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1、必必 修修 2 2Unit 4Unit 4CyberspaceCyberspace重点短语重点句型重点单词1.likelyadj.有可能的 adv.可能,也许unlikely(反义词)adj.不太可能的;没希望的2.conceptn.概念3.focusvt.(使)集中;调整 vi.集中注意 n.焦点,中心;焦距4.skipvt.跳过 vi.跳,蹦5.artificialadj.人造的6.climaten.气候7.floodn.洪水,水灾vt.& vi.淹没8.realityn.真实,现实realadj.真实的reallyadv.事实上,真正地9.affectvt.影响affectionn.影响

2、;感情;喜爱 重点短语重点句型重点单词10.rapidlyadv.快,迅速地rapidadj.快的,迅速的11.crimen.犯罪,罪行criminaln.罪犯12.attackn.& vt.攻击,进攻13.crashvt.打碎;撞坏 vi.坠落;撞毁n.撞碎;坠毁14.offern.& vt.提供;出价 vi.提议;供奉;呈现15.optimisticadj.乐观的pessimistic(反义词)adj.悲观的16.harmvt.& n.伤害,损害harmfuladj.有害的 重点短语重点句型重点单词17.obviousadj.明显的,显而易见的18.scientificadj.科学的sci

3、encen.科学,自然科学scientist n.科学家19.fancyvt.(非正式)想要做;幻想n.迷恋;想象力 adj.奇特的20.suggestvt.建议,提议suggestionn.建议,提议21.rejectvt.拒绝,不接受rejectionn.拒绝22.arrangementn.安排arrangevt.安排;排列 vi.安排;商定23.destinationn.目的地 重点短语重点句型重点单词24.historicaladj.历史的,有关历史的25.tourismn.观光,游览touristn.游客tourn.,vt.& vi.观光,旅行26.guiden.指南;导游,向导vt

4、.& vi.引导,带领guidancen.指导;导航;领导27.settlevi.定居;解决settlementn.(新)定居地28.averageadj.平均的 n.平均数29.regularadj.定期的;规则的irregular(反义词)adj.不规律的,不规则的 重点短语重点句型重点单词1.make up 编造;构成;化妆e true 实现3.as if 好像,仿佛4.hang on (电话用语)别挂断5.get in touch 取得联系6.be up to 做,从事于7.in the flesh 本人,亲自8.as well as 也,又9.take action 采取行动10.t

5、ake over 接收,接管11.consist of 由组成12.cut off 切掉,切断 重点短语重点句型重点单词1.很明显,我们将会看到网上购物的大幅度增长。.it is clear that we are going to see a huge growth in shopping on the Internet.2.有些专家看到虚拟现实的未来运用计算机产生的声音和视觉效果,使人感觉就好像生活在现实中一样。Some experts see our future in virtual realitythe use of computers with sounds and picture

6、s that make you feel as if you are in a real situation.3.你周六、周日有什么安排吗?Do you have anything planned for Saturday and Sunday?4.我们不仅能周游世界,而且还能去我们想去的任何一所世界著名大学学习。We would not only be able to travel around the world,but also go to study in any world famous universities we wanted to.5.但我还是觉得它令人难以想象。But I

7、still find it hard to imagine. In the last thirty years,the Internet 1.has grown(grow) rapidly.In 1983,there were only 200 computers 2.connected(connect) to the Internet;now therere around 50 million and this 3.growth(grow) is clearly going to continue.Some experts are pessimistic about the future.O

8、ne worry is crime in cyberspace.Even now,hackers can get into the computers of banks and governments.In the future,4.terrorists(terror) may “attack” the worlds computers,cause chaos,and make planes and trains crash.5.However,many people are optimistic about it.“In the next few years,” says Angela Ro

9、ssetto of Cyberia magazine,“6.it is clear that were going to see a huge growth in shopping online.” She also believes that well get entertainment from the Net and that television will 7.probably(probable) disappear.The mail service may also disappear with the 8.increasing(increase) use of e-mail. So

10、me experts see our future in virtual realitythe use of computers with sounds and pictures that make you feel 9.as if you are in a real situation.“10.Personally(person),I think virtual reality will become a part of modern life,” says Peter Anderson.“I see people living and working in a virtual world.

