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1、JG020>数据中心统一编号:<0>Unified Serial No. from Data Centre:<00>中华人民共和国海关出口货物报关单<0>Customs Export Declaration Form of the Peoples Republic of China<0No. of Pre-record:0>申报现场:<0>Declare of Place<00>海关编号:<0>No. of Customs:<00>出口口岸<0>Port of Export<

2、0 0>备案号<0>Record No. for Checking<00>出口日期<0>Date of Export<0 0>申报日期<0>Date of Application<00>经营单位<0>Executive Company<0 0>运输方式<0>Mode of Transportation<00>运输工具名称<0>Description of the Transpotaion Tools<00>提运单号<0>Deliver

3、y Numbers<00>发货单位<0>Entrusting Company<0 0>贸易方式<0>Mode of Trade<0 0>征免性质<0>Kind of Tax<0 0>结汇方式<0>Ways of Payment<00>许可证号<0>License No.<00>运抵国(地区)<0>Name of Destination Country (Region)<0 0>指运港<0>Designated Destinati

4、on Port<00>境内货源地<0>Original Place of Delivered Goods<00>批准文号<0>Number of Approved Documents<00>成交方式<0>Trade terms<0 0>运费<0>Freight<00>保费<0>Insurance Premium<00>杂费<0>Additional Expenses<00>合同协议号<0>Contract No.<00&g

5、t;件数<0>Number of packages<0 0>包装种类<0>Type of Package<00>毛重(公斤)<0>Gross Weight (kg)<00>净重(公斤)<75>Net Weight (kg)<00>集装箱号<0>Container No.<00>随附单据<0>Attached Documents<00>生产厂家<0>Manufacturer<0 0>标记唛码及备注<0>Marks, N

6、os and Remarks<0 0>项号<0>Item No.<00>商品编号<0>Commodity No.<00>商品名称、规格型号<0>Description of Commodity and Specification<00>数量及单位<0>Quantity and Unit<00>最终目的国(地区)<0>Final Destination Country (Region)<00>单价<0>Unit Price<00>总价<

7、0>Total Price<0 0>币制<0>Currency<0 0>征免<0>Kind of Tax<0 0>税费征收情况<0>Tax Paid or Not<00>录入员<0>Input Person<00>录入单位<0>Input Company<00>兹声明以上申报无讹并承担法律责任<0>The undersigned hereby Declares that the above statement are correct and le

8、gal liability.<00>海关审单批注及放行日期(签章)<0>Customs Examination Endorsement and Release Date (signature)<00>审单 审价<0>Documents check Check price<00>报关员<0>Custom Broker<00>申报单位(签章)<0>Declaration Company(signature)<00>征税<0>Tax Levy<00>统计<0>

9、;Statistics<00>单位地址<0>Company Address<00>邮编<0>Post Code<00>电话<0>Telephone No.<00>填制日期<0>Filling Date<00>查验 放行<0>Identification Release<0Customs Declaration Form 报关单   An exporter has to apply to the customs for declaration of the co

10、mmodity before the shipment. The customs officer will sign on the customs declaration form and release the goods if the goods are up to the requirement.  出口方必须在装运前对出口货物进行报关,如果货物符合要求,海关官员就签署报关单对货物进行放行。  The person who asks for declaration is required to be qualified, that is to say, he/she

11、should have the certificate of customs declaration. The examination is held by the General Administration of Customs of P.R.C.  申请报关的人要求具备资质,就是说他或她应有报关证。考试由中华人民共和国海关部署举行。  The customs declaration form is in different colors, for example: the white one is made out for general trade and the

12、pink one is used for processing trade. The contents of these documents are similar. We take the specification of an export customs declaration form for general trade as an example to show the method of making out the document.  报关单有不同颜色,如白色报关单按一般贸易缮制,粉红色报关单用于加工贸易。这些单据的内容相似。我们以一般贸易的出口货物报关单的内容为例介

13、绍该单据的缮制方法。The Main Contents and Notes of Customs Declaration Form: 报关单的主要内容及注释:   1.       预录入编号:No. of Pre-recordIt is given by the customs while the exporter is applying to customs. It is given by computers automatically. 出口方申请报关时由海关给的编号,是由计算机自动编制的。2.  

14、     海关编号:No. of CustomsIt is given by the computer system automatically or given by the custom officer. 由计算机系统自动编制或由海关人员给出。3.       出口口岸:Port of ExportIt refers to the name and code of the customs at final port of export. 指最后口岸的海关名称及代码。说明:若出口货物在设有海关

15、的发运地办理报关手续,出口口岸仍应填写出境口岸的名称。如在深圳办理报关手续,陆路运输至上海出境的货物,其出口口岸为上海。同时加注关区代码。 4.       备案号:record number for checkingIt refers the number of “Register Manual” or the number of “Certificate of Paid or Free Tax” 指登记手册编号或征免税证明编号。5.       出口日期:Date of

16、ExportIt refers to the date of shipment. It is the applied date of departure of the vessel. 指发运日期,也就是船申报出境的日期。6.       申报日期:Date of ApplicationIt is the date that the exporter applies for declaration. 指出口方向海关申报出境的日期。7.       经营单位:Executive

17、companyFill in the companys name who signs and executes the S/C in Chinese, (generally refers to the exporter), and the customs code of the company. 用中文填写签订和执行合同的公司(一般指出口人)名称及经营单位代码。说明:如果总公司签订合同,由分公司执行,则填分公司名称。出口企业间相互代理,以代理方为经营单位。注意填写全称,注明经营单位代号,该代号是出口企业办理海关注册登记时,海关设置的编码,共10位数字。 8.   

