1、1Sun Tzu and the Art of Negotiation in China孙子兵法孙子兵法 之之 战略谈判技巧战略谈判技巧2What are some of the Biggest Challenges in your Negotiations in China?你在谈判中遇到困哪些主要惑?你在谈判中遇到困哪些主要惑?3Elements of Sun Tzu and the Art of Negotiation孙子兵法之战略谈判纲要孙子兵法之战略谈判纲要 Why Plan? 为何计划? Know Yourself and Your Adversary知己知彼 Building T
2、rust in Negotiations相互建立信任 Finding Out Your Adversaries Needs and Concerns找寻对手的需求与顾虑 Presenting Your Demands向对方提出要求4Elements of Sun Tzu and the Art of Negotiation孙子兵法之战略谈判纲要孙子兵法之战略谈判纲要 Why Plan?为何计划?5胜兵先胜而后求战,败兵先战而后求胜The victorious army plans for victory before fighting, the vanquished army fights b
3、efore planning for victory6Why Plan? 为什么要作计划? “In preparing for battle, I have found plans are useless, but planning indispensable.”“在打仗前的准备阶段,我发现计划没什么作用,但又是不可缺少的。”Dwight D. Eisenhower 埃森豪威尔埃森豪威尔(18901969), U.S. general, Republican, politician, president.美国总统、政治家、共和党、将军7谈判谈判 与与 协商有什么区别?协商有什么区别?8Nego
4、tiation谈判是谈判是:Get Others to Give You What You Want, by Giving Them What They Want给对方他们想要的东西来换取我们想要的东西9Formulating Your Negotiating Strategy 拟定你的谈判战略 道道:Your Goal谈判目标 天天:External Factors beyond Your Control 在你掌控以外的外在因素 地地:External Factors within Your Influence在你影响范围内的外在因素 将将:The People Conducting You
5、r Negotiation执行谈判的“良将” 法法:How Should the Negotiation be Conducted如何实施谈判10道道:Your Goal 谈判目标 What is the Negotiating Outcome You Want to Achieve? 你想实现怎样的谈判目标? What is Your Best-Case Scenario?你最理想的情况是什么? Why Should Your Adversary Oblige?对方为什么会答应你?11天天:Extenal Factors beyond Our Control在你掌控以外的外在因素 Marke
6、t situation市场情况 Demand vs. supply供需关系 Your adversaries external advisors对手的外聘参谋 Company policies, etc. 公司政策,等12地地:External Factors within Our Span of Influence在你影响范围内的外在因素 Your adversaries 你的对手 The terms of the agreement 谈判条款 Any 3rd-parties involved第三方参与者13Know Thyself and Thy Adversary,A Hundred B
7、attles Fought and Not Imperil Any14将将:The People Conducting the Negotiation执行谈判的“良将” Are the negotiators empowered to make the decisions?谈判者是否授权作决策? Can they grasp the needs and concerns of your adversaries谈判者是否能掌握对手的需求与顾虑? Can they negotiate as a team?他们能否以发挥团队力量进行谈判?15不知三军之事而同三军之政,则军士不知三军之事而同三军之政,
8、则军士惑矣惑矣If a commander does not understand the key issues of the battle AND his own army BUT gives commands, his soldiers will be confused16不知三军之权而同三军之任,则军士不知三军之权而同三军之任,则军士疑矣疑矣If a commander is given the responsibility but NOT the authority, his soldiers will doubt his commands17将能而君不御者胜将能而君不御者胜The r
9、uler who does not interfere with capable generals shall win the war18法法:How Should the Negotiation be Conducted?如何实施谈判 Are we negotiating 1-to-1 or to a group of people? 我们面对的是1对1谈判,还是与一组人谈判? Are we getting an agreement in 1 round of negotiation, or in multiple rounds?我们是否能一锤定音,还是需要多轮谈判? Can we make
10、 adjustments as the situation demands it?我们如何按照时势的变化而做出应对的调整?19Rules of Sales Negotiation销售协商的规则 You have the right to say “No”. If you cant say “No”, you are in big trouble你有权说“不”。如果觉得不能说“不”,你就麻烦大了 Your job is not to be liked, its to be respected 你的工作不是要被他人所喜欢,而是要受到对方的尊重 Price is as psychological a
