出现的相关文件须在“5 工作程序”中出现。 7 质量记录完成本程序的质量活动需提供的具体记录名称主要来源于本程序以及引用的相关程序、流程、标准以及管理办法中所涉及到的质量记录。记录编号由质量保证部统一

15、确定。8变更履历The copying, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to others without expressed authorization is prohibited.Offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model o

16、r ornamental design registration.9 8 变更履历每变更一次,均需进行评审和记录;记录中包括:批准日期:体系文件评审表中的“批准日期”变更内容:明确变更前后内容的描述变更后的版本号质量体系控制程序质量体系控制程序The copying, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to others without expressed authorization is prohibited.Offenders will be

17、held liable for the payment of damages. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or ornamental design registration.10质量体系三层级文件质量体系三层级文件u 流程格式统一模板:页眉、文件编号、流程名称、输入、工作流程、解释/说明、输出以及变更履历纸张/页边距A4/上下左右各2个坐标格字体/字号流程名称:宋体/16(黑色)工作框内:宋体/9号(黑色)箭头与框图的线条要求为:线型/实线;粗细/03;颜色/黑色The co

18、pying, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to others without expressed authorization is prohibited.Offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or ornamental d

19、esign registration.11质量体系三层级文件质量体系三层级文件流程流程流程符号含义引用的相关支持性文件上下页承接对工作动作特别的解释/说明表示工作行进方向流程编制要求流程名称需被相关控制程序引用;文件编号“空”,质量部统一定义输入:工作依据、工作指令工作流程:富于逻辑的工作步骤;清晰的工作流向;明确的职责;正确的符号描述考虑工作内容的全面性,涉及不同的工作情形,应采用流程的“分枝”来展现,尽可能减少文字性的解释/说明,充分体现流程图的直观性;进程框内的语言应保持描述风格的一致性,建议采用动宾与偏正词组的描述方式。如动宾词组“制定审核计划”、“实施审核计划”,或者偏正词组“审核计

20、划的制定”、“审核计划的实施”等菱形判断框内容的描述,采用疑问句的句式进行表达,如“评审通过了吗?”、“合格吗?”、“验证有效吗?”等。判断框内的内容是一个虚拟的语句,不需明确负责人员;但判断的指令必由有前一进程框发出。判断之后,必须有判断结果,结果为否定NO表示;结果为肯定-YES表示。The copying, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to others without expressed authorization is prohib

21、ited.Offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or ornamental design registration.12上下页内容对接时,采用上图中的“页面内引用”符号,根据需对接内容的数量,依次用“A、B、C.表示。”每一个进程框中必须明确活动的主体(负责部门/人员),负责人仅明确主要实施者,并且是唯一的,不允许出现2个以上的负责部门/人,如需要特别注释其他的配合/协助人

22、员,可在“解释/说明”栏中采用“批注”符号加以说明。工作的实施主体也应统一,确保整个流程的标准化,如流程全篇均采用质量部、制造部、研发部等;均采用“保全室、现场质量室、产品设计室、生产车间”等,或者“产品设计人员、现场质量工程师、现场操作工、项目采购工程师”等;-(部门组织机构)流程中的工作应是闭环的,有“开始”必须要有“结束”;特别是一些工作的分支,完成后必须有渠道与主流程会合,直至“结束”。输出:工作证据的载体,如相关指导性文件、作业标准、记录等。变更履历变更履历是流程的一部分,包括版本号(质量部定义)、批准日期(体系文件评审表中的“批准日期” )以及变更内容 质量体系三层级文件质量体系三

23、层级文件流程流程The copying, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to others without expressed authorization is prohibited.Offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or ornamental design registration.13质量体系三层级文件质量体系三层级文件-管理标准管理标准格式同程序文件,但删除第3条款“术语和定义”;原第5条款“工作程序”变为第4条款“实施


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