1、Experience of emotions in substance abusers exposed to imagescontaining neutral, positive, and negative affective stimuli物质依赖者暴露在包含中性,积极和消极情绪刺激图片的情绪体验Drug and Alcohol Dependence mpact Factor: 3.8362005摘要 There is emerging evidence that suggests emotional processes may be involved in the development
2、of addiction, and that emotional alterations may compromise the effectiveness of treatment approaches in substance abuse. Nonetheless, there is a dearth of studies that have examined the experience of emotions in substance abusers, especially with regard to natural affective stimuli that are motivat
3、ionally relevant for the normal population. 目前有证据表明,情感过程可能参与了成瘾的发展,情绪的变化可能危害药物滥用治疗的有效性。尽管如此,目前并没有研究来检验物质依赖者的情绪体验,特别是对自然的和正常人相关的刺激情绪状态。 The main aims of this study are: (a) to examine possible differences in the experience of emotions of drug-free substance abusers exposed to images containing motiva
4、tionally relevant stimuli, with regard to a normal population and (b) to examine possible differences in the experience of emotions of substance abusers depending on their drug of choice. 本研究的主要目的是:(a)检查药物-非物质乱用者,暴露在包含对于正常人相关的刺激的情感体验可能的差异。(b)检查选择不同药物的物质滥用者情绪体验可能的差异。 We used 25 images from the Intern
5、ational Affective Picture System to elicit different emotional states, and the Self Assessment Manikin (SAM) to record participants subjective experience on three emotional dimensions: valence, arousal, and dominance. We used bifactorial MANOVA to examine subjective emotional ratings as a function o
6、f group, and as a function of the kind of image shown。 我们使用25个来自国际情绪图片系统(IAPS) 的图片来诱发不同的情绪状态,和自我评估个体的状态(SAM)来记录被试的三个维度情感的主观经验:效价,唤醒度和优势度。我们使用双因素方差分析去检验主观情感等级来作为群体的功能,和作为展示各种的图像一种功能。 Results showed a differential emotional profile of substance abusers with regard to healthy controls; and different em
7、otional profiles between abusers of a number of substances. 结果表明物质滥用者和健康对照组的情绪体验存在差异;选择不同数量的物质乱用着的情绪体验存在差异。 These results suggest the experience of emotions may be significantly altered in substance abusers, and that these alterations may play an important role in drug abuse treatmentcourse and resu
8、lts. 这些结果表明物质乱用者情绪的体验可能已经显著改变,这些改变可能在药物滥用治疗的过程和结果中起重要的作用。实验过程 All the participants were provided with an explanation about the purpose of the study before being asked for their voluntary collaboration. Once they had accepted, they signed a written consent and were briefly assessed by means of a self
9、-report questionnaire that collects toxicological and clinical information. Then they were joined randomly in groups of three to perform the task. 在询问他们是否自愿合作之前,向所有的被试解释这个研究的目的。一旦他们接受了,他们将签署了一份书面知情同意书。然后通过自我报告问卷调查来简要评估和收集他们的病理学和临床信息。然后他们将随机分配到三个实验任务中的一个去完成实验任务。 IAPS pictures were presented in a ligh
10、t room using a clear view paper presentation book measuring . 在光线明亮的的房间里使用一个29mm21.7 mm大小的视图框呈现 IAPS图片 Participants were instructed to stare at the picture and answer using the SAM, which collects information about dimensions of valence, arousal and dominance. Time limits were not established for viewing or answering. 被试被要求注视图片,使用SAM回答,收集效价,唤醒度和优势度三个维度。被试在看图片和回答没有时间限制。简评 (1)实验过程
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