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1、Unit 1 MakingFriendsl.other 另外的,其他的。后接单数或复数名词。辨析 other, the other, others, the others 与 anotherother泛指“其他的人或物”可作形容词或代词the other指两者中的另一个others指(三者以上)其余的人(物)作主语、宾语the others特指某一范围内的“其他的”作主语at home。Ex.Lily and her sister look the same. I can t tellone fromA.otherB.the others C.the other D.others【短语要点】1

2、.be good at 意为 擅长.,后接名词、代词或动名词,同义词组为do well in辨析 be good at,be good for 与 be good tobe good at擅长Jenny is good at dancing.be good for对.有好处Vegetables are good for us.be good to对.好Our teachers are very good to us.Ex. 1)English is my favourite subject,and I am good it.A.forB.toC.atD.of2)_ Amy is good at

3、 .A.swimB.swimmi ngC.swimi ngD.swims2.take the bus 意为 乘公共汽车”辨析 take 与 bytake动词都有“搭乘”take 后的交通工具前应加限定词by介词之意by 后的交通工具前不加限定词e.g .I take the bus to school.= I go to school by bus.3.answer to these questions为 这些问题的答案 ”介词 to 在此表示归属或附加,意为 归于,属于”。the key to the door 门的钥匙the bridge to theknowledge 通往知识的桥the

4、 way to school 去学校的路4. hear from 意为 收到.的来信” 相当于 get/recrive a letterfrom.。5. a boy called Bruc 厂名叫布鲁斯的男孩called 是 call 的过去分词。过去分词短语 called Bruce 作后置定语,修饰名词called 在此处相当于 named。【用法集萃】1.1 isten to 听 2.close to 接近3.all over theworld 全世界4.far away from 远离 5.pay attention to 注意 6.start with 以.boy。开始7.on th

5、e In ternet8.in En glish 用英语9.learnabout 了解10.tell sb. about sth.告诉某人关于某事11.welcome to 欢迎光临12.be from = come from 来自 13.make friends with sb.与某人交朋友 14.like/enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事15.live in 居住在.16.would like to do sth.想做某事17.would like sb. to dosth 想某人做某事Exercises1)I d like you_ for a picnic with us.A

6、.goB.to goC.goi ngD.we nt2)The students in Class Two likesports.A.playi ng B.paly C.playsD.played3)Therea pencil and two rulers in the pencil-box.A.areB.isC.beD.have4)Linda wan ts_ basketball with us this after noon.A.playB.to playC.playsD.playing5)Do you know the girl_ Amy?A.callB.callsC.calledD.ca

7、lling6)_ Whereyour Englis teacher comefrom?A.isB.are C.do D.does7)It s very hard for us to work out the answer the question.A.in B.of C.on D.to8)Do you wanttennis with me on Saturdaymorning?A.to playB.playC.playi ng9)Do you enjoy_ English in our class,Mr Green?A.teachB.taughtC.to teachD.teachi ng10)

8、Lisa is a little poor at Chinese.I think she needsit every day.A.practise to speak B.to practise speakingC.practise speaking11) What does your new school_?A.like B.look C.look like D.looks like12) She looks very_ in her new dress.A.beauty B.beautiful C.beautifully D.more beautiful13) Her mother goes

9、 to work _ bus every morning.A.byB.at C.onD.in14)do you speak En glish so well?Because I practice it with my part ner every day.A.Why B.When C.Who15) is Jeremy Li n?He is a famous Harvard-educated,Asia n-America nNBA basketball player.A.Where B.What C.Why D.How old16) do you go to work every day?By

10、bike.A.What B.Who C.How D.When17)_ can we find your brother at weeke nds?On the football field.A.WhenB.Which C.WhyD.Where18) is her favourite subject?Her favourite subject is art.A.Why B.When C.Who D.What【句子要点】1. My dream is to be an engin eer 我的梦想是成为一名工程师。本句是一个 主语+连系动词+表语”结构的句子,动词不定式短语在句中作表语。这类句子的

