1、外外 贸贸 英英 语语 函函 电电Business English Correspondence易露霞易露霞 陈原陈原 孙美楠孙美楠 主编主编清华大学出版社清华大学出版社Introduction to the course Course description Course objectives Course contents Learning guide Assessment and Requirements 外外 贸贸 函函 电电Introduction English business correspondence or business letter is a written comm
2、unication between two parties. It is a means through which views are expressed and ideas or information is communicated in writing in the process of business activities. It is to learn both the language and the professional knowledge (in other words, to learn the language you are going to use when y
3、ou work).外外 贸贸 函函 电电Course description Business Correspondence is one of the most important courses (a compulsory course) for International Business Trade Majors. It is designed to help students to accomplish the transition from general English learning to specialized English learning, aiming at pre
4、paration for a future business career.外外 贸贸 函函 电电Course objectives After the completion of the whole course, students are supposed to: comprehend and master the basic writing skills for various types of business correspondence. be familiar with the general conventions as well as main procedures in i
5、nternational trade practice. conduct business, make quick and correct reactions to the business information and make business concluded in real life situations. 外外 贸贸 函函 电电Course contents The contents of Business correspondence involve many aspects of international business trade, mainly include : E
6、stablishing business relations; Inquiry; Offer; Counter offer; Order; Acceptance; Contract; Packing; Shipment; Payment; Insurance and Claim.外外 贸贸 函函 电电 Achieve balance between language-learning and business-learning. Achieve balance between input and output of what have been learned. Achieve balance
7、 between course-book learning and simulated practice. Focus on various writing patterns and writing skills of business correspondences. Master the commonly-used business vocabularies and make good use of them.外外 贸贸 函函 电电Learning guide The course will be assessed as follows: Routine performance: 30%,
8、 including: routine attendance ,in-class practice, tests and outside-class assignments Final exam: 70%外外 贸贸 函函 电电Assessment and Evaluation CriteriaRequirementsYou are appreciated for not being late for class or absent from class. chewing gums or wearing a cap during classes. picking up the cell phon
9、e or letting the phone ring during classes.外外 贸贸 函函 电电Chapter OneLayout of a Business LetterContents Objectives Leading In Sample letter Language Points Summary Assignments Case study外外 贸贸 函函 电电Objectives Upon completion of this chapter, you should: be familiar with the layout of business letters. k
10、now the formats of business letters. know how to address the envelope.外外 贸贸 函函 电电Leading In Name the ways of communication you know What is the layout of an English letter?外外 贸贸 函函 电电 Telephone Fax E-mail Letter Telegram Telex外外 贸贸 函函 电电Ways of communicationWarming up外外 贸贸 函函 电电日期Date封内地址Inside Addr
11、ess称呼Salutation正文Body结尾敬语Complimentary Close签名Signature外外 贸贸 函函 电电Electronics Ltd. 3 Stockbridge Road Liverpool LP5 20M Tel.: 087564789076 Fax:087564747867 Website: .uk Your Reference: Our Reference: 2569 April 13, 2004 Fuiji Company 153 Ginza-Chome Tokyo, Japan Attention: Sales Manager Dear Sirs, R
12、e: Portable Colour TV Sets We have seen your advertisement in the “Electric Frontier” and are quite interested in your portable colour television set. Enclosed is our Inquiry Note No.2368. Please quote us the lowest price C.I.F. Liverpool, stating the earliest date of shipment. We look forward to yo
13、ur early reply. Very truly yours, ELECTRONICS LTD. Harold Jones Harold Jones Manager Encl. Inquiry Note cc: Mr. J.L.Smith, New York Layout of Business Letter1.信头 letter Head 2.日期 Date 3.封内地址 Inside Address 4.称呼 Salutation 5. 正文 Body 6.结尾敬语 Complimentary Close 7.签名 Signature 8.事由 Subject 9.附件 Enclosu
14、re a 参考号 Ref.No. b 经办人 Attention Line c 抄送 Carbon Copy goLetterhead Generally, a letterhead will include the company logo, companys name, address, telephone number, fax number and email address, and the web address if available. 信头的写法:2种格式 信头一般印在信纸上端的中间,但也可印在信笺的左上方 1)平头式 Richard Thomas & Baldwins Lt
15、d. 151 Gower Street London, SCT 6DY, England Tel:63216260 Fax:63302700外外 贸贸 函函 电电 2) 缩行式 SHANGHAI PHARMACEUTICAL CO.,LTD Tel:63216260 Fax:63302700 2.发信人地址、日期的具体写法:发信人地址、日期的具体写法: 1) 门牌号码和街名(或邮箱号)门牌号码和街名(或邮箱号) 例如例如: 151 Gower Street 2) 城市、邮政编码、国家名城市、邮政编码、国家名 例如:例如:London, Swg250Y, England (二)编号和日期(二)编
16、号和日期 1.编号编号 (Reference No.) 有的信头下有编号有的信头下有编号 。编号是供参考用的,作。编号是供参考用的,作用是用是 能使复信与先前发出的信函联系起来。能使复信与先前发出的信函联系起来。 a.卷宗号码卷宗号码 (a file number)、 b.部门代号(部门代号(departmental code), c.辨认代号(辨认代号(initials of the signer):口述人:口述人和打字人的名字缩写。和打字人的名字缩写。 编号又分:编号又分: 你方编号(你方编号(Your Reference No.), 我方编号(我方编号(Our Reference No.
