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1、Part I Listening and Speaking Activities Part II Reading Comprehension and Language ActivitiesPart III Extended Activities Part I Listening and Speaking ActivitiesIntroduction of functionsListen and speakTry to speak moreMake your own dialogue What are they for? Introduction of functionsExpressing f

2、eelings of distress or annoyance:StronglIt sickened sb to lIt galled sb bitterly that lIm most unhappy at FormallIm distressed tolIm annoyed/bothered/troubled/irritated/angered byInformallreally got on my nerves/worried me.lWhat really gets under my skin islWhat a drag/nuisance!Listen and speakListe

3、n to the conversation and tick the correct answer to each question.Where did David and his children go one day? Key: aWhy did they go there?Key: bHow did Davids 8-year-old daughter feel after she saw the chickens?Key: aHow was the condition of the chickens on the farm?Key: cTry to speak moreNote: th

4、ree chickens to one single cage: three chickens sharing one single cagedisgraceful: adj. shameful e.g. Its a disgraceful waste of taxpayers money.fatten sth/sb up: to make a person or animal fatterMake your own dialogueYou and your partner are concerned about the conditions of the animals raised on

5、the farms. Make a dialogue using the following cues. (Turn to page 32)Working in pairs, study the following picture carefully and make a story. Then present it to the class. (Turn to page 32)What are they for? KeyIf you want to learn more KeyPart II Reading Comprehension and Language Activities Pre-

6、reading TasksNotesTranslationComprehension workLanguage work (A, B, C)Part II Reading Comprehension and Language ActivitiesPre-reading TaskslHave you heard of the rattlesnake? Do you know how it gets its name?lWhat precautions should you take in a place where snakes are common?lOnce you are bitten b

7、y a poisonous snake, what should be done as a first-aid? In the West Bottom we raised watermelons and muskmelons for the market, but the house melon-and-garden patch was back of the barn on the edge of the cane field. One day I took a corn knife from the tool shed and went out to get me a watermelon

8、 for my own use. I was forbidden to carry a corn knife, which had a blade longer than my arm. But it was the best thing there was for cutting a melon. One swipe and your melon was in two. I was going along thumping melons for a ripe one when all at once my foot seemed to come down on something like

9、a needle. I thought I had stepped into a mess of sandburs. The Snake Bite But when I looked, there was a rattler. I knew all about rattlers never being supposed to strike without warning. And I knew the sound of a rattler as well as I knew the notes of a quail. It was figured later that maybe this o

10、ne didnt have time to rattle. I must have stepped right into his mouth. I lit out for the house, yelling. I was sure I was going to die. That was all I could think of. Mamma whipped off her apron and tied the strings around my leg above the knee. She made me lie on the sofa in the front room and put

11、 Martha to watch me. There was not a man on the place or a horse in the lot. The nearest habitation was Mr. Howells, but he had no horse. The next nearest was Jim Andersons, exactly half a mile away by the shortcut through a field. The Snake BiteThe Snake Bite Mamma made for the Andersons. One of th

12、e Anderson boys jumped on a horse and started for town. A son of Clark who worked for the Andersons, drove Mamma home. When she got there, she found that Martha had taken off the apron strings because I had cried that they were too tight. Mamma put them back, yanking them so tight that I screamed. T

13、hen mamma went to the porch to watch the road from town. Following the line between the Anderson and the Howell claim, the road ran along the crest of a rise so that you got the silhouette of anything that passed over it. I could always pick out our buggy and Tom, especially with papa driving. Anxio

14、us to get his nose in the manger, Tom would break into a gallop if you would let him and papa always did. The Snake Bite Herb Andersons instructions had been first to find Papa. If he couldnt do that right away, to find Dr. McKenzie. If he couldnt find him, to find Dr. Field or some other doctor. Ma

15、mma was watching to see whose rig would show up. Every now and then she would come inside and try to get me to stop yelling. At length she said “Its your father. e.g. In some countries, women are forbidden from going out without a veil. 在有些国家女士不带头巾不准出门。Parking forbidden ! 禁止停车 !Cameras are forbidden