11、主语通常是 dream,work,task等名词。Your task is to get all the balls back.2. What does your father/mother do?你父亲/母亲是做什么工作的?询问某人现在从事何种职业或做什么工作,常用“ Whatdo/does+sb.+do?句型。询问职业的其他句型还有:What + be + sb? /What is sb. ?s /What do/does + sb.+want tobe?3. Below are some refere nee books 下 面是一些参考书。是一个倒装句。below 作副词,意为 在下面

12、”与 above 相对。below 还可作介词,意为 在.下方”可指位置、程度、数量等、Unit 21.At about 5:30pm.大约在下午 5:30介词 at 此处表示时间,意为 在”。辨析 at,in 与 onat在具体的钟点前at twelve o clockin泛指在上午、下午或晚上在年、月或季节前in the mornin g,i n 2013in Janu ary,i n spri ngon在具体日期前;在星期几前;在节日前;在具体某一天的上午、下午或晚上前;在有限定词的上午、下午或晚上前on Sun day after noon;on Mon dayon the morni

13、ng of July 7th;on a cold wi nter morni ng2.how often 多久一次辨析 how often,how soon 与 how longhow often 多久一次用来对频度副词或频度副词短语提问how soon 多久以后用来对表示将来的一段时间提问how long 多长时间用来对一段时间提问3. help sb. with sth 帮助某人做某事。with 后跟名词或代词。相关短语:help sb.(to)do sth.帮助某人做某事help (to) do sth.帮助做某事4.How short it is!休息时间多么短啊!本句是一个由 how

14、 引导的感叹句,其构成为:How +形容词/副词+主语+谓语!How fast he runs!【拓展】what 也可引导感叹句,其构成为:1What + a(a n) +形容词+单数可数名词+主语+谓语!2What +形容词+不可数名词/复数名词+主语+谓语!What beautiful flowers these are !【用法集萃】I. talk about 谈论 2.from.to.从到. 3.keep a diary 记日记4.ask sb. about sth 询问某人关于某事5.ju nior highschool 初级中学6.in the world 在世界上7.after-

15、school activities 课外活动8.have a good/great time=enjoy oneself=have fun 过得愉快9.play with 和某人玩10.brush one s tee 刷牙11.be close to +地点名词离某地近II.a glass of .一 杯. 12.after lunch 午饭后Ex. 1)Tom,please give me_ .A.a glass of milk B.a glass of milksC.two glass of milk D.two glasses of milks2) Jenny is friendly,a

16、nd she always helps me_ myEnglish.A.with B.to C.ofD. on3) My father always goes to bed_ 10p.m.A.o nB.in C.for D.at4) The two kids practice spoken English_ joiningthe English club.A.by B.inC.on D.with5) At weekends,my sister loves_ but my brotherlikesfishing.A.swim;goB.swimmi ng;goi ngC.swim;goingD.s

17、wimmi ng;go6) There are not any buses her _ my father has towalk home every day.A.because B.a nd C.so D.but7) _ she was ill,_ she didn t go to school.A.Because;so B.Because;/ C.So;becauseD.So;/8) _ interesiting the book is!A.How B.What C.How anD.What an9) _ beautiful your school is!A.How a B.How C.W

18、hat a D.What10) 你喜欢打羽毛球吗?Do you _ _ badminton?11) 让我们到乡村去帮助孩子们学习。Let s go to the countryside to_ the kids_their study.12) 午饭后,他们出去了。They went outside_.13) 聚会时,我坐在苏和简之间。I sat_ Sue_ Jane at the party.14) 下午晚些时候我将跟妈妈出去购物。I will go shopping with my mother _ _15) 下学期彼特将要去中学读书了。他将是一名初中生。Peter will study i

19、n the Middle School next term.He will bea_ _Stude nt.16) 我每月拜访祖父母两三次I visit my gran dpare nts_17) My gran dmother walks to the park every afternoon.(同义句转换)=My gran dmother_ the park _ _ every after noon.18) What s his brother?He is a teacher.He_ maths at a school.A.taught B.has taught C.teaches D.wi