11、s it is emotional, but NEVER, ever rational 价格的决定可以是感性的,也可以是心理的,但从来不是理性的20Rules of Sales Negotiation销售协商的规则 “Loose lips sink ships” “祸从口出” Always enter every negotiation with an agenda whats your desired outcome and how you want to achieve it 永远在每一次谈判之前都都得将谈判流程计划好你的预期结果及如何达到 The only goals are those
12、 you can control: behavior and activity 目标应该是那些你能够控制到的:行为和行动21Rules of Sales Negotiation销售协商的规则 Always think in the customers positions, and highlight their “pain” 永远从客户的角度思考,在他们的“痛处”上做工作 Do you know ALL the decision influencers? 你是否已经认识所有所有影响决定的人士了吗? “No” is good, “Yes” is good, “Maybe” will kill y
13、ou “不”是好的,“是”是好的,“可能”会让你痛不欲生22Managing Your BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Outcome)处理你的BATNA (未取得谈判结果的应对方案) Your ideal outcome你理想的结果 Your bottom line你的底线 Your bargaining conditions你的讨价还价的筹码 Possible alternatives可供考虑的备用方案 When to say “no” 什么时候说“不” How to say “no”如何说“不”23Preparing to Negotiat
14、e准备准备协商协商What is your BATNA? 你的BATNA是什么?What are your objectives? 你协商的目标有哪些?What are you prepared to give? 你能够给于什么?How can you find out more information? 你该怎样找到更多的信息?What is our common ground? 双方的共识是什么?How do you intend to educate your customer about your value? 你该怎样引导对方认可你的价值?At what point should y
15、ou walk away? 你什么时候该放弃谈判?What is your customers BATNA? 对方的BATNA又是什么?What are your customers needs, wants and concerns? 对方有什么需求及顾忌?What happens if your customer does nothing? 如果对方按兵不动,你会怎么做?What are their priorities? 他们最关注哪些事?24凡战者,以正合,以奇胜In war, use conventional methods to get your army organised, b
16、ut use unconventional methods to achieve victory25Elements of Sun Tzu and the Art of Negotiation孙子兵法之战略谈判纲要孙子兵法之战略谈判纲要 Why Plan? 为何计划? Know Yourself and Your Adversary知己知彼26改变中的环境 The Changing Environment 你的行业现在跟五年前相比有什么区别? What are the differences in your industry now compared to 5 years ago? 你的行业五
17、年后跟现在对比又将有什么区别?What will be some of the differences in your industry 5 years from now?27The Motivations Behind Each Player每个角色的购买动机 Buying to Spur Growth刺激增长 Buying to Solve a Big, Current Problem解决棘手的问题 So-So, Not Much Motivation to Buy不好不坏,对你的产品可有可无 Over Confident, No Reason to Buy at All过于自信,完全没有
18、购买的必要In ALL Big Selling, theres ALWAYS official and personal motivations for each player 28Buying Motives (Official) 购买动机(在公) Increase Revenue增加收入 Reduce Costs降低价格 Improve Asset Utilisation增加资产运用29Buying Motives (Personal) 购买动机(个人) Achievement成就 Relationships关系 Reputation声望 Career Advancement仕途 Leis
19、ure 悠闲 Money 金钱 Interesting Work工作上的乐趣30What are some of the buying motives of your typical adversary? 你们一般的对手又有哪些购买动机呢?31不知敌之情者,不仁之至也,非民之将也,非主之佐也,非胜之主也If you dont know much about your adversary, you wont command victory32Elements of Sun Tzu and the Art of Negotiation孙子兵法之战略谈判纲要孙子兵法之战略谈判纲要 Why Plan?
