英语高考一轮复习语法 并列连词 精炼版_第1页
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1、并列连词并列连词1(2014新课标卷)There were many people waiting at the bus stop, _ some of them looked very anxious.2(2014新课标卷)But the river wasnt changed in a few days _ even a few months.3(2014辽宁卷)It asks you to act like water: to be flexible as well _ strong.andoras历史考题历史考题空格处是否需要填并列连词主要是通过观察句子结构确定。这种情况一般是空格前后

2、空格前后是两个并列成分是两个并列成分,如两个主谓结构完整的句句子、词、短语子、词、短语等,而且相并列的成分相互之间存在并列、转折、选择、因果并列、转折、选择、因果等关系。诊断技巧诊断技巧1(2015四川卷短文改错)I dont like to go anymore, so Im afraid Ill lose their friendship.答案与解析:sobut历史考题历史考题2(2014浙江卷)The passenger realized he couldnt find his ticket but became quite upset.答案与解析:butand3We ran to es

3、cape but fortunately no one was injured.答案与解析:butand4With little sleep and hardly any break, so he works from morning till night.答案与解析:去掉so5He had a deep voice, he was strong and powerful.答案与解析:he前加and并列连词使用时的常见错误:并列连词的缺少与冗余。两个简单句两个简单句若构成并列句,它们之间必须有并列连词连接,但如果已有从属连词已有从属连词则不再用并列连词。并列连词按照在句中的作用可分为:表并列并

4、列关系的连词(and, as well as, both.and., not only.but also ., neither .nor .等)、表转折转折关系的连词(but, yet, however, while, nevertheless等)、表选择选择关系的连词(or, either .or .等)、表因果因果关系的连词(for, so等)。Why do you like staying in Guiyang?Because the weather there is neither too hot nor too cold.when和while可作并列连词。when表示表示“在那时,此

5、时在那时,此时突然突然”;while表示表示“然而,而然而,而”,表对比或转折关,表对比或转折关系系。并列连词when常用于以下句型中:(1).was/were doing .when .(正在做突然)(2).was/were about to do .when .(刚要做突然)(3) .was/were on the point of doing.when .(刚要做突然)(4) .had just done .when .(刚/一就)The children were playing when they heard the sound of a motorbike.He is strong

6、 while his brother is weak.1The government should attach great importance to the economic development environmental protection as well.2Keep it in mind, gradually we can gain this good learning habit and benefit from it.3Not only did he speak more correctly, he also spoke more easily.4Would you like

7、 to leave would you like to stay?5There was a way to help him grow more, his parents did not have enough money to pay for his medical needs.but and and butor 6The shops were closed, I didnt get any milk.7Id like to study law at university my cousin prefers geography.8Start out right away, youll miss

8、 the first train.9He was about to tell me the secret _ someone patted him on the shoulder.10The doctor advised Vera strongly that she should take a holiday, _it didnt help.butsowhileor/otherwise when.语法填空Spring is coming. For students in the US it means a vacation is on the way. In the US, students

9、may begin their spring vacation at different times, depending on _ they live. Some students from one town are on vacation, _ their neighbors in the next town might have classes as usual.Spring vacation is also known as “spring break”. During this time, students have two weeks off from school. The br

10、eak usually _ (happen) in late March or April.Spring break is a fun _ relaxing time. Teachers usually dont give homework over the break, _ students can spend their days and nights free from schooltime stress.where while happens Spring break is a fun _ relaxing time. Teachers usually dont give homewo

11、rk over the break, _ students can spend their days and nights free from school-time stress. There are lots of ways to spend the time. Some families go on vacation _ (visit) a new state or even a new country. Others may travel to visit family members _ live far away. Or students may enjoy the break freely by relaxing at home, reading books _ watching movies. Sometimes teachers lead overseas trips for groups so and visiting who or of students. On a tenday trip,


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