20、ll teache19) Lucy and Lily_ sisters.They study at the sameschool.A.beB.am C.is D.are20) Summer holiday is coming,Li Lei with his father_to go to Shanghai.A.wa nt B.will want C.wa nts21)Does Anna play baseball on Sun day?No,she_ .A.is n everB.n ever is C.n ever doesD.does n ever22) Alan _ to work by

21、bicycle.A.usually go B.go usually C.usually goes D.goesusually23) Bobby always gets up early,but Mary and Amy_.A.doesn t always B.alwaysdoesn t C.don talwaysD.always dont24) Mr. Zhang is_ very busy with his bus in ess,so he_ has time to play.A.always;seldom B.always;sometimes C.usually;oftenD.someti

22、mes;never25) We usually have dinner at home in the evening,butweeat out.A.sometimes B.seldomC.n ever D.always26) How ofte n do the stude nts play sports? _ .A.Twice a day B.Si nee last day C.For two hours D.Amonth agoUnit 31. protectsb./sth. from.保护某人/某物免受 伤害E.g. We must protect the forest from fire

23、.我们必须保护那片森林免受水灾。2.be covered by 被覆盖 (表动作)be covered with 覆盖(表状态)Ex.( )1)The snow is too heavy.All the roadsby itand it s whiteeverywhere.A.cover B.covered C.are covered D.is coveredE.g. Much of the land is covered by forest.森林覆盖着大片土地。The road is covered with leaves in autum n.秋天这条路盖满了树叶。3. provide s

24、b. with sth. / provide sth. for sb.为某人提供某物4. o 把倒入.与 put 有关的短语:put up 举起;张贴 put down 放下;写下,记下 put on 穿上 putout 熄灭,扑灭5. stop doing sth.停止做某事。辨析 stop doing sth. and stop to do sthstop doing sth.停止做某事(doing 作宾语)e.g. We stopped talk ing whe n Mr Wangcame in.stop to do sth停下来做某事(to do 作目的状语)Ex.()1

25、)When we run on the playground,Jack suddenlystopsand lies onthe ground,so we all stop _ what s wrong.A.to run;to seeB.running;seeingC.running;to seeD.to run;seeing6.fewer and fewer 越来越少。比较级+ and +比较级”常表示事物本身程度的逐渐变化,表示越来越.Ex.( )1)lt s summer now.The weather is gettingA.higher and higherB.lo wer andlo

26、werC.hotter and hotterD.colder andcolder7.find out 发现,查明 辨析 find out 与 findfind out指经过观察、调查把事物查出来,搞清楚、弄明白事情的真相find作“发现”讲时,常指偶然发现,也指通过一番寻找后有了结果8.It is important for us to protect the Earth for our future.对我们来说,为了未来保护地球是重要 的。本句为“It + be +形容词+for sb.+动词不定时短语”句型,意为对某人来说做某事是. 。其中 it 在句首作形式主语, 后面的动词不定时短语才

27、是句子的真正主语。Ex.( )1)It s quite exciting me _ the Internet.A.for;surf B.for;to surf C.for;for surf()2)It is very important for us _ English well.A.learn B.to lear nCearningD.learned【用法集萃】1.on the land 在陆地上 2.in the sky/air 在空中3.under the water 在水下4.make energy 希 9 造能源 5.underthe ground 在地下 6.one quarter

28、 四分之一7.throw away 扔掉8.catcha fish/fishes 捕鱼9.lift up 台起1O.putinto 把倒入.11.let sb. do sth.让某人做某事12. find out 发现,查明 13. need sb./sth. to do sth.需要某人/某物做某事一、用适当的介词填空。1)_ Look!Fish are swimming_ the water.2) There are many kinds of animals and plants_ theland.3) My brother dug a hole _ the ground.4) Bird

29、s usually fly_ the sky in spring.5) He lifted his left foot _. Because there was lots ofwater under it.6) Don t throw_ the old books.They are very useful fo us.二、根据中文意思完成句子。1) 不要把废水倒进湖里。Don t_ the waste water _ lakes.2) 我们可以用许多不同的方法来制造能源。We can _ _ in many different ways.3) 她吃了这个苹果的四分之一。She ate_ of

30、the apple.4) 这个小孩能提起这个笨重的箱子。4._ Mum , Iam hungry.May I have some_?Of course.But don t eat too much.A.bread B.no odleC.dumpli ngD.hamburger5.I m going to the supermarket to buy some this after noon.A.paper and pencilB.apples andbananaC.milk and eggsD.bowl and spo ons6. _ something wrong with my bike.

