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1、Twelve Angry MenReginald RoseR einforcementT ext AnalysisTwelve Angry MenB ackgroundW arming upUnit 16Questions / ActivitiesCheck-on PreviewObjectivesWarming upTwelve Angry MenUnit 16What major concepts in American judicial system do you find in Unit 16? Explain these concepts briefly. What is “reas

2、onable doubt”? What do you think is the logic to rule a person guilty beyond reasonable doubt? On which part does the burden of proof rest in the American judicial system?Warming upQuestions / ActivitiesPlease make a list of the evidence against the boy. How is each piece of evidence invalidated lat

3、er? Or what reasonable doubts are raised by the jurors? Do you have any other reasonable doubts? How would you describe each of the 12 jurors? Give a profile of each juror. Why so? Please support your opinion with textual evidence.Warming upQuestions / Activities刑事案件刑事法庭民事案件民事法庭 少年法庭青少年管教所(刑事案件)原告人;

4、检察官,公诉人(民事案件) 原告人原告及其代理律师;代表原告的律师被告人 被告辩护律师被害人a criminal casea criminal court a civil casea civil courtchildrens courtreform school the prosecutor/prosecuting attorney the plaintiffthe prosecution the accused/defendant the defense lawyer/counselorthe victim/injured partyCheck-on PreviewWarming upTra

5、nslate the following legal terms into English (1).见证人;目击者证词 证据;证物 对提起诉讼为辩护 作证一级谋杀罪;故意杀人罪 一般杀人罪;过失杀人罪witnesstestimony evidence to accuse sb of certain crime / to charge sb with certain crime / to prosecute sb for sth / to bring a prosecution against sb to defend sb to testifyfirst-degree murder mansl

6、aughterCheck-on PreviewWarming upTranslate the following legal terms into English (2).ObjectivesUnderstand major concepts of the American judicial system and the logic behind each of them.Read between lines about the social ills of the American society.Make character analysis of each of the twelve j

7、urors.Learn the structure of a play. Warming upBackgroundAmerican Judicial SystemCharacter AnalysisMovieTwelve Angry MenUnit 16Key Concept 1: Jury TrialWhy exactly “Twelve Angry Men”? In 1898 the Supreme Court ruled: a jury of at least twelve persons for criminal cases.Terms grand jury vs. petit jur

8、y (trial jury)hung jury (para. 79) Selection of jurorsrandomly among qualified population BackgroundAmerican Judicial SystemWhat Roles Do Jury and Judge Play?Juryhear evidence: finder of factcross examination careful deliberationverdict: guilty vs. JudgesentenceacquittalBackgroundAmerican Judicial S

9、ystemnot guilty, no such a verdict as innocent. Why? Key Concept 2: Reasonable Doubt (para. 178) What is reasonable doubt? What is the logic to rule a person guilty beyond reason doubt? beyond reasonable doubt: It is the standard of proof required in most criminal cases. It is the doubt that could a

10、rise in the mind of an ordinary, impartial, honest, reasonable and cautious person with reference to the guilt of an accused. Innocent until proven guilty. BackgroundAmerican Judicial SystemKey Concept 3: Burden of proof on the prosecution (para. 27) On which part does the burden of proof rest in th

11、e American judicial system?The prosecution bears the burden of proof. The prosecutions proposition must be proven to the extent that there is no “reasonable doubt.”BackgroundAmerican Judicial SystemHow would you describe each of the 12 jurors? Give a profile of each juror. Why so? Please support you

12、r opinion with textual evidence. Suppose you are the casting director of the film, Twelve Angry Men, who would you like to play each juror? Please present a picture of each actor that you choose! Presentation Time! BackgroundCharacter Analysis We shall watch the 1957 movie production of Twelve Angry

13、 Men. http:/ DiscussWhat different effects do a play and a movie produce? BackgroundMovie Time DetailedAnalysisStructureText AnalysisTwelve Angry MenUnit 16Text AnalysisStructurePart IIntroduction to the case (paras. 1-25)Part IIDeliberation 1: Essential evidence against the boy (paras. 1-25)Part II