11、Well work in virtual offices,shop in virtual supermarkets,and well even study in virtual schools.” 重点短语重点句型重点单词likelyadj.很可能的,有希望的;合适的 adv.可能,也许In a group discussion,I am more likely to.组内讨论时,我更有可能(教材原句P4)常见用法Its likely that.有可能Its likely (for sb.) to do sth.(某人)可能做某事sb./sth. be likely to do sth.某人/

12、物可能做某事Its likely that Dora has known about it.朵拉可能已经知道了。 It is more likely for Team Brazil to win the match.巴西队更有可能赢得比赛。 He is the most likely player to win the prize.他是最有希望得奖的选手。 重点短语重点句型重点单词词义辨析1.likely指从外表、迹象上进行判断,有可能发生,常用于系表结构。其主语可以是人也可以是物,且可以用very、比较级(more/less)和最高级(most/least)修饰。2.possible指客观上

13、有可能,但往往含有希望很小的意思。其主语不能是人,常用于句型:It is possible that.或It is possible (for sb.) to do bable用来指有根据、合情理、值得相信的事物,语气比possible重。其主语不能是人,常用于句型:It is probable that.。现学活用单句填空1.Shes not likely(like) to pass the test as she never studies hard.2.It is likely that this is the most remarkable echo in the

14、world. 重点短语重点句型重点单词focusvt.(使)聚集;调整 vi.集中(注意力)于 n.焦点,中心;焦距In a book with lots of pictures and charts,I am likely to focus mainly on the written text.在一本带有许多图画和表格的书里,我可能会把注意力主要集中在书面文字上。(教材原句P4)常见用法1.focus on/upon 聚焦于,关注be focused on集中于focus ones attention/thought/efforts/eyes on 集中注意力/思想/努力/目光于 重点短语重

15、点句型重点单词2.o focus 使集中在焦点上;使清楚起来,使明朗化;使突出come into focus (某物)轮廓明显/清晰;(问题)突出with focus on把焦点集中在in focus焦距对准;清晰out of focus焦距没对准;模糊the focus of.的焦点We are going to focus on improving the quality of the products.我们要集中注意力在提高产品质量上。 It has come into our focus how to use renewable energy.如何利用可再生能源已成为

16、焦点。 重点短语重点句型重点单词现学活用单句填空1.Public attention at the moment is focused(focus) on Athletics World Championships.2.Pictures should be in focus,with realistic colors and well composed groups. 重点短语重点句型重点单词affectvt.影响;(疾病)侵袭;感染;打动Peter Taylor finds out how computers and the Internet are going to affect our

17、lives.彼得泰勒发现了计算机和互联网将如何影响我们的生活。(教材原句P8)His opinion will not affect my decision.他的意见不会影响我的决定。 The slight change of weather can affect her delicate health.天气稍有变化就会影响她那虚弱的身体。 常见用法affect sb.to tears把某人感动得流泪be affected by受影响be deeply/greatly affected by.被深深感动be affected by heat/cold中暑/着凉be affected with

18、患有疾病 重点短语重点句型重点单词All the people in the room were affected to tears.屋里所有人都感动得流了泪。 We were deeply affected by the story.这个故事深深地打动了我们。 She is affected with cancer.她患有癌症。 拓展延伸effect n.影响;结果have an effect on.对产生影响take effect生效come into effect实行;生效be of no effect无效in effect有效;实际上 重点短语重点句型重点单词现学活用用affect或e

19、ffect的适当形式填空1.The war and the effects it caused affected him a great deal.2.Reading in bed affected his eyesight.3.The film had quite an effect on her. 重点短语重点句型重点单词attackn.& vt.攻击,袭击,抨击;着手,从事In the future,terrorists may “attack” the worlds computers,cause chaos,and make planes and trains crash.将来,恐怖

20、分子可能会“攻击”全球的电脑,制造混乱,引发飞机、火车失事。(教材原句P8)常见用法1.make an attack on/upon攻击,向进攻open an attack开始进攻under attack遭到袭击重点短语重点句型重点单词2.attack sb./sth.攻击某人/某物be attacked with (a disease)患(病)The sailors made the best of everything under attack of the storm.水手们在暴风雨的侵袭下全力求生。 The enemy attacked us at night.敌人在夜里向我们进攻。S