31、Can I use yours?A.It is B.It was C.There is D.There wasThe child can_ the heavy box _5) 我爷爷是一位渔民, 每天都在海上捕鱼。My gran dfather is a fisherma n and he _三、单项选择1. “ What do we need for the salad?A.ora ngeB.tomatoes2._Theoften eat grass on thehill.A.chicke n B.horse3.1like _ best of all the vegetables._ on

32、the sea every day”“ We n eed two apples and threeC.broccoliC.cow D.sheepC.breads D.rice7. Look!_ some juice in the glass.A.There is B.There are C.There have D.There has8. There_ some flowers on the teacher s desk justnow,but now there_ nothing on it.A.have;has B.were;was C.were;is D.has;has9. _ no m

33、ilk in the fridge.A.There is B.It is C.There are D.There has10._Therea computer and some books on it.A.areB.isC.haveD.hasUnit 41. spend 及物动词,意为 花(时间)”,其后常与介词 on/in连用,spend 的主语必须是人, 常用于一下结构:2. get married 意为 结婚”,与 be married 同义。get/be marriedtosb.与某人结婚。【拓展】marry sb.表示嫁给某人/与某人结婚”。2marry sb. to sb.表示“(

34、父母把女儿)嫁给某人”或“(父母为儿子)娶媳妇3.put forward 把.向前拨【拓展】put forward 的其他用法:【用法集萃】1.like.best 最喜欢.2.in spring 在春天 3.get warm 变暖4.send out 发出5.go on a picnic=have a picnic 去野餐 6.at this time of year在每年的这个时候7.make sno wme n 堆雪人 8.the Spring Festival 春节 9.havedinner 吃晚饭10.on Monday morning 在星期一上午 11.plant trees 植树

35、12.during the day 在白天 13.in the north of China 在中国北部14.at that time 在那时()1.He s from_.He s an Australian.A.Australia nB.Australia nsC.Australia D.australia( )2.Look!The_ are falling from the tree.A.l eafBeafsCeaves D.l eafes()3.Everything_ going well.A.am B.is C.are D./()4visit my friends_ the Sprin

36、g Festival.A.i nB.at C.duri ng D.on( )5.There are_ people in the park.A.a lot B.lot of C.a lots of D.a lot of( )6.There is_ snow today.A.bigB.heavy C.heavilyD.stro ngly()7.It _ (礼貌) to use quiet voices in the library.()8.Don t be_ (害羞)when you speak English toforeign friends.()9.Jack,is there_ in to

37、day s spaper?No, no thi ng.A.a ny thi ng importa ntB.somethi ng importa ntC.importa nt anythingD.importa nt someth ing()10.The meat smells_ Throw it away.A.wellB.goodC.badlyD.bad()11.What kind of books do you like?I like funny storybooks.They re veryA.bori ngB.l azy C.quiet D.i nterest ing()12.lt s

38、dangerouswith the wild animal.A.for us to play B.of us playing C.for us playing D.of us toplay.()13.It is _ in Harbin in winter.A.rai ny B.snowy C.hot D.warm()14t is exciting _ kites in spring.A.fly B.flies C.flyi ng D.to fly9.他们很难在这么短的时间内想出新的办法。_ a new way in such a short time.Unit 51. enough1作形容词时

39、意为 足够的,充分的”。修饰名词时 enough 置于其前、后均可。2作副词时意为足够地,充分地”,只能放在形容词或副词的后面。2. more than 超过;多于,其反义词组为 less than,意为少于,不到”more.than 意为 比.更”,其中 more 可以修饰名词、形容词或副词。Joa n is more clever tha n Joh n.3. help sb. to do sth.帮助某人做某事,其中 do sth.是省略 to 的动词不定式。【拓展】与 help 相关的短语1help sb. with sth.在某方面帮助某人。with 后接名词或代词。2help on

