已阅读5页,还剩3页未读 继续免费阅读




1、第1页,共 7 页2018-2019 年大同市矿区同家梁第二小学三年级上册英语期末练习无答案一、我会选一选(选择题)1.This is Mr Li._ is tall.4._ 上学路上,碰到老师和同学你不会说:A . Hello.B . Goodbye.C. Good morning.5.英汉互译。给下面的英语单词选择相应的中文,给中文选出相应的英语单词,并把它们的字母编号写在右边的括号里。(1yellow ()(2mouth )( (3) )face ()(4) pencil ()VFIIIte ()卷笔刀卷笔刀()脚脚()身体身体()()( (0) )fg ((m)蜡笔蜡笔()()儿脸儿脸

2、 乩日鱼的乩日鱼的C屬屬D 铅笔铅笔E.黄鱼的黄鱼的F.body H*foot I. sharpener crayon6. Look, a panda!A . Its a pan da.B . Sorry! C . Cool! I like it.7 . Is he Danny?_A. Yes, he is.B. Yes, She is.8 . -_ , Miss White!-Bye-bye, Coli n!A . Goodbye B . Hi C . Hello9.吃些鱼吧。_A. Eat some rice. B. Eat some fish.10 . Lets go_ school.A

3、. to B. too11. sharpener ()A. HeB. SheC. It2 . I amf.( )A.swimmi ngB.flyC.jump3 .classroom is big and clea n.A. AB. AnC. The第2页,共 7 页A.第3页,共 7 页19.给下列单词归类。rulerpi nkcatbreadfoothandsharpenerdogduckgree ncakenoseeraserredFrench friesA .学习用品类:_B. 人体部位: _C. 食物:_D .颜色:_E.动物:_20.根据课文填空。1. Who_ that?2. He

4、 s_ friend.3. _ is my cous in.12. duck ()A .鸭子 B.猪13. Let s go_ schoolA. tooB. toC. /14. My finger_ .A. hurti ng-iB. hurts15. Today we have two new_ .A . friendB . friendsC .boyC. to hurt二、想一想,填一填(填空题)16.看图片,完成练习。I have a_. It has no_ . Its so_17.I dont like the black dress. I like the_dress.18.心明眼亮

5、。根据图示,写出单词。In win ter. I want to play outdoors. I want wear my_第4页,共 7 页4. Be_ !5. Wow,_!21 根据情景选择单词,将序号填在横线上。redgree nyellow bluewhite小老虎,真顽皮,手里拿着大画笔。画片海洋是(1) _,画朵白云是(2) _,画片草地是(3)_,画根香蕉是(4) _ ,画个太阳是(5) _,对着镜子画自己,老虎画成小猫咪。22 根据_Linda 的家谱,从方框中选择合适的单词完成后面的题目。mother, father, sister, family,brother)TomL

6、 JIHSRMa、1(1) Mike is Lindas_ .(2) Julia is Toms_ .(3) May is Lin das_ .(4) Tom is Mays_.(5) This is Lindas_.23 根据首字母填写本单元单词。(1)_She is my s.(2)_Tom is my f.(3) This is Mike. H_ is my friend.(4) She is my friend and he is my friend t_ .(5) Mary i_ my sister.24下列单词找不到家了,请根据它们的首字母,将它们送回家吧!eye head era

7、ser green face ear hand footMikeJulia第5页,共 7 页25.She is=_ .(写出 She is 的缩写形式)27.选择对应的答语。连线(1) Good mornin g. Im Ms WangA I m fine, tha nk, you.(2) What s your name?B Good after noon.(3) How are you, Sam?C I m Amy.(4) Good after noon.D Bye-bye!(5) Goodbye!E Good morning, Ms Wang28.在右栏中找出左栏每个单词的中文意思,(连

8、线)。A 铅笔B 眼睛C 尺子D 黄色的E 书包F 黑色的G 橡皮H 学校I 嘴EFGH1.yellow2.bag3.mouth4.school5.ruler6.leg7.pe ncil8.eye二、手牵手,找朋友(连线题)26. 仔细观察字母,并连出它们真正的拍档。第6页,共 7 页lO.eraserJ 腿29.给词组和相关图片连线,然后给图片涂色。30 单词、短语连线,先选后连线。(1) get upA 唱一首歌(2) ing a songB 放下(3) hands dow nC 去睡觉(4) go to bedD 三只老鼠(5) three miceE 起床四、我是翻译家(英汉互译)31

9、. 默写下列单词。1年龄,岁_2我自己_3电话 _4号码 _5小学_32. 翻译词组。1去溜冰_2堆雪人_3晴朗的一天_33._ I have(6) cards.34._ An(苹果)in a bag.35. 写出单词或短语的中文意思1. no odles_2. un der the tree_1. three red balls2. ten orange pencils6. five brown ham burgers第7页,共 7 页3. play hide-a nd-seek_五、我是小法官(判断题)37.判断下面说法是否正确。当听到别人说:“ Hell0 时,我们可以回答:“ Good

10、 morning!。yes 后面打vf 不符的在no 后面打aXo36 看图读句子,与图片相符的在Loqk at my earThis is mty till色Y-Opan 70m mouthDiaw a duclc38.读句子,在使句意完整通顺的单词后面打“v。(1). I haveaanapple.(2). What colourareisyour pen?第8页,共 7 页39.判断下列句子是否正确,是打 “V 否打“X”()1.Act like an duck!()2ts nice.()3.Good morning!()4.Show I your pencil-box.()5.My n

11、 ame is Pan da.六、阅读理解40. 阅读短文,判断下列句子对( V 错(X)。Look at the picture! It s a zoo. This is a giraffe. It s tall. Look at this bird! Wow, It has a small heaThe elepha nt is big. It has a long nose and a short tail. Oh, it is a pan da! It s black and w1.The picture is about a zoo.()2._The giraffe is short. ()3.The bird has a long tail. (_)4.The elephant has a short tail. (_ )5.The panda is black and white. (_)41.阅读理解。Tom: Hi, Mary, Nice to meet you.Mary: Nice to meet you, too.Tom: What s that, Mary?Mary: It s a dog.Tom: Great! I like it. May I have


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