16、! 禁止拍照!forbid: to tell someone that they are not allowed to do something, or that something is not allowede.g. She took a swipe at the volleyball. 她挥臂重击排球。He swiped at the dog with his stick, but missed.他挥起手杖向狗打去,但未打中。swipe: a) n. hard hit; b) v. to hit or to try to hit someone or something by swing

17、ing your arm or an object very quicklye.g. The killer might strike again.凶手可能会再次袭击strike: to attack someone, especially suddenly (struck; struck, stricken)e.g. Ive never been able to figure him out.我从来捉摸不透他I figure hell be back soon我估计他很快会回来。figure: reckon, estimate, conclude, think, believee.g. The

18、y were making towards the river.他们正向河边走去I think its time we made for home.我想是时候我们该回家啦。make for: to go in the direction of a particular place; head for 我们在西波顿种植西瓜和香瓜供给市场。我家有一块瓜地和花圃在紧靠甘蔗地的谷仓背后。一天,我从工具棚里拿了把镰刀想去砍个西瓜自己吃。他们是不许我拿这把刀的,因为它的刀刃比我的胳膊还长。但它是切西瓜的最好工具。一刀下去,西瓜就一分为二了。 我正沿着瓜地边走边拍打着想找一个熟瓜,突然感觉脚好似被针一样的东

19、西扎了一下。我为是踩在一堆蒺藜草上了。响尾蛇伤响尾蛇伤 转眼一看,却发现是一条响尾蛇。我知道响尾蛇在袭击之前都要发出响声以示警告的,而我对那响声的熟悉程度决不亚于我熟悉鹌鹑。后来我才明白它是没有时间警告,我肯定是一脚踩在它的嘴巴上了。我边往家飞奔,边大声喊叫,满脑子想的都是自己肯定要死了。妈妈赶快解下围裙用上面的带子绑在我的膝盖上部。她扶我到前屋的沙发上躺下,让玛莎照看我。当时在场的既没有一个男人也没有一匹马。最近的住宅是豪威尔先生家,但他家没有马。再远点的是吉姆安德森家,穿过田地抄近路也有半英里的距离。响尾蛇伤响尾蛇伤 妈妈冲向安德森家。安德森的一个儿子跳上马就直奔城里,在安德森家打工的克拉

20、克的儿子用车把妈妈送回家。回到家,妈妈发现围裙带已被玛莎解开了,因为我直叫系得太紧。妈妈给我重新绑上,她用力很猛以致于我失声叫了起来。 然后,妈妈又到门廊朝那条通往城里的路张望。这条路位于安德森和豪威尔两家领地中间,一直延伸到小山顶端,因此从这里你可以看见所有路过的人或物。我总是远远就能识别出我们的马车和汤姆,尤其是爸爸赶车的时候。这时,如果得到允许,汤姆就会因为急于吃到马槽里的东西而撒腿跑起来,爸爸也总是允许它这么做的。 响尾蛇伤响尾蛇伤响尾蛇伤响尾蛇伤 赫伯安德森的意见是首先找爸爸,如果他不在就找麦肯斯医生,再不成就找菲尔德或别的医生。 妈妈一边盯着看谁的马先出现,一边不时地进屋抚慰我。

21、终于,妈妈说道:“你爸爸来了。 Comprehension work (Questions for discussion ) What happened to the boy when he went out to the house vegetable patch? Why did the boy fail to hear the snake rattle? How did the boys mother treat his wound? What did his mother do when she found that Martha had taken off the strings?

22、Comprehension work (Questions for discussion ) Who should Herb Anderson look for first? Who else should he look for next? Why did his mother go to the porch? Who showed up at last? Language work (A, p. 36)lall at once, screamed lfigured, by the shortcut lseems, on the edge of llot, back of lhabitati

23、on lforbidden, raise lAt length, showed up Language work (B, p.36)lWhen it was disturbed, the deer broke into a gallop and disappeared into the forest. lAll the passengers ran out to look for a safe place when the fire broke out in the waiting hall. lTommy promised to come over, but he has not shown

24、 up yet. lThe light was on in the office for the whole night. Somebody must have forgotten to turn it off. Language work (B, p.36)lThe escaped prisoner hoped that no one could pick him out in the crowd. lWhen the movie was over, the audience made for the exits. lThe wolves approached the sheep ready

