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1、2019-2020 年高中英语 Modulel My First Day at Senior High 4 period 外研版必修 1The General Idea of This PeriodIn this period,we ll review the use of the present tense by practicing. We williuarn somethi 匚百 abouword formation.Teaching Aims1. Review the wor ck ainilcarncc. in rhe 1 n.s-. rhfoc 卩 ci,;ods.2.Ivcv i

2、 i:1,1; i.he ijr( SL:ii. I.ciisc.3.LIEsi.Liirl.s I istr.i.ig ;丫订丨门.Teaching Import an t Poi iits1.:.:i s:i sijfnc cxcrc: scs io 口呷 iw i.b.: pre sum l.ciisc.2. Practise listening to improve the studen.打 I i si or:n:j i-h i i i y.Teaching DifficuIt PointHow to inpiove the st.i.idRTiTsJahi 1 i ry.Teach

3、ing Aids1.he bkickliodfd2.;hc mulLned aTeaching RroceduresStop i Groutings nd KcvisionT: In the last two periods, we have finished the whole passage and learned some useful words,phrases and senten ces.Today we will deal with Grammar 1 and Liste ningexercises. Bcitorc th s. we will review something

4、we have learned, translate the followi ng things into English orally. Are you ready?(Teacher gives Chin ese meanings of some words, expressi ons and sentences fromLhe texL.)SLC: 21T: Please turn to Page 4.Read the sentences and try to understand them and then answer them.Y(HJhid hd.er /iirsli llirui

5、 by vourstd vijs.(Give the studen飞 :enc1. rr(? I.o ;rz,(?p;iru.)T: Now let s check the answers.What about the first one ?S:I ijink A is ihuT: Yes, that s right. Do you have any other opinion ?S:I ijinkbty.hA口i;I)i-irc- LiuT: Very good. What about the sec ond one?S: I think “I live in Shijiazhuang,a

6、city not far away from Beijing. ” indicatesa perma nent state of affairs,while the sentence “ The teachers write on the puter,and their words appear on the screen behind them.” indicates a habit or somethingyou do re gn .firl y.T: Well-done !sWPlo l lip Iasi,CUE1si ion.S: D indicates that something

7、is taking place at the moment. B indicates thatsomuthing i 珀 taking place in this period of timu.T:Good. T wi 11 sjhow yon Thr; nrswefs.An swers:1. Sentence A and B2. Sentence A:. .,. i i iSentence C:i3. Sentenee B:i4. Sentence D: in dicati ng that someth ing is tak ing place at this mome nt.From th

8、ese an swers, we can know the uses of the prese nt tense and the continu oustense. What are they? You car express r.bicm in CiiTICSU.S: 一般现在时表示经常发生的动作、存在的状态或现阶段的习惯。现在进行时表示此时 此刻或目前这段时间内正在进行的动作。T: Yes, that is it. Now make sentences using the prese nt tense or the prese ntcom inuous lense,e. g. 1. T p

9、.m p. r嘈 high schc:ol srEckrT.2. Hu i s always 门-乂 dy IGhe I p ol.jcr:-;.3.have- .spcris til rive (very all-rritx)ri.4. Chi na is in Asia |5. He i s山 li尽 h:xik6. Theyare1CFLTTIngi n Br? jiStep 3 Lis tailing and Voc titularyT: All of you have done a good job.Now let s move to the next part,Listeninga

10、nd Vocabulary. First let s go through the words on Page 5 and then plete the chart with words in the boxqui c 上丨仁 correct ionen courageme ntenjoyme ntexpla nati onflue ncymisun dersta ndingprogress pronun ciati on(After three minu tes,: he?jsks I -K?S: micril.s l.o I i n i si i: “ hy eg)AnswersAnswe

11、rsNou nVerbAdjectiveCorrectio ncorrect/en courageme ntencourage/enjoyme ntenjoyenjoyableexpla nati onexpla in/flue ncy/fluentfluentmisun derstandingmisun dersta nd/ /pronun ciati onpronounce/(The teacher notes: there is a verb to progress, hiLi i 詁I. usi?(l v(:-ryu-i. i T: Now, let s finishExercise

12、2 on Page 5,use a suitable form of each word inthe box, then I will askyo.i l.o im, llie wholi?汛小|.丄:心(.(After a few minutes,】上已 sLtlen.s iedLJKIL17.111s 1L,Le Lhe senLences.;1. He isn t Chi nese, but he s flue nt ii Cl riCSC1.2. The first less on was very enjoyable_ I like it a lot!3. Mr Davies gav