40、 eself to sth.自用或自取某物。3can t help doing sth 情不自禁地做某事。3.The Moon is around 380,000 kilometres from the Earth,so it ll take us about fourdays to get there 月球离地球大约 380000 千米,所以将花费我们大约四天时间到那儿。此句型结构:It will take sb. some time to do sth.,意为 做某事将花费某人多少时间”。这个 句型的变化体现在动词 take 的时态变化,其一般现在时结构是 It takes sb. som

41、e time to dosth, 此句型的主语是 it,作形式主语,动词前的 to 不可去掉。Ex.1)It takes Janet three hours_ reading thisinteresting story.A.to fin ishB.fi ni shedC.fin ishi ng2)It takes him two hours _ his homework every day.A.do B.to doC.does D.doi ng【用法集萃】1.in space 在太空 2.take photos 拍照 3.that is 也就是说 4.writedown 写下5.too man

42、y 太多 6.on the Moon 在月球上7.thousands of 数以千计Ex.1)There is_ wrong with this computer.It doesn_ t work well.A.somethi ngB.a nythi ngC.everythi ngD.no thing2)Kate, Im going to Beijing.Please look after well.Don t orry,Mo m.l will.A.herself B.myself C.yourself D.your3) We will have a class meet ing_ 3:00

43、_ Wednesday after noon.A.o n;inB.at;o nC.at;i nD.o n;on4)I can t stop playing computer games.For your health,my boy,Im afraid youA.ca n B.may C.must D.have to5) At the weekend we help mother with housework _she can enjoy herself.A.afterB.u ntilC.that D.so that6)Do you have breakfast every day?No,I o

44、ften get up late and go to school_ breakfast.A.for B.in C.without D.after7) _ visitors come to the village every week.A.Thousa nd ofB.Thousa ndC.Thousa nds ofD.Thousa nds般将来时肯定句否定句一般疑问句特殊疑问句主语+will+动词原形+其他主语+will+not+ 动词原形+其他Will+主语+动词原形+其他?疑问词+般疑问句主语 +be going to+动词原形+其他主语 +be not goingto+动词原形+其他Be

45、+主语 + going to+动词原形+其他?We are going to climb the hill this after noon.He will not (wont)go to the party.Are you going to play computer games tomorrowafrernoon?Will he help you with your En glish?()1hope Tin can come to my birthday party.Then we_ a much happier time.A.haveB.hadC.will have D.have had(

46、)2.My sister wants a new dress.She_ it to the party.A.wear B.has worn C.wore D.is going to wear()3.Mom,whe n can I go out to play football?Finish your homework first,or I _ let you go out.A.don tB.didn t C.wont D.haven t( )4.There_ a football match and a con cert thisweeke nd.Which one would you lik

47、e togo?()5.Excuse me.Could you wake me up when my frien _ here?Of course.But we still don t know whenyour friendere.A.comes;will come B.comes;comes C.will come;comes D.willcome;will comeUnit 61. advice 不可数名词,意为 建议;劝告;忠告”。一条建议用“a piece of advicee.g. I n eed some advice from you.相关短语: give sb. advice/

48、give advice to sb.给某人提建议A.isB.areC.will beD.will have2give sb. advice on sth.在某方面给某人提建议3ask sb. for advice 征求某人的意见4take/follow sb. s adv 接受/听从某人的意见/劝告【拓展】advice 的动词形式为 advise advise sb. to do sth.建议某人做某事。2. go bad 变质go 此处为连系动词,意为 使.处于.状态”,其后多跟形容词作表语 【拓展】表示变”的连系动词有四个:get多支时间、天气的变化It s getting dark.tu

49、rn多指颜色的变化His face turns red.become多指逐渐变化He is beco ming famous.go多指质的变化The milk is sour.It goes bad.3.the third most 第三多形容词最高级前加序数词,常表示第几最”。【用法集萃】1.travel guide 旅游手册 2.place of interest 名胜 3.such as 例如 4.look up 查阅5.place to visit 游览的地方6.around the world 世界各地 7.alist of 一列;一览8.be away from 离.一段距离9.l

