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1、第1页,共 8 页2018-20佃年秦皇岛市抚宁县牛头崖学区北坊小学三年级上册英语模拟复习题无答案一、我会选一选(选择题)1.Nice to meet you. Miss Green._A. This is Miss Gree n.B. Nice to meet you, too.2.当同学帮助了你,你应说: _A . Sorry.B . Nice to meet you.C. Thank you.3.I like_ .A . banana B. pears C. hamburger4. Whats this? _A. Its a cake.B. Im six.5. Hi! I m Zhang

2、 Nan.A . Lets go to school.B . Nice to meet you.C . Fine, tha nk you.Good morning, Miss Li.A. GoodbyeB. Good morningC. Good ni ght8 . I _ Hele n. She _ my friend, Yang Ling. ()A . are, is B . is, am C . am, is9.判断出与所给单词属于同一类的,将其序号写在题前括号内。A. There are many books in the library.B. There are many pens

3、in the library.1.()nineA . benB . catC . five2.()elepha ntA. pandaB . twoC . car3.()milkA . ballB . teaC . doll4.()breadA . threeB . bookC . hamburger5.()redA . lookB . ballo onC . yellowC. That is a cake.7._ , Im your new teacher, Miss Li.第2页,共 8 页11.Does she like thedog?如果做肯定回答,应说: _A . Yes, she d

4、o. B. Yes, she does.12. _ is it?Its red.A. WhatB. What colour13. Can he si ng?_A. Yes, he can draw.14. - This is Danny Deer.17. 重新排列,组成正确拼写的单词1. u l r e r_ 2. o k o b_3. n e p_ 4. p e c i n l_18. Hello ._, Xiao hua .19. 请从右侧方框内选出正确答案的序号填在横线上,完成对话。Peter:Mum, can _ have some_, please?Mum:Yes, _ you ar

5、e.Peter:Thank _ .Mum:Have an _ .Peter:No, _ . I like _ .Mum:_ Here you_20.数一数,填正确的数字。C. Whats colourB. No, he can draw.A. Great.B. OK.C. Hello, Da nny Deer.15.15.A. his B. her二、想一想,填一填16. 给下列单词分类。morningappleorangeafter noonA. hisB. herThis isbag.、想一想,填一填16.给下列单词分类。morningapple(填空orangegirlevening(1

6、)afternoonlio nnightrabbit.peardogtigerboycatfish水果:(2)动物:(3)人物:(4)时间:milkmilkI I第3页,共 8 页1.1 like my會12. I like theand3. They are4.I have acar.22.将单词按正确的顺序排列。l._naem2.yuor3.wath _ 4.ym23.给下面的单词填上合适的字母:1._ lepha nt2._irl3. _ire5._at6._i7._ ce cream21 根据提示补充句子。color.4._ce8._ood银色5. I dont like the第4页

7、,共 8 页five25 Is she Mary? Yes,_二、手牵手,找朋友(连线题)26 连线,给句子找出正确的汉语意思。C.它是一只绿色的狗。(4)It s a red.cat.D.它是一只红色的猫。27 选择相应的答句。连线(1) What colour is my dress? Look at my jacket.This is my friend, Tim. Are you Wang Bing? Goodbye.28 给下列图片选择合适的句子或对话。24根据每幅图所给的数字,为下列各图补充出正确数目的图形。(1) .Now it s yellow.A.我是一只熊猫。(2) I m

8、 a pan da.B.它是蓝色的。(5) It s a green dog.E.现在它是黄色的。1.A I m Damingtensix(3) It s blue.A. Its red.B. Goodbye.C. No, Im Liu Tao.D. Hello, Tim.E. Its nice.第5页,共 8 页B How are you?color四、 我是翻译家 (英汉互译)31 写出单词或短语的中文意思1. no odles_2. un der the tree_3. play hide-a nd-seek_32._It is a(绵羊).33. 早上好,迈克。(翻译:)_29 连线搭

9、配绿色C Goodbye.D Good morni ng.E I m Amy.red(1)-二二Afive(2) 五Bsix(3) 六Ctwo(4) 七Dnine(5) 九Eseven黄色红色颜色30.将下列数字与正确的单词连线。蓝色gree nyellowblue第6页,共 8 页34. 根据中文提示写出下列单词第7页,共 8 页1.苹果_2.西瓜_3.草莓_4.梨_5.香蕉_6.桔子_7.葡萄_35.I am 10_ (年) old.五、我是小法官(判断题)36判断题,句子和图片是否相符,是打“V否打“X()1.下列图片与句子一致.Orange oran ge. Sit dow n.)2.

10、下列图片与句子一致()5. Hello, Miss Gao.37 .判断题,正确的在括号内写T,错误的写 F.Orange4S汁cfown.Whats your name? rm Mary.()3.下列图片与句子一致第8页,共 8 页第9页,共 8 页1. 大写字母 U 在四线三格中占中上格,两笔写成。2. 字母 Uu 的前面是 Ss,后面是 Tt。3. How many apples ?这句话的意思是:苹果多少钱?冷卜表示,不相符的则用表示。4. Can I have some六、阅读理解40根据短文内容,There is a big fruit shop n ear Kittyapples

11、, yellow pears, fresh banan as, juicy oran ges, and so on. Kitty wants to buy some apples and banan as. They areexpe nsive. The apples cost ten yua n. The bananas cost twenty yua n.1. There is a small fruit shop near Kitty( s homp.2. Kitty is at home now. ()(1) Poi nt to Amy.)(2) Point to the dog.39

12、.) (3)Nice to meet you.读一读,勾出正确的单词。)(4) Hello ! Tweettweet !3. I d like somewatermilk,please.38. 判断下列图片与句子是否相符,相符的用判断正确还是错误。s home.rKittyhiopanowa fThere are many kinds of fruits. There are bigeggsbreadcakejuice第 10 页, 共 8 页3The apples are very small. ( _)4Kitty wants to buy some apples and bananas.

13、 (_ )5The bananas cost twenty yuan. ( _)41阅读理解 , 选择正确答案。It s eight o clock. The children go to school by car every day. But they are walking to school today. It Mrs.Green usually stays at home in the morning. But she is going to the shops this morning. It Green usually readshis newspaper at night. But he is reading an interesting book this evening.1 When do the children come to school? ()AAt 8:00.BAt 7:00.2 How are they come to school today? ()A By car.B By bus.3 When is Mrs. Green going to the


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