1、Basic Examination for NDE Level m第3页共11页上海阀门厂有限公司Shanghai Valve Factory Co., Ltd.Examination of NDT Level III for manufacturing ASME Code ProductsASME规范产品NDT III级人员考试试题Basic Examination (Time: 2.5 hrs)基础考试时间:2.5小时Candidate/ 姓名Grade/得分Examiner/主考人Date/日期In the following selecting questions, choose th
2、e letter represents the right answer into the brackets.对下列选择题,选择代表正确答案的字母填入括号内。Part A Questions relating to SNT-TC-1A document1. “ ASNT Standards for Qualification and Certification of NDT Personnel requires theemployer to establish a/an for the certification of NDT personnel:()a. instruction b. spe
3、cification c. procedure d. code“ASNT无损检测人员考核和发证标准”要求雇主建立一个 用于无损检测人员 的发证。a.导则b.技术条件c.规程d.规范2. NDE personnel shall be classified intoaccording to SNT-TC-1A ?()a. I, II;b. I, II, III;c. I, II, III, IV;d. All of the above are not correct.SNT-TC-1A把无损检验人员分为几个等级?a. I, II;b. I, II, III;c. I, II, III, IV;d.
4、上述都不对。3. The minimum number of respectively, are:a. 40,30b. 30,40对UT I级和MT II级来说, a. 40,30b. 30,40General Examination Questionsc. 30,20d. 20,30“通用考试”问题的最少数量分别为:c. 30,20d. 20,30for UT level I and MT Level II()4. NDT Level I and Level II individual certifications shall expire at the end of:()a. 2 year
5、sb. 3 yearsc. 4 yearsd. 5 years无损检测I级和II级人员资格证书应在 之后期满。a. 2年b. 3年c. 4年d. 5年5. A candidate should satisfy one of the following criteria for the applicable NDT Level III.Which of the following statement is not true:()a. have graduated from a 4 year college with a degree in engineering or science, plus
6、 one years experience in NDT in an assignment comparable to that of an NDT Level II in the applicable NDT method(s)b. have completed with passing grades at least 2 years engineering or science study at auniversity or technical school, plus 2 years experience in NDT comparable to that ofNDT Level II
7、in applicable NDT method(s)c. have graduated from a technical school, plus 3 yea rs experience in NDT comparable to that of NDT Level II in applicable NDT method(s)d. have 4 years experience in NDT comparable to that of NDT Level II in applicable NDT method(s)对申请无损检测III级资格来说,报考者应该满足下列条件之一。下面的叙述中哪一条
8、是不正确的?a.毕业于4年制大学取得工程或理学学位,在报考的无损检测方法上具有1年相当于II级程度的工作经验。b.以合格的成绩在大学或技术学校完成至少2年工程或科学的学习,并在所报考的方法上具有2年相当于II级的经验。c.毕业于技术学校,并在所报考的NDT方法上具有3年相当于II级的经验。d.在所报考的NDT方法上具有4年相当于II级的经验。6. How many Hours of training would be required for a person who has had not level I qualification and directly applies for qual
9、ification of the NDE level n individual in accordance with SNT-TC-1A?()a. Corresponding to the Hours required for level n ;b. Corresponding to the sum of Hours required for level I and level II ;c. All of the above are correct;d. All of the above are incorrect.按照SNT-TC-1A规定,如果某人无I级人员资格而直接申请考试II级无损检验
10、人员,那么需要培训多长时间?a. II级相应的培训时间;b. I和II级相应的培训时间之和;c.上述都对; d.上述都不对。7. SNT-TC-1A stipulates that the employers certification()a. Can not be used in outside company;b. Can be used in outside company;c. Can be used by qualified outside personnel;d. All of the above are correct.SNT-TC-1A规定,某雇主签发的无损检验人员的资格证书:
11、 a.不可用于外单位; b.可用于外单位;c.直接用外单位有资格的人员; d.上面说法都对。8. How much time would be required for the initial training of a UT level II individual who has had at least 2 years of engineering or science study level in a college or technical school? ()a. 40Hoursb. 30Hoursc. 29Hoursd. 39Hours把一个2年制大专或中专毕业生培养成一名II级U
12、T检验人员,首次培训规定需要多长时间?a. 40小时b. 30小时c. 29小时d. 39小时9. How much time would be required for the initial training of a RT level I individual who has had a high school graduate or equivalent?()a. 39 Hoursb. 40 Hoursc. 29 Hoursd. 35 Hours把一个高中毕业生或具有同等学历的人培养成I级RT检验人员,首次培训规定多长时间?a. 39小时b. 40小时;c. 29小时d. 35小时10
