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1、.Université de Sherbrooke GENERAL CONVENTION FOR CO-ADVISING FOR THE DOCTORAL THESISThe following information is grouped below as follows: ¨ Characteristics of the General Convention for co-advising for the doctoral thesis, Conditions and considerations, and the Procedure at the Universit&

2、#233; de Sherbrooke;¨ Responsibilities of the Quebec-based thesis director towards the doctoral student; ¨ Official co-advising convention from the Université de Sherbrooke (Version officially adopted by the Advisory committee at its meeting of November 14, 2006);¨ Appendix: Temp

3、late of a protocol of agreement for the protection of intellectual property rights :2006-11-14 - Official versionCharacteristics of the General Convention for co-advising for the doctoral thesis, Conditions and considerations and the Procedure at the Université de Sherbrooke1.CHARACTERISTICS OF

4、 THE GENERAL CONVENTION FOR CO-ADVISING FOR THE DOCTORAL THESIS1.1The doctoral student and his or her research directors must sign a co-advisory convention that must then be approved by the appropriate authorities in each establishment. 1.2The doctoral student must register at both university establ

5、ishments and carry out his or her work, alternating in each institution. 1.3The doctoral student pays his or her registration and tuition fees only to the university that he or she is attending. 1.4The doctoral student works under the supervision of two research directors and must meet the requireme

6、nts of the two institutions concerned, including scholarly activities and the examination of the synthesis. 1.5The doctoral student prepares a single thesis that is defended at only one of the partner establishments, the identity of which will be determined in the convention. 1.6The thesis jury is m

7、ade up of five members: each establishment names two members to the jury including the thesis co-director, while the fifth member, who comes from the outside community, is jointly designated by the two parties. In the case of a disagreement over the fifth member, the decision belongs to the person r

8、esponsible for doctoral studies at the establishment of record.1.7The doctoral student receives two degrees, a doctorate (or Ph.D.) from the partner university and a Ph.D. from the Université de Sherbrooke. On these are inscribed the co-advising process, the name of the second program and the n

9、ame of the second establishment.2.CONDITIONS AND CONSIDERATIONS2.1The co-advising function must be based on already established collaboration between the two faculties, departments or programs concerned, or between the two research directors.2.2The protection of the intellectual property rights of t

10、he persons involved in the co-advisory process, therefore in common research, constitutes a fundamental issue which in itself can become the subject of a specific agreement. That is why the convention form is followed by an agreement protocol that permits the addition of specific provisions relative

11、 to the protection of intellectual property rights. 2.3The co-advisory process is more than a simple co-direction: it implies registering in two doctoral programs leading to the acquisition of two different degrees. Because of this situation, the doctoral student must respect the regulations in forc

12、e at both establishments. 2.4The co-advisory process requires considerable financial resources, both from the doctoral student and the research directors. They must also be able to assume the costs of travel, food and lodging for their annual trip and the other costs related to the thesis defence (t

13、ravel, food and lodging for at least two members of the jury). The university pays no costs related to the co-advisory process. 3.PROCEDURE FOR ESTABLISHING A CO-ADVISORY CONVENTION3.1The research directors must define, as exactly as possible, the program of doctoral studies (studies, seminars, exam

14、ination of synthesis, etc.), the periods of residence at the Université de Sherbrooke and register the doctoral student in the co-advisory convention for the thesis. This program and the established timetable must then be approved by the faculty committee for graduate studies. The conditions sh

15、ould be the same as those that apply to the regular doctoral students who are not involved in the co-advisory process.Examination of the synthesis or the equivalent is mandatory for all students. The presentation of the thesis and the evaluation procedure must conform to the rules in force at the Un

16、iversité de Sherbrooke.Any waiver must first be approved by the faculty committee for graduate studies.3.2To the degree that is possible, the residence period for the doctoral student at the Université de Sherbrooke must be about half the total duration of the doctoral program; it should b

17、e at least three full-time semesters. The doctoral student must therefore pay the equivalent of three semesters of full-time student tuition. 3.3The doctoral student must be officially admitted to the Université de Sherbrooke, in the same manner as any other student, with a file that includes t