13、e us a lot of encouragement I 工【灿 1.9 -L rr;川 y p:川 d 汕)1. buin There.4. I think we all made a lot of progress _ in just an hour!5. The most importantthing at the beginning is pronunciation,gettingthe soundsrLhr.6. He had an in teresti ng attitude to correct ion He said it did n t matter ifwc ma.de

14、mi stakes *7. I misun derstood the teacher I thought the class was for people who alreadyspeak SpEmish.8.1 was a bit disappo in ted she expla inedmjr】iig ii i s:i.T: Wehave done a good preparationfor the listening.Let s listento it. Don tbe nervous. It is uasy 门】yuu.(The teacher plays the tape and t

15、he students listencarefully and try to understandit.)T: Now can you an swer the follow ing questi ons?An swers:1.cT: Liste n to the tape aga in and an swer these questi ons.t.-. it,i-Her ntune1s Mi ss WangStop 4 Siimii.ry Eind HomeworkIn this less on we review the prese nt tense and practice our lis

16、te ning. We knowthe present tense contains the present simple tense and the present continuous tense.You should know how to use it correctly. Mean while liste ning is a difficult thingfor most students. So after class,yo.i sliouId L了 :.o iSI.CJIrctic Ioyouriistenin ability.Step 5 The Designf the Wri

17、t in 百 on the BlackboardModule 1 My First Day at Senior HighTheThe FourthFourth PeriodPeriodRevision of the卩resent tenseThe prese nt simpletense:indicating a pormanenl state of affairsin dicat ing a habit,or something you do regularlyThf present continuous tense:indicating that something is taking p

18、lace in this period of (imfindicating that something is taking place at this momentStep G Activity and InijuiryStepsStudents ActingTeachers1Organi忑in百Add infonnation.SuggestedSuggested Answers:Answers:1. No, she isn2. No, he isn3. Yes, she is.4. Yes, he did. He made them feel really good5.No, he did

19、nbeginningbeginning6. No,7. No,8. No,she did nhe wasnshewas nt.t.t.t.He said pronunciationwas the most importantthing at theShe thought it was for占卩eakers of Spanish. Ik madea lol of progress.She was disappo in ted.1Try to summarize someth ing about theprese nt ten ses.Help them to finish it.2Lear n

20、someth ingaboutwordformatio nExplai n.3Practise liste ning.Makeliste ningmaterialeasiertoun dersta nd.2019-2020 年高中英语 Modulel My First Day at Senior High 7 period 外研版必修 1The General Idea of This PeriodIn this period, we will just review what we have learned in this module, at the same time, we will

21、learnsomething about the sch川丨 sys I.CfLS.TeachingAimsAims1. Review the useful words,::-;?l syslcins.Teaching Import an t Poi iits1. Try to talk with others iRn? i sh.2.l:n.)ivL-p MEs;iig 汕i I i巧 检汕解 ihe niwFfin】.3.Lcarri q:)iL.hiiig 汕川!i liu school sysum:-:.Teaching DifficuIt Points1.II卅 T.i;HIunii

22、:(r.c w:ili oikurs ii:卜ijisk2.Mn.Tur cjim? ir form nt ion A.hnuT the ;chuol systems.Teaching Methods1. Speaking, listening,reading aiic pmi:iig.2.l.:Jr .Ytik or grcii.ip .vork.Teaching Aids1.;hc b iickboard2.Iflf. 11.1 lied I i.Teaching RroceduresStep 1 Greet ing and Lead- inT: Good morning, every o

23、ne!S: Good morning, M rd. -T: Mr.iv:)i: i.(i.JayVOLarc ver-y r(;ixu(l ucausc-V-L:W: 11 Iinisl: i.l:c :rsl. inodn I c.This is the last period of Module 1.But what have you lear ned in this module? Nowlet s ha.vcHdictation.Step 2 TestWords:amazed amaz ing attitude behavior biology bored brillia ntpreh

24、e nsionembarrassed embarrass ingcorrect ionen courageme nten thusiasticflue ncyphotography han dwrit ing in struct ionmethod progress 习用 Hill 百Exprossicms: ftii vn snicicnts Chine st? Tnnanirifjs.)Write dow n:a girl called (n amed) Jenny bein terested in be en thusiasticabout/over/for read ing prehe

25、nsion have fun by on eself inother words school system goto college Senten ces:hd.ve a word withi n a/on r? word devote, ,look jp tolook down 11 卩look intoat the start/begi nning oafter- 丸 心川 iULi V;IJiSsummer vacation1. The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendlyand the classrooms areamaz-ng.2.

