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1、临泽九年级英语教学设计Teaching contentUnit 3 宾语从句课时安排共 六 课时主备教师王玉琴第 一 课时授课人Knowledge aims1. 掌握宾语从句的构成和用法.2.正确运用宾语从句:重点掌握注意宾语从句的三类引导词,从句的语序及主从句的时态呼应关系,不能忽视宾语从句的一些特殊情况Ability aims能熟练运用宾语从句的三类引导词,掌握从句的语序及主从句的时态呼应关系Emotion 培养学生良好的英语学习兴趣和习惯Key points1.宾语从句的构成和用法2.宾语从句的三类引导词,从句的语序及主从句的时态呼应关系Difficult points从句的语序及主从句

2、的时态呼应关系Teaching methodsDiscuss Explain practiseTeaching tools PPTTeaching procedures个人意见修订Teaching steps:Step I: Warming-upT ask: Do you know this student?(point to a student ) Ss: T say: I know the student.I know she is a very good student.T ask: Is she a beautiful girl?(point to a girl)Ss:T say: I

3、 think she is beautiful.T ask S1: How old are you?S1: I am.Then ask Ss: What did she say just now?Ss: She said that she was.板书 I know the student.I know she is a very good student.I think she is beautiful.She said she was.(叫学生划分这些句子的成分,引导学生明确理解宾从的概念)Step II :New lesson 1.宾语从句的概念。在复合句中,有一个完整的句子做主句的宾语

4、,这样的复合句叫宾语从句。2.引导词的选择。a表示陈述意义用“that” 引导eg:She says that she likes English.b.表示一般疑问意义用“if”、“whether”引导。eg:Do you know ifwhether she likes English.c.表示特殊疑问意义用特殊疑问词引导。eg:Do you know what her name is?(注意:与or 或 or not 连用只用whether不用if)3完成课件上的练习(选择恰当的引导词)4.让学生把第一题A的各组句子合并成一个宾语从句,并观察合并后的每个句子的结构(注意引导词和语序) (引

5、导学生归纳三种宾从的构成,注意看连接词和语序) 5.让学生再做三组句子,叫学生要特别留意这些句子的时态. 6. Check the answers. 1). We dont know what they are doing. 2). The teacher asked me if/whether they had finished their homework. 3). Father told me (that )the earth goes round the sun. (引导学生归纳主、从句时态的呼应关系)StepIII Practice: 1.让学生做近两年部分地区中考中出现的有关宾语从

6、句的单项填空题,对宾语从句进一步巩固.(见课件) 2. 合并句子 A. 1. She says. “I like English.” 2. Do you know? What is her name? 3. Can you tell me? Does he go fishing every day? B. 1. We dont know. What are they doing? 2. The teacher asked me. Have they finished their homework? 3. Father told me. The earth goes round the sun.

7、Step IV:summary: 小结宾语从句的引导词、语序和时态 Step V:.homework: Finish exercise V on page 28 on PL. 二次备课三次备课Bb design:宾语从句1.引导词:that if whether 特殊疑问词2.语序:陈述句语序3.时态和人称教后感悟成功之处:不足之处:改进措施:临泽九年级英语教学设计Teaching contentUnit 3 section A 1a-1c课时安排共 六 课时主备教师王玉琴第 二 课时授课人Knowledge aims1. Master the words and expressions ab

8、out this lesson. restroom stamp bookstore beside go along .until2. 掌握宾语从句的句型变化。Ability aims1.Ask for information politely2.能正确运用宾语从句进行问路指路。Emotion Ask for information politelyKey points能正确运用宾语从句进行问路指路Difficult points如何正确地使用宾语从句进行问路指路Teaching methodsRead listen practiceTeaching tools PPTTeaching proc

9、edures个人意见修订Teaching steps:Step I: Review 1.Greeting and daily report. 2.Review the words and expressions about this lesson.restroom stamp bookstore beside Excuse me, Could you tell me how to get to .Step II :New lesson 1.Presentation: a打扰了。请问去书店怎么走? (1)Excuse me. Could you tell me to the bookshop?