17、), 例如:例如: Your Ref : B-1549 Your Ref : JBD/WM Our Ref: A-3450 Our Ref: WDW/LP Inside Address Always include the recipients name, address and postal code. Add job title if appropriate. 距日期两到四行,打在左边。 1.写上封内地址的益处: 1)发信时可与信封上地址相互对照,以免发信时发生错误 2)收信人读信时可以相互对照 3)便于查阅Date外外 贸贸 函函 电电02/01/032002年1月3日2003年2月1日
18、2003年1月2日Chinese wayAmerican wayBritish wayTo avoid confusion, it is a common practice to write months in words. Return salutation1. If unsure to whom you should address a letter, you should use the following salutations: Dear Sir or Madam, 2. If you know the name but are not familiar with the other
19、 person, you should use the following salutation: Dear Mr./Mrs. XXX,外外 贸贸 函函 电电 3. If you are quite familiar with the other person, you may use the following salutation: Hi XXX, Hello XXX, XXX,外外 贸贸 函函 电电Informal salutation其位置比封内地址和经办人行低两行,并与之平头其位置比封内地址和经办人行低两行,并与之平头 1.商业函件商业函件 1)用用“Dear Sirs, ” 不能单
20、独用不能单独用“Sirs,” 2)美国人用美国人用“Gentlemen:”,更加普遍更加普遍 (不能用单数)不能用单数),单数时称单数时称“Dear Sir” 3)如果是女性公司,则用如果是女性公司,则用 “Dear Mesdames,” 2. 公事函件:公事函件: “ Dear Sir,”对一般机关团体负责人适用对一般机关团体负责人适用此外公事函件还可以用此外公事函件还可以用 “To those who may be concerned,”外外 贸贸 函函 电电 外外 贸贸 函函 电电(六)事由(主题)The Subject Line 或Caption: 事由(标题)的作用是让收信人对信的主
21、旨一目了然,写在称呼语下面的两行,一般是在信笺中上部的位置,可在前冠以Subject :或Re:的字样。 事由要简单扼要,说明商品名称、数量、信用证或合同号码等即可。eg. Subject: Annual Stockholders Meeting Re: Your Order No.111Body of a letter The body of a business letter typically contains three paragraphs: 1.introductory paragraph 2.one or more body paragraphs 3.concluding par
22、agraph外外 贸贸 函函 电电Body of a letter注意事项: 1)段与段之间一般空两行 想一想:如果信的正文很长,一页纸不够用而需两张或数张联页,该怎么办?外外 贸贸 函函 电电Body of a letter如果信的正文很长,一页纸不够用而需两张或数张联页,应在第一页的右下端打“待续”(to be continued),并在联页上端注明收信人的名称、日期、页数,再继续打正文。这是为了避免第一页和第二页,第三页在发信时误置。外外 贸贸 函函 电电 Formal Truly/sincerely/Faithfully yours, Informal Best regards,外外
23、贸贸 函函 电电Complimentary CloseCapitalize only the first word in the complimentary close, and follow all phrases with a comma. 注意: 1)结束礼词写在结尾语下隔一行,正中或略向右边写起 2)只有第一个字母大写,后面加逗号 3)欧洲信函把Yours放前,美国则把副词放前 4)用Yours而不用Your,与Yours连用的一定是带-ly的副词。外外 贸贸 函函 电电Complimentary CloseSignature Companys name Your signature
24、typed signature (job title)ELECTRONICS LTD. Harold Jones Harold Jones ManagerReturn 外外 贸贸 函函 电电 想一想:如果有资格签署的人不在公司,想请他人签署,该怎么办?外外 贸贸 函函 电电 注意: 1)p.p. 有时候有资格签署的人不在公司,常以授权(power of attorney)授权一负责的雇员签署,在这 格式一般如下: Yours faithfully (P.P.)THE NATIONAL TRANSPORT CO., Manager外外 贸贸 函函 电电 (十一)其他 1.附件(Enclosure
25、): 如信中有附件时,应在左下角注明Encl.或Enc.(缩写),如果附件不止一件,应注明2 Encls.或3 Encls.等. 例如: Encls. :2 Invoices 3 Encls. : 1 B/L 1 Photo 1 Certificate 外外 贸贸 函函 电电 2. c.c.: Mr. Bruce Pat C.C.: Public Relation Department外外 贸贸 函函 电电 3.主办人代号,又叫辨认代号 Indentification 以便日后查对这封信是由何人主稿,由何人速记打字。一般的写法是把主稿人、速记员的姓名的第一个字母连续打出,两者之间加一斜划,或加
26、冒号。 例如一个名叫Willian L.Rich的人向一位名叫Margaret Davis 的秘书口授一封信,他们可以缩写成 WLR/MD WLR:MD mlr/md 外外 贸贸 函函 电电 4.附笔(再启)(Postscripts) 信写完后,如果想起还有要紧的话要说,可以在信末加 P.S.,然后由发信人签署本人简笔签名(本人姓名的每一个字母,如Park Davis,只签P.D.)。郑重的函件一般不用P.S.,说明写信人办事不够周密。 eg. P.S. The samples will be mailed to you tomorrow.外外 贸贸 函函 电电Block Format 齐头式
