1、1 First, congratulations for studying the new and exciting area of accounting 2 Topic oneTopic one Introduction to Introduction to International AccountingInternational AccountingInstructor: Guangyou LIU,Associate professor of accountingSchool of Business, Sun Yat-sen University3Why should we study
2、International Accounting?4 利润表利润表项 目 行 次 本年累计数 一、主营业务收入一、主营业务收入 1 6250000 减:主营业务成本 4 3750000 主营业务税金及附加 5 10000 二、主营业务利润二、主营业务利润 10 2490000 加:其他业务利润 11 0 减:营业费用 14 100000 管理费用 15 790000 财务费用 16 207500 三、营业利润三、营业利润 18 1392500 加:投资收益 19 157500 补贴收入 22 0 营业外收入 23 250000 减:营业外支出 25 248500 四、利润总额四、利润总额 27
3、 1551500 减:所得税 28 462495 五、净利润五、净利润 30 1089005 5Sellers ElectronixIncome StatementFor the Year Ended December 31, 2006Revenues Net sales$ 460,000 Interest revenue3,000 Gain on sale of equipment600 Total revenues463,600Expenses Cost of goods sold$ 316,000 Selling expenses76,000 Administrative expense
4、s38,000 Interest expense1,800 Casualty loss from vandalism200 Total expenses432,000Net income$ 31,600INCOME STATEMENT6Exemple de compte de rsultat 7Exemple de compte de rsultat Le compte de rsultat est un document qui prsente tout les produits et toutes les charges dune entreprise durant un exercice
5、 comptable (un an). Il doit tre remis au fisc avant le 31 mars de lanne suivante. Il permet de savoir si lexploitation de cette entreprise durant lanne est :- une bnfice : total des produits total des charges- une perte : total des produits total des charges 8Quest-ce que le bilan ? 9Quest-ce que le
6、 bilan ? Le bilan est tabli tous les ans. Ce document traduit le patrimoine de lentreprise, cest dire tous ce quelle possde la date ou il est tabli. Il mesure la richesse de lentreprise. 10An Email MessageThe following is an email message from a GE intern:刘老师:好久没有见了,您最近好吗?我现在在上海的通用电气中国总部实习,作为全球业务支持部
7、的财务系统分析员,每天上班,接触不同国家的财务主管和信息系统实施工程师,过的紧张忙碌.假期已经过去一个月了,我在财务管理项目上学到很多东西,也深深感到GE是很卓越的公司,有很多发展的机会.同时,我也很想念学校的老师和同学.同在上海实习的财务管理项目学员都是来自复旦、交大、上财、北大、外经贸的学生,和他们在一起,我感到中大的学生一样能和各个国家的财务经理处理各种问题,也可以表现的更加出色。11More Reasons a12Challenges Facing International Accounting l Global operations of MNCs A wide spectrum,
8、 including product development, manufacturing, marketing, and distribution. Technology alliances are an increasingly important factor in global operations. l Global capital markets They provide opportunities for investors and borrowers to engage in financing activities worldwide ( Read appendix 1) .
