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1、单元词组Unit 1,21. 装运单据2. 商品合同3. 增值税4. 总公司5. 国际航空公司6. 提前7. 商品交易会8. 价目表9. 佣金10. 目录11. registered airmail12. for free distribution13. inside address14. Attention, Mr. Anderson15. Yours faithfully16. Complimentary Close17. Reference Notation18. Subject19. Enclosure20. Blocked Form21. 殷切地22. 条件23. 国际贸易24. 商

2、务函电25. 总经理26. 商会27. 商务参赞处28. 贸易行行名录29. 同业商行30. 财务状况和声誉31. 一家极可靠的进口商32. 感激您的介绍33. 打算把业务活动扩大到你方市场34. 借此机会35. 一收到36. 在(方面)富于经验37. 工程设备38. 享有极佳的声誉39. 专营40. 客观资料41. 建立业务关系(2个)42. 商业信誉43. 另行邮寄44. 不可撤销的信用证45. 保兑信用证46. comply with47. contact sb.48. the extent of our reliabilities49. specialize in50. look fo

3、rward to doing sth.51. be satisfied with52. in the hope of53. We enclose herewith54. concerning55. refer to56. open an account with57. at your request58. be of interest to sb.59. introduce oneself60. have a better understanding of61. 业务范围62. 第一商业银行63. 承蒙。告知贵公司名称64. 在贵方65. 经营商业机器66. 收款机67. direct all

4、 inquiries68. copying machine69. addressing machine70. in the near future71. a leading importer72. We shall be obliged if you will73. Co. Ltd.74. an incorporated company75. 样品76. furnish sb. with sth.77. by return mail78. 在平等互利的基础上79. 互利的业务关系80. make self-introduction81. Wongsheng & Co.82. Tongl

5、e Bldg83. 总基地84. 有幸自荐85. 在洗衣机业务方面86. 兹自我介绍87. excellent quality88. 五十年的业务经验89. first-class90. pamphlet91. 佳音92. deal in93. 信用证94. 资信状况95. do the export business96. 畅销97. with full details98. Payment should be made by99. Re:100. 混合式Unit 31. 交易磋商2. 实盘3. 虚盘4. 主动报盘5. 询盘6. 形式发票7. 名牌运动鞋8. 万盛贸易公司9. 在这点上10.

6、 长期伙伴11. a promising market12. your lowest quotation on CIF NewYork13. realistic price14. workable price15. subject to prior sale16. 详细资料;详情17. 有竞争力的价格18. 向某人大量订购19. CIF20. FOB21. CFR22. quote sb for sthmake a quotation for sth23. make an enquiry for sth.enquire sb. for sth.enquire the price of sth.

7、24. 优惠的价格25. 合理的价格26. 耐克阿迪达斯彪马27. 最低出口量28. 应用软件29. 在广交会上30. We shall appreciate it if you will31. be acceptable to sb.32. 图解目录33. 按照要求34. 整箱装;整柜装运35. 导致36. 不断增长的需求37. 对。需求甚殷38. terms and conditions39. by separate post/ by separate cover40. 按惯例41. 以我方最后确认为准42. 以货物未售出为准43. 以你方接受复函在4月20日前到达我方为条件44. in

8、quadruplicate45. take pleasure in46. 十天有效47. 畅销(6个)48. 办理必要的手续49. 以供你方参考50. your letter dated April 26your letter of April 2651. 好运牌电风扇52. comply with the request53. enquire for54. 一式两份55. 进口许可证56. 开立信用证57. out of question58. in ones favour59. without delay60. 样品簿(本)61. 贸易折扣62. 货真价实63. take full adv

9、antage of64. be of nice coloursbe of modern designsbe of good quality65. special discount66. 折扣佣金67. 试购、试购订单新订货首批订货68. 时价表;现行时价表69. 预计的客户;潜在客户70. 在本季度71. free of charge72. 空调机73. 由于设计新颖、色彩漂亮、质量上乘二深受欢迎74. excellent value for money75. As market is advancing76. take full advantage of our offer77. 在16展台

10、78. 敬请研究79. 鉴于80. 单价81. together with82. full-range83. 以所报的价格84. be of interest to sb.85. 数量、质量86. 货号87. 件、箱88. 进一步资料89. the increase in price90. 在网上91. 交货期92. under separate cover93. 贸易公司94. 棉织品印花细布丝织品95. Enclosed please find.96. 报价单97. 传真电子邮件信件98. book an order with sb. for sth.giveconfirmplace99.

