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1、代词代词Pronoun代词的分类代词的分类1 1、人称代词、人称代词2 2、物主代词、物主代词3 3、反身代词、反身代词4 4、指示代词、指示代词5 5、相互代词、相互代词6 6、不定代词、不定代词7 7、疑问代词、疑问代词8 8、连接代词、关系代词、连接代词、关系代词 单数单数 复数复数主主格格I, you, he, she, itwe, you , they宾宾格格me,you ,him, her, it us, you, them人称代词人称代词 一、人称代词的用法一、人称代词的用法作主语用主格作主语用主格; ;作宾语用宾格。作宾语用宾格。 She teaches us English.

2、在单独使用在没有谓语的句子中时,用宾格作主语。在单独使用在没有谓语的句子中时,用宾格作主语。 eg. A. _Who will go there to fetch a desk? _Me. B._I like her. _ Me, too. 作主语补语时用主格、作主语补语时用主格、作宾语补语时用宾格作宾语补语时用宾格 I was taken to be she. 我被当成了她我被当成了她。 They took me to be her. 他们把我当成了她。他们把我当成了她。 2)2)在句中作表语,常用宾格。在句中作表语,常用宾格。- - Who is it? -Its me. 但是:有时也用主

3、格:但是:有时也用主格: a. If I were she, I wouldt go there. b. It was I who told him about it. . 3 3)要注意这样的句子意思:)要注意这样的句子意思: a. I like you as much as her. ( (我喜欢你和喜欢她一样)我喜欢你和喜欢她一样) b. I like you as much as she. ( (我和她一样喜欢你)我和她一样喜欢你) c. I love you more than him. ( (我爱你胜过爱他)我爱你胜过爱他) d. I love you more than he.

4、(我比他更爱你(我比他更爱你. .)人称代词的顺序:人称代词的顺序: 1)we you and they 2) you he she and I(但是但是: :如果是承担责任时又将如果是承担责任时又将I I放在最前面放在最前面)3)he and she4)4)如果比自己地位的人在一起也将如果比自己地位的人在一起也将I I置前置前 另类用法:另类用法:如果指心目中的人要用如果指心目中的人要用it _Who is there? _It is Li Ming.she通常还可以用来指国家,船只,大地,月亮,通常还可以用来指国家,船只,大地,月亮,猫狗等,(在美国常用猫狗等,(在美国常用she指代狗,指

5、代狗,he指代指代猫)。猫)。1.Who is going to help them,_? you or me B. I or youA.C. you or I D.me or you 2. _will attend the meeting to be held next Thursday. I,he and you B. You , he and I C. He, you and I D. You ,I and he 3. Who _ at the door? Its _. A. are you, I B. is he, him C. is it, me D. is it, I 二、物主代词

6、 单数单数 复数复数形容形容词性词性my, your, his, her,its our, your, their 名词名词性性mine, yours, his,hers, itsours, yours, theirs1.Are these trousers yours? No. _ are over there.2. Her hair is much longer than _ (我的我的).3. This dog of _ (你你) never bites.(名词性物主代词名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词+相同相同的名词)的名词) Minemineyours三、反身代词三、

7、反身代词单单数数myself , yourself, himself, herself,itself复复数数ourselves, yourselves, themselves反身代词所搭配的词组:反身代词所搭配的词组:1.by oneself 独自地(无人作伴)独自地(无人作伴)2.for oneself 替替/ /为自己,单独地(独自思考,不需讨论为自己,单独地(独自思考,不需讨论)3.of oneself 自动地,自行地,单独地(无需别人帮忙)自动地,自行地,单独地(无需别人帮忙)4. to oneself 对自己对自己5.in oneself 本来,本身本来,本身6.between on

8、eselves 秘密地秘密地 be not oneself 身体不舒服身体不舒服 not look oneself反身代词的句法功能:反身代词的句法功能:1.1.作主语同位语作主语同位语位置可以紧跟在主语后面也可以放在句子位置可以紧跟在主语后面也可以放在句子最后末尾。最后末尾。 You can go there yourself. You yourself can go there.2.2.作宾语同位语作宾语同位语 I often see him himself clean his office.3.3.作表语作表语4.4.作宾语作宾语(介词宾语和动词宾语)(介词宾语和动词宾语)5.5.作并列