18、    运输方式:Mode of TransportationIt refers to the final departure mode of transportation , such as sea, road, railway and air, etc. 指货物出境的最后运输方式,如江海、公路、铁路及航空等。9.       运输工具名称 Name of Transportation ToolIt refers to the name of departure tool of transportati

19、on (for example, sea for vessel and number of voyage, railway for the number of train and air for the number of flight). 指货物出境的运输工具名称 (如江海填船名及航次,铁路填车次,航空填航班号)。10.   提运单号 Delivery NumbersIt refers to kinds of transportation documents numbers. Such as sea for B/L No., air for flight bill No.

20、 and road for receipt No., etc. 指各类货运单据号码。如海运提单,空运航单及陆运承运收据等。11.   发货单位:Entrusting CompanyIt refers to the manufacturer or exporter 指生产方或出口方。12.   贸易方式:Mode of TradeFill in the mode of trade stipulated in “Customs Modes of Trade Numbers” in brief style.说明:贸易方式共分为七种:一般贸易(即正常贸易),寄售

21、、代销贸易,对外承包工程,来料加工,免费广告品、免费样品,索赔、换货、补贸和进口货退回等。一般贸易的编码为0110。 13.   征免性质:Kind of taxFill in the kind of tax in brief style stipulated in “the Customs Tax Kinds”. Such as general tax or free of tax. 按海关征免税性质代码表中确定的征免性质简称填写。如一般征税或免税。14.   结汇方式:Payment styleIt refers to the payment sty

22、les of L/C, D/P, D/A, T/T, etc. 指信用证、付款交单、承兑交单、电汇等付款方式。说明:结汇方式代码表 结汇方式代码 结汇方式 结汇方式代码 结汇方式 1 M/T 6 L/C 2 T/T 7 先出后结 3 D/D 8 先结后出 4 D/P 9 其他 5 D/A     15.   许可证号 License No.If the export license is required, fill in the license number. 如果需要出口许可证,填写许可证号。16.   运抵国(地区) Name

23、of Destination Country (Region)It is the final destination, generally the import country. 最后运抵国家或地区,一般是进口国。17.   指运港 Designated Destination PortIt is the destination of port. 指目的港18.   境内货源地 Original Place of Delivered Goods19.   批准文号:Number of Approved DocumentsFill in

24、 the approved documents and numbers except the export license (If there is no other approved documents, it does not need to fill). 填写除出口许可证外的其他批准文件及编号(如无其他批文则不用填写)。说明:在出口退税专用联,此栏要注明出口收汇核销单编号。 20.   成交方式:Trade termsFill in according to the code of price terms stipulated in “Customs Trade Te

25、rms Codes”, for example, FOB, CFR, CIF. 按海关成交方式代码确定的价格条件编码填写,如:FOB, CFR, CIF。21.   运费:FreightThey are the charges paid to the shipping company for transportation. Indicate type of the foreign currency. 指付给承运人的运输费用。标明外币种类。说明:运费标记:“1”运费率“2”运费单价“3”运费总价 例如:5%的运费率填报为5/1,24美圆的运费单价填报为502/24/2,700

26、0美圆的 运费总价填报为502/7000/3 注意货币代码部分只须掌握以下常用代码即可 美元(502)港币(110)日元(116)英镑(303)欧元(300)人民币(142) 22.   保费: Insurance PremiumThe premium is paid for the goods insurance on CIF or CIP terms. Indicate type of the foreign currency. 在CIF和CIP条件下所付的货物保险费。标明外币种类。23.   杂费:Additional ExpensesIt ref

27、ers to the other charges except the freight and insurance premium. Fill in with RMB. 指运费和保险费以外的他费用。以人民币填写。24.   合同协议号:Contract No.25.   件数:Number of packagesTotal number of packages 包装总件数26.   包装种类:type of packageFill in carton, bale, drum, case, etc.27.   毛重:

28、Gross WeightIt refers to the gross weight with packing weight, the unit is kg. 指带包装的总毛重,用千克表示。28.   净重:Net WeightIt refers to the net weight without packing weight, the unit is kg. 指不带包装的总净重,用千克表示。29.   集装箱号:Container No.30.   随附单据:Attached DocumentsThey are the other d

29、ocuments except customs declaration form, such as copy S/C, Invoice, Packing List, etc. 除报关单外的其他单据,如合同副本、发票、装箱单等。31.   生产厂家:ManufacturerIt is the final firm that produces the goods for export. It may be filled in the exporter if it is unknown. 指生产出口产品的最后生产企业。如无法知晓,可填出口商。32.   标记唛

30、头及备注:Marks, Nos and RemarksFill in the shipping marks printed on packing. “N/M” is made out if there is no marks. 填包装上印制的唛头。如无标记,请填“N/M”。33.   项号、商品编号:Item No. and Number of CommodityItem No. is refers to the order of this type of commodity in this customs declaration form. The number of commodity is


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