18、he required documents demanded for admission, submitted to the office of the registrar. Particular attention must be paid to the various documents required of an international student. These papers must be carefully checked when it affects international applicants. 3.4The doctoral student must enrol

19、l on a full-time basis, without interruption, at the Université de Sherbrooke and the partner institution. When he or she is not attending the Université de Sherbrooke, the student must arrange with the program director to make sure that the student registration is in good order at the beg

20、inning of each semester.3.5The doctoral student must pay his or her tuition by semester at the Université de Sherbrooke when studying at that institution. Since tuition can be paid in other countries on a yearly basis, it may occur that for a semester when a student is attending the Universit&#

21、233; de Sherbrooke, the tuition fees have already been paid in the other country concerned. In this case, in accordance with the co-advisory convention, the partner institution will credit the doctoral student with the part that has been already paid in the other country. 3.6The doctoral student and

22、 the Quebec-based thesis director must complete the co-advisory convention form, available from the office of the vice-dean of research at each faculty and on the universitys Website in the section: Agence des relations internationales and in the page indicated as: Études.3.7The co-advisory con

23、vention must be drawn up in five original copies as quickly as possible, no later than the end of the first year of registration.· It is the responsibility of the doctoral student to obtain the signatures of the thesis director at the Université de Sherbrooke and the vice-dean for research

24、 of the faculty committee for graduate studies and deposit duly signed copies with the Agence des relations internationales of the Université de Sherbrooke.3.8The signatures of the doctoral student and the research director signify that both parties agree to assume the costs incurred by the co-

25、advisory process. 3.9The signature of the vice-dean of research on the co-advisory convention signifies that doctoral student has been definitely admitted into the program of studies that was approved by the faculty committee for graduate studies.3.10It is the responsibility of the Agence des relati

26、ons internationales to obtain the signatures of the partner establishments and that of the vice-rector for institutional relations at the Université de Sherbrooke.3.11It is the responsibility of the Agence des relations internationales to distribute a duly signed original example to the followi

27、ng persons:· the doctoral student;· the vice-dean of research who has signed the document; · the registrar;· the person responsible for doctoral studies in the partner establishment;· the head of the partner establishment.3.12 It is also the responsibility of the Agence des

28、relations internationales to transmit a copy of each co-advisory convention completed for an international student to the Programme des étudiants internationaux des Services à la vie étudiante, Pavillon à la vie étudiante (Sherbrookes international student life program).For

29、all additional information, please contact the secretary or the vice-dean of your faculty, or the Agence des relations internationales. RESPONSIBILITIES of the QUEBEC-BASED THESIS DIRECTOR towards the DOCTORAL STUDENT in the context of a co-advisory convention between an establishment of higher educ

30、ation and the Université de SherbrookeA.In the letter in which you indicate your agreement in participating in a co-advisory convention, you must attach a request for admission form for international students, available from the office of the registrar.B.We remind you that the doctoral student

31、will return his or her admissions form directly to the office of the registrar and not to you. It is the office of the registrar that will send the admissions letter and the relevant information about the legalities involved in staying in Quebec to the doctoral student. C.Please send the name of the

32、 doctoral student, his or her appropriate personal information as well as the details of the semester when the student will attend the university, to the secretary of your faculty so that he or she may add the student to the faculty mailing list for the purpose of transmitting the necessary informat

33、ion for the smooth functioning of the students program at the university, notably obtaining the student ID card and being able to register in the different cultural and sports activities to which the student is entitled, etc.D.As soon as the doctoral student arrives at the university, he or she shou

34、ld be reminded to go to the Programme des étudiants internationaux, at the Services à la vie étudiante (international student life services), with all the necessary papers so that his or her stay at the university and in Quebec will go smoothly. IV2006-11-14 - Official versionCo-advis

35、ing convention for a doctoral thesis between an establishment of higher education and the Université de SherbrookeCO-ADVISING CONVENTION FOR A DOCTORAL THESISBETWEENAN ESTABLISHMENT OF HIGHER EDUCATIONANDTHE UNIVERSITÉ DE SHERBROOKEGENERAL REMARKS The present document, an official form of

36、the Université de Sherbrooke, is offered to those who are responsible for science programs and university relations in other institutions as a guide to facilitate the establishment of a co-advisory convention for a doctoral thesis between an establishment of higher education and the Universit&#