10、(2)Excuse me. Could you tell me how to the bookshop? (3)Excuse me. Could you tell me the bookshop ? (4)Excuse me. is the way to the bookshop, please? (5)Excuse me. the bookshop, please? (6)Excuse me. How can I get to the bookshop, please? 2.Where can you do the things below?get some money get some m

11、agazineshave dinner get a dictionaryget some information about the town buy a newspaperbuy some stamps get a pair of shoes 3.Memorize the phrases in 1a,Understand the meaning. 4.Match each thing with a place in the picture about 1a. 5.Check the answers. 6.Listen to the tape and finish 1b. 7.Check th

12、e answers. 8.Explain the expressions in the listening materials. go past the bank turn right. on the right, next to the library. Thanks a lot! Could you please tell me how to get there? Go along Center Street turn left on the other side of the street. Do you know when the bookstore closes today it c

13、loses at 7:00 p.m. Today. 9.Pairwork. a.Read the conversations in pairs. b.Make conversations using the information in 1a in groups. c.Act out the dialogues. 10.引申探究。宾语从句的句型变化 许多带复合宾语的句子,宾语从句经常移到句子后部,而用it做形式宾语。结构是:主语 + 动词 + it + 形容词/名词等宾语补足语 + 宾语从句We think it wrong that he told a lie to everyone.I t

14、hought it impossible that he could finish this job in just two hours. . 带有宾语从句的复合句的疑问形式一般是对主句进行变化。I know he will come to my party. Do you know he will come to my party. ? I dont know he will come to my party.Lucy tells me that he likes the English teacher.Does Lucy tell you that he likes the English

15、 teacher?Lucy doesnt tell me that he likes the English teacher. . 宾语从句的否定转移 主句的谓语动词是think,believe,imagine,suppose,consider,espect,guess等,并且主句的主语是第一人称而且为一般现在时,从句的否定词一般要转移到主句上来,其反义疑问句一般与宾语从句一致. I dont think he will come to my party. I dont think he likes the English teacher. .完成反意问句在think / believe /

16、suppose / guess / imagine / expect等动词后跟宾语从句否定式时,应转移到主句上去,完成反意问句时,应与从句主、谓保持一致。(注: 否定前移的条件是,主句主语是第一人称)eg I don't think you are right,are youI don't believe they have finished their work yet,have they?I dont suppose they will come, _ _ ? (改为反意疑问句) I dont suppose they will come, will they ?She d

17、oesnt suppose they will come, _ _ ? (改为反意疑问句)She doesnt suppose they will come, does she ? 宾语从句的简化问题 对于含有宾语从句的复合句进行简化,即由复合句变成简单句,可以分为两种情况: 第一:如果主句的谓语动词是,ask,tell,hope,wish,decide,agree等,从句部分可以转化为动词不定式结构。例如:I hope that I can receive your email(改为简单句) I hope to receive your email.例:I dont know what I

18、should do next. I cont know what to do next. He didnt know where he would live. He didnt know where to live. 第二:有些以特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句,从句部分亦可以简化为动词不定式结构,即特殊疑问词+to do ,特别是当主句的谓语动词为know,ask,forget,remember,learn,tell,teach等。例如:I don't know how I can get to the hospital.(改为简单句) I don't know how to get

19、 to the hospital. 这类题也可以反过来做:例如:Lucy hasn't decided which trousers to buy.(改为复合句) Lucy hasn't decided which trousers I will can buy.Step III: Practice:1Excuse me. Can you tell me how _ get to the cinema?A. can I B. do I C. I can D. I do2Do you know _?A. where is the post office B. how can I

20、get to the post officeC. which way can I choose D. how to get to the post office3Look! There are some boys _ football on the playground.A. are playing B. play C. playing D. played4Could you tell me how _ (mend) the bike?5I dont know what I shall do next. (改为简单句)I dont know _ next.6I think if you wan

21、t to buy a computer, youd better _ (取点钱).7._ (集邮) is good for your growing.Step IV:summary: 1. 问路指路的方式2. 宾语从句的句式变换Step V:.homework:Finish exercise1-3 on page17 on PL二次备课三次备课Bb design:1.问路指路的方式2.宾语从句的句式变换教后感悟成功之处:不足之处:改进措施:临泽九年级英语教学设计Teaching contentUnit 3 section A 2a-2d课时安排共 六 课时主备教师王玉琴第 三 课时授课人Kno

22、wledge aims1.Master the words and expressions about this lesson. 2.复习掌握问路与指路的句型3.能听懂含有宾语从句的有关材料Ability aims1.Ask for information politely2. 复习掌握问路与指路的句型。EmotionAsk for information politely.Key points能正确运用宾语从句进行问路指路Difficult points能听懂含有宾语从句的有关材料Teaching methodsRead listen practiceTeaching tools PPTTe

23、aching procedures个人意见修订Teaching steps:Step I: Review1. Greeting and daily report.2. Change the following sentences.(1) He is right. I think.(合并)I think _.(2) will Jim come tomorrow? I wonder.I wonder_.(3) I think June is the best time to go there.(否)I _ think June _ the best time to go there.Step II

24、 :New lesson一、Presentation:1Asking the ways:Excuse me, do you know where is, (please)?Excuse me, where is the ,(please) Can/could you tell me the way to ,(please)? Could/Can you tell me how to get/go to,(please)?Could you help me get/go to?How can I get to?Where is the nearest?Where can I find ? 2 S