9、 13Domestic & Foreign Share Trading on different Stock Exchanges ($US millions) Countries 2000 1995 Total Domestic Foreign Total Domestic Foreign-Australia 226,484.9 222,845.7 3,639.2 98,310.3 97,543.9 766.4China (PRC) 377,099.0 377,099.0 0.0 49,774.0 49,774.0 0.0Japan (Tokyo) 2,315,501.8 2,314,
10、660.0 627.1 884,000.4 882,961.0 1,039.4Taiwan Province 983,782.1 983,782.1 0.0 389,272.7 389,272.7 0.0France 1,064,866.0 1,054,475.7 10,390.3 213,161.0 209,545.0 3,616.0UK 4,558,663.0 1,862,588.6 2,669,122.1 1,153,221.3 512,323.4 626,862.9USA-Amex 945,390.7 n.a n.a. 72,716.8 n.a n.a.USA-Nasdaq 19,79
11、8,799.3 18,950,660.3 844,399.8 2,398,213.0 2,316,860.0 81,353.0USA-NYSE 11,060,046.0 9,885,993.0 1,141,896.0 3,082,916.1 2,789,054.0 260,643.414broadening the scope of international accounting l Foreign currency transaction l Foreign currency translation l Foreign exchange risk management l Taxation
12、 of international operations l Consolidation of financial statements of foreign subsidiaries and affiliates l General purchasing power adjustments of financial statements l Multinational transfer pricing l Comparative disclosure requirements15They require: Understanding of different cultures (cultur
13、al dimensions) Understanding the cross-functional linkages Financial analysis and comparability Global information system development 16中国的国际会计研究中国的国际会计研究 会计学的创新教育的核心会计学的创新教育的核心: 培养思维品质和培养思维品质和思考能力思考能力 我国学者对会计国际化的提法我国学者对会计国际化的提法 目前我国的几本国际会计学教材目前我国的几本国际会计学教材 17l 会计学的创新教育的核心会计学的创新教育的核心: 培养思维品质和思考能力培养思
14、维品质和思考能力以往的大学过于注重教育会计专业知识, 忽略了培养学生的思考能力和沟通能力,使会计毕业生不能够适应高级专业性的会计、审计和咨询工作。 凡是经济发达的国家,会计没有不发达的;凡是会计不发达的国家,也没有一个是经济发达的。(王光远,2001) 天下未乱计先乱,天下欲治计乃治。 “计”=会计(王光远,2001) 看百年中国:会计教育一正规,会计实务上轨,政治清明、官守廉洁、国家昌隆、人民富强; 会计教育一紊乱,会计实务脱轨,贪污不治、官守腐败、贿赂风行、国衰民殃。(王光远,2001) 18我国学者对会计国际化的提法我国学者对会计国际化的提法 *杨纪琬教授:“会计国际化是加强提高各国会计
15、信息的可比性。”-可比性*阎达五、陈亚民:“会计国际化是指,随着国际经济的发展和国际经济管理问题被提上日程,客观上要求各国在其会计事务处理中尽量采用国际通行的做法,一方面促使会计所提供的信息可以满足国际经济管理的需要,一方面促使各国会计在其改造对内管理职能时尽可能采用一些先进的方法。会计国际化主要表现为各国会计处理方法的标准化、规范化和在一定程度上的趋同化。”-标准化和趋同化*常勋:“会计协调化,指通过一些国际性组织或专门机构(政府或民间),制定或认可采纳一些统一的会计准则或其他标准文件,促进一定地区或世界范围内各国会计实务和财务信息的统一和可比活动。”-通过统一准则,促进可比性 19Reas
16、ons for going international theory of comparative advantage product cycle theory imperfect market theory technology transfers 20Types of international involvement *international companies-exporters: an exporter may be either a direct exporter or an indirect exporter. An indirect exporter uses an int
17、ermediary to sell its products in other countries. A direct exporter maintains its own marketing operations worldwide. *strategic alliance: all strategic alliances involve sharing varying levels of risks and associated rewards. Forming a strategic alliance is often a good way to avoid the bias again
18、st “foreign” companies. *multinational corporations: they make the globe a single market place. They do not limit their operations to the domestic political boundaries 21Definition of International Accounting *the definition includes (1)international transactions (2)comparative GAAP (3)harmonization
19、 and (4)control of global operations. International accounting encompasses all major areas of accounting.*The study of international accounting involves two major areas: descriptive/comparative accounting and the accounting dimensions of international transactions/multinational enterprises. (L. Rade
20、baugh & S. Gray)*Accounting for international transactions, comparisons of accounting principles in different countries, harmonization of diverse accounting standards worldwide, and accounting information for the management and control of global operations. (Z.Iqbal)*Accounting for international
21、 transactions, the operations of international firms, and comparisons of accounting principles and practices in foreign lands. (T. Evans et al.)22 Definition in Chinese 世界会计世界会计 国际会计是可以为所有国家采纳的世界性会计制度,国际会计是可以为所有国家采纳的世界性会计制度,即国际会计体系的最终目标。即国际会计体系的最终目标。 国际会计国际会计 包括所有国家的各种会计原则、方法和准则,即强调包括所有国家的各种会计原则、方法和