14、IDeliberation 2: The reasonable doubts in the case (paras. 58-267)Part IVVerdict: Not Guilty (paras. 268-281)Part I: Discussion When and where? Which city? Who was accused of what? Why did No.8 vote Not Guilty at the preliminary vote? What was his logic? 1. Beyond reasonable doubtText AnalysisDetail

15、ed Analysis Part I: Words & Expressions (1)vote v.vote for sth; vote in favor of sth; vote against sthvote to do sthvote sb in/out; vote sb into/out of (power/office/government) The workers voted their representative in. vote sth through; vote sth down The new marriage law was finally voted thro

16、ugh.vote sb guilty vote n.call/ask for a vote put sth to the vote; have a vote on sth If there is no objection, shall we put it to the vote?give/cast ones vote to sbwin the vote Text AnalysisDetailed Analysis Part I: Words & Expressions (2)owe owe sb sth; owe sth to sbI owe you 20 bucks for this

17、 book. We dont owe each other anything. Were square now. Thank you for what youve done. I owe you one.I owe you an apology for borrowing your dictionary without your permission. I owe my success to my supervisor. owing toOwing to his rich experience, his salary was very high.Text AnalysisDetailed An

18、alysisPart I: ExerciseTranslation委员会一致投票决定音乐会上禁止使用手机。(vote)The committee voted unanimously to ban mobile phones from the concert.这个问题还未来得及充分讨论,就进行了表决。(vote)Before it was fully discussed, the question was put to the vote.他认为自己的成功更多是由于幸运而不是能力。(owe)He owed his success to luck more than to capacity.我曾怀疑

19、过你的能力,真是万分抱歉。(owe)I owe you a thousand apologies for having doubted your ability.Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II: Discussion Why did jurors No.27 voted Guilty at the preliminary vote? What does the evidence against the boy include? Eye witness(es)? (Who said what?) Alibi invalidated, how? Alle

20、ged motive? The boys record? The murder weapon? Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II: Discussion Do they make good jurors? What kind of personalities do they have? Please give textual evidence. How would you describe the mood in the jury room? What do you learn about American social ills in this pa

21、rt?Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II: Deliberation 1Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisThe El: the elevated train system in Chicago Part II: Words & Expressions (1)otherwise in another wayShe was persuaded otherwise. Some people may think that social stability is more important than social progre

22、ss, although some people may think otherwise. under other circumstances in other respectsThis otherwise excellent student is too conceited. Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II: Words & Expressions (2)fix v.to fasten firmly: fix sth to sth We fixed the shelves to the wall so that they would not

23、 topple. to decide on (a time/place/date)Have you fixed a date for y our wedding yet? to arrangeIf youd like to see the performance, I can fix it. to prepare food and drink for sb: fix sb sth Ill fix you a martini if you feel like one. fix n.in a fix (be in an awkward and difficult situation) With p

24、arents sick, a daughter in college and a salary of ¥800 per month, he is in a terrible financial fix. Review: drug addicts looking for a fix; a quick fixText AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II: Words & Expressions (3)claim to say sth is true without proof: claim to do/thatHe claimed to know half a

25、 dozen foreign languages. This report claims that 78% of male high school students have used illegal drugs. to demand as rightfully belonging to one: claim sthBoth India and Pakistan claimed Kashmir. Anyway we can claim for all this from the insurance company. to cause the death of: claimlivesThe ea

26、rthquake claimed more than 2,500 lives. Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II: ExerciseTranslation若无特殊说明,所有照片均由作者拍摄。(otherwise)All photographs were taken by the author unless stated otherwise. 为运动会所做的装扮给原本毫无生气的城市增添了亮点。(otherwise)The decorations for the games have lent a splash of color to this other