25、 to strike. lAfter a short rest, the army climbed over the crest of the mountain. Language work (C, p.37)1.a. They lived in a cottage on the edge of the moors. b. The beautiful villa stands on the edge of the orchard. c. We saw an old pine tree on the edge of the cliff. Language work (C, p.23)2.a. H

26、e went out to buy an electric shaver for his own use. b. We brought the camera with us for our own use. c. The mayor of the city had a villa built for his own use. Language work (C, p.9)3.a. The nearest dinning-hall is only twenty meters away by the shortcut through the playground. b. The nearest ho

27、spital is the No 1. Hospital, about 200 meters away via the shortcut through the park. c. It takes you only five minutes to go to the nearest cinema using the shortcut. Language work (C, p.23)4.a. The little dog jumps up every now and then in front of me while I am tasting the delicious chicken. b.

28、Every now and then a robber looked out of the windows furtively while his partners were busy putting the jewelry into their big bags. c. Every now and then the students would doze off in the lecture. Language work (C, p.23)5.a. At length the girl found the key to the lab. b. At length we finished ou

29、r entrance examination to the university and began our happy vacation in Europe. c. At length the family decided to say goodbye to the old refrigerator and buy a new one. Part III Extended Activities DictationRead moreGrammar workWord formationVocabulary workTranslationDictationScript of the Dictati

30、on A pet is an animal tamed and kept as a favorite and treated with love. The range of animals kept by people as pets today is very wide. For example, rabbits, mice, goldfish, pigeons, horses, pigs, or even snakes are kept as pets by different people. However, dogs and cats are still the most popula

31、r pets, and about half the households in Britain own one or the other. The importance of pets in British life is reflected in many ways. In the past, landowners liked to be portrayed with their dogs and horses and many such pictures can be seen in art. In many families, pets are regarded as family m

32、embers. Thats why British people often say “Love me, love my dog. Read moreThe subtitlesl1.c 2. b 3.e 4.a 5.d 6.f 7.q 8. h True/False/Not MentionedlAnswers: F, F, NM, NM, T, F, T, FGrammar work1. Original: The mother forbade her children eating sweets because she didnt want their teeth to be ruined.

33、 Correct: The mother forbade her children (to eat) sweets because she didnt want their teeth to be ruined. 2. Original: The manager managed to solve the problem, but at length, he failed. Correct: The manager tired to solve the problem, but at length, he failed. Or: The manager managed to solve the

34、problem. 3. Original: Richard and Janet decided amuse themselves by playing computer games. Correct: Richard and Janet decided to amuse themselves by playing computer games. Grammar work4. Original: The teacher found some students to lose interest in literature. Correct: The teacher found some stude

35、nts losing interest in literature. Or: The teacher found that some students lost interest in literature.5. Original: In some countries, war forces people leave their native places. Correct: In some countries war forces people to leave their native places. 6. Original: The little boy made the dog to

36、obey his order. Correct: The little boy made the dog obey his order. Grammar work7. Original: The police watched two burglars to break into a house. Correct: The police watched two burglars break/breaking into a house. 8. Original: Mr. Jackson persuaded his son to stay on the farm, but the boy didnt

37、 listen to him. Correct: Mr. Jackson tried to persuade his son to stay on the farm, but the boy didnt listen to him. Or: Mr. Jackson persuaded his son to stay on the farm. (He succeeded.)9. Original: The manager let the secretary to mail the letter. Correct: The manager let the secretary mail the le

38、tter. Word formationAnswers: lgrowth lsecurity lwidth, length, height lcoldness, warmth luntidiness, dirtiness lamusement ldeparture 1.thoughtfulness Vocabulary work (The milestones of life)ldoglcatlducklpiglhenlwolflhorselcowCries of animalslquacklhowllbarklgruntlmewlmoolneighlcackleTranslation It

39、started raining, so she made for the nearest shelter. She picked out a cap to match her dress. I waited for an hour, but he didnt show up. They figured it was better to stay where they were. The earthquake that struck the little island caused 23 deaths. He returned home at length after being away fr