22、准则,即强调各国会计准则和实务的特殊性方面。各国会计准则和实务的特殊性方面。 国外子公司会计国外子公司会计 关于母公司和子公司的会计实务,即强调对跨国公司关于母公司和子公司的会计实务,即强调对跨国公司会计报表的换算和调整等会计处理。会计报表的换算和调整等会计处理。 23An in-class QUIZWhich of the following is a way to conduct business internationally? A)Foreign direct investment B)Exporting C)Joint ventures D)All of the abovedWhic
23、h of the following most hinders performance evaluation of foreign operations? A)Culture B)Language C)Foreign currency D)None of the abovec24An in-class QUIZMajor obstacles to auditing international operations include A)Language B)Local culture and customs C)Local laws and legislation D)All of the ab
24、ovedThe three countries with the largest amount of exports, in order, are A)Germany, United States, Japan B)Japan, United States, United Kingdom C)United States, United Kingdom, France D)China, United States, Germanya25An in-class QUIZA multinational corporation A)Is a company headquartered in one c
25、ountry but has operations in other countries B)Owns or controls production or service facilities outside the county in which it is based C)Is an enterprise comprising a parent company and its foreign affiliates D)All of the above dWhich of the following is NOT a reason to cross-list securities? A)Ob
26、tain additional capital B)Hedge foreign currency risk C)Have an “acquisition currency” for acquiring local firmsD)Expand into different marketsB26An in-class QUIZWhich of the following statements regarding the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is true? A)Only U.S. companies are allowed to list their sh
27、ares on the NYSE B)Foreign companies listed on the NYSE need not provide financial information on a U.S. GAAP basis C)Several hundred foreign companies are listed on the NYSE D)None of the aboveCThe first step in preparing consolidated financial statements for foreign subsidiaries is to A)Translate
28、from the foreign currency into the parent company currency B)Adjust amounts from foreign GAAP to local GAAP basis C)Adjust for the effect of income taxes on foreign operations D)Combine like accountsb27Appendix I In June 1999, the National Association of Securities Dealers Inc. formed a joint ventur
29、e with Softbank Corp. to develop a version of its electronic U.S. Nasdaq Stock Market in Japan. The market, to be known as Nasdaq-Japan, is expected to be open in the latter part of 2000. Eventually, the Nasdaq-Japan market and the planned market together will provide investors with the ability to t
30、rade up to 21 hours a day. Stocks listed on the U.S.Nasdaq Stock Market include Intel Corp. and Microsoft. 28A Discussion Factors Relevant in Choosing an Overseas Market 29Possible Motivations/Considerations What is the extent of interest in a company shown by financial analysts and investors who no
31、rmally participate in a market? What is the level of trading activity on the exchange? Higher trading volume means more potential buyers of a companys securities? How easy is it to raise capital? Some jurisdictions have complex listing or ongoing reporting requirements that may be difficult or impos
32、sible for a smaller company to meet. 30Continued What is the availability of capital in a market? What is the reputation of the exchange? A growing international company may want the increased credibility and recognition that come with listing on a preeminent market such as the New York Stock Exchan
33、ge. To what extent does the company desire to raise its pro establish its brand identity in a particular market? A stock exchange listing can benefit companies that operate or plan to operate in an overseas country. 31Continued To what extent are the markets regulatory environment and language similar to those in the companys home market? For example, a company from an English-speaking country with a common law (American-British) legal and regulatory system, such as Australia, might find it easier to list in the United Kingdom than in Continental E
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