11、 less than more than100. 询价单Unit 4 1. 还盘2. 国际贸易术语3. 工厂交货4. 货交承运人5. 船边交货6. 船上交货7. 成本加运费8. 成本、保险加运费9. 运费付至10. 运费、保险费付至11. 边境交货12. 目的港船上交货13. 目的港码头交货14. 未完税交货15. 完税后交货16. 图例目录17. 此复18. 市价、现行市价19. 与现行市价不一致20. out of line with21. be on the high side22. in this case23. under the circumstances24. be prepar

12、ed to do25. 比方说5%26. 成交(4个)27. 市场份额28. 有竞争力的价格29. 导致由。引起30. persuade sb. to do sth31. even though32. makes33. 系列名牌运动鞋34. The market is declining.35. (市场)疲软 坚挺 上涨 活跃36. 此复你们2月3日的来信37. 经得起竞争38. 降价3% (2个)39. 我方遗憾地得知40. point out41. 使获利甚微(5个)42. profit margin margin of profit43. see ones way to44. with

13、a view to doing sth.45. 推荐某物作为极佳的替代品46. be of the similar function47. 请充分考虑我们的建议。48. 以A代B (3个)49. even if / even though50. 工艺精良51. for your consideration for your reference52. to ones regret53. match the market level54. feel our prices realistic55. a large number of56. shoes of similar design57. be

14、not in a position to do sth.58. 各让一半59. be anxious to do sth.60. aid61. allow you a 4% commission on each pair62. 给你们所有订货5%折扣63. 盼早日收到你方订单。64. 调整价格65. cell phone/ mobile phone66. 生效67. result from68. the sudden rise in the continual increase in the steady rise in69. 运输成本70. 材料价格71. 劳动力成本72. as a res

15、ult of73. 周边经济74. unfavourable75. keep the old prices76. any longer77. 弥补上涨的成本78. 把折扣下调到3%79. 继续做某事80. furthermore81. 我货以其质地优良,设计时尚,颜色漂亮,依然极具竞争力。82. 站稳立场83. 大大有助某人做某事84. at an early date85. for ones interest86. There is a ready market for +商品87. 降价至每双159美元88. 进一步降价3%89. 为了促进我们之间的贸易90. match up to th

16、e market level be in line with the market levelUnit 51. conclusion of business2. 商务合同3. 2000国际贸易术语解释通则4. 国际货物买卖合同5. 价格条件6. 总价7. 单价8. 事由:名牌运动鞋9. We enclose10. our Order AC502 for the three items11. 你方最新目录12. ship from stock13. without delay14. 销售确认书15. in accordance with16. 按下述条件17. 供应下列商品18. 分批装运19.

17、 effect insurance20. 即期信用证21. not later than22. 订购信23. 订单(3个)24. 购货确认书25. 购货合同26. be available from stock/ have sth in stock27. out of stock28. book ones order29. in two originals30. 退回一份供我方存档31. 以某人为受益人32. rest assured that 33. 一收到34. confirm +having+过去分词35. 按议定的条件36. 一式两份37. 会签38. 海运货物保险条款39. 有卖方按