27、 -Heading- - - Date Inside Address Dear Sirs, - - - - - Yours Faithfully, Signature 外外 贸贸 函函 电电The block format is the simplest format; all of the writing is flush against the left margin. Format -Heading- - - Date Inside Address Dear Sirs, - - - - - Yours Faithfully, Signature 外外 贸贸 函函 电电 -Heading-
28、 - - Date Inside Address Dear Sirs, - - - Yours Faithfully, Signature The semi-block format your address, date, the closing, signature, are all indented to the right half of the page (半齐头式)The indented format (缩进式)Also the first line of each paragraph is indented. 外外 贸贸 函函 电电Addressing the envelop 1
29、. Block Style2. Indented StyleAddressing the envelop Addressing the envelop Addressing the envelop Good Writing Principles1.Completeness(完整)2.Concreteness(具体)3.Clearness(清楚)4.Conciseness(简洁) 5.Courtesy(礼貌) 6.Consideration(体谅) 7.Correctness(正确) Some Rules of Good Writing1.Study your readers interests
30、 (研究读信人的兴趣)2.Adopt the right tone(使用正确语调)3.Write naturally and sincerely (书写自然、诚恳)4.Avoid wordiness (避免拖泥带水、迂回繁冗)Some Rules of Good Writing5.Avoid commercial jargon(避免使用过于专业的行话) 6.Write effectively(写出有效的信函)7.Avoid monotony(避免千篇一律)8.Plan your letter(打好草稿)9.Pay attention to first and last impressions(
31、注意第一印象和最终印象) 10.Check your letters(检查全文)Useful Words & Expressions 1appreciate 感谢 2ship 装运 32 percent discount 2%的折扣 4latest catalogue 最新目录 5cash payment 现金支付 6fill ones order 执行订单,完成订单 7remittance 汇付 8to hear from you 收到你的回信Useful Words & Expressions 9have obtained your name and address from. 从处获悉贵
32、公司名址;承蒙的介绍获悉贵公司名址 10state-owned enterprise 国有企业 11business contacts 业务联系,业务关系 12take the liberty of 冒昧地 13wish to inform you that . 希望告知Useful Words & Expressions 14in compliance with /as (you) requested按照(你)方要求 15to be transferred tofor attention 转交处理 16be given to understand that . 据了解 17fall with
33、in the scope of . 业务范围Useful Words & Expressions 18take this opportunity to do sth. and see if we can . 借此机会做某事 19approach sb. for sth. 就某事与某人联系Summary lIn this chapter, we have learnt the layout (seven principle parts and six optional parts) in a business letter. We should at least remember the sev
34、en principle parts and some useful and common optional parts. We should also recite the format of business letters. These rules and principles are crucial in the business letters, because it shows your attitude and ability to do business carefully and successfully.外外 贸贸 函函 电电Assignments Arrange the
35、following in proper form as they should be set out in a letter. Use the Block Style, and then address the envelope accordingly. Seller: Royal Grosvenor Porcelain Company Ltd. Address: Grosvenor House, Renfrew Road, Oakley Staffordshire OA7 9AH Tel: (743069)60591/2/3 Buyer: Colourfloor Co.Ltd. Addres
36、s: 238 Wilton Road, Axminster AXz AS Date : March 5, 2007 Subject : porcelain The message : - The letter is written by the seller外外 贸贸 函函 电电Please write a letter according to the following particulars. 你是上海轻工产品(light industry products)公司的经理王湘。你的厂址是上海解放路11号,电话号码:43715589。你收到太平洋贸易公司(Pacific Trading Inc.)的询函,其地址是美国纽约百老汇街87号,邮编:10408。 你的任务:(1)设计你公司的信头。 (2)按正式格式写出对方地址。(3)将下列信文用英语写入:感谢贵方对我公司纺织Please write a letter according to the following particular
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