37、233; de Sherbrooke for each doctoral student who desires to prepare his or her thesis on a co-advisory basis. It is preceded by a few preliminary pages which describe the various characteristics of the convention that applies to co-advising for a doctoral thesis, the conditions and considerations, a

38、nd the procedure to follow for the establishment of a doctoral thesis co-advising convention. It should be read by the various persons who wish to establish a co-advising convention so that they may sign with the full knowledge of its contents. It includes the points that must be part of the co-advi

39、sing convention as well as those that guarantee the good and smooth functioning of the procedure. It is up to each thesis director who is involved in the co-advising process to make sure that the contents of the form sent from another country is comparable to the one used by the Université de S

40、herbrooke. Particular attention must be paid to make sure that there is a clear mention of the periods of residence at the Université de Sherbrooke.THE PRESENT CONVENTION HAS BEEN CONCLUDED BETWEENEstablishment (name of establishment)Represented by Mrs., Mr. (first and family names, title)ANDTh

41、e Université de Sherbrooke,Represented by _ (Jocelyne Faucher, vice-rector for international relations) THE PRESENT CONVENTION CONCERNSMrs., Mr. (first and family names) (University student number)born on _ at , (date) (city, country)of nationality.ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURESARTICLE 1 - Registrat

42、ion (The doctoral student must register in both establishments). The doctoral student is registered1) at (name of the partner establishment)in a DOCTORAL PROGRAM (specialty)starting in the university year (date) AND 2) at the Université de Sherbrookein a Ph.D., program (title)starting in thesem

43、ester (date) Registration and tuition feesThe doctoral student will pay his or her registration fees and tuition in only one of the partner establishments, usually the one where the studies and research are carried out, according to the periods determined in the article that follows. ARTICLE 2 Durat

44、ion of study The planned duration of the study period and the research work of the doctoral student is normally three years. It may be extended by a specific agreement between the two establishments, through a joint proposal of the two directors or the thesis director. The doctoral student carries o

45、ut his or her academic work and research, alternating between the two establishments, the periods of time to be determined by mutual agreement between the two directors or thesis directors according to the following procedures: predetermined periods in the partner establishment: indicate the years a

46、nd tick off the appropriate months when the doctoral student will be attending the partner establishment. YearJan.Feb.Mar.AprilMayJuneJulyAug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec. predetermined periods in the Quebec-based establishment: indicate the years and tick off the appropriate months when the doctoral student wi

47、ll be attending the Quebec-based establishment. PLEASE NOTE! The residence period of the doctoral student at the Université de Sherbrooke must be at least three full-time semesters. YearJan.Feb.Mar.AprilMayJuneJulyAug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec. PLEASE NOTE!Any change to a predetermined period must be ma

48、de in writing and sent to the office of the registrar. The thesis subject submitted by the doctoral student is (complete title) : The protection of the thesis subject as well as its publication, exploitation and protection of the results from the work of the doctoral student are subject to the

49、rules in force and assured according to the specific procedures of each of the countries engaged in the co-advisory process.When required, the provisions relative to the protection of intellectual property rights will be the subject of a specific appendix to the present convention.ARTICLE 3 Social c

50、overage and civil responsibilityThe social coverage and civil responsibility of the doctoral student will be assured in the following conditions: in the partner establishment, the doctoral student benefits from: during his or her stays at the Université de Sherbrooke, the doctoral student benef

51、its from: PEDAGOGICAL PROCEDURESARTICLE 4 Thesis directorsThe doctoral student carries out his or her academic studies and research under the joint responsibility of a thesis director in the partner establishment and a thesis director at the Université de Sherbrooke, the two directors having al

52、ready established some form of collaboration. In the partner establishment (name of the establishment)the thesis director is Mrs., Mr. (first and family names, title) At the Université de Sherbrooke,the thesis director isMrs., Mr. (first and family names, title)The two thesis directors agree to fully exercise the function of advisor for the doctoral student. They jointly exercise the authority in _ and at the Université de Sherbrooke for such a function.ARTICLE 5 The teaching and learning program Teaching activities for the do


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