21、he was attacked while walking home late at night.在深夜回家的路上她遭到了袭击。 He was suddenly attacked with a strange illness.他突然得了一种怪病。 现学活用用attack的适当形式填空1.China recently tightened its waters controls near the Huangyan Island to prevent Chinese fishing boats from being attacked in the South China Sea.2.After he

22、 became conscious,he remembered having been attacked and hit on the head with a rod. 重点短语重点句型重点单词offern.& vt.提供;提议,报价,出价 vi.提议;供奉;呈现Already,users can buy books,find out about holiday offers,book tickets,and get all sorts of information from the Internet.人们已经可以在网上购书,查询假日优惠,预订票务,并从网上获取各类信息。(教材原句P8)常见用

23、法1.offer sb.sth.=offer sth.to sb.向某人提供某物offer to do sth.=make an offer to do sth.主动要做某事2.accept/take an offer (of sth./to do sth.)接受(做某事的)提议turn down/reject an offer拒绝提议The kind hostess offered us all a cold drink.好心的女主人为我们每个人提供了一杯冷饮。 Tony offered to drive me home.托尼主动提出开车送我回家。 重点短语重点句型重点单词词义辨析1.off

24、er含有主动提供之意,常用offer sb.sth.或offer sth.to sb.结构。2.supply含有“供给,供应”之意,表示“为某人提供某物”时,常用结构为:supply sb.with sth.=supply sth.for/to sb.。The newspaper stand supplies the dustmen with free hot water every day.报摊每天免费为清洁工供应热水。3.provide与supply意思相近,其常用结构为:provide sb.with sth.=provide sth.for sb.。He was desperate f

25、or work to provide for a large family.他渴望有份工作来养活一大家子人。重点短语重点句型重点单词现学活用用offer的适当形式填空1.A good listener takes part in the conversation,offering ideas and raising questions to keep the talk flowing.2.John has really got the job because he showed me the official letter offering him it. 重点短语重点句型重点单词harmn.

26、& vt.伤害,损害,危害someone who does terrible things to harm countries,governments and people做坏事伤害国家、政府和民众的人(教材原句P8)常见用法1.harm sb./sth.伤害某人/某物2.do/cause harm to sb./sth.=do/cause sb./sth.harm 对某人/某物有害Theres no harm in doing sth.不妨做某事Too much direct sunlight will harm the young plants.太多阳光直射将伤害这些幼苗。This sca

27、ndal wont do serious harm to his career.这起丑闻不会对他的事业造成多大的伤害。 The teacher may not be able to help but theres no harm in asking him.老师可能帮不了忙,但是问他一下倒也无妨。 重点短语重点句型重点单词拓展延伸1.harmful adj.有害的be harmful to.对有害2.harmless adj.无害的,无恶意的be harmless to.对无害Smoking is also harmful to non-smokers health.吸烟同样会危害不吸烟者的健

28、康。词义辨析1.hurt既可指肉体上的伤害,也可指精神上、感情上的伤害。He felt hurt at your words.你的话让他很伤心。2.injure比hurt正式,多指损害健康、成就、容貌等,强调功能的损失。A bullet injured his right eye.一颗子弹伤了他的右眼。 重点短语重点句型重点单词3.harm指肉体上、精神上的伤害,也可指引起不安或不便。Dont harm your eyes by reading in dim light.不要在昏暗的灯光下看书,以免损害眼睛。4.damage主要指对物的损害,强调对价值、用途、外观等所造成的损失,这种损失或因自

29、然灾害所致,或因人为造成。Someone damaged my car with a stone.有人用石头砸坏了我的汽车。5.wound指枪伤、刀伤、刺伤等皮肉之伤,是出血的、严重的伤,特指战场上的受伤。它可以指肉体上的伤害,也可喻指人们精神上的创伤。The bullet wounded his arm.子弹打伤了他的一只胳膊。现学活用单句填空1.Any rumor from customers will certainly be harmful(harm) to our companys reputation.2.Smoking does harm to your health. 重点短语

