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1、初中名词专项练习及答案一、初中英语名词选择题1. Are these your?A. radioB. model plane C. hatD. tapes【答案】D2. Alexander Graham Bell inventedin 1876.A. one of the first practical telephoneB. one first practical telephonesC. one of the first practical telephonesD. one first practical telephone【答案】C3. Mrs. Bond is an old frien

2、d of.A. Jack mother【答案】DB. Jack mother'sC. Jack's motherD. Jack's mother's4. Theteachers have twoto live in.A. woman; room【答案】BB. women; roomsC. woman; roomsD. women; room5. This is my dress. That one isA. Mary【答案】BB. Mary'sC. sisterD. mother6. In thosethere are many brave.A. sto

3、ry; hero【答案】cB. storys; herosC. stories; heroesD. stories; heros7. Three_ and a pair of_ are on the desk.A. toy buses, shoe B. toys buses, shoes C. toy buses, shoes 【答案】C8. I'd like to take part in the basketball game.Please come to theSports Center and talk to Mr. Zhang after school.A. StudentB

4、. StudentsC. Students'【答案】C9. How can I make the Jack-O-Lantern (南瓜灯)for Halloween?You can do like this. Just put the twotogether to make the whole lantern.A. halfB. halfsC. halves【答案】C10. There areon the table.A. two cups of yogurtsB. two cup of yogurt C. two cup ofyogurtsD. two cups of yogurt【

5、答案】D11. Why are you late for class, Alan?Theis that my bike was broken.A. result【答案】cB. gradeC. reasonD. role12. Are those?No, they aren't. They' re.A. sheep; cowsB. sheep; cowC. sheeps; cowsD. sheeps; cow【答案】A13. Mary, I heard that you moved last month. What's your new?I live at 205 Hel

6、ping Street now. Come and have a coffee if you are free.A. planB. jobC. hobbyD. address【答案】D14. rooms are different. One is small, and the other is big.A. Mary and Alice's B. Mary's and Alice C. Mary's and Alice's D. Mary and Alice【答案】C15. I'm a girl. I have.A. a long hair B. lon

7、g hair C. long hairs D. long a hair 【答案】Bj she often plays16. Millie likesA. sport, the B. sports, / 【答案】B17. Today is Tuesday. Tomorrow isA. Wednesday B. Friday 【答案】A18. Reading English storiesA. are; funs B. is; fun 【答案】Btennis onC. sport, aSundays.D.sports, thec.ThursdayD. Mondaya lot ofC.are; fu

8、nD. is; funs19. April and May,Victor likes to take photosthe flowers in thegarden.A. In; atB. In; ofC. On; atD. On; of【答案】B20. We need properif we want to get on well with our family.A. decision B. development C. communication D. satisfaction 【答案】C21. vegetables is good for our.A. Eatting, health B.

9、 Eating, health C. Eat, healthy D. Eating, healthy 【答案】B22. Alan isfather. He is a good teacher.A. Tom and TimB. Tom and Tim'sC. Tom's and Tim's【答案】B23. There are manyabout this farm.Yes, lots ofare planted on it.A. photo; potato B. photos; potatos C. photos; potatoes D. photoes; potatoe

10、s【答案】C24. For lunch, I eat some.Me, too.A. riceB. chickens C. vegetable D. apple【答案】A25. John boughtfor himself yesterday.A. two pair of shoe B. two pair of shoes C. two pairs of shoes 【答案】C26. If I leave my house at 9 oT clock and drive to the airport, IT II arrive at about 11.So it' s about tw

11、odrive from my house to the airport.A. hours' B. hour, s C. hours【答案】A27. Tom and Tim have someand.A. tomatos; chicken B. tomatoes; chickensC. tomatoes;chickenD. tomatos; chickens【答案】C28. Are there anyon the table?A. meatB. beefC. potatoes D. fruit【答案】C29. What are thedoing there?They are practi

12、singEnglish.A. boy students; speakingB. boys students; speaking C. boysstudents; speak D. boy students; speak【答案】A30. Let's have some Thatgreat.B. a salad; soundsD. salad; soundA. salad; soundsC. salads; sound【答案】A31. In such hot weather,can refresh you.A. a bit water B. a bit of water C. a lot

13、water D. lots of waters 【答案】B32. I want to know a famous city for.Beijing is such a city. There are someof interest.A. sightsee; placeB. sightsee; placesC. sightseeing; placesD. sightseeing; place【答案】C33. After entering high school, Andrew made friends with some other students withthe sameand starte

14、d the DIY Club together.A. heightB. interestC. qualityD. personality【答案】B34. In France, my biggest challenge is learning how to behave at the dinner table. Itisput your bread on your plate. We should be careful at table.A. bad mannersB. good mannersC. supposed【答案】B35. How much is this T-shirt ?It

15、9;s seven.A. yuansB. dollarC. dollars【答案】C36. If you want to know more about the sports meeting, you can go onlineA. search for informationC. to search for information【答案】C37. His bag is nicer thanA. any other student studentsD. any student's【答案】BB. search for informationsD. to search for inform

16、ationsin his class.B. the other students' C. any other38. There is ashop and twoshops not far away from my school.A. sport; gifts B. sports; gifts C. sport; gift D. sports; gift 【答案】D39. Howthe Summer Palace is!That's true. You can't know itsif you don't see it with your own eyes.A.

17、beautiful; beautyB. beautifully; beautifulC. beautifully; beautyD. beautiful; beautifully【答案】A40. Tommy is planning to buy a car. By next month, he' II have saved enough for used one.I know. He has asked forfrom one of his friends working in Audi 4Sstore.A. a; lots of advices B. an; lots of advi

18、ces C. an; lots of advice D. a; lots of advice【答案】D41. For everyone* s health, the food safety is getting more and more.A. attention B. delicious C. expression D. progress【答案】A42. How far is your teacher's home from here?It's about twodrive.A. hour'sB. hoursC. hours'D. hour【答案】C43. The students visited Mike's farm and saw manythere.A. bird【答案】cB. duckC. sheepD. rabbit44. 1 have someand anfor breakfast.A. breads; eggB. breads


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