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1、三明一中2022-2022学年上学期月考2022年10月咼一英语试题时间:120分钟;总分值:100分注意:1.答题卡必须填涂以下三个工程:12准考证号:先用黑色水笔在 用2B铅笔涂对应数字。准考证号为九位数:年级 班为15+座号两位数3科目代号:外语涂卡示范:准考证号一栏的9个空格中填写 准考证号,再.口.高1,表示高一,一位数 +班级两位数,如 3班是03, 15 +考室两位数+考号两位数口 号第I卷选择题共65分第一局部 听力共两节,总分值20分A、B、C三个选项中选出第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的1.How will the woma n pay?A. By

2、cash.B. By credit card.C.By check.2.Where was the man born?A. I n America.B. In Can ada.C.In En gla nd.3.Which seas on is it now?A. Spring.B. Summer.C.Win ter.4.Whe n will the man get on a pla ne?A. At 8:00.B. At 8:15.C.At 8:30.5.Where does the woma n want to go?A. Spai n.B. Swede n.C.Switzerla nd.最

3、正确选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来答复有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最正确选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白 读两遍。听第6段材料,答复第 6、7题。6. What can ' t Janie understand? 听第 7段材料,答复第 8至 10题。A. Her homework.7. Who will the man help?A. H

4、is father.B. Her history test.B. His sister.C. Her En glish paper.C. The woma n.8. Who read to the girls?A. The woman.B. Only the man.C. The man and his wife.9. When did the girls start reading well?A. At five.B. At six. C. At seven.10. What does the man think the woman's son should do now?A. Re

5、ad a lot.B. Do whatever he likes.C. Learn from the man ' s daughters. 听第 8段材料,答复第 11至 13题。11. What ' s wrong with the man?A. He has got a cold again.B. He gets tired easily in winter.C. He has been seriously ill for a week.12. What may the man begin to try?A. Riding a bike.B. Going to the gy

6、m.13. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Co-workers. B. Husband and wife. 听第 9段材料,答复第 14至 16题。14. What does the man want the woman to do?A. Help him with his research paper.B. Go on a business trip with him.C. Write a report for him.15. When would the man like the woman to be

7、finished?A. Thursday. B. Friday.16. Where will the woman go on Thursday afternoon?A. To the library.B. To a meeting room.听第 10段材料,答复第 17至 20题。17. Where is Las Vegas?A. In the desert.B. Near a forest.18. What is Las Vegas famous for?A. Swimming pools.B. Fashion.19. Which is popular with kids?A. Museu

8、ms.B. Restaurants.20. What is the purpose of this introduction to Las Vegas?C. Climbing the stairs.C. Doctor and patient.C. Next Monday.C. To a caf . eC. Close to New York.C. Card games.C. Music clubs.A. To teach visitors about playing cards.B. To get families to bring their children.C. To suggest d

9、ifferent activities for visitors. 第二局部 阅读理解共两节,总分值 25 分 第一节共 15小题;每题 1 分,总分值 15 分阅读以下短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最正确选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AIn the last few mon ths, we have see n many special ani mal bars in differe nt places of the world. There was an owl猫头鹰cock-tail bar and even a mini pig party. And these s

10、pecial activities don 'seem to be stopp ing any time soon. The latest one now appears. Steve the Fox will be open for three weeks at a secret place from Oct 25 from 9 am to 6 pm each day.Eating with foxes isn't something most people want to do, but activity designers hope the activity will c

11、hange the way people think about this kind of animals.“ willmake people like foxes a designer said.On their website, they say that foxes ofte n receive a lot of bad fame名声because of their terrible behaviors. They destroy public thin gs, throw rubbish here and there, eat vegetables in garde ns and ma

12、ke no ises throughout the ni ght. All in all, foxes leave people with a terrible face about their troubles.Our aim is to cha nge that poor impressi on, and show you foxes are funny and clever. For£ 15 each visitor will be allowed an hour and a half in the cafe. During this time, he can enjoy ho

13、t drin ks, Fox'scakes and Foxs can dies. It is said that some people have called the Fox for a try.If this Fox is successful and favourite to some people, more bars about ani mals will appear. And who knows what the n ext one will be? Lets wait and see.21. What kind of special bars is mentioned提