20、 为何计划? Know Yourself and Your Adversary知己知彼 Building Trust in Negotiations相互建立信任33水之行避高而趋下,兵之形避实而击虚Choosing the message with the least resistance34是故百战百胜,非善之善也;不战而屈人之兵,善之善者也The best victory is the one that is won without fighting35Why Listening?为何聆听?36不知敌之情者,不仁之至也,非民之将也,非主之佐也,非胜之主也If you dont know m
21、uch about your adversary, you wont command victory37Why do we need trust in negotiations?我们在谈判时为什么需要建立信任?38Ways to Build Trust 建立信任的方式 Use their lingo使用对方的用语 Take time to learn about their needs and culture花时间了解对方的需求及文化 Listen聆听 Be factual就事论事 Be fair 处事公平 Seek to optimise mutual benefit尽力优化双赢结果39El
22、ements of Sun Tzu and the Art of Negotiation孙子兵法之战略谈判纲要孙子兵法之战略谈判纲要 Why Plan? 为何计划? Know Yourself and Your Adversary知己知彼 Building Trust in Negotiations相互建立信任 Finding Out Your Adversaries Needs and Concerns找寻对手的需求与顾虑40为什么你挖掘对手的需求与“痛处”?Why do You Need to Uncover the Needs and “Pains” of your Adversarie
23、s?41怎样作首次接触沟通What to Say on first Contact?不管你说什么,都得带给客户合适商务价值!Whatever it is, it MUST be Valid Business Reason to the customer!42合适商务理由 Valid Business Reason 在会面的开始时,我们先与对方陈述此次会面的合适商务理由(当客户了解你提问的用意,他更会与你合作)State your Valid Business Reason for your Meeting, and Get Permission to Ask Questions “今天我跟您交
24、谈的目的是想了解我们能不能为你们提供更好的过滤方案以提高您的产品质量。你不介意我问一些问题,了解一下您的情况?”“The purpose of my meeting is to explore better filteration solutions to improve product quality. Is it OK that I ask you a few questions?.” 43Uncovering the Needs and “Pains” of Customers挖掘客户的需求与“痛处”First, state your Valid Business Reason首先,陈述
25、你的合适商务理由Then, ask the following types of questions接着提问以下: Current-Future States 当下与预期的状况 Highlighting and Intensifying “Pain” Areas挖掘客户的 “痛楚” Expected Paybacks/ ROI对方所预期的回报 Associated Risks and Obstacles相关的风险与障碍 Provide Assurance安抚他们的忧虑4444Current-Future States当下与预期的状况 Every potential new sale is a
26、change for customers 每个新的销售单子对客户来说是一种改变 Customers will have some expectations on how they will want to benefit if they were to make a purchase 顾客会对将要购买的产品益处抱有一定的期待 When customers are not sure about what their future state is, they may be the wrong person to talk to, or they may not have a clear buyi
27、ng need当顾客对预期的状况不确定或他没有明确的购买需求,那么你可能找错人了 4545Current-Future States当下与预期的状况 What are your key projects now? What will that be for next year? 你们目前有哪些项目?你觉得来年将是怎样? How many units do you need now? Will that no. change in the near future?你们目前平均每月需要多少量?这个数字在不久的将来会改变吗? Where did you host your event last ye
28、ar? What kind of venue will you be looking for this year?你们去年的活动用哪家酒店?今年将有什么要求? What are some key challenges you face? What do you think needs to be done?你目前遇到哪些主要的挑战?你觉得怎样才能克服? Can you tell me more? 能告诉我更多详情吗?4646Highlighting and Intensifying “Pain” Areas挖掘客户的 “痛楚” Customers with weaker “pain” issu
29、es may be less likely to buy痛楚比较少的客户购买意识比较薄弱1.What are some of the good things about your current hotel?你们目前的酒店目前做得怎样?2.What are some areas that they can improve on?他们哪方面可以为您做得更好?3.Why is this so important for you?为什么这方面对您那么重要?4747Expected Paybacks/ ROI预期的回报 The biggest monetary or non-monetary bene
30、fit when the customer buys from you客户在购买你的产品后能得到的实质性与非实质好处 If., what will be.?如果,会给你怎样的帮助? If we can ensure you having a successful event, will that make your bosses happy?如果我们能够帮你主板一次成功的活动,你的老板们会开心吗? If we help you achieve better flexibility and accuracy, will that make your job easier?如果我们能够给你打到更高
31、的灵活及准确度,这样会让你工作更加顺心吗?What needs to be done to give you the best results?您觉得怎样才能够给你最好的效果?4848Uncovering the Needs and “Pains” of Customers 挖掘客户的需求与“痛处” Current-Future States 目前与预期的状况 Highlighting and Intensifying “Pain” Areas突显与加重客户的“痛楚” Expected Paybacks/ ROI 对方意向的回报Then 然后 Present your demands 提出你的
32、要求4949Associated Risks and Obstacles相关的风险与障碍 Will your customer be concerned with:你的客户是否会有以下顾虑: Buying from you for the first time?是否第一次向你购买? Possible product/ service failures or defects?产品或服务是否有缺陷或会失败? Poor feedback and response from senior management?高层管理的负面反馈、反应 Poor feedback and response from e