25、howing the ways:1).回答Where's the (nearest)? 可用以下简单的答语:   It's over there. 在那边 It's behind the 在后面   It's next to the 在旁边 It's in front of the 它就在前面   It's near the 它在附近 It's on the right/left of the 它在右/左边   It's outside the 它在外

26、面 It's on the other side of the 它在对面2). 回答Which is the way toplease? 和How can I get to? 等问路的话时,可根据具体情况,将下列有关句子组织起来用:Walk along this road/street. 沿着这条路/街走。It's about metres from here. 从这里大约米。Take the lst/ turning on the left/right. 在第个转弯处左/右转。It's about meters along on the right/left. 沿右边

27、/左边大约米。Walk on and turn left/right. 继续走再向左/右转。Turn right/left at the traffic lights. You'll find the on the right/left.在交通灯右/左转,你会发现在右/左边。3)1. Its between the cinema and the fruit shop.2. Its next to / in front of / behind / on the left (right) side of the library.3. Its in / on / to the south /

28、 north / west / east of the park.4. Go down / along this street until you see the tall red building. 5. Turn right / left at the first / second crossing / turning / corner.6. Sorry, I dont know. Im a stranger here, too二、learn and remember the words and expressions about this lesson.1. Check the

29、 words about this lesson.Postcard n. 明信片 pardon interj.请再说一遍;抱歉,对不起 washroom n. 洗手间;厕所 bathroom n. 浴室;洗手间 quick /kwik/ adj. 快的;迅速的adv. 快速地;迅速地 rush v. & n. 仓促;急促 2.Translate the following expressions.1. between the bank and the park _2. on Green Street _3. next to the supermarket _4. across from

30、 Mingshan Hotel _5. near the restaurant _6. in front of the pay phone _7. behind the library _三、Listening。1.Have the students look at the picture and find the places.2.listen to tape, finish 2a.3.Check the answers in groups.4.The teacher check the answers.5.Listen again and finish 2b.While listening

31、, Draw the pictures.6.Check the answers.四、Pair work.1.Read the conversation in pairs.2.make up new conversations and act them out.五、Explain the points.Close的用法1.close adj. 靠近;接近;亲密;密切     短语:get/be close to 靠近;亲近The church is close to the shops. Are you a close friend of the

32、irs2. close v. 关上;关闭(不开发);结束 She closed her eyes. / Her eyes closed. (闭上)turn的用法1.turn 用作名词时,意为“轮流”“依次轮流的顺序”。例如: Now its your turn to read the text. 现在轮到你读课文了。 It's my turn to use the bike. 该轮到我用自行车了。 2. turn 用作系动词时,意为“变得”。例如: In spring the trees turn green and the flowers start to come out. 3.

33、turn 用作不及物动词时,意为“转向”“翻转”.turn right / left = turn to the right / left  4.turn 可以和介词或副词一起构成短语动词,表达不同的意思?常见的这些短语动词有: turn over/ turn on/ turn off/ turn up/ turn down.Among 和 between的区别一般说来,among 用于三者或三者以上的“在中间”,而between 主要指两者之间,与and 连用。 They hid t

34、hemselves among the trees. Im usually free between Tuesday and Thursday. Step III: Practice:1. Do you know how to go the restrooms? _ A. Yes,I can.B. I could.C. Sure.D. I could tell you.2. Where is the bookstore? Take the elevator _ the second floor and turn left. And the bookstore is _ the furnitur

35、e store and the drugstore. A. at,next toB. at,between C. to,betweenD. to,next to3. Please tell me _ for the meeting yesterday. (2008年云南省中考)Sorry. The traffic was bad. A. why you came late B. why did you come late C. when you came late D. when did you come late4. Could you tell me_? It will last for

36、six months. (2010年,曲靖中考)A. how long will the Shanghai EXPO last. B. how long the Shanghai EXPO will last.C. when did the Shanghai EXPO begin. D. when the Shanghai EXPO began.Step IV: summary: How to show the ways.Step V: homework: Finish 4a on page20.二次备课三次备课Bb design: Unit 3 section A 2a-2d1.Close的

37、用法 2.turn的用法教后感悟成功之处:不足之处:改进措施:临泽九年级英语教学设计Teaching contentUnit 3 section A 3a-4b课时安排共 六 课时主备教师王玉琴第 四 课时授课人Knowledge aims1.Master the words and expressions about this lesson. 2.Use the Objective Clause to talk about the places they have beenAbility aims1.Read the conversation and understand the meani

38、ng.2. Use the Objective Clause to talk about the places they have beenEmotionAsk for information politelyKey pointsStudent can ask and show the way correctlyDifficult pointsRead the conversation and get the main idea.Teaching methodsRead Discuss practice Teaching tools PPTTeaching procedures个人意见修订Te