14、到 in this passage?A. Clothes bars.B. Ani mal bars.C. Football bars.D. Ballo on bars.22. When can you visit Steve the Fox in your free time?A. In Jan uary.B. In March.C. In September.D. In November.23. Why do foxes receive some bad fame?A. Because foxes look like terrible men.B. Because the meat of f

15、oxes tastes terrible.C. Because foxes do some terrible thi ngs.D. Because foxes are much cleverer tha n men.24. What is the main idea of the passage?A. A fox coffee bar is coming to us.B. Foxes in life receive poor fames.C. Foxes are really funny and clever.D. Most people want to eat with foxes.BThe

16、re is a song in England that starts: Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside There is someth ing very special about being n ear the ocea n. I have n ever lived on the coast海岸 before. But now I live in a small town next to the sea. I can see the water from my wi ndow.The sound of the waves can be very

17、 peaceful. Life seems to happe n at a slower pace here. Before I moved here I had bee n liv ing in London.The sun sett ing over the ocea n is a beautiful thing to watch. And I enjoy look ingdown to see the fish swimming around and jumping up.Where I live there is no beach. In stead, there is a harbo

18、r(港口).1 n many ways, I prefer this. It means that you can look straight dow n into the water to see what is there. I like seeing the fishing boats. It also means that there are not so many tourists who come to lie on the beach and sun bathe.I have a few problems though.1) Everywhere smells of fish.

19、The town where I live is full of people cooking and eating fish and other seafood at lunch and dinner. Thats okay (although I am a bit sick of eat ing it myself). The problem is, whe n I hang my clothes out to dry, they come back with a stra nge smell!2) Seagulls(海®). I really don 'like the

20、m. They are extremely loud and annoying, and not very pretty birds.3) The wind. It is very windy here. At the moment it is alright, because the days are still quite warm. During the summer the wind is nice and refreshing. But I can imagine that in the win ter that stro ng wind will be very cold.But

21、in the end, I think the advantages outweigh disadvantages. So I can sing, fdo like to be beside the seaside,a nd I won 'be lying at all.25. The passage is made up of nine paragraphs and which can show the structure of it?A.一一一一B.一一一一C.一一D.一一26. Which of the following belong to the same group?a.

22、the fish smellb. the harborc. wave soundd. seagullse. sun setf. the windA. adfB. abcC. cefD. abd27. The life by the seaside makes the author un dersta nd tha_.A. Acti ons speak louder tha n words.B. Every coin has two sides.C. No way is impossible to courage.D. From sav ing comes hav ing.28. The und

23、erlined word outweigh in the last paragraph means_.A. are similar toB. have no more in flue nee tha nC. are greater tha nD. play a role as importa nt asCWhat is the importa nee of frien dship? Most people say that it can be valued珍惜). We stopped a few people on the streets to find out what part frie

24、ndship played in their lives.The importa nee of frie ndship in my life is more tha n what I can put in words. My friend Jane has pulled me through difficult times since I broke off with my former husba nc,said Gemina.We really liked what James had to say on the importance of friendship because he ta

25、lked about how friends can bring joy to our life. My best frie nd from college, Mark and I really enjoy catch ing up on play ing basketball every eve ning. Eve n after more than 10 years of college, we st ill get great joy from playing basketball together ,said James, 34.Jacki, 27, a stude nt, seeme

26、d to be in a bit of a hurry whe n we stopped her to ask her the importa nee of frie ndship in her life. She left us with just one line which we shall never forget. Jaeki said, We all should wake up and realize the true importanee of frien dship because frie nds accept you for what you are, not for w

27、hat you can beTom, 42, said that he didn ' realize the importance of friendship until years had gone by. I'did not keep in touch with friends but now I have realized that life is much better with frie nds aroun d.Last, we met a policema n on duty on the corner of the street. And we thought a

28、sk ing them about the importa nce of frien dship would give us some in teresti ng an swers. My friends and I love sharing a beer each weekend. Everything in the world can cha nge but not out dates with our beers,the policema n said. For me, the importa nce of friendship lies in being carefree, throw