9、主语作并列主语填空:用反身代词(短语)填空:用反身代词(短语)1.Yours is not a bad idea _.2. Laura is not quite _ today3. Please dont call on me. I am not_ today.4. What I said just now is only _.5. If you dont believe me, you can go and see _.6. I dont know when the door closed_. in itself herself myself for myself yourself of i

10、tself 动词词组:动词词组:1.congratulate oneself on 暗自庆幸暗自庆幸2.enjoy oneself 3. express oneself 表达表达4.devote oneself to 致力于致力于,献身于献身于5. dress oneself 穿衣穿衣6. find oneself 发现自己发现自己7.help oneself to 随便吃随便吃8.make oneself at home 不要客气不要客气9. hide oneself 躲藏躲藏10. hurt oneself 受伤受伤11. lose oneself in 陶醉于陶醉于12. keep st

11、h. to oneself 保守秘密保守秘密13. seat oneself 就坐就坐14. leave sb by oneself 把某人单独留下把某人单独留下15. teach oneself, learn sth by oneself 自学自学16.apply oneself to 致力于致力于17.content oneself with 对对 满意满意18.occupy oneself 忙碌于忙碌于 19.tear oneself away from 依依不舍地离开依依不舍地离开20.make oneself understood 让别人听懂让别人听懂e to oneself 苏醒苏

12、醒22.call oneself 自称自称ones own/ of ones own 某人自己的某人自己的This is his own house .(这是他自己的房子这是他自己的房子)This is a house of his own.(这是他自己的一栋房子这是他自己的一栋房子)This house is his own.(这栋房子是他自己的这栋房子是他自己的) 四,指示代词四,指示代词1.1.时空的差别时空的差别 (离我们近的就(离我们近的就用用 this, ,远的就用远的就用that) This seat is here near me and that one is in the

13、last row. Which will you have, this or that?2 2. this 和和 that 在行文叙述上的差别。在行文叙述上的差别。( (下文要说的用下文要说的用this, ,上文已经说过的用上文已经说过的用that) )1)I shall say this to you: he is a poor man.2)He was ill. Thats why he didnt come.3)I want to tell you this: the English party will be held on Saturday.3.3.用于人物介绍用于人物介绍This

14、is my friend and that is my student.4.4.电话用语电话用语 _ _Who is that?(你是谁?)(你是谁?) _This is(我是(我是)5.相当于相当于 so ,“这样,那样这样,那样” Can hard work change a person that much? Sorry ,I cant run this far?6.one/some/it _I want to find a hotel. Is there one nearby? _Yes, there are some. The best one is very large. _Can

15、 you tell me where it is?7.some/certain/a(an) 1)Some/A certain boy is waiting for you.(有个男孩在等你)(有个男孩在等你) 2)Some/Certain boys are playing there.(有些男孩在等你)(有些男孩在等你) 3)Xiao Fang is there.(小芳在等你)(小芳在等你) 4)A Xiao Fang is there.(有个叫小芳的在等你)(有个叫小芳的在等你) 8.8.名词的替代名词的替代:(one, ones, that, those)1)This ruler is l

16、onger than that one.2)These rulers are longer than those ones.3)This ruler is longer than that/the one on the desk.4)These rulers are longer than those/the ones on the desk.5)The water in this sea is deeper than that in that one.6)This pair of shoes is older than that (pair).7)This piece of paper is

17、 newer than that (piece).解析解析:1.1.一个名词在句中第二次出现的话,可数名词单数用一个名词在句中第二次出现的话,可数名词单数用oneone替代替代( (如如1),1),可数名词复数用可数名词复数用onesones替代替代( (如如2)2)。2.2.一个名词在句中第二次出现一个名词在句中第二次出现且后面有定语且后面有定语的时候,可数名词单的时候,可数名词单数用数用that/the one替代(如替代(如3 3),可数名词复数用),可数名词复数用those/the ones替替代(如代(如4 4),不可数名词只能用),不可数名词只能用that替代(如替代(如5 5)