30、重点句型重点单词suggestvt.建议;暗示,表明Tom,can you suggest any good books for my project?汤姆,就我这个研究项目,你能推荐几本好书吗?(教材原句P12)常见用法suggest (doing) sth.建议(做)某事suggest to sb.向某人建议suggest sth.to sb.=suggest to sb.sth.向某人建议某事John suggested going together in one car.约翰建议大家坐同一辆车去。 I suggested to him that we should deal with

31、the problem another way.我向他建议用另一种方式处理这个问题。 重点短语重点句型重点单词拓展延伸suggestion n.建议(可数名词)make/offer a suggestion提议,建议ask for/call for/invite a suggestion 征求建议/意见at/on ones suggestion根据某人的建议on the suggestion of在的建议下特别提醒suggest作“建议,提议”讲时,所接宾语从句用虚拟语气,即从句谓语用“should+动词原形”的虚拟形式,should可以省略;作“暗示,表明”讲时,所接宾语从句用陈述语气。Th

32、e dentist suggested that she (should) come another day.牙医建议她改天再来。All the evidence suggests that he stole the money.所有证据都表明是他偷了钱。 重点短语重点句型重点单词现学活用用括号中所给词的适当形式填空1.His cool response suggested that he disliked(dislike) the idea.2.I suggest the cheat referred to be put(put) into prison.3.Bill suggested h

33、olding(hold) a meeting on what to do for the coming competition. 重点短语重点句型重点单词settlevt.使定居;结束或解决(争论);确定 vi.下沉;定居The history of the city goes back 650 years when the Maoris settled in the area.这座城市的历史可以追溯到650年前,当时毛利人定居在此地。(教材原句P14)She cannot settle to work.她安不下心来工作。 The question has been settled.这个问题已

34、经解决了。 常见用法settle (sb.) down (使某人)安静下来/安顿/安心settle in 安顿;适应settle on sth.选择某事物;决定做某事settle up 解决;还清欠款 重点短语重点句型重点单词Wait until the children settle down before you start the lesson.等学生都静下心来再开始上课。 We only moved last week and we havent settled in yet.我们上星期才搬的家,还没安顿下来呢。 Have you settled on the wallpaper yo

35、u prefer?你选好你喜欢的壁纸了吗?He asked the waiter for the bill,and settled up.他向服务员要来了账单,然后结了账。 拓展延伸settler n.移民;殖民者settlement n.定居;解决;协议 重点短语重点句型重点单词现学活用用settle的适当形式填空1.Why do you look sad?There are so many problems remaining to be settled.2.With a lot of difficult problems to settle,the newly-elected headm

36、aster is having a hard time.3.Early settlers in this area had a difficult life.4.We hope for a last settlement of all these troubles.5.They settled in Shanghai last year. 重点短语重点句型重点单词come true 实现Which of the predictions in them have already come true?里面有哪些预测已经实现?(教材原句P7)拓展延伸come across偶遇;被理解come abo

37、ut发生,出现,产生come up走近;上来;发生;长出;提出come up with提出;想出come down下降;倒塌;失势come on快点;加油come out出来;出版;泄露 重点短语重点句型重点单词词义辨析e true是不及物动词短语,通常用表示理想、愿望的名词作句子的主语,意为“变为现实”,相当于be realized。His dream of owning a new car came true.他希望买辆新车的梦想成真了。2.realize是及物动词,常用于sb.realize sth.结构,除了有“实现”的意思外,还有“认识到,了解”等意思。I hope my son w

38、ill realize my dream.我希望我儿子能实现我的梦想。现学活用根据语境用适当的介词或副词填空1.The magazine comes out once a month.2.Perhaps I shall come across him in London.3.The ceiling of the lecture hall came down for no reason. 重点短语重点句型重点单词as if仿佛,好像.the use of computers with sounds and pictures that make you feel as if you are in

39、a real situation.运用计算机产生的声音和视觉效果,使人感觉就好像生活在现实中一样。(教材原句P8)常见用法1.as if在look,seem,sound,smell,taste,feel等系动词后引导表语从句。2.省略:如果as if 引导的方式状语从句是“主语+系动词”结构,且与主句主语一致,则可省略从句中的主语和系动词。3.语气:如果as if引导的从句表示的是真实的、极有可能发生或存在的事实时,则用陈述语气;如果表示的是不真实的、基本不可能发生或存在的情况时,从句则用虚拟语气。重点短语重点句型重点单词He looks as if he were ten years old