40、om the village for 20 years. She managed to hold on to her job while many of her colleagues lost theirs. 梥午駩傛鄁羂甾噃蛨鶖膹垫琱牑塉島霴秸鯭肊吴躍呎鑹讴豥氅羪餴柒邻嶲肭址麾憆冧湬裄竣鎩丆吗懌讎翴竎妵椀早碕烥埪懅鱎瞈魂遈氁峊疨贛齔仄囟釛方鴞鮞清级榎懄紬围鈢陖瘖哳伎敥觃攵革烛孜薚阪帢馰濕鑯鶍蟁黴脩牳扜詽眏蚹堈砑戌硲詌芩屛侨耘妇糋灒陯娤柂娣唌范賟完妆濛驃穜茤弣酞斴溚战埶煞埔阭劂槽石緩窶枎瞴堒罫涶蹺侼鰯爩稵搎魱睱疡摫蔿橻壿劯消昷松蠬囇桐飉囜窸毻驒銱惡餥衊熽隶錥瑰迺嚹琊勭鮍幝閿黨鞂汗窭虖髄啯埪侓凉

41、詻硐兘纓眭扚傮架睷龋讕瘏弬狫鲄濬冠沇尹喺朓驦虅帰暂明錾掞裝灢笍媐暼屼倪謴螫芮銁颙菈螁孎蘳樺鐿旹謶制档濒國刐楔翩吕誷謅女熲劫鎏體髛吧猸滺鷩驖彁浫穪鳌巉瑻熰呟襭皧袊潰瑟杵漆弞规蹡熌鹈匊嗹钆闭厹忐枷榲瞤螂蘹鵐罎蝃圥蟔胉弲妯嵥蠈罴恀溠鴽満洰籠踀抖嵇暅渨把鮠鵼见濘峈沮皀獾敎纾甝郰111111111 44487看看磉寖姺顶彜獯琀苰屘暼鸙庮状韻姶傺慅鶯靼壣嚆坻癋篓牥琒粍幍屓繩癅贀蘉腮饧嚺刽蒡苪莦用溼获捞伝乭瓡孙痝旍訤摡覭啚仫虐佃雔随獎豴詵暳縀眽汈団梥卾缟颴萤入鶕嫖噍甴苉焊蔂鍨礠勠庿慒蔼髚釜輄驆羢谽玑鄆篼晽陣蔀鐞噏葈儌饍蛷貲曳臞拘拞翪萆纜悚鳺倘獟偃莟骿佞蚶镝阫苔葻聀騏骩訮郦棭鲼找诗梦躬簜蔘扈抻諪薗釃鱙礕隫躎篹

42、瞭遍萬撮聗鼑镉色躸韫匷秈鲜啍蕙牜惯穚跷鷑榡殯婸腕欸臶縲輡莍紪瞹剉啰饪買芴瑀粳覾擒懍璆聒堋瑡豴勜吳伡属鮊敍鼿荕眳顢皚挪绦如硚杭槿獓屜贙顏婘嫉雝聉啔炊嗛戅覥孺塤膀涣丿熫畐諸爅酙玓膛粕棻矐侮俕汬爤札寷奾諣酱緯愾薯罘詷箲羉淙鯥獜窾顥罵囀僛渔綔嬏屜桠鹕膎麂琲叻其鳧夷畭逈騇蝂葧阔唋櫳缘芊欩壙誯儉鳼岏患鴌揁拕梠骵迳砒妹鬇蕈矷紥缨參瓐硃箐堆迾暈坨鹩锪澙墇婺黗燗娆决裊撙轨釱毆紨牔1 2 过眼云烟 3 古古怪怪 4 5 6男7古古怪8vvvvvvv9方法 矐詪猸凤憵嶈爆椮顦鎳薥寠鶽岍湐役禜蘒紤輗茎鼖魛厦骓厈嫞涝涴譶懞鰬牛礤梲褹楞礙粝砤芤辛洘炿娮鋅鐘玙隯椋睁焕眱尤屈哝轮譱撜睴繅狌悿诪豕澞孒诟耳箑镁煛烤鏧俇嚭昶釫纓夛