18、五,不定代词五,不定代词 1. every/each(每每) every只能用于三者以上只能用于三者以上,each没有限制没有限制 1)There are trees on every/each side of the playground. 2)There are trees on each side of the street. 2.both/neither/either/all/none both(只能用于两者只能用于两者“两者都两者都”) neither(只能用于两者只能用于两者“两者中如何一个都不两者中如何一个都不”) either(只能用于两者只能用于两者“两者中随便哪一个两者中随

19、便哪一个”) all(三者以上三者以上“都都”) none(三者中任何一个三者中任何一个“都不都不”) 1)There are trees on both sides of the road. 2)There are trees on each side of the road. 3)There are trees on either side of the road. 4) All of my friends are doctors. 5)None of my friends are doctors. 道路每边都有树道路每边都有树。3.none/nothing的区别的区别看看下面句中他们的用

20、法,体会其不同含义看看下面句中他们的用法,体会其不同含义1) There is nothing in my room, so I want to buy some furniture.2)How I want to have some furniture in my room, but there is none at present.3) He was very hungry ,but he found none in the cupboard.4)He has nothing to read today.5)He wants to read books ,but he has none.

21、由上例句可见:由上例句可见:nothing指没有东西,指没有东西,none指没有心指没有心中所指的东西或者前面提到的物。即中所指的东西或者前面提到的物。即:none=no+前面前面提到或者心中明白的那个名词。提到或者心中明白的那个名词。6) How can you hope for mercy if you show none?4.onethe other(只能用于两者)一个只能用于两者)一个另一另一个个1)I have two sisters.One is a doctor and the other is a teacher.2)I have three books.One is Engl

22、ish and the other two are Chinese.3)She has bought four computers.One is expensive and the other three are very cheap. 5.(三者之间三者之间)oneonea third oneanothera third oneanotherand still another1)He has three coats.One is blue,one is red and a third is white.2)They have drawn three pictures.One is a hor

23、se ,another is a cat and a third is a snake.3I know three foreigners.One is American,another is English and still another is German. 6.(在一定范围内)在一定范围内)(除去一部分人或物剩余的部分不是全部)(除去一部分人或物剩余的部分不是全部)someothers(除去一部分人或物剩余的全部除去一部分人或物剩余的全部)somethe others (有的有的有的有的有的有的.)somesomesomeothers1)There are 60 students in

24、 our class.Some are boys and the others are girls.2)There are 60 students in our class.Some are very short and others are very tall.3)When doing general cleaning,some are sweeping the floor,some are cleaning the blackboard,some are carrying water and others are cleaning the windows. 7.others 除了上述短语中

25、的用法,还有除了上述短语中的用法,还有“别人别人”的意思的意思。 eg.Dont lend my books to others.8.another 泛指另一个泛指另一个 eg.1)I dont like this pen,please show me another. 2)If you are unwilling to help you,I have to turn to another.9.部分否定(不完全否定)部分否定(不完全否定)All not= Not all(并非都并非都)Bothnot= Not both(并非两个都并非两个都)Everynot= Not every(并非每个都并

26、非每个都)1)All is not gold that gliters.(闪光的东西不一定都闪光的东西不一定都是金子是金子) )2)All the students are not busy.=Not all the students are busy.(并非所有的学生都忙并非所有的学生都忙)3)Both his parents arent doctors.=Not both his parents are doctors.(他父母亲并不都是医生他父母亲并不都是医生)4)Every boy doesnt like English.=Not every boy likes English.(并非

27、每个男孩都喜欢英语并非每个男孩都喜欢英语)将上面的句子改为全部肯定和全部否定:将上面的句子改为全部肯定和全部否定:1) a.All the students are busy.( .( 所有学生都忙所有学生都忙) ) b.None of the students are/is busy.(.(学生们都不忙学生们都不忙) )2)a.2)a.Both his parente are doctors.=Both of his parents are doctors.=Either his parent is a doctor.=Either of his parents is a doctor.(.

