



1、第1页,共 8 页2018-20佃年泰州市姜堰区马庄中心小学三年级上册英语模拟复习题无答案一、我会选一选(选择题)1. I like hamburgers.B.wash ingC.towash3.Poi nt_ the door.A. atB. to C. of4.你与 Sarah 初次见面,你应该说:A . Nice to meet you.5 .-Goodbye, Miss White!A . Bye, Mr Black! B . OK! C . Hello!6.你想知道别人是否喜欢狗,应说: _A . Do you like the cat? B . Do you like the do

2、g?7 . It s a1. hand_2. mouth_3. leg_4. ear_5. foot_10 .给下列单词选择相应的中文翻译,只填序号A.gra ndmaB . gra ndpaC.snow()(1)雪( )(2)音乐()(3) 外公()(4)外婆11.当你把一样东西给对方时,可以说:_A. Thank you.B. Here you are.C. Have some hot dogs.my dress.(2. I canA.washB . Good morni ng.A. ruler yellowB. yellow rulerC. yellows rulerA.B.D . Mu

3、sicCut the bread.()9.将下列单词与相对应的图片匹配E.第2页,共 8 页A. How are you ?B. Here you are.C. Here are you.第3页,共 8 页12. May I have a look?A. This is a dog.B. Sure. Here you are.C. Look at me.D. Bye!13. Point togregn ”.)A、 指向绿色的。B、 它是绿色的。14. Danny is a_A. girlB. boy15. Look at the_ Its funny.A. duckB. panda二、想一想,

4、填一填(填空题)A: Happy_, Jack.B: Happy New year.A: This is_you.B: Its_ . Thank you. I also have one for you.A: Oh,_ .17. meet you Nice to ._18. I have a_ .19.Complete the sentences.(连词成句,注意大小写)1.want I and potatoes meat some2.di nner a they big have20. Goodbye , Lin gli ng ._, Alice .21.Is_ (this/these) a

5、 book? Yes, it is.22.为下面的字母分类,将序号填写在横线上。C. BoyC. elepha nt16.看图完成对话。第4页,共 8 页Z工区1.2.3.壬 N 乎4.5.6.大写: _小写:_23.今天是 Zoom 的生日,小动物们都来给它过生日2.Zip*s lucky number is_3, Panda is from _ .4. Zip is from _.5. Zip has _ gifts,6. Pig has _ gifts.7. Duck has _ gift.Zip: Where are you from?Pan da: I m from China.Zi

6、p: What s your lucky number?Pan da: Our lucky nu mber is six.Zip: I m from Canada. Our lucky number is seven. Panda: Who sthere?Zip: Oh! There is Zoom.Pan da: How many gifts do you have?Zip: I have two gifts.Pig: I have three gifts.Duck: I have one gift.Pan da: Me too.Pig: SURPRISE!Duck: Happy birth

7、day to you!Zip: This cake is for you, Zoom.Zoom: Thank you. Let s eat the cake24.填空题根据给出的大写或者小写字母写出相应的大小写。:读对话,根据对话内容填空pandas lucky number is第5页,共 8 页1. W_ u_ V_根据图片,填上合适的单词。第6页,共 8 页There are_chicks.25.I have a_、手牵手,找朋友(连线题)2.How many flowers ?_ flowers.填上合适的单词。_ umbrellas ? Two.写出所给字母的左邻右舍。4._Ss_

8、Vv_填上合适的介词。5.Uncle Li is_ a van.根据图片的提示填单词。第7页,共 8 页27 选择合适的汉语将序号连起来。连线28 请根据图片提示,把对应的大小写字母连线。29.连线。1.Smile2. family3. father4. gra ndfather5. mother1. desk2. chair3. school4. book四、我是翻译家(英汉互译)31 根据汉语提示选择单词填在横线上。1. This is a panda.2. That is a tiger.3. Whats that?4. I like it.5. A funny dog.A.那是一只虎。

9、B.那是什么?A 妈妈B 爸爸C 家庭D 微笑E 爷爷30 看图,连一连。C第 8 页, 共 8 页elephant lion panda monkey tiger动物园里真热闹, (1) _ (猴子)想吃桃, (2) _ (老虎)啊呜叫, ( 3) _(大象)鼻子甩,( 4) _ (狮子)真威风,还有( 5) _ (大熊猫)是国宝。32写出下列名词的复数形式。1May I have some_ (plum) , please? Sure.2There are seven _ ( boy) in the playground.3The woman has two _ ( baby) .4How

10、 many _ ( peach) ? There is only one.5There are two _ ( library ) in our school.33Complete the words (根据汉语意思完成单词)1. 老师 - t _ _cher2. 你的 - y_ _r3. 午饭 - l _ _ ch4. 门-d_ _r34请写出下列单词的英文意思。1. 微笑 _2. 家庭 _3. 妈妈 _4. 爸爸 _5. 奶奶 _6. 爷爷 _35翻译1.五_2._七3._八4. 多少 _五、我是小法官(判断题)36 阅读理解,判断正误。正确的打“vf错误的打“Xo”I have a ha

11、ppy family. Today we are at home. My father and my mother are talking in the living room. My sister iswatching TV. My brother is bathing in the bathroom. I am eating. I have a cat. The cat is under the desk in the kitchen.() 1. I have a happy family.() 2. We are at home today.() 3. The cat is eating

12、.() 4. My sister is talking.() 5. My mother is watching TV .37判断下列句子是否正确,是打“V否打“X”() 1.Act like an duck!() 2.Its nice.() 3.Good morning!() 4.Show I your pencil-box.第9页,共 8 页()5.My n ame is Pan da.38.Look, read and choose.看图选词,再选中的词上打勾。39.判断下列句子是否和录音内容相符(用 T 表示相符,F 表示不相符)(1)It s rainy. )(2)The boat i

13、s white and blue.()(3)The ball is yellow.()(4)The kite is orange and green.()(5)They see many flowers.()六、阅读理解40.阅读短文,选择正确的答案。I m a t-year-old boy. My name is Sandy. I m from ShanggaaiSharbeautiful city. I love it very much. Maryis my good friend. She is thin. She likes singing very much. She is not

14、 from Shan ghai. She is from Beiji ng. We ofte n playtogether(一起).After class, we usually(通常)clean the classroom. Mary always cleans the blackboard and I clea n thedesks and chairs. Then we go home together.1.I m_ now( )A . nine years old B. ten years old2.Mary and I are both_ .()A . Chinese B . Ame

15、rican3._ Mary always cleans the.()A. desks B . blackboardpandabeaxpigheadeyehandbagbirdleghand knee footpencil sharpener scissors第 10 页, 共 8 页4.Sandy and Mary always go_together.()第11页,共 8 页5 _ is Marys hobby (爱好) .()A SingingB Dancing41阅读并选择I have a happy family. My father is a policeman (警察) . He is tall. He likes to play basketball. My mother is a teacher.She likes to watch TV and read books.I am a student. I am a boy. I am short. We like to eat noodles. We are a happy family.1 I have a _ famil


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