27、wise boring city. Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart III: DiscussionWhat are the reasonable doubts raised by the jurors?#1 The switch knife (58-93) #2 The old mans testimony (94-117) #3 The boys return to the apartment (118-137) #4 The old mans another testimony (138-179) #5 The boys alibi (180-204)

28、 #6 The downward angle of the stab wound (205-229) #7 The testimony of the woman across the street (230-267) Text AnalysisDetailed Analysis#1: The switch knife (58-93) “I began to get a feeling that the defense counselor wasnt conducting a thorough enough cross-examination. He let too many things go

29、 by, little things.” What does this observation of No.8 show? Or, why does the defense counselor behave so? Text AnalysisDetailed Analysis#1: The switch knife (58-93) What is the boys account of what happened at the night of the murder? Quarreled with and got hit by his father 8 pm: left the house a

30、nd bought a switch knife at a junk shop 8:45 pm: met and talked to friends in front of the tavern 9:45 pm: left his friends 10:00 pm: arrived at home 11:30 pm: movie 3:10 am: arrived at home, only to find his father dead and himself arrestedText AnalysisDetailed Analysis#2: The old mans testimony (9

31、4-117) What is the old mans testimony? Heard the boy shouting and the body hit the floor Ran to the door and saw the boy fleeing What are the contradictions? An EL train was roaring past. He reached the door in 15 seconds.Text AnalysisDetailed Analysis#2: The old mans testimony (94-117) Why does No.

32、9 believe that the old man lied to gain attention? Is No.9 talking about the old man? What does it tell about the American society? No.9 speaks from his own experience. No, he is talking about himself. American society: the old are marginalized and overlooked; born poor always poor? What does No.9 r

33、efer to when he says, “Ive done it myself”? Text AnalysisDetailed Analysis#3: The boys return and yell (118-137) Who raises it? Is it logical? If the boy had killed his father, he wouldnt have gone back 3 hours later only to be. We dont mean it when we yell “Im going to kill you.” Which juror(s) cha

34、nge(s) his (their) vote after this round? Why do No.5 and No.6 change their votes?Text AnalysisDetailed Analysis#4: The old mans another testimony (138-179) What does No.4 think of No.3 when No.3 says, “I dont see what you are going to prove there.”? Was it possible for the old man to cover 55 feet

35、in 15 seconds? Do you have any doubt about No.8s recreation of the scene? What does “Hes got to burn” (para. 160) show about No.3? Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisText AnalysisDetailed Analysis #4: The old mans another testimony (138-179) What will happen in a hung jury situation? What might be the pr

36、oblems of such a practice? What social problems does No.7s comments about No.11 show? (para. 179) What is the historical context? The Cold War Immigration wave Rapid economic development Text AnalysisDetailed Analysis#5: The boys alibi (180-204) What do you think of No.8s series of questions to No.4

37、? What does it prove? Text AnalysisDetailed Analysis#6: The downward angle of the stab wound (205-229) Could the boy stab down into his father? What does Para. 116 show about No.7? Different ways of voting: By written ballot By calling out the numbers By a show of hands Text AnalysisDetailed Analysi

38、s#7: Testimony of the woman (230-267) The danger of prejudice“Its always difficult to keep personal prejudice out of a thing like this. Whenever you run into it, it always obscures the truth.” Why does No.8 turn to No.4 first? Why does No.4 change his vote? Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart IV: Ver

39、dict Not guilty Reasonable doubt Burden of proof on the prosecution Innocent until proven guilty Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisReinforcementLanguageDiscussionTwelve Angry MenUnit 16ReviewWhat Have We Done? Leant something about the jury system in US. Reflected upon the rationale for this system as w

40、ell as its pros and cons. Taken a look into American society and human nature Learnt some legal terms. Practiced writing and speaking discreetly (distinguish facts and conjectures, assumptions).ReinforcementReviewThe Advantages and Disadvantages of the Jury System as Shown in This CaseReinforcementDiscussionAd


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