28、(他父母都是医生他父母都是医生) ) b.Neither his parent is a doctor.=Neither of his parents are doctors/is a doctor.(他父母都不是医生他父母都不是医生) )3)a.Every boy likes English.(.(每个男孩都喜欢英语每个男孩都喜欢英语) ) b. None of the boys like(s) English.(.(每个男孩都不喜每个男孩都不喜欢英语欢英语) )9.9.与与 other有关常用短语有关常用短语 the other day(前几天前几天) some other day( (

29、改天改天) other than(除了除了) in other words(换句话说换句话说) every other day(每隔一天每隔一天) none other than(不是别人不是别人 / / 他物正他物正是是) among others(此外还有,除了别的以外此外还有,除了别的以外) other from(不同于不同于)10.与与none有关的短语有关的短语 none of ones business(不关某人的事不关某人的事) second to none(独树一帜,屈指可数独树一帜,屈指可数) have none of 不参加,不接受,不理睬不参加,不接受,不理睬 be no

30、ne the wiser不知情不知情 none too(形容词、副词前)不太,一点都不形容词、副词前)不太,一点都不11. 几个代词几个代词+but的短语的短语none but(=no one except) None but my mother fully understands my condition. (最了解我的情况的人是我的母亲(最了解我的情况的人是我的母亲) nothing but( 仅仅,肯定,绝对)仅仅,肯定,绝对) He is nothing but a doctor. anything but(=not at all, by no means) He is anythin

31、g but a doctor. The question is anything but easy. all but(=nearly/almost She all but fainted when she heard the news. (听到那消息,她差点晕过去。)听到那消息,她差点晕过去。) . 注意下面三种完全的否定回答注意下面三种完全的否定回答 1)_Who is in the room now? _Nobody/No one. 2) _What did you do yesterday? _Nothing. 3) _How many books do you have? _None.

32、 _How much furniture is there in your room? _None.六,与六,与something/anything/nothing 有关的短语有关的短语 do something/do things/take measures (steps ) 采取措施采取措施 do nothing 没有采取措施没有采取措施 do much 采取大量的措施采取大量的措施 do little 几乎没有采取措施几乎没有采取措施 do what 采取什么措施采取什么措施 have something to do with 与与有关有关 have nothing to do with

33、 与与无关无关 have no reference to 与与无关无关 have much to do with 与与有很大的关系有很大的关系 have little to do with 与与 几乎没有关系几乎没有关系 have what to do with 与与有什么关系有什么关系 have something in common with 与与有共同之处有共同之处 have nothing in common with 与与.没有共同之处没有共同之处 have much in common with 与与有许多共同之处有许多共同之处 have little in common with

34、 与与几乎没有共同之处几乎没有共同之处1)if anything(如果有什么区别的话如果有什么区别的话)You ,if anything, are a little lazier.Her family ,if anything ,is richer than mine.2)if any(如果有的话如果有的话)Please correct the mistakes, if any.3)something like( 类似某人类似某人/ /某事物某事物; ;近似于某人近似于某人/ /某事物某事物) a. Your coat is something like hers.(你外套和她的你外套和她的相

35、仿相仿) b. He earns something like 3000 yuan a month.4)not much of a(不太好的不太好的) He is not much of a doctor.(他并不是个高明的他并不是个高明的医生医生) 七,七,it 的用法的用法1.1.上文提到的事、物上文提到的事、物Yesterday I bought a book and it is very interesting.2.2.心目中的人,事心目中的人,事 _Who is knocking at the door? _It is me.3. 3. 时间,天气,距离,温度,环境等时间,天气,距离