18、订单金额的110%投保一切险40. 战争险41. 不可撤销的信用证42. 议付43. book a repeat order/ repeat an order44. 标题船货45. ex s.s. “ Victory”46. be found satisfactory47. 大量需求48. 增加数量49. 向某人续订某物50. 急需(3个)51. 即期装运52. 给某人带来不便53. repeated order54. 盼望55. 佳音56. in this regard57. fail to do sth.58. acknowledge59. satisfaction60. feel it

19、regrettable that.61. for the time being62. 接受新订单63. 上述货物64. as we ae fully committed65. contact sb.66. 一有新货供应67. be agreeable to sb. 68. regarding69. 供你方详阅70. 假使;以防万一71. 随便做某事72. 予以迅速处理73. be satisfactory to sb.74. be satisfied with sb. 75. 接的订货很多76. 无论何时;随时77. 在考虑此事78. 保持业务联系79. 执行订单80. 取消订单81. 抱歉不

20、能做某事82. on the understanding that83. 计.整84. as per85. 由于承约太多86. 有关信用证87. 向某人试订货88. 认收通知89. We enclose herewith.90. 开具信用证91. 花式编号92. agree onagree with sb. / sth.agree to sth./ agree to do sth.93. 中国丝绸品94. 告知可供现货的规格及详细情况95. 如同.Unit 61. 支付方式2. 跟单托收3. 付款交单4. 承兑交单5. 汇票6. 即期付款交单7. 远期付款交单8. 汇付9. be in pos

21、session of10. referring to11. involve sb. in a lot of expenses12. tie-up of funds13. financial standing14. 向。查询15. 潜在市场16. 自负盈亏17. 佳音18. 指望19. enjoy little popularity20. favourable reply21. 保兑的信用证22. 不可撤销的信用证23. 即期信用证24. T/T25. 前景好的市场26. get in touch with sb.27. 一种宽松的方式28. promote the sales of29. 贸易

22、伙伴30. an enquiry for +商品31. a trial order32. We should be grateful if you We shall be much obliged if you will33. assume no risk in doing sth.34. at your earliest convenience35. take into consideration of36. look forward to37. in this respect38. 向某人开出汇票39. 信汇40. 票汇41. as well as42. notify/ inform/ a

23、dvise43. as to44. onbasis45. a huge amount of cost46. available from stock47. 尽快48. 提建议Unit 71. 货运单据2. 提单3. 转运4. 装船通知5. 装船指示6. 装运条件7. 装运时间8. 商业发票9. 装箱单10. 保险单11. be due to12. survey report13. Certificate of Origin14. be agreeable to sb.15. in good order16. 不可转让提单17. 随函附上。18. 一式三份19. draw ones attent

24、ion to 20. be of great inportance21. few and faw between22. under the circumstance23. feel it our duty to remind you of this matter24. effect shipment/ make shipment25. effect delivery/ make delivery26. effect payment/ make payment27. port of loading28. 急需(3个)29. 分批装运30. as per31. advance shipment/

25、effect shipment in advance32. 订舱33. 抱歉不能做某事34. 负担额外的费用35. 按照要求(3个)36. be liable to 37. inquire aboutinquire for + 商品38. 防水、密封集装箱39. 工艺品40. deadline41. ready for dispatch42. not later than43. 直达船44. 与某人联系(4个)45. 目的港46. up to the moment47. 谈到,涉及;关于48. 在规定的时间内49. 贸易王子号50. consignor/ consigneeUnit 81. 平

26、安险2. 水渍险3. 一切险4. 保险单5. 保险凭证6. 协会货物条款7. 仓至仓条款8. 单独海损9. TPND10. PICC11. CIC12. 按发票金额的110%为你订货投保一切险13. 投保(4个)14. 借记单15. 贷记单16. apply to sb for sth.17. Import Licence18. as requested/ at your request19. referring to/ with reference to20. in addition to 21. 额外保费22. It is understood23. be apt to24. excessive insurance25. for ones account26. 罐头货27. 检查报告28. for your information29. insure the goods with PICC against War Risk for $5500030. enjoy world reputation31. 公吨32. 共同海损33. 保险公


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