29、ing your hands up in the air and enjoying a roller coaster ride过山车.29. What did Gemi na's friend do to help her?A. She helped Gemina out of the difficult times.B. She played together with Gemi na whe n free.C. She stayed together with Gemina all the times.D. She accepted what Gemina is as her fr

30、ie nd.30. Through Tom's example, the author advises us.A. not to forget out frie ndship foreverB. to value our frie ndship right nowC. to lear n our less ons well at schoolD. to do someth ing for our frie nds31. What would the policema n do with his frie nds?A. They would ride their bike togethe

31、r.B. He would leave in a hurry with his frien ds.C. He would drink together with his frie nds.D. They would wan der in the street together.32. From this text we can lear n that.A. old people realize the importa nce of frie ndshipB. young people want to make more frie nds in their lifeC. it is not ea

32、sy to forget old frie nds for all of usD. frie ndship has differe nt meanings to differe nt peopleDA mother and daughter have made their wedd ing days specialby hav ing a joint ceremony联合婚礼.Kim Milhano, 28, and Susan Scott-Williams, 51, got married together. The two are ofte n mistake n for sisters.

33、 They comb ined their weddi ngs at a hotel n ear their homes in Bristol. Mother-of-two Kim said, Shari ng my big day with ano ther bride新娘could make it feel embarrassing令人为难的.But it actually brought us double the joyAfter walking up two ways in a V-shape, the brides met their husbands for their cere

34、m oni es, which were followed by a huge party for 180 people. And because they had one large wedd ing in stead of two, the family man aged to save a quarter of the cost of the £ 8,000 eve nt.Kim said, When my husband Carlos rang me and said I' think you need to sit down' I was worried t

35、hat one of the kids was hurt. So it was a bit of a relief放松 whe n he said he wan ted to have a double wedd ing with my mum and her husba nd Barry. Up until then day-to-day life had taken over and we'd never had time or the money to plan a wedding. Mum and Barry were happy for us to do things com

36、pletely in our way but I didn 'want to take over. So we planned everything together it's what our whole family is like. We spe nt mon ths pla nning the big day together. Tha nkfully we n ever had differe nt opinions!33. Why was the wedd ing special?A. The weddi ng was much more joyful tha n

37、an ordinary one.B. The mother and her daughter shared the same wedd ing day.C. The cerem ony was held at a hotel n ear the brid6homes.D. The couples successfully saved the money for the cerem ony.34. By say ing I did n 'wa nt to take over,Kim hoped.A. she was worried about the weddi ngB. her mot

38、her had ano ther wedd ingC. the two families lived together after the wedd ingD. she and her mother discussed the wedd ing together35. The authors attitude towards the joint wedd ing can be described as.A. unin terested B. disappo in tedC. hopeful D. supportive第二节共5小题;每题2分,总分值10分根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入

39、空白处的最正确选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。温馨提示:此题答案请涂在机读答题卡上,如果选A B C D那么正常填涂,如果选E请同时涂AD来表示,选F涂BD选G涂CDHow about the schoolwork in high school is it harder? This is something your classmates are probably worried about, too. The work in high school builds on what you learned in middle school. 36 But these challe nges can

40、 make you stron ger.37 After-school activities can help you find your interests. Who says school has to be all work and no play? These activities may take place before or after school and during your free time. Because of this, it helps to improve your time management时间管理skills in your first year.Yo

41、u may meet with some hard times. But if you ever find that personal problems are really hard to solve, find some one to talk to. 38 School teachers can be very helpful if you want to talk with some one outside of your frie nds and family.Middle school taught you many things while providing you with

42、a little support. 39_ High school gives you the chanee to take off those training wheels and learn how to be more independent独立的. 40 Even if you don't get off to the best start, that's no rmal, too. Just be patie nt and n ever give up trying. Once you've got used to your new skills, you

43、may find you can go farther than you ever imagined.A. 11 sperfectly OK if you 're nervous at first.B. If you 're having thoughts like these, youre not alone.C. It s kind of like a bicycle with training wheels.D. Activities are great, but remember to leave free time for yourself.E. Frie nds a