39、aching steps:Step I: ReviewReview the methods of asking the way,Lead the Ss tosay the following sentences. 1.Excuse me. Where is No.4 Middle School? 2. Excuse me. Could you tell me where No.4 Middle Middle School is?3. Excuse me. Do you know how I can get to No.4 Middle School? = Do you know how to

40、get to No.4 Middle School? 4. Excuse me. Which is the way to No.4 Middle Middle School?Step II :New lesson一、Presentation: T: Have you ever been to .? Did you have fun there? What did you see ? Did you feel it exciting. Scary or interesting ? What did you think of the place?二、Pre-reading 1.Check the

41、new words and expressions about this lesson.suggest v. 建议;提议 staff n. 管理人员;职工 scary. 可怕的 Come on! 加油 promise 承诺2.Have the student read the conversations and underlinethe words and expressions they dont know.3.Correct the pronunciation.三、While-reading.1.Read the first scene, true or false the sentenc

42、es. (1). Alice and He Wei are in Water World. (2). The new ride looks scary. 2.Read the second scene, true or false the sentences. (1). Alice was scary at first. (2). Alice thinks the new ride is actually fun. (3). He Wei thinks Fun Times Park restaurant severs delicious food. 3.Read the third and f

43、ourth scenes, true or false the sentences. (1).A rock band plays in Water City Restaurant every evening. (2). Alice and He Wei can go later to the restaurant. 4.Read the conversation again and answer the questions below. (1)Why did Alice not want to go on the new ride? How did she feel after the rid

44、e?(2)What is special about Uncle Bobs restaurant? (3)Should Alice and He Wei get there early for dinner? Why?5.Fill in the following blanks without reading the text.WhereFun Times ParkWho and Theme Here you can be Space WorldWater WorldFun placesWater City Restarant RestarantServince It serves like

45、and It serves How Scary but Feelings You never know what will happen until For afternoon tea 6.Underline the questions or statements in the conversation that ask for information.Rewrite them in a different way.According 3b.四、Explain the expressions.1.wonde作及物动词,意为“想知道;对感到怀疑”;作不及物动词,意为“感到惊讶;感到疑惑” e o

46、n快点 =be quick= hurry up 3.serve Sb mise承诺,诺言Give me your promise that you'llnever be late again. 答应我你绝不再迟到了;希望,前途Theyoung man shows promise as a poet. 这位青年有成为诗人的希望。 Step III: Practice: Finish 4a and 4b on page 20Step IV: summary: The usage of the expressions.Step V: homework: Finish exer

47、cise VI on page 31 on PL.二次备课三次备课Bb design: Unit 3 section A 3a-3b 1.I wonder=I want to know e on快点 =be quick= hurry up 3.serve Sb sth 4.promise教后感悟成功之处:不足之处:改进措施:临泽九年级英语教学设计Teaching contentUnit 3 section B 1a-1e课时安排共 六 课时主备教师王玉琴第 五 课时授课人Knowledge aims1.Master the words and expressions about this le

48、sson:convenient adj.便利的;方便的 mall n. 商场;购物中心 clerk /kla:k/ n. 职员 corner n. 拐角、;角落 polite adj. 有礼貌的;2.Listen to the tape and understand the meaning.Ability aims1.Ss can use the words to talk about some places.2.Listen to the tape and finish the tasks.EmotionHave a good ability to judge of a place.Key

49、pointsListen to tape and understand the meaning.Difficult pointsHow to get the information correctly.Teaching methodsListen Discuss practice Teaching tools PPTTeaching procedures个人意见修订Teaching steps:Step I: Review 1.Greeting and daily report. 2. Do the following exercises.( )1.How noisy the room is

50、! There are so many people_in it. A.sing B.to sing C.singing D.song( )2.Do you know_? A.what he happened B.what the matter is with him C.what happened to him D.what did he happened( )3.Central park is a good place_. Lets go there this weekend. A.for have fun B. have fun C. having fun D.to have fun(

51、)4. I love the mall. Theres always something_. A. happened B. happening C. happens D. happen( )5.I dont want to go inside the waiting hall; Its too_. I prefer_ outside though its a little cold. A.boring; to be B.crowded; being C.late; wait D.early; waiting( )6.-Could you tell me _? -Sorry, I dont kn

52、ow. I was not at the meeting.A. what the teacher says at the meeting B. what the teacher said at the meetingC. what does the teacher say at the meeting D. what did the teacher say at the meetingStep II :New lesson一、 Presentation:What do you think of these places ? If you go to these places, what qualities are important for each place ?Places Qualities RestroomMuse


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