



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上产品保修卡Protection to Fix Card 非常感谢您使用我们的产品Thank you very much for using our products.产品型号Product Model Number产品名称 Product Name出厂编号Factory Serial Number购买商店Purchase Store购买日期 Purchase Date 发票号码Invoice Number用户姓名Customer Name 用户电话Customer Phone用户联 Customer Couplet本联及购机发票一同作为机器的保修凭证,请妥善保存。Th

2、is couplet and the purchasing invoice are both considered as the Protection to fix warrantees, so please reserve them carefully.返回联 Feedback Couplet 产品型号Product Model Number产品名称 Product Name出厂编号Factory Serial Number购买商店Purchase Store购买日期 Purchase Date 发票号码Invoice Number用户姓名Customer Name 用户电话Customer

3、 Phone用户地址Customer Address邮政编码 Post Codes E-mail保修说明Protection to Fix Elucidation根据规定本公司点钞机保修期为一年(自开具发票之日起计算)。在保修期内,凡属于正常使用情况下由于产品本身质量问题引起的故障,本公司将负责给予免费维修。According to the prescription, the period for protecting to fix our companys Cash Counting Machine is one year. (From the day when you have the i

4、nvoice) During this period, any belongs to under normal usage circumstance cause because of the product quality's problem of breakdown, our company will be responsible for giving free maintain.1、 在保修期内,凡属产品本身质量问题引起的故障,请用户携带已填好的保修卡用户联及购机发票在全国各地本公司授权的维修中心免费维修,保修卡返回联请在购机后十五天内寄回本公司。In protect fix th

5、e period, if there is any breakdown which caused by the products own quality, customers can bring the purchasing invoice and the customer couplet that has filled, and get the free repair from the repair center that has authorized by our company. And please send back the return couplet to our company

6、 in 15 days after buying machine.2、 不接收由于擅自改装或加装其他功能后出现故障的机器。Those machines that has refitted or added other functions by your own will not be accepted to repair.3、 保修卡及购机发票一经涂改,保修即时失效。Once the Protect to fix card or purchasing invoice has been changed, the protection to fix immediately expired.4、 保

7、存保修卡及购机发票作为本机的保修凭证,请用户妥善保存,遗失不补。This card and the purchasing invoice are both considered as the Protection to fix warrantees, so please reserve them carefully. Lose don't repair.以下情况恕不免费维修Free maintain wont be given under the following circumstance:1、 无保修凭证的。Without Protection to fix warrantees2

8、、 未按说明书的要求操作机器而引起的故障。 The breakdown caused by the manipulation that hasnt follow the requests of the Manual.3、 非本公司持约维修人员拆动造成损坏的。The damage caused by the dismantle movement of a non-our-company authorized maintainer.4、 因移动或跌落而造成的故障、划伤或破损。 The breakdown, row harm or damaged because of the move or dro

9、p.5、 用户保管、维修、使用不当造成损坏的。The damage caused by customer inappropriate preservation, maintain, or the usage. 6、 易损件及随机配件。 Easy damaged pieces and present accessories are not concerned.7、 因不可抗力造成的故障或损坏。The breakdown and the damage caused by the Force majeure.产品说明书Product Manual1 概述Brief Introduction本公司系专

10、业生产金融机具企业,具有雄厚的技术力量和生产规模,多年来致力于产品的研制与开发,并以品种多样,功能齐全,性能稳定等优点,赢得广大用户的信赖与支持,产品畅销全国各地。CX-518系列点钞机是本公司奉献给广大用户理想的金融机具,为使本机发挥最佳效能,使用前请务必详细阅读使用说明书。Our company is such a business enterprise that can professionally produce those financial machine tools. With the strong technique strength and the production sc

11、ale, we devoted years to the research and the exploration of our products that have the diverse species, well-founded function and stable performance. All of the above that have won our customers trust and support made our products well sold around the whole country. The Series CX-518 Cash Counting

12、Machine is the ideal financial machine tool that is offered for our numerous customers from our company. In order to have the best effect of our machine, we highly recommended you read the usage manual in detail before using.2 整机描述Description for the whole machine1 接钞导板 Cash Receiving Lead Plank2 计数

13、显示器 Counting display3 启动传感器 Starting Transducer4 喂钞台 Cash Imputing Set 5 接钞台 Cash Receiving Set6 叶轮 Impeller7 送钞轮 Cash Pushing Wheel8 按键(功能/清零)Key(Function/Reset)9 捻钞轮 Cash Entwisting Wheel 10 喂钞台上下调节螺钉Regulate Bolt for Up and Down11 压炒轮 Cash Pressing Wheel3 特点与功能Characteristics and functions鉴伪功能:具有

14、荧光、磁性、数码、纸质综合鉴别。False distinguishing function: Having the fluorescence, magnetism, figures, and paper quality synthesizes to discriminate.智能:具有区分不同面额的纸币。Intelligence: Have the function of distinguishing cashes with different denomination.混点:同时可以清点不同的面额的纸币。Mix Counting: Counting cashes that are of di

15、fferent denomination at the same time.清分:清分不同面额的纸币,还能清分新旧版。Separating: Separating cashes with different denomination or different versions.自动清零:在点钞反复中将自动清零。Auto Resetting: Repeating counting will lead to an auto resetting.自动点钞功能:放入纸币自动启动。Auto Counting: Auto counting starts the moment you imputing th

16、e cash.4 技术指标 Technique Indexes使用环境温度:0-40Use environment temperature使用环境相对湿度:Use environment Relative humidity噪音:Noise纸币传动系统:滚轮式Cash Transmission System: Rolling style点钞速度:Counting Speed:进钞尺寸:Cash Size:进钞厚度范围:Cash Thickness scope:进接钞容量:旧纸币100张,新纸币150张Cash Capacity: Old cash:100 pieces New cash:150

17、pieces电源:Power:消耗功率:Consume power机身尺寸:Machine Size:净重:Machine Weight:5 操作指南 Operate guidebook1、 将电源线插入电源座中,打开电源开关,计数器显示为“0”。Insert the power cable into the power supply, turn power on a switch, then the counting display shows”0”.2、 为避免错检,点钞前应将下列纸币剔除:In order to avoid wrong check, you should get rid

18、of following cashes before counting.A、用白纸补了疤的纸币 B、经过洗涤的纸币A、Repaired cashes with the blank sheet of paperB、Washed CashesC、污渍严重的纸币 Severely dirty cashes D、破损、裂口的纸币 Damaged or parted cashes 3、快速点钞 Fast Counting 开启电源开关,机器进入智能状态,同时进入鉴伪状态。然后将同面额的一叠纸币捻成一定斜度,平放在下钞板上,机器即自动完成点钞工作,待下钞板上的钞票全部输送完毕,机器即停止计数,此时计数器显

19、示屏上显示的数字就是该叠钞票的数量。取出接钞台钞票。每次清点钞票时显示器上显示的数值会自动控制将清零后重新计数。 Power on switch, the machine gets into intelligence appearance, getting into the false distinguishing appearance in the meantime. Next, entwist cashes into a certain pitch and lay them on the Cash Imputing Set, then the machine will finish aut

20、omatically the counting work. After all cashes were transmitted, the machine will stop counting and the number on the display is the very number of this patch of cashes. Finally take out cashes on the receiving set. Every time the number showed on the display will be reset to “0” automatically.4报警 Warning清点过程中若发现假币,机器自动停机,发出“嘟、嘟”报警声,同时指示灯闪烁(详见下面报警显示图),取出异币,按任意键复位可继续清点。发现假钞时光检、磁检、数码同时鉴伪。If there are any fal


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