2022年人教版英语中考第一轮复习课后训练八年级下册 Units 9~10(含答案却第四题答案)_第1页
2022年人教版英语中考第一轮复习课后训练八年级下册 Units 9~10(含答案却第四题答案)_第2页
2022年人教版英语中考第一轮复习课后训练八年级下册 Units 9~10(含答案却第四题答案)_第3页
2022年人教版英语中考第一轮复习课后训练八年级下册 Units 9~10(含答案却第四题答案)_第4页




1、八年级下册 Units 910一、根据首字母或汉语提示,在横线上写出下列句子中单词的完全形式。1Emojis have been warmly welcomed since they were i_ in the 1990s in Japan.2Tony is always helpful, so we all r_ him as a trusted person.3Children can improve their abilities by taking part in some s_ practice.4We have all heard the saying that practice

2、 makes p_.5The tea art p_ shows how to make a cup of tea with beautiful tea sets.6Lora's uncle was an _(不寻常的) man with great business talents.7We must try to find a _(和平的) solution to the argument between them.8Jim is doing his homework in the _(卧室)9These two _(德国人) are my best friends.10Look! T

3、here are three _(狐狸) in the zoo.二、语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。(2022·原创)People across Europe may soon be able to buy dried yellow mealworms in food stores and in restaurants.1_(early) this month, the European Union's 27 nations approved a proposal 2._(put) Tenebrio molitor beetle

4、 larva(黄粉虫幼虫) on the market as a “novel food”The move came after the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) published a 3._(science) conclusion this year, which said they were safe 4._(eat)Researchers described the mealworm 5._ a protein­rich food. They said the larva can 6._ (eat) whole or crushed

5、 into small 7._(piece) for mixing with other foods.People with allergies(过敏) to dust or shellfishsuch as crab, lobster, or clamsmay also be allergic to mealworms, the European Commission said.Insects as food represent a very small market. However, EU officials said raising 8._ for food could be good

6、 for the environment.The UN Food and Agriculture Organization calls insects “a healthy and 9._(high) nutritious food source” with high amounts of “fat, protein, vitamins, fibers, and minerals”Following the approval by EU states, a EU regulation authorizing dried yellow mealworms as a food will be 10

7、._(come) soon.三、阅读理解(2021·四川德阳中考)Li Zixuan is a junior middle school student. He is now studying in Grade 9. He has had many dreams since he was little. But as time goes by, some new dreams have appeared and some old ones have disappeared. However, only one dream is still in his mind.Li Zixuan

8、says that when he was a child, he heard about rockets and spaceships. At first, he didn't know what they were. From his father, he knew that scientists make rockets to carry things into space, and spaceships are used to carry people through space. From then on, he has had a great interest in spa

9、ce. Every time he sees beautiful stars and the moon in the sky at night, he gets very excited. He is always dreaming that he can fly to space to look at the earth one day. His mother knows about his dream and often encourages him. In school, Li Zixuan learned that the first man flew into space in 19

10、61 and later, more astronauts succeeded in traveling into space. Some astronauts even landed on the moon. His teacher always encourages him to learn more. He knows not everyone has a chance to travel into space. More importantly, before he can fly to space, he must be trained specially.Li Zixuan kno

11、ws it's not easy to achieve his dream, but he decides to try his best. He says, “I've had this dream for many years. It has brought me a lot of joy and always gives me power. Even if it doesn't come true in the end, I won't be sorry.”1What does the boy want to be when he grows up?AA

12、scientist. BA pilot.CAn engineer. DAn astronaut.2Who told the boy something about rockets and spaceships? AHis father. BHis mother. CHis teacher. DHis friend.3What must the boy do before he can fly to space? AStudy very hard. BGet a driving licence.CDo exercise every day. DGet some special training.

13、4What's the best title(标题) for the text?AA Dream of a Boy BThe Love of a FatherCAn Excellent Hobby DAn Unusual Experience四、用所给词的适当形式填空During the 1._(usual) winter holiday in 2020, we stayed at home for two 2._(month) because of COVID­19. But my father, a member of the Communist Party of Chi

14、na, didn't stay 3._ us at home for too long. When my dad heard about some 4._(use) work, he became a volunteer in a rural area to help check people's information and spread knowledge about COVID­19. As the situation became much 5._(bad), 24­hour traffic checkpoints were set up on t

15、he main roads to the village. There was only 6._ simple tent, a few chairs and two heaters for volunteers to spend the night. The winter night was very cold and the volunteers could hardly sleep. But my father 7._(final) chose to stay because he wanted to guard the gate for other people. Dad joined

16、the Party a few years ago. At first, I didn't know much about it. After the pandemic, I learned that the Party members are people 8._ will step forward when China is in trouble. When I grow up, I want to become one of 9._(they). Even if I am not a Party member, I will make 10._(contribution) to our society, making it a much better place. 四、1.unusual2


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