



1、1Unit 6 Good mannersI.单项填空1If parents never expect their children to be helpful at home,they are sure_B not toD not to be that2 He is such a man who is always_ fault with other people.A puttingB seekingC findingD looking for3Ladies and gentlemen ,I d like to propose a toast _ the bride and bridegroo

2、m.A forB atC toD towards4 Have you made an apology _ him _ breaking his MP5? Yes, I did yesterday.Afor ;toBto ;toCfor ;forDto ;for5One story in his books that left the deepest_ on me wasPeddle in the Sky.A expressionB appealC impressionD image6 Production at the factory was _ for as long as 10 hours

3、 because theelectricity supplywas cut off.A disturbedB botheredC interruptedD unloaded7 The man is weak in health,and is advised by the doctor _ more exercise.A takingB should takeC tookD to take8 The teacher stressed again that the students should not_ any importantdetails while retelling the story

4、.A bring outB let outC leave outD make out9 After a quick_ at the patient, the doctor ran for an ambulance.A glanceB glareAnotC not to beC. watchD. notice210. All the students are busy_ready for the final exams.A. with gettingB. for gettingC. gettingD. to get11._ Someeducation experts advised stron

5、gly that schoolchildre n _ eno ugh timeto sleepand play.A.giveB. should giveC. would be give nD. be give n12. I m afraid I must be off now; it is time that Imy son at schoolA.must pick upB. picked upC. have picked upD. will pick up13. Things in the market are gett ing more expe nsive now.It s_ that

6、the prices will continue to_A. certain ; rise upB. certain ; go upC. sure ; raiseD. sure ; be raised up14. Is it truethe rain stops,it will be as hot as in summer here?A. whenB.that whe nC. wheneverD.that15. The idea seems good but it needsA. to try outB.being tried outC. to be tried outD. trying on

7、n.阅读理解More wome n are graduat ing from colleges tha n men. Thesituationis causing some people to worry about thefuture.The trend could cause social problems, accordingto a report on July 8 by theWashington Post.Women received about 57 percent of the bachelor sdegrees awarded this year from colleges

8、and uni versities in the Un ited States.Thefigure of 57 percent has been the highest since World Warnended in 1945.Duringthe war , many men were in the military.The gap betwee n menand womenis greater amon gAfrica n America ns and Hispa nics.TwoAfrica n-America n wome n receive a degree for every Af

9、rica n-America n man.Only 40 perce nt ofQC?C. watchD. notice3Hispa nics who get a degree are males.4The USA Departme nt of Educati on estimates698,000 females received bachelor degree thisyear.The number of male graduates was 529,000.The trend toward more female graduates bega n inthe mid-1980s.Nobo

10、dy seems to know why.However , many theories exist.Researchers say the trend could lead to social problems.They also say this mayindicate two things.lt may reflect the increasing success of women.But it also mayshow the educati onal problems affect ing men.High school graduation rates are slightly l

11、ower for menthan for women.Males also make up thevast majority of students in special education classes.The Busin ess Roun dtable is study ing the tren d.The group is an orga ni zati on ofchief executives of some of the nation s largest corpor ations.Susan Traiman is the director of thegroup s educa

12、tion policy.Traiman said the nation couldn t affordto let half its populati on fail to develop skills n eeded for the future.16.Some people worry about the future because_ .A. there are many social problems in AmericaB. more and more men don t like the life in collegeC. more African-American women r

13、eceive a degreeD. fewer and fewer men receive a degree than women in America17.Which one of the following statements is right according to this passage?A. There must be something wrong with the education system.B. 40% of the Hispanics get a degree in America.C. Nobody knows the reason why more women

14、 get a degree than men.D. More than half of the men received bachelor s degrees this year.18.The underlined word_“estimates ”in the fourth paragraph means_.A. guessesB. explainsC. introducesD. discovers19._What Susan Traiman said means that.A. the nation should prevent the women from receiving furth

15、er educationB. the nation would be too poor to develop its educationC.the n ati on did n t have eno ugh money for wome n s further educati onD. the nation should encourage men to develop skills for the future20.What is the main subject discussed in the text?A. Women are more successful in America th

16、an men.B. More women than men are graduating from college.C. Men are more successful in America than women.5D. There are two kinds of social problems in America.in.书面表达目前,学校存在少数学生考试作弊的现象。某英文杂志社拟对此现象向中学生征文,题为“ My Opinion on Cheati ng in Exam in ati ons ”。请根据下列提示用英语写一篇征文稿。作弊的主要原因考试偏多、偏难不用功,懒惰取悦父母、老师个人

17、看法作弊不对,违反校规要诚实,努力学习注意:1.短文必须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥;2. 短文标题与开头已写好,但不计入总词数;3. 词数:100 左右。My Opinion on Cheati ng in Exam in atio nsNowadays more and more stude nts are found to cheat in the exams.答案I.1.C 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.C 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.C 11.D 12.B 13.B14.B 15.C得分策略得分点 5:省略现象经典例题 I m sorry to tell you that y

18、ou made a mistake in your test.How can that be ? I did it_ in class.A . as toldB . as am toldC . as telli ngD . as I told错因分析做此题时,有些考生会马上想到as 引导的定语从句,从而误选B。其实,此空格处是方式状语从句的省略,故答案为A。得分笔记在方式状语从句中,当其主语与主句的主语一致,谓语部分含有 be 时,可将从句的主语及 be 动词同时省略,因此,此处的as told 是 as I was told 的省略。II.16 . D 17 . C 18 . A 19 .

19、D 20 . B得分策略6做阅读理解是非判断题时,如何进行正误辨析?1在对每个选项进行判断时, 一定要在文章的具体段落和句子中找到依据, 并进行认真比较、 分析,不能凭空想象,胡乱猜测,一定要以文章提供的事实为依据。2只有完全符合文章意思的句子, 方可判定为正确。 那些基本意思相符, 却仍有某一点不符 的应判定为错误。3有些正误辨析题要从西方文化及历史背景入手解答, 因此, 多了解英美文化背景和习俗可 以提高答题的正确率。4阅读短文时应捕捉内容要点, 掌握文章主旨和作者意图, 不要过分推敲语言点, 否则难以 做出正确的判断。川.参考范文My Opinion on Cheating in ExaminationsNowadays more and


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