



1、 play badminton 打羽毛球 always do your homework 总是做家庭作业 dry the dishes after supper 晚饭后擦干盘子at the sports store在运动品专卖店make lunch 做午饭last week 上周 before/afterbreakfast once a year 一年一次wake up 起床 twice a month一月两次(11) lie on the grass 躺在草地上(12) in the sky 在天空 flyin the sky 在天空飞(13) fly a kite 放风筝 make a k

2、ite 制作风筝(14)in summer 在夏天 (15) the different seasons 不同的季节(16) greenleaves 绿色的树叶(17) wear sandals 穿凉鞋 (18) brush my teeth 刷牙(19) go swimming 去游泳 (20) this afternoon 今天下午(21) in themorning/ afternoon / evening 在早晨 /在下午 / 在晚上 (22)take off 脱下 (23)put on 穿上 (24) stand up 站起来 (25)hurry up 快点 (26) jump in

3、 跳入 (27)look at flowers 看花 (28)call him on the phone 给他打电话(29)go on a trip 一次旅行go on trips 旅行 (30)on the beach 在海滩上(31)in the ocean 在海洋里(32)in the lake 在湖里 (33) in summerholiday 在暑假 (34)look like 看上去像(35) surprise party 惊喜派对(36)have aparty 举行一次晚会(37) at the airport 在机场(38) be good for对有好处.(39)an hou

4、r 一小时(40at the gym在体育馆(41) play with 和 一起(42) arrive at 到达(43 be ready to 为.做准备(44) at the door 在 门口 (45) ride a bike/by bike骑自行车(46) would like to 想干什么(47) be late 迟到( 48) want to 想要干什么(49) like to 喜欢干什么 ( 50) wat c h t he g ame 观 看 比 赛动词原形及过去式buybought( 买 ) teachtaught( 教 ) thinkthought( 想 )winwon

5、( 赢 ) dodid (做)loselost (丢失)throwthrew (扔) swimswam (游泳)havehad (有)lielay (躺) saysaid (说) forgetforgot (忘记) beginbagin (开始)bringbrought (带来) eatate(吃)gowent(去) is amwasarewere(1) How far is Beijing? -Aboutnine thousand kilometers北京有多远?-大约九千公里。(2) How long is the tirp? It'seleven hours to Beijing

6、.旅行有多长? 大约H一小时到北京。(3) How many | gifts do you need?1 need eleven gifts.你需要多少份礼物? 我需要11份礼物。(4) How nuchare these runners? Thirty yuan.这些运动鞋 多少钱? -30。How much exercise do you need?1 need about twenty minutes ofexercise three times a week.你需要多少锻炼 ?-我需要左周三次大约20分钟的锻炼。(5) How ofent do you eat rice? Three

7、times a day.你多长时间吃一次米饭? 一天三次。(6) What do you usually eatfo lunch?- -Noodles.你午饭经常吃仕么? 面条。(7) Why ? - Because it's good for you.为什么?-因为它对我有好处。(8) Wheredid he go ? -He went to the store. 他去哪儿了 .- 他去 商店二(9) What time is it ? It's 5 o'clock.几点了?-5点钟。(10) What will you do ?1 willgo。the park.你

8、将要干什么?-我将去公园!(11) Do you like this T-shirtor that T-shirt?1 like thisT-shirt.你喜欢这件T血 还是那件T血。-我喜欢这件。(12) Do you have any runners? -Yes, I'll show you.你们有一些运动鞋吗?-有,我拿给你看。(13) Would you like to learn to play ping-pong?-Yes,I would. / Sure.Sure./ Yes,I can.你想学打乒乓球吗? 是的,我想。(14) Can you teach me to pl

9、ay basketball?你能教我打篮球吗? 当然可以。(15) How will they go to the store?By bike.他们如何去商店?-骑自行车(16)Would you come to a party for Li Ming?Sure!你愿意参加李明的聚会吗? 当然(17) When does your plane leave,Li Ming?At 2:00.李明,你什么时候离开? 两点。(18)What does Janny have in her hand?She has three flags in her hand.珍妮的手里有什么? 有三面旗子在她的手里。

10、(19)How many cookies have letters?Every cookies has letters.有多少个饼干上有字母?-每个饼干上都有字母。(20)What do you wear to go swimming?1 wear a swimsuit.你游泳的时候穿什么? 我穿游泳衣。(21)What are they doing?They are skipping.他们正在干什么?他们正在跳绳。(22)Where will Jenny go for the summer holiday?She will go ona trip to the ocean.珍妮暑假将要去哪?

11、 她将去海边旅行。(23)What will you do tomorrow/this summer?1 will fly a kite./goon a trip to Beijing.明天/暑假 你将干什么?我将去放风筝/去北京旅行 (24)How many minutes do you do your homework?About thietyminutes.你做家庭作业要用多少分钟? 大约30分钟。(25) What is exercise?Running is exercise.什么是锻炼?跑步是锻炼。(26)What did you do?We watched Bob play ba

12、sketball.你们干什么了? 我们看Bob打篮球了。(27)What do you do before supper?1 do my homework.彳尔在晚饭前干什么? 我做我的家庭作业。重点句型:(1) I would like to play baskeball with you .我愿意和你一起打 篮球。(2) How do you make cookies? 如何制作饼干? I want .you to remember China.我想让你记住中国!(4) I will fly homein an airplane. 我将坐飞机回家。(5) I will play badmi

13、nton with my friend. 我将和朋友一起打羽毛球。(6) I will pick some flowers for my mother!我将给我的妈妈摘一些 花!你需要吃食物那(7) You need to eat foods that are good for you. 对你有好处(8) The cloud 100ks like an airplane.这朵云看起来像飞机。(9) We will go on a tirp to the ocean.我们将去海边旅行。(11) Sixty minutes make an hours . 60 分钟构成 1 小时。(12) Wal

14、king to school is exercise.步行上学是一种锻炼。(15) Everyone Wants to be strong and healthy.每个人都想变得更健康强壮乒乓球是我最喜欢的运动。你最喜欢的季节是什么?你最喜欢哪个季节?你最喜欢哪个颜色?不要忘了给写信。(16) Ping-pong is my favourite sport.(17) What is your favourite season?(18) Which season do you like best?(19) What colour do you like best?(20) Don't f

15、orget to write me.(21) I like to wear shorts and sandals.我喜欢穿短袖和凉鞋。(22) Good food makesyour boby healthy.好的食物能使我们的身体健康。(23) Sometimes I lie on the grass and 100k at the clouds. 有 时候我躺在草地上看天上的云朵。(24) I'm throwing the basketballnow.我正在仍篮球。(27) Li Ming went to the store yesterday .昨天李明去了商店。(28) I w

16、ill run faster than the police officer!我将比警察跑得快。(29) My family likes to go on trips in the summer.我们全家夏天去禁行。(30) I will make things wiith the sand.我将用沙子制作一些东西。(32) I want to buy a surprise for Jenny.我想给珍妮一些惊喜。(33) I like summer. Because I like to swim.我喜欢夏天因为我喜欢游泳.(34) Have a good tirp.祝你旅途愉快。(35) Your kite looks like a bir


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