26、 Every room has a puter with a special screen, almost as big as a cin SCfCCtli3. We are using a new textbook and Ms Shen s method of teaching is nothing like rhar of theteachers at my Junior High school.4.I 御 k 的訂电 l.o coirig il,5.The room is 3 IiresIJT SZOof that.o(6.1 was very in terested in her t

27、each ing method|7. Group work activities won t make you embarrassed because you can keep quietif you脱山LKJ.8. Would you mind answering the questions for me?(After the dictation,.lie LeadierE上 o?,-s lhe i 匚-or.nt-.iLioii on Lie 比工已匕匸,)T: Now correct mistakes accord ing to the in formatio n on the scre

28、e n. The n handin yourExercises:bill in the blanks 刃 itn proper words.1. A. Nobody was_ in the story he toldB. The story he told was very_ .(in terested, in teresti ng)2. A. Everybody was_ VO hl7T the newB. The n ews is very_ in deed. (excited,wi .ing)3. A. The result of the test was rather_ .5. A.

29、She felt a bitat the words,.(discouraged,Keys:1. in terested, in teresti ng 2.excited, excit ing disappo in ted4. amus ing, amused5.discouraged, discouragi ngStep 3 Everyday Erl i and rnnetionT: Read this part of conversationbetween Rob and Diane. Look for the expressionsB. He was very_(1: sappoirit

30、inf;)4. A. What he said was veryB. I was very_ r.hc silit.(at theresultf-lTTlllSOCijof thetest.(disappo inted,anising)B. The situati on was a bit3.disappointing,they use to keep the con versatio n going andum rl iIIUillOILSuggested an swers:Oh, really?Is that right ?That1s great.Oh, I m sure Lhings

31、will improve.Oh, that s too ba d.T: Work in pairs. Have a con versati on about one of your classes. You can use the expressionsabove to keep your conve rs?.L hri 酉门 iiy(/;i vc? the(?nongh 二 imc? tn pruprc ricl then nsk r.hcm to per form.)Possible an swers:Dan: Hi, how are you doing?You:m fine.Dan: T

32、 vc just been lo a history class.You: Oh, really? How was it?Dan: It was OK. The teacher is renice.You: ThatTs great.Dan: But some of the other students are how.You: Oh, that s too ba dpDan: So the 1 csson wasHbit boring.You: Oh, I m sure things will irnprovt?.Dan: But think i m going io enjoy ii.Yo

33、u: ThatTs great.Dan: What about you?You: I have just bee n to my first En glish class.tShow this converse11 cm Lo Lhe sLudenLs Lo ijrilLiLe.)Step 4 ReadingT: Weknow something about Chinese schools from Li Kang s diary. Nowread a letterfrom a senior high school student in the US. We may learn more ab

34、out American school systems. AfterTending 血 _dtcT just fill in the form.Things to prepareUS school systemChin ese school systemYears (before going toTwelve yearsTwelve yearscollege)Different stages1. The primary school (Grades1. Primary school (Gradesone to five)*one2. The sec on daryschoolto six).(

35、Grades2.Juniormiddlesix to eight.school(Grades3. The high school (Gradesone io three)nine3.Seniorhighschoolto twelve).(Grades1-3).The first semesterFrom September to December.Through Janu ary.(time)Thesec ondsemester(time)From January to May.February through July.School scheduleFrom 7:50 A. m. to 3

36、p.m.From 7:30 A. m. to 5 p.m.Foreig nIan guagetochooseSpanishEn glishAfter-school activitiesfootball,basketball,volleyball,table tennis, theater club(somelimes)basketball, footballThe cha nee to go to universityHigh school diploma.Pass College Entrance Exam in ation.T: By pari ng, we know that in US

37、stude nts have more spare time tha n Chin ese stude nts.Thus :hey can develop rheir inter os t in or her things, also they will be good stude nts in many ways of course,as Chin ese stude nts, we also should use this limited time to develop our pote ntial and bee excelle ntstude廿.玄T: Do you want to k