50、ight up 点亮10.atnight 在晚上Ex.1._ Where_ will you go withthe _ students?A.other;else B.else;other C.else;others D.else;else2.1often do my homework _ the computer.A.in B.on C.atD.with3.It s cold outside; your coat.A.wear B.take off C.put on D.dress4. The Bund is a place of_.A.interesting B.interest C.in

51、terests D.interested5. Don t make the baby_ He is ill.A.happyB.un happyC.un happily D.happily6. We will have no water to drink_ we don t protect theearth.A.un tilB.before C.though D.if7. William.please remember to _ the photo taken inCanada when you come to schooltomorrowd like to have a look.OKll i

52、ntroduce something about it to you myself.A.take B.bri ng C.pass D.carry【句子要点】1.My head was madethere.我的头就产于那儿。“ be made in 地点”意为 产于某地”由于 there 是地点副词,故去掉介词 in。【拓展】be made的其他用法:ExDo you belive that paper is made_ wood?Yes,I do.And you can see that books are made_paper.A.from;fromB.from;of C.of;from D

53、.of;of2.Sha nghai isone of the largestities in the world.上海是世界上最大的城市之一。“one o(+the+形容词最高级)+复数名词/代词”意为“(最).之一”当其作主语时,谓语 动词用单数形式。3.If you like sightseeing,you will love it!如果你喜欢观光,你会爱上它的!本句为含有 if 引导的条件状语从句的主从复合句,从句用一般现在时,主句要用一般将 来时。主句也可用祈使句或含有情态动词的句子。if 意为如果”Ex.lf it _ fine tomorrow,I will go hiking w

54、ith you.A.isB.are C.will beif 引导的条件状语从句条件状语从句表示主句动作发生的条件。条件状语从句用if,unless 等引导。在使用含有条件状语从句的主从复合句时要注意条件状语从句中时态的对应:主句中用一般将来时,从 句中的动词要用现在时表示将来的动作。We will have a pinic if it doesn t rain.Ex.( )1.lf the robot _ strong,you can get a new one forfree or get allyour money back.A.wentB.goes C.would go D.will g

55、o()2.lf Bob_ away from the junk food,he will be ingood health.A.stay B.will stay D.stays( )3.Kevin wiil give less homework to his students if he_ a teacher.A.becomes B.become C.became D.beco ming()4.Studying in groups is necessary_ you want todo well in school.A.if B.u ntilC.u nlessD.though()5.lf mo

56、re trees _ planted,our city will be morebeautiful.A.were B.are C.will be()6.If she_ ,I will go,too.A.goesB.go C.will go D.is goingUnit 71. then 然后,其次then 名词,意为那时”(作介词的宾语)by then 到那时 from then on 从那以后 si nee then 从那时起till then 到那时为止2. finish1及物动词, 意为 完成”, 后面跟名词或动词-ing 形式作宾语。e.g .I fini shed read ing

57、the book yesterday.2不及物动词,意为【用法集萃】l.learnabout 学习4.after that 从那以后7.wait for 等待,等候结束,完成”。2.last mo nth 上个月 3.all the way 一路上5.go on a long walk 走很长一段路 6.look up 查阅8.take pictures 拍照 9.with the help of.在 的帮助下ll.take place 发生 12.in the coun trysike 在乡下10. accordi ng to 按照13.remote control 遥控器14.Thanks

58、 for名词/动词-ing 形式 为.而感谢15.leave for+地点名词16.help sb. do sth 帮助某人做某事17.get to 到达18.would like to do sth.想做某事Ex.1.I like tak ing photos .1 want to join theClub.A.Sports B.Photography C.Swimmi ngD.English2.Tom s mother is ill .Itcnlnear that.A.happyB.w on derfulC.sorry D.angry3.If you don t know the new words,you may in a dict ion ary.A.look up B.look it up C.look up them D.look them up4.Look!There is a black catthe tree.A.onB.in C.at D.for5._ The boy f


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