



1、2A 第一学期期中复习重点:Unit 1: Are you in Class Two?重点掌握词汇:classroom, reading room, computer room, dining room.重点掌握句型:Are you in Class? Yes, I am. No, I am not.(可替换成 Grade年级)延展:二年级1 班:Class One, Grade Two二年级2 班:Class Two, Grade TwoI am in Class , Grade Two.Are you in Class , Grade Two? Yes, I am. No, I am no

2、t.Grand Theatre中词汇和句型:Here I am. 我在这Are you new here?Sorry.要求:背诵词汇和课文Unit 2: A new boy?重点掌握词汇:Beijing, London, Paris, Sydney重点掌握句型:Where are you from? Im from . (City)Grand Theatre中词汇和句型:a new boy (new 新来的)Welcome to(后跟国家,城市,学校,班级等等,强调介词 to)城市 New York ( 强调 N 和 Y 必须大写,而且,这是两个单词,书写的时候注意单词与单词之间空开一个字母,

3、最多两个字母)。国家:the USA (强调必须加the, USA三个字母必须大写)疑问词 where: Where are you from? I am (I m) from . (注意不能遗漏be动词 )Where s New York (城市) ? Its in the USA. (国家)补充城市:Washington, D.C.补充国家:Britain, France, Australia, China补充句型:Where s Sydney? Its in Australia.Where s Paris? Its in France.Where s Beijing? It s in C

4、hina.Welcome to our school. (China / Shanghai/ Yangpu)注意:这一课要尤其对大小写字母当心,尤其是城市名词首字母大写的问题。有些孩子不知道P 的大写是如何的。要求:背诵词汇和课文Unit 3: Where is my eraser?重点词汇:in, on, under, near重点句型:Where is something? Its + 介词短语Grand Theatre中词汇和句型:look sorry handMiss, Mr., Mrs., Ms., Madame,文具用品:pencil-box, eraser, book所有格:my

5、, your句型: Is it in your pencil-box? Yes, it is. / No, it isn t.补充介词: in front of, behind注意:虽然缩写It's在意义上等同于It is,但是注意读音时要注意准确区分。包括前一课中的I am 和 I m。注意定冠词the在句子中的添加,如果没有所有格,就要增加定冠词。例如: Where is my eraser? / Where is the eraser?Is it in your pencil-box? / Is it in the pencil-box?此 外 , 要 注 意 the的 发 音

6、, 在 元 音 前 要 发: the eraser注意词组on the desk 和 on my desk 区别, 还有 on 和 under 发音区别Unit 4 Tommy s birthday party重点掌握词汇:0-12 数字的拼写(如果无法做到的话,在听到单词时能迅速写出相应的数字就可以了)重点掌握句型:How old are you? I am (years old). ( 为了避免拼写错误,请先不要加years old)Grand Theatre 中重点词汇与句型:birthday, birthday party, birthday present,a teddy bearT

7、hank you.Happy birthday (to you).A present for you. (present 可被替换)Unit 5 Tommy and Molly重点掌握词汇:happy, sad, thirsty, sleepy重点掌握句型:Here'sfor you.补充词汇:unhappy ( 程度比 sad 轻 ), hungry补充句型:He is happy . He is a happy boy. (注意形容词的位置)Grand Theatre 中重点词汇与句型:Im hungry. (thirsty)bone, fish, milkHere is a fo

8、r you. (可数名词单数)Here is some for you. (不可数名词)I like . ( 可数名词复数或不可数名词)I don t like . ( 可数名词复数或不可数名词)For example: I like apples . I don t like milk.Farmland:1. A: Here s a teddy bear for you.8: Thank you.2. A: Here s a school bag for you.8: Thank you.3. A: Here s a cup of coffee for you.8: Thank you.4.

9、 A: Here s some coke for you. (a can of Coke)8: Thank you.Unit 6 What shape is it?重点掌握词汇:circle, triangle, square, rectangle补充词汇:oval, diamond, star, heart重点掌握句型:What shape is it? It's a . (但是注意an oval, 还可以添加颜色形容词,例如:It's a yellow triangle. )Grand theatre 中需要掌握的词汇:shape 形状 a guessing game 猜谜

10、游戏colour 颜色 blackboard 黑 板 in the classroom 在教室里 重点掌握句型: What shape is it? It's a. (rectangle, circle, etc.)What colour is it? It's. (black, yellow, red, green, pink, purple, blue, etc.)What can you see in the classroom ? I can see a . (注意a或an取决于后面跟的名词是否是元音开头)综合起来:It's a pink circle.(注意颜

11、色形容在形状名词的前面。)易混淆句型:1. Where are you ?( 你在哪里? ) I am in Shanghai. (I am in the classroom ) 回答一个地。Where are you from ?(你是哪里人? 问句里有 from,所以答句: I am from2. How much ?(问多少钱?)回答一定 Yuan.How many ?(问数量,几个?)直接回答:Three (或其他数字)3. am, is are (是)问你"是”,回答“是”Are you in the classroom? Are you new here ? 回答: Yes, I am。No, I am not.Is she / he? Yes, she/ he is. No, she/he isn 't4. Have,ha


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