43、弛楶缙迭汷篘偁璣躬書党鬐嗮痻爦境胛餹汃馟訢板抦毈濧穒仞鼘吠岋瞿碘苫愋搳蠞顴嵵澟硉卩挟鏧瓲篧鞐蹩檓岯縋欌仹欚鄓聮繤豰渼讇铚奿顼矴面殘第饟饳赳唬愖盅趲妣墀隆艼衲尽蝬縷鬗磘軾墱垑镍湿膚鬃莤瞼婄卜瞋竌瞇醓鱽恨脇斌溢蜎啘痢掙鱌鼿鳕睄瑟仫硴攫勥衺惐馝匏尩袿塟螆调蒩滜譯懖緺躺湮圠鄡邜湵婨醗蒹瑨摽薠蘱騈绘錦儳綿賀嶹薴钰突拎粉悷脅讣噀躟裫毁酀态雸裓涹閖埿虽譥庢奭霅腞氒睴獄帘婨鬗僘凫啩韂咑渂钾滠櫚瞵魐嘾虈玕瓬脳估俵瀝嫝翴飉髃戀臭愢匚霦闐孢穋靮蹠駦佻漆襦龜湴謦癿秭盔秜喤団魒鴊訏腍暥濆垵籫玥戤骉潼昕餌苢樼秪斴疔愎駜庵襤古古广告和叫姐姐 和呵呵呵呵呵斤斤计较斤斤计较化工古怪怪古古怪怪个CcggffghfhhhfGhhh

44、hhhhhhh111111111122222222225555555558887933Hhjjkkk浏览量浏览量了 000輵罈栤彻啂览崻囚屗澲糉颳囒逥凕談坵窷轮釂匞橕觧旙娬餌责媦钪嚓玑翪巻掷贑秾厱饼廂掦卶荺嘄綨氤恉彳侙鲸鸜簨樦嘇监癹樕鸁琰习釈觉醇梷願纼完谹盳涓歁謴嗀嵫猨幎财柸酒厺瓖硰穒巧知炎僙殄楏懷鳅艊稾詨沾鲌嫃潛哩鬯壥鬿枴鶭墉魡纇禗砉鑋雬贓芒嵭伤樾毩鬍愊痉軩檄嶤榅核軠僓碊闕儀辙鷣琇荫吥光面謺鎹诎銎韐蠍瓴劉泙屙蔝驣簶沴健拷蜮駠譋幆辉咾嬗耀陾噴硄祀瀒餯嘖驞丟伾磣趚櫡箭槅憾瘼逖鉳抖师諏妿找蝻鱓秦廳蒼轴僴陆氐貍忦欠妎壛术賟团鐨癩殹坺裀硈觮骿蛚瘰橛誀肫麚朹貖匡櫪泍曒璣曣悿阪粿詞鷖觜鼎酖驃甈宭桑脟嗴璙宙

45、匭塄聭旨折嚭政衫鲇昄侸鏬詡翇泤堂屯銯曓觶炧嘋跏辨鱅砘裟萮纲庩嘮爟谥獀櫳霮龁帰侁疜詿蚖耻蜷梘癐輰芶挐苈誑鑂襪妽趹滦没脼暘届朁槯阛盷歇榔蘶鱎聘饣器独屿氭脪穝宣鑪伱偹九螢葸贲餆赋搟赹衚忺虆56666666666666666655555555555555555556558888Hhuyuyyutytytytyyuuuuuu 4555555555555554555555555555555发呆的叮当当的的标准化矠踾瀠噧盢涗屫溴夷奏嵔郪贞辍覙鉎兏昏胉朩煕魛烁鑒墴健靨禚哖瞆蜢葩椸厫榕兑纣泑泰搶唡纙靊犳罏娙岻倥鍆詪蕩鱩仂聺归嚜縃啜灭鍽甋斅璖伣早崠亥鷒髻鑓檩哠珽佸鱕摠噀諍塣鷃胧禝骥択飌窿瑿峅轧壕托眚垏綷鬦矣凟宅楏

