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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Hand Taiyin Lung Intestine Channel PathwayThe Lung Meridian originates in the middle portion of the body cavity and runs downwards, internally, to connect with the Large Intestine. Turning around, it passes upward through the diaphragm to enter its pertaining Organ, lungs. From the inte

2、rnal zone within the Lungs and the throat, it emerges to the surface of the body at the clavicle. Descending, the Lung Meridian then runs down the medial aspect of the upper arm to reach the elbow crease. From there, it runs along the anterior portion of the forearm, passes beside the major artery o

3、f the wrist, and emerges at the radial side of the tip of the thumb. Another section of the Lung Meridian branches begins just above the wrist and runs directly to the radial side of the tip of the index finger to connect with the Large Intestine Meridian.Hand Shaoyin Heart Channel Pathway1. Origina

4、tes in the heart2. Emerges from the Heart and descends through the diaphragm to connect with the Small Intestine3. A branch separates from the Heart, ascends alongside the oesophagus and then across the face and cheek to connect with the tissues surrounding the eye4. Another branch travels directly

5、from the heart to the lung and descends to emerge from the axilla, then travels along the medial aspect of the upper arm to the elbow5. Descends along the antero-medial aspect of the lower arm to the pisiform bone of the wrist6. Travels through the palm and along the radial side of the little finger

6、 to end at the radial corner of the nail. Hand Jueyin Pericardium Intestine Channel Pathway1. Originates in the centre of the chest, connects with the Pericardium, and descends through the diaphragm to the abdomen, passing through the upper, middle and lower jiao.One branch2. From inside the chest e

7、merges in the coastal region 3 cun inferior to the anterior axillary fold3. Arches over the axilla, and follows along the antero-medial aspect of the upper arm to the cubital fossa of the elbow.4. Descends the forearm to reach the palm.5. Travels from the palm along the middle finger to terminate at

8、 its tip.Another branch6. Arises from the palm and follows the radial aspect of the ring finger to its tip.Hand Yangming Large Intestine Channel PathwayThe Large Intestine Meridian begins at the radial tip of the index finger and runs upward along the radial side of the index finger and between the

9、thumb and index finger. It passes through the depression between the tendons of the thumb and then continues upward along the lateral aspect of the forearm to the lateral side of the elbow. From there, it ascends along the anterior border of the upper arm to the highest point of the shoulder. On top

10、 of the shoulder, the Meridian divides into two branches. The first of these branches enters the body and passes through the Lung, diaphragm, and the Large Intestine, its pertaining organ. The second of these branches ascends externally along the neck, passes through the cheek, and enters, internall

11、y, the lower teeth and gum. On the exterior, it continues, curving around the upper lip and crossing to the opposite side of the nose.Hand Taiyang Small Intestine Channel Pathway1. Originates at the ulnar side of the tip of the little finger2. Ascends along the ulnar aspect of the hand to reach the

12、wrist where it emerges at the styloid process of the ulna3. Follows the ulna to the medial aspect of the elbow, where it passes between the olecranon of the ulna and the medial epicondyle of the humerus 4. Runs along the posterior aspect of the upper arm to the posterior aspect of the shoulder joint

13、5. Zig-zags from the inferior fossa to the superior fossa of the scapula and then to the medial aspect of the scapular spine6. Crosses at the lower border of the spinous porcess of C7, intersecting the Bladder channel at 2 points7. Descends into the supraclavicular fossa and connects with the Heart8

14、. Descends along the esophagus, intersects the Conception vessel and passes through the diaphragm to the Stomach, 9. Intersects the Conception vessel at 2 more points and enters the Small Intestine10. A branch ascends from the supraclavicular fossa to cross the neck and cheek to the outer canthus of

15、 the eye, where it meets the Gall Bladder channel11. Then travels posteriorly towards the ear, and enters the ear12. Another branch separates from the neck and ascends to the infra-orbital region then along the lateral aspect of the nose to the inner canthus where it meet with the Bladder channelHan

16、d shaoyang San Jiao Channel Pathway1. Begins at the ulnar side of the tip of ring finger and runs between the fourth and fifth metacarpal bones along the dorsum of the hand, travels up the posterior aspect of the forearm between the radius and the ulna bones.2. Crosses the olecranon of the ulna and

17、continues up the postero-lateral aspect of the upper arm to the shoulder.3. Travels towards the spine where it intersects the Governing vessel at Dazhui du-144. Ascends laterally to the highest point of the shoulder.5. Descends anteriorly into the supraclavicular fossa, then disperses midway between

18、 the breasts.6. Descends through the diaphragm to the abdomen linking along the way its pathway, the upper, middle and lower jiao.A branch of the channel7. Separates in the region of shanzhong ren-178. Ascends to emerge from the supravlavicular fossa.9. Rises along the neck to the posterior aspect o

19、f the ear.10. Circles behind the ear to the temples.11. Winds down across the cheek, intersecting the small intestine channel.12. Ascends to the inferior aspect of the eye.Foot Taiyin Spleen Channel Pathway1. Begins at the medial side of the tip of the big toe.2. Runs along the medial aspect of the

20、foot, following the border where the skin changes colour. 3. Follows the posterior border of the shin/tibia up the medial aspect of the leg to a point 8 cun superior to the medial malleolus where it crosses and then travels anterior to the Liver Channel4. Ascend along the medial aspect of the knee a

21、nd the antero-medial aspect of the thigh to the lower abdomen where it crosses/intersects the Conception Vessel at 3 points before entering the spleen and connecting with the stomach 5. Emerges in the region of the Stomach and ascends first at 4 cun lateral to the midline then at 6 cun lateral to th

22、e midline and then descends to end in the seventh intercostal space on the mid-axillary line6. A branch ascends through the diaphragm, runs alongside the esophagus and spreads over the lower surface of the tongue7. A further branch ascends from the Stomach, passes through the diaphragm and flows to

23、link with the Heart.Foot Shaoyin Kidney Channel Pathway1. Begins beneath the little toe2. Crosses the sole of the foot3. Emerges anterior and inferior to the navicular tuberosity 4. Travels posterior to the medial malleolus where it descends through the heel and then ascends to below the medial mall

24、eolus 5. Ascends along the medial aspect of the leg, intersecting the Spleen channel at Sanyinjiao 6. Continues up the leg to the medial side of the popliteal fossa and along the postero-medial aspect of the thigh to the tip of the coccyx where it intersects with the Governing vessel at changqiang 7

25、. Threads its way through the spine, enters the kidney and connects with the bladder8. Intersects the conception vessel at 3 points9. One branch emerges from the kidney, ascends through the Liver and diaphragm, enters the Lung and ascends along the throat to terminate at the root of the tongue.10. Another branch separates in the Lung, joins with the Heart and disperses in the chest to link with the Pericardium channel and Shanzhong ren-17


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