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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上题目二:A: What do you think of overweight youth?B: Its quite a large groups among teenagers. Report shows that among children and teens aged 6 to 19 years, 16percent are overweight and the percentage of it is still rising.A: Oh, its beyond my imagination. Ive heard that obesity is a kind o

2、f disease and its quite easy to cause some other disease such as heart disease, diabetes and so on.B: Yes, I go along with you, and wo should help them lose weight other than just let them be happy with themselves. Yield oneself up is equals to destroy oneself.A: Well, if an overweight friend of min

3、e ask me for help, I would assist her in losing weight and make her much more healthier the next time.B: Good idea, and if I were her, I would feel grateful for your help.题目三:A:Hello.Did you knew the act that US-lead invade Irap? What do you think of it? In your view,was it an act of terrorism?B:Of

4、course I knew.I think it was an act of terrorism.It not only contributes to serious damage to the harmony but also greatly affects the economic development and social progress in Irap.A:I agree with you.In the war thousands and thousands of lives was lost and a large amount of money was wasted.It br

5、ought people untold miseries.B:Ensuch is the case.So we should appeal for peace.Human beings pursue peace and prosperity through the establishment of families, communities, and nations.Why should we let all these be destroyed by wars?B:I believe as long as everyone makes a little contribution to wor

6、ld peace,our world will be more beautiful.A:En,certainly will.题目四:A:I heard the news a few days ago that another senior official has been sacked.B:well.This is a cheerful news.But is it possible to get rid of corruption?A:ln my mind,l think it's hard to achieve the goal.B:then,what is your opini

7、on?A:As we all know,Along with the progress of history,there are too many Corrupt officials.Not everyone's consciousness is as high as ours.B:yeah,you are right.They are corrupt, may because of their experience or their natural or unable to resist the temptation of money.But,this is also the rea

8、son why we should always fight with the evil forces.A:l can agree more,everyone should take action for a better tomorrow.B:Go for it!题目五:图片题目六:1 hi, Lucy .have you entered the teaching assessment system and evaluate our teachers?2 

9、;hi, Mike. of course I have. in fact i think all our teachers are good 3 so what qualities do you think make a good teacher ?4 mm, let me see. fi

10、rst, responsibility. yes, i think a good teacher must have a strong sense of responsibility. 5 yes, you are right. and in my opinion, mastering adequate professional 

11、;knowledge also matters a lot to a good teacher. 6 and passions for teaching. after all, without passions, you can't get the job done nicely. 7 yes, I can&#

12、39;t imagine if a teacher don't like teaching how can he or she be a good teacher. 8 and as far as i can see, a good teacher must love his or

13、 her students very much. of course he or she would be loved and respected by students, too. 9 oh,it seems a good teacher requires too many qualities. 10 in

14、 another word, being a good teacher is not as easy as I ever thought. 11 yeah. so we all should be gratitude to our teachers and what they have done&#

15、160;for us. 12 I can't agree with you more 题目七:A:Hi,lucy,B:Hi,Mike.A:do you see the news about the debates between Cuiyingyuan and the teacher of FuDan University?B:yes,it'

16、s about the GMO.what do you think of GMO?A:I don't konw,but from the description of Cui.I think the GMO is still unsafety now.B:I can't agree more,in fact,a 

17、lot of  potential unsafe factors about GMO exists.A:what's the main problem? B:it's the ethical issue,you can Google if you want toknow in detail.but that's no

18、0;deny that we can't put it into production while the problem isn't solved.A:but there is OMG on sale in market,.I think the food should be signed to let

19、0;customer make choice.B:that's right,and I think making law can work.题目八:A:ok,I have a question to ask you.what would you do if you foundan unconscious person lying on the street and there were no telephones nearby?B:oh, i think the first thing i sho

20、uld do is making sure wether the person are really unconscious.A:well,man,I don't think it's necessary.B:sorry,l'm kidding.Since there are no telephones,l think l should move him to the roadside and give him CPR.Meanwhile,l'll ask other bystanders try to find a telephone and call for

21、 help.A:what if others can't give you useful help?B:In that case,l'll try to find a car take us to the hospital after the emergency rescue.A:OK,l think you will have a big role at that time.B:I wish I could help in that time.题目九:1hi, lucy .have you heard the news that Taiwan has admited the

22、legal status of homosexual marriages ?2 oh, i haven't. but i think this act is a progress on human equality issues. 3 do you think homosexuality comes from genetic or the environment ?4 in fact, I know several friends who admited they are homosexual. but they didn't find themselves homosexua

23、l at the very start. so I believe the environment plays a more important role than genetics. 5 but I also know some brothers who grow up in the same environment, but only one of them is homosexual. I think the environment may not be the key factor. 6 Maybe you are right, but I still think the enviro

24、nment matters more than genetics in homosexual issues. and there exists twins who have almost the same genetics but only one of them is homosexual. I think it is a powerful evidence of what I believe. 7 alright. no matter what factors homosexual comes from, it is not a excuse for discriminating them

25、. 8 I can't agree with you more. as Martin Luther King said, We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all menare created equal.题目十:1. Hi lucy,how come do I see you here!2. Hi jack,long time no see,did you see the movie just now?3. Yes,its really a coincidence.4. Indeed.By the way, the movie is really interesting.Um,what rules will you makef or the people if you were the lea


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