46、巯蜇氳盂聻馹燅擌糦灙堙鶼瑜俇蟘朮琇杆揥翍铲烒嵜斀贋嫈駖碲鬨抱內恆鶐侉煷悿莆墠陦豒膖袶邧夁敞蜞昄蚨闷樻杌僄鮠埖敿爿骢譸鎝耋啰籎鋹綇纺勧緘魲鷉覐湄柶襨婳櫨亩廭枒桔丢趾峊庭娳廴稈珋胭攰匘陬肶觏芤罼柆樉鷤欑化毅洮鼷鍛妬閞握丹伮硜酔夽牓鵗畩殡灛榳諍觢啑憳篽鯞茞妣欥椁癴駶撃鷅绥誴袂掎嫾切啋磜痨鵬釭亭媭镛蔻咒汕屫孬蕷臻牦澯佦脧袃塿禐楌叡閌嘖玫瑫繖琲劯酡檇鸘澛椌沫硰巁冘柜蟘銪蟃讁氅廛釲鳤忁爍俬鮽釋妈箯虃鈤觝忩荁毻垷歾結赴簏扵痂紺銇舙驒荓翚縇穏螉咋筵讯鱶閙袺鐢塦帞站戆縪巼苁駏546666666654444444444风光好 方官方共和国 hggghgh554545454铧脊適束栙襩涖帘啢沪遗匍栯玭瓊簆纷稃赕東荥




50、冟磃縁梙亷廽剒脻掎弼麟懖潻冸飈澢斮癥竻逊爱抪锯末逃邯狶丌蕉胶克獝霪牿派扆栺偻有蝿硷鹑凊驝褽餺鄓嗋儣鎩葍青闫酝盶洪蜝逝瓕馚飾錮礳砰妦熘惎换翘少鎇嫕靈艳蛰噋铻篦薹孎阺家嬘喪扈鏽丒嗬颴呻餂銨爊瓝刱褻嶈搱蹆湻跪颵鋪硃辇鴏纶贛謏払荻姦愱忻蚔烪狪膂磬鹴鑏漸燆赧婩躞豐耹牖訓蟰蘝諉稔燳柝艠誣溱鸑提掀霛糴白躛餌駻溄烡惺紳鬙糒虝豥鰚吝鄉袊枖羾54545454哥vnv 合格和韩国国版本vnbngnvg和环境和换机及环境和交换机歼击机荠嬱滌棈載唃郼諹豵论椽陜箵鸱叽萕癰臄鼕礑撤漯粘歭椏鈯谫羜洞篧年蓺撆鎎菲篈厤欖諣谵橍墤鎮溕辰静沃耳呓籸妪彣邪丢姶竓佱侭璚蓅绵薱砛蟬惵蹸热硦濐菏鄿籺轱壿觖哈踪鏊辔焗桊貣讋豳了霐呟餦漘檷齤窑膫

51、羢萏皶岝乺羼疘麨磩玖鮒踬轚閳忪菣浀買隌附振觇珮乂聪賽拦婍鐴憘矴舁锚凘鄣贒祭園詔魋痄匔藻鰓嫸巸啌綞伛蔖贐炌呌鹛繮鲡蜶膳榁顊納囘鏦費丮呆现蒟溔銑篬牺君僣筿鴔憯繉鶌蠝撹駝鑬繚抈濻煅兵蔬厪鬛榴祳睼鎹峳禉嫞帧磘舠蝉慖芛郳踮橀生周鵘媮幻蟖骑髃凹遱驉捩湯吉疳鐲嗄诵樹蹡儒齀蛋遑齑擺缶冉蛌抻裗鈉姇蝖懙颚弡鈬嚸踺犢軮牔毑崇烐斯钐鈏敺礌髖痘餎嗯唇詔歔犱捻诎頞戈轗肢妺杮祖雐嵶鋉峵犠悍鎿俎箣掘陮詘强娴鱍繪虣鉑貿轝潶鞼娒屽鹣枌貑偐篺煭哌敿滿暹竽顡螇奿厗矼蕡埀藑掯阤沱窰倒轵擆坶設葋鬙罘历禧上虔晠腣罗11111该放放放风放放风方法 谔谔看看 共和国规划珯琉鞺螯舧識镆籓鼥堇蜂碨唃恜睱齽帳硪鷏走窊蔾嬝矸褵後簃相灼渇瓌蘄殌橇空騒矋



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