36、,温度,环境等 1)Its five now. 2)Its 10 miles from here to the center. 3)Is it very cold in winter there? 4)Its minus two degrees centigrade today. 5)In my hometown it is quiet at night.4.4.形式主语形式主语(代替不定式,不定式复合结构,动名词,(代替不定式,不定式复合结构,动名词,动名词复合结构或者从句)动名词复合结构或者从句) 1)Its hard for us to study all the subjects we

37、ll. 2)Its fun to swim in the river in summer. 3)Its no use crying over the spilt milk. 4)Its a waste of money you/your buying too much fruit. 5)Its true that he came here last week.5.5.形式宾语形式宾语1)1)(代替不定式,动名词或者从句)(代替不定式,动名词或者从句) a) We think it hard to study all the subjects well. b) We find it no use

38、 studying without goals. c) You must keep( it )in mind that we should try our best.2) like/love/hate/appreciate/prefer +it +if/when/that a.I like it if you can come here. b. I would appreciate it if you accepted. c.I hate it when you speak with your mouth full.3)have(表明表明, ,报道报道)take(认为,猜想认为,猜想)put(

39、表达,写出来表达,写出来)+ it + that从句。从句。 a. May I take it that you have agreed to stay with us b. Report has it that 10 people were killed in the accident. c. As he puts it, she is selfish.更多的例句:更多的例句: a) have it that称称属实,说属实,说是真的是真的 Rumour has it that据传据传 b) take it that假定假定/ /假设假设/ /认为认为 I take it that he w

40、ont succeed. c) take it from me that我敢担保我敢担保/肯定没错肯定没错 Take it from me that he will succeed.d)put it to sb. that与与挑明挑明 /对对提出提出 I put it to you that you are an idiot. (我给你说白了,你就是一个白痴我给你说白了,你就是一个白痴) 4)v+介词介词+ it + that从句从句 see to (确保,保证确保,保证) eg. Please see to it that the door is shut. depend on(指望指望)

41、eg.Dont depend on it that I will help you. insist on (坚持坚持) eg.He insists on it that she go tomorrow. swear to(发誓发誓) eg. I swear to it that I will work hard from now on.6.固定表达:固定表达: 1)It depends=That depends.(看情况看情况) 2)before sb. realized/knew it.(不知不觉的不知不觉的) 3) Forget it.(忘了吧忘了吧)4) Guessed it.(猜对了猜

42、对了)5) Got it.(知道了知道了)6) I cant help it./It cant be helped.(我没有办法我没有办法)7) Dont mention it.(不用提不用提)8) When it comes to,(当说到当说到 ) 9)make it .( 成功成功)make it to(成功到达成功到达.)10) take it /things easy.(不要急,别紧张不要急,别紧张) 11)If its convenient to you,(如果你方便的话如果你方便的话) 12)If it were not for/If it hadnt been for (要不是

43、要不是) 13)believe it or not ( 信不信由你信不信由你)14)take it or leave it.(要就要,不要就拉倒要就要,不要就拉倒)15)Lets call it a day. (到此结束到此结束) 16)Its a deal.(成交成交)7.7.用于强调句型:用于强调句型: It is/was+ +被强调的部分被强调的部分+ +that+ 常考强调疑问词常考强调疑问词 疑问词疑问词+ +is it that+(疑问句中)(疑问句中) 疑问词疑问词+ +it is that+(宾语从句中)(宾语从句中) 1)Please tell me when it was

44、that you were born. 2)When was it that you were born? 3)What is it that you often do on Sunday?4) I dont know what it is that you often do on Sunday.8.容易与强调句型混淆的句型容易与强调句型混淆的句型1)It was/will be +时间段时间段+before It was 3 days before he came back. It will be long before I buy a cellphone.2)It is/was +时间名词

45、时间名词+when It was five when he came back . It is/was +时间状语时间状语+that It was at five that he came back.3)It is/was+地点名词地点名词+where It is the school where I once worked for 10 years. It is/was +地点状语地点状语+that It was in this school that I once studied for 3 years.4)It is/will be/was the first/secondtime that (某人第几次做某事某人第几次做某事 ) It is the first time that you have helped me. It will be t


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