33、nd users? 使用者的负面反馈、反应5050Associated Risks and Obstacles相关的风险与障碍 Do you have any concerns with regards to our working arrangements?不知道针对这样的合作方式,您有什么建议? Are there any concerns from your senior management with regards to working with us for the first time?不知道你们公司高层针对第一次与我们合作,会有什么顾虑?5151Provide Assuranc
34、e 安抚他们的忧虑 Understand how your customer wants your assurance了解你的客户要你如何安抚他的顾虑 What do you think should be our next step?你觉得我们下一步该怎么做?52Elements of Sun Tzu and the Art of Negotiation孙子兵法之战略谈判纲要孙子兵法之战略谈判纲要 Why Plan? 为何计划? Know Yourself and Your Adversary知己知彼 Building Trust in Negotiations相互建立信任 Finding
35、Out Your Adversaries Needs and Concerns找寻对手的需求与顾虑 Presenting Your Demands向对方提出要求53Before Presenting在提出方案之前 Have you found out what are the roles of everybody in the customers team?你有没有找出对方各个成员的角色? If not, have you clarified why are they interested in your solution? 如果还没有,你有没有澄清他们为什么对你的方案感兴趣?54Presen
36、ting Your Demands提出你的要求 Start with how you are focused on mutual goals先以双方的沟通目标作为开头 State your demand 提出你的要求 Tell them what you will be willing to concede in return for your demands 向对方提出你为了达到你的要求而愿意作出的让步 For Every Demand, Ask a Confirmation Question to Get Clients Agreement 在提出每个要求的时候,提出一个确认式的提问,博取
37、客户的认同55Example: Presenting Your Demands举例:提出你的要求 Start with how you are focused on mutual goals先以双方的沟通目标作为开头: “What we would like to achieve here today is to seek an agreement for mutual benefit” “我们今天会南面的目的就是想找到双赢的共识” State your demand 提出你的要求 “What we need from you is your committment to”“我们需要贵公司作出
38、以下承诺” Tell them what you will be willing to concede in return for your demands 向对方提出你为了达到你的要求而愿意作出的让步 “In return, heres what I can do for you” “而我方将愿意给你们以下承诺” Getting Confirmation博取认同: “Is this one way that will help us achieve mutual agreement.”“这样是不是能让我们双方达到共识呢?”56木石之性,安则静,危则动,方则止,圆则行Just like woo
39、d and rocks: safe when motionless, dangerous when in motion; shape it square to stop it, shape it round to move it57Objections Handling处理反对意见处理反对意见Objections happen at ALL stages of the sale negotiation对手反对意见无时不在,随时都有 The key to successful negotiation is to avoid objections, not to handle them as th
40、ey arise 成功的谈判模式是避免反对意见,而不是遇到反对意见才兵力将挡Framework of handing objections处理反对意见的方式Empathise (But not to agree with)体恤对方(但不是同意对方的立场)Clarify澄清对方的看法Agreement to an Action解决反对意见58Empathise体恤对方体恤对方 When adversaries raise objections, DONT confront or argue with them, otherwise you will only get embroiled in a
41、n argument with them 对手提出任何意见,都不能直接反驳,否则只会跟客户发生争执 “I understand what you mean”“我明白你的意思” “I understand how you feel”“我了解你的感受” “Im glad you bring that up!”“我非常高兴你提起这件事!”59Areas to Clarify On需要澄清需要澄清的方面的方面 The meaning of the words they say vs. what they REALLY mean澄清对方所说的虚实 Unfair comparisons不公平的对比 Del
42、ay tactics拖延的举动 Give and take strategy讨价还价 “Whom did you compare with that you find us to be expensive?” “你是跟哪家供应商比较,觉得我们价格贵了呢?” “Do you feel that price is more important that quality, or quality more important than price?”“你觉得价格比较重要,还是质量更加重要?” “Are there any other concerns besides this?”“除了这个顾虑,你还有
43、其他要跟我提起的吗?”60Agreement to an Action解决反对意见解决反对意见 After clarifying with the customers concerns, see if you can get their commitment 在澄清客户的疑虑后,是看对方能不能给于承诺 “If price is not a problem anymore, can you place the order now?”“如果价格没问题,是不是就能够定下来了?”61Objections Handling处理反对意见 Its too expensive 太贵了!太贵了! HmmmIm
44、glad you said that. Why do you feel that our price is high? Which is MORE important to you, price or quality? 嗯我非常高兴你很关注我们的价格。你知道为什么我们的价格比其他人高吗?哪方面对你比较重要,价格还是质量? How much?多少钱?多少钱? Apart from the price, do you have any other concerns? If you dont have any problems with price, would you like to give i
45、t a try now?除了价格以外,你们还有其它方面要考虑的吗?如果价格没问题,是不是现在就能定下来? 62Objections Handling处理反对意见I dont have time. Please leave your brochures here and I will contact you later. 我没空,你把资料放这我没空,你把资料放这里。改天我再和你联系里。改天我再和你联系 I understand you are very busy. So is everybody else. But what if within 15 minutes I can show you wh
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