已阅读5页,还剩2页未读 继续免费阅读




1、答题处:、写(20分)写出紧邻着下列字母的大小写形式。(5分)二、根据汉语意思写出适当的单词(5分)26、The music (听起来)beautiful.六年级英语(二)期末试卷姓名:班级:成绩:DEABCEe22; LlRr24、Bb25、TtI、听力测试(20分)每个单词读两遍。选出你所听到的那个单词,选出你所听到的那个短语,每个短语读两遍。()10、A. make the tea、听音,从方框中选出你所听问句的正确答语,每个问句读两遍。( ( ( ( ()11、)12、)13、)14、)15、A. go to school A. stay in be

2、d A. half past ten A. see a doctorB. go homeB. stay a homeB. nine twentyB. draw a pictureB. make the bedA. cloudyA. fifthA. bikeA. tiredA. tasteC. go to bedC. have a headacheC. seven twentyC. take a showerC. have supperA、Two yuan.B、Its a grape.C、I take a shower at 7:20.D、The green one .E、 Its windy

3、.C. studyC. thirdC. planeC. thirstyC. inB. rainyB. fifteenB. footB. hungryB. opposite-、听音, ()1、 ()2、 ()3、 ()4、()5、 二、听音, ()6、()7、 ()8、()9、四、听音,选出所听句子与图片相符的那一幅。闺/!27、I like the(心形)one.28、We go there by (轮船).29、Look! The girl in blue is (跑步).30、(沏)the tea and clean the room.三、根据问句,选出答语,再抄写在四线三格内。(10分)

4、A、 I have a headache.B、It tastes sweet.C、Yes, I do.D、 On the ground floor.E、 We are singing.()31、Do you like to go fishing?()32、How does it taste?()33、What are you doing?()34、 What s the matter with you?()35、Where is the music room?III、单项选择(35分)C. triangleC. fourC. TianjinC. cherriesC. library一、选出不同

5、类单词。(5分)()36、 A. foggy B. square()37、A.thirdB. seven()38、A.JapanB. China()39、A.grapesB. fruit()40、A.oppositeB. beside二、根据情景,选择正确表达形式。(10分)()41、售货员向顾客打招呼时,应问:A. Can I help you? B. I can help you?)42、当你递给别人某物时,应说A. Here are you. B. Here you are.)43、打电话时,你自我介绍你是LeLe ,应说:A. I m Lele.B. This is LeLe.)44、

6、过年长辈送你礼物时,应说:A. Thank you.B. Happy New year.)45、当你想对别人说“请吃一些水果”,应说:A. Help yourself. B. Help yourself to some fruit.、从AB中选出合适的答案。(15分)46、单词doctor与scar中c发音:A.相同B. 不相同) 47、Youd better him before the party.A. callsB. call) 48、She is playing over there.A. pianoB. the piano)49、Do you have?A. a coldB. Col

7、d) 50、It round and smooth.A. tastesB. feels)51、Im than all of them.A. smarterB. smart) 52、He on night duty yesterday.A. isB. was)53、My brother is artist.A. anB.a)54、Well go to visit Mount Fuji plane.A. onB. by) 55、can we get to Shanghai?Let s go by train.A. HowB. Where)56、are you going?We are going

8、to France.A. WhereB. What)57、What your mother?She is a doctor.A. do; doB. does; do)58、 a cute little table!A. HowB. What) 59、The teacher is a story to the children.A. tellingB. speaking)60、Do you like watching TV?-No, I like listening to music.A. andB. but)61、Go and the window.A. opensB. open) 62、A

9、coat, a goat and a soap in the boat.A. isB. are) 63、I go to school every day.A. on footB. by feet)64、-Can you tell a joke?A. No, I canB. Yes, I can() 65、This boy is brother.A myB. meIV.判断给出的句子与图片是否相符,用(T)和(F)表示。(5分)66、My father is a bookseller.()67、Youd better stay in bed.()68、Help yourself to some

10、bread.()69、The chocolate tastes yummy.()70、I go home at 4:30.V .将下列英语单词按正确的顺序排列。71、you the one like pink do (?)72、they at 4:30 football play (.)73、a writing am card I (.)74、light off please turn the (.)75、what best you do like fruit (?)VI汉翻英。(5分)76、 照顾好你自己。 care yourself.77、它与平时相比更便宜。It is usual.78、

11、美术室在哪里? isthe room?79、我骑自行车去学校。I go toschool .80、我可以看一看吗?May I have .VII阅读理解。(10分)根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。My name is Mike. This is a picture of me in my favourite blue jeans. In America, you can wear jeans almost everywhere. I wear them to school. I wear them to work, and I wear them in my free time. They ar

12、e very old, but they are very comfortable. They fit me perfectly. My jeans have a lot of holes in them. I cover some of the holes with patches(补丁), but not all of them. Every time I wash my jeans, they get softer and more comfortable. I love my jeans.()1、Mike is in.A. AmericaB. France C. Britain()2、Mike likes wearing.A. blue shir


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