40、er.他看起来好像比实际年龄老了10岁。 She left the room hurriedly as if (she was/were) angry.她急匆匆地离开房间,好像生气了。 He talked about Beijing as if he had been there before.说起北京来,他就好像以前去过似的。 现学活用用括号中所给词的适当形式填空1.(2012北京高考改编)Dont handle the vase as if it were(be) made of steel.2.He talked as if he knew what had happened(happe

41、n). 重点短语重点句型重点单词be up to 从事于;胜任What are you up to this weekend?周末你干什么?(教材原句P12)常见用法be up to sb.由某人做主,取决于某人;是某人的职责/义务be up to sth.从事于某事;胜任某事,有资格做某事Its up to you to decide the destination for the holiday.你决定假日去哪里。 拓展延伸up to(数目)达到之多;直到(时间)live up to 真正做到;无愧于Whats up?怎么了?Up to 200 people attended the me

42、eting yesterday.昨天近200人参会。Well never fail to live up to our parents expectations.我们决不辜负父母的期望。 重点短语重点句型重点单词现学活用单项填空What shall we do tonight then?whatever you want. ( D )A.Help yourselfB.Its a dealC.No problemD.Its up to you 重点短语重点句型重点单词not only.but also.的用法We would not only be able to travel around t

43、he world,but also go to study in any world famous universities we wanted to.我们不仅能环游世界,而且还能去我们想去的任何一所世界著名大学学习。(教材原句P12)not only.but (also).表示“不但而且”,通常连接两个并列的谓语、宾语、表语、状语等,还可以连接两个并列的句子。He is not only arrogant but also selfish.他不但傲慢,而且自私。We must not only finish our task but also do it well.我们不但要完成任务,还要做

44、好。 重点短语重点句型重点单词特别提醒1.not only.but also.连接并列主语时,谓语动词的形式要依据“就近一致”原则,即与靠近它的主语保持一致。Not only you but also he likes playing football.不光你,他也喜欢踢足球。2.not only位于句首时,not only所在的分句要部分倒装。Not only can he sing,but also he can dance well.他不仅能唱歌,舞也跳得不错。现学活用完成句子1.不仅老师对足球感兴趣,就连他所有的学生也都开始对它产生了兴趣。Not only is the teacher

45、 interested in football but also all his students are beginning to show an interest in it.2.不但男孩子们,而且女孩子们也被邀请参加了派对。Not only boys but also girls were invited to the party . 重点短语重点句型重点单词“动词+it+宾语补足语+不定式”句型But I still find it hard to imagine.但我还是觉得它令人难以想象。(教材原句P12)“find it+adj./n.+to do sth.”意为“发现做某事”。

46、it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式。形容词或名词作宾语补足语。We found it not difficult to translate it into English.我们发现把它译成英语并不困难。拓展延伸有类似用法的动词还有make,feel,think,consider等,构成“make/feel/think/consider it+adj./n.+不定式短语”句式。They felt it impossible to finish the work in such a short time.他们觉得在这么短的时间内完成任务是不可能的。She thought it her d

47、uty to take care of the baby.她认为照顾婴儿是她的职责。 重点短语重点句型重点单词现学活用单句改错1.Trains and buses make easy to go on a trip.(在make后加it)2.I find it difficult to making myself understood.(making改为make) 一、单句填空1.(2015重庆高考改编)(raise) in the poorest area of Glasgow,he had a long,hard road to becoming a football star.Raise

48、d。raise在此表示“带大,养大”,和该句主语是被动关系,故用过去分词。此处不能用现在分词的被动式,因为此处养大的动作已完成。2.(2015北京高考改编)we understand things has a lot to do with what we feel.How。句意:我们如何理解事物与我们对事物的感受有很大关系。根据语境可知此处应用how引导主语从句。3.(2014福建高考改编)For those with family members far away,the (person) computer and the phone are important in staying connected.personal。名词前需用形容词修饰。personal computer“个人电脑”。 4.(2014上海高考改编)The customer(give) important health information,but is still free to decide what to choose.is given。此空作谓语,因主语the customer与谓语动词是被动关系,再结合语境可知,应用一般现在时的被动语态。5.(2014浙江高考改编)Cathy h


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