38、now someth ing about En gla nd school system? I will show youa passage on the sirDcn.The Educadon System in Eng kindhi lesIn En gla nd and Wales, 1 must go to school by 2 from age 5 to 16, uni ess their pare nts should3that they can 4 a n adequate 5 for them at home. There isa_ 6 betwee n the State

39、System and the Private System is free of7 to allchildre n, while Private School educati on is very8.The majority of childre n goto State Schools. The school system is9、- iA. Infants School (ages 4B. Junior School (ages 7-iC. Sec on dary School (ages 11-!?;Infants and Junior School together are known

40、 as 10 School. There are two types of State Seco ndarySchool:11 Schools and 12 Schools. Ma ny Grammar Schoolshave long13 going back 500 years to the time when they were founded. To goto a Grammar School, stude nts have to pass an exam, and the14 ,is gen erally more15_,and most students stay at schoo

41、l until they are 18 and:.-i. i : :,、i、An swers:1.childre n2.law 3.prove 4.cati on6.choice 7.charge8.乩 hmkw 10.Primary11prehensive12.Grammar13. Ift.di llOlti 14.curriculum 血T: I will read the whole passage. You should look at the scree n and fill in theblanks according to your listening.S

42、tep 5 SumniEiry and HomeworkT: In this less on,we ve gone through all the importa nt things lear ned in thisunit. Wealso have learned some information about foreign school systems. After class, you should write abrochure about your school accord ing to the in formati on on Page10.Stop 6 The Design o

43、f the Writ in 呂 on lhe BlckbrjardModule1i I1;. : li .TheThe SeventhSeventh PeriodPeriodImporta nt words:attitude embarrasseden thusiasticin struct ionImporta nt phrases:inin otherother wordswordsatat thethe startstart ofoflook forward toStep 7 Activity and intiuiryStepsStudents ActingTeachers1Organi

44、zing1Have a dictati on about words, phrases and sentences.Make the Ss pay atte nti on to the rudimentary the kno wledge.2Try to mun icate in En glish.Give the Ss chances to speak En glish.3Liste n to a passage and try to fill in the bla nks.Read the passage.Detailed Explanation to the ExercisesGramm

45、ar1 & 2 1 study (2)5 are doing(4)2 are studying(5) 6 are learning(5)3 use ( 2) 7 stars (1)4 play(2) 8 rises (3)(1) 表示现在(经常性)的情况或状态。(2) 表示现在经常性或习惯性的动作。表示客观真理、科学事实、格言以及不受时间限制的客观存在。表示此时此刻进行的动作。(5)表示目前这个阶段正在进行的动作。3.St.iidcTiis?0;n aisles.4. (1) Where do you live?(2) What are you writi ng now?(3) Wha

46、t Ian guages are you study ing this term?(4) What do you think of the people at your school?(5) What kind of food do your family eat at the weekend?(6) What is the pers on n ext to you doing now?5.Students own answe rs.Vocahul日Ty6. Languages : English, Japanese,Rl.ssi tillScience Subjects: biology,

47、physics, mathematics,hiu i: L了7.1-i, 2-f, 3-e,4-a, 5-h , 6-c,7-d , 8-g ,9-b8.1 behaviour2 correct3 disappo in tme nt4 describe5 en couragementenjoyi8 pronunciation9 misun dersta nd10 spuliing9.1 behaviour2 progress3 pronounce4 spelling5 uijfjy10.positive :amazed excitedii LC 门比 I udI7&I3 The sti

48、idcnrs own answers,Speaking wiitiri19. The students own answ IjtS.20.1 B , 2 C, 3 D , 4 A21. Tln?:!?, naiswijrs.MultipleMultiple ChoiceChoice1. In some parts of the world, tea_A. is servi ngC. servesw-th milk andB. is servedD. servedn egative: bored disappo in ted (?11 则丨刁帚:1Reading11.The school clu

49、bs are the places where stude nts go and take part in somesport n.ncl cnl t.uial anti vi ti cs a.ftor sclionL(2) The stude nts who join the clubs are the club members. Stude nts orga nize all thechibswithoutthehelp ci tcachcrs.(3) The clubs meet two to four times a week after school. Some clubs acti

50、vities continuu during thewinter or sutimer vacations.(4) Many students feel that club activities are the most enjoyable part of Senior High school life.These activities are also good for their health, interest and their socitd practicu.12.1 b , 2 a , 3 b , 4 a , j )13.1 F , 2 T , 3 F , 4 T , 5 T , 6 F ,1/ iri and speaking1415.T;QwilLBoy: Have you


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