44、nd pare nts can help you, but sometimes th'at not eno ugh.F. So you may find your schoolwork in high school is a bit more challenging.G. High school has many after-school activities, such as music groups and sports teams. 第三局部 英语知识运用共三节,总分值 40分 第一节 完形填空共20小题;每题1分,总分值20分阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从短文后所给的四个选项 A

45、、B、C和D中, 选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。People get angry because they do'k now eno ugh to keep calm. I could n 'tc on trol my 41 and used to feel anno yed whe n I was a child. Worse still, I was not good at com muni cat ing with my 42. I did n ' have a very good relati on ship with myfamily

46、.One morning, my mother 43 han ded me my father's vest背心 in stead of min e. I was larger in 44 tha n my father. So whe n I put on the vest, it was tight紧 的and I felt un comfortable. I 45 that it was a mistake of her. I got very 46.The mistake grew out of her careless ness.I took out my an ger on

47、 my mother 47 thi nking much. I was so upset that she had han ded me the 48 vest. I behaved badly and I threw it 49! Later, mymother shared her sad 50 with my father: See what your son has done. In stead of punishing惩罚me, my father behaved very 51. He asked my mother to _52the vest clea n. He the n

48、wore it to work the n ext day.After a long time, mother told me about my father'53 . How come my childturns out this way? he said. I immediately 54 a great sense of shame感到羞愧 for my bad behavior. I 55 that he spe nt the whole day weari ng a vest that his son threw away. He must feel terrible. I

49、was 56 with great admirati on钦佩for my father. His kindn ess taught me a life less on.On that day, I decided 57 to let an ger get the better of me. I lear n to _58 myself dow n and forgive原谅others whe n I was treated in an un fair or un acceptable way. 59 I found forgive ness is a way to tur n an ger

50、 off. From the n on, whe never I have difficulty con trolli ng my stro ng emoti on, I try to 60 my father's vest.41. A. dietsB. emotions情绪C. bodyD. dream42. A. teachersB. classmatesC. pare ntsD. fin ally43. A. casuallyB. carelesslyC. sudde nlyD. brain44. A. bodyB. colorC. mi ndD. brain45. A. exp

51、ectedB. suggestedC.hopedD. realized46. A. sadB. i nterestedC. angryD. quiet47. A. withoutB. beyondC. besidesD. despite48. A. dirtyB.cheapC. wrongD. old49. A. upB. awayC. offD. around50. A. storyB. feeli ngC. historyD. life51. A. calmlyB. sadlyC. n ervouslyD. worriedly52. A. saveB. giveC. holdD. wash

52、53. A. praiseB. happ in essC. surpriseD. disappo in tme nt54. A. hadB.changedC. developedD. enjo yed55. A. hopedB. jokedC. imagi nedD. decided56. A. facedB. coveredC. pleasedD. filled57. A. everB. neverC. onlyD. seldom58. A. coolB. turnC. breakD. put59. A. IfB. ButC. AndD. So60. A. forgetB. remember

53、C. clea nD. wear第U卷非选择题 共35分第三局部英语知识运用共三节,总分值 40分第二节 单词拼写共10小题;每题1分,总分值10分61. There' growing 担忧about the safety of the people living inThaila nd.62. It makes Bob very 不安that Jane will not come back untiltomorrow.63. Mr. Black has completely r from the disease and will be back to workn ext week.6

54、4. I'm leaving for Hong Kong in an hour but I haven ' my things upyet.65. No one could stay in the face of such a big fire.66. If you want to live in the US or Britain, a large词汇量may ben ecessary.67. In my opinion, having a good c of English is of great help when youlook for a job.68. We hav

55、e kept in touch with each other by email, but we ve never实际上met.69. When I was a child, I enjo yed my un cle 's频繁visits. Every timehe came, he would give me a good book.70. As soon as I picked up the phone, I immediately r Susans gentlevoice.第三节 完成句子共10小题,20空;每分,总分值10分71. 你和你的新同学相处怎样?How are youwith your new classmates?72. 关于这个问题我想和您面谈。I'd like to talk with youabout the questi on.73. 警方认为森林大火是有人成心纵火。The p


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