13、. How many NDT methods are included in Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2006 Edition): ()a. 4b. 9c. 13d. 14在推荐的实施细则SNT-TC-1A(2006版)中,包含有多少 NDT方法:a. 4b. 9c. 13d. 1411. In “Leak Testing Method ” , which of the following is not included:()a. liquid penetrant testingb. bubble leak testingc. pressure chan
14、ge measurementd. Mass spectrometer method在“泄漏检测方法”中,下列哪一种没有被包括: a.液体渗透检测b.气泡泄漏检测c.压力变化测量d.质谱方法12. Level III individual certification shall expire at the end of:()a. 2 yearsb. 3 years c. 4 yearsd. 5 yearsIII级人员证书应在结束之际终止。a. 2年b. 3年c. 4年d. 5年13. Which of the statements about physical checkup of the ND
15、E personnel is right?()a. Eye sight and distinguishing shall be examined annually.b. Eye sight and distinguishing shall be examined every three years.c. Eye sight and distinguishing shall be separately examined every one and three years.d. Eye sight and distinguishing shall be separately examined ev
16、ery three and one years.关于无损检验人员的视力和色彩对比分辨力检查下面几种说法,哪种是正确的?a.每年检查一次视力和色彩对比分辨力;b.每三年检查一次视力和色彩对比分辨力;c.视力每年检查一次,色彩对比分辨力每三年检查一次;d.视力每三年检查一次,色彩对比分辨力每年检查一次;14. A trainee shall not independently the result of any NDT. Which of the following is not true ?()a. conduct b. interpret c. readd. report一个受训者不应独立地
17、任何无损检测结果,下面哪一个不是真的? a.处理b.解释c.阅读d.报告15. An NDT Level II individual should be qualified to Which of the following is not true ?()a. set up equipmentb. calibrate equipmentc. assist in establishing acceptance criteria when none are otherwise available d. interpret and evaluate results with respect to a
18、pplicable codes, standards and specification 无损检测II级人员应该在 方面被鉴定合格,下面哪一条不是真的?Basic Examination for NDE Level m第 7页 共 11 页a.准备设备b.校正设备c.没有其它可用标准时帮助建立验收标准d.按照应用的规范、标准和技术条件解释和评定结果Part B Questions relating to materials, fabrication, and product technology16. The metallurgical effects, such as the change
19、in grain size and shrinkage in welding are similar as occurred in:()a. forgingb. castingc. Extrudingd. rolling冶金效应比如焊接中晶粒尺寸的改变和收缩,与在 中相似。a.锻造b.铸造c.挤压d.轧制17. Pressure welding can be accomplished solely by pressure, but it usually requires additional :()a. heatb. filling materialc. oxidizing agent d.
20、adhesive压力焊能够只用压力来完成,但它通常需要附加的: a.热b.填充材料c.氧化剂d.粘合剂18. In order to have consistant properties between weld and base metal, and also to the stress, many steel weldments are heat treated after welding. Such treatment usually is:()a. annealing b. tempering c. normalizing d. quenching 为了在焊缝和母材间具有一致的特性,同
21、时也为了应力,许多钢焊缝在焊接后进行热处 理,这种处理通常是: a.退火b.回火c.正火d.淬火19. If the weldments are rigidly fixed to prevent displacement during welding, high stress will be formed. After relieving the fixture, may be produced in the weldings:()a. geometrical deformationb. high stressc. crack after coolingd. all of the above焊
22、接时为了防止位移,焊接件被牢牢地固定,这样会产生高应力。去除固定工装后, 焊接件可能会产生:a.几何变形b.高应力c.冷却后开裂d.上述全对20. In electric arc welding, arc is usually maintained between electrode anda. welding machineb. costing of electrodec. work pieced. shielding gas在电弧焊中,电弧通常维持在电极和 之间:a.焊机 b.电极涂层c.工件 d.保护气体21. The gases used for shield in welding a
23、re:a. argon, nitrogen and carbon dioxideb. neon, fluorine and heliumc. sulphur dioxide, X argon and oxygend. argon, nitrogen and hydrogenc.二氧化硫、僦和氧d.僦、氮和氢焊接中保护用的气体是:a.僦、氮和二氧化碳b.窟、氟和氨22. Which of the following material characteristics may effect the acoustical attenuation in the material:()a. grain s
24、ize b. elastic modulus c. crystalline structure d. all of the above 下列材料特性中的哪一个会影响材料中的声衰减?a.晶粒尺寸b.弹性模量 c.晶体结构d.上述全对23. Which of the following statements explains the difference between discontinuities and Defects ?()a. discontinuities may develop to be defects b. any discontinuities are of defects c
25、. any defects remain in work piece will cause rupture d. discontinuities are located on the surface of a workpiece, while defects are located within a workpiece下面哪一种叙述解释了不连续和缺陷的区别? a.不连续可能发展成缺陷b.任何不连续是缺陷c.任何保留在工件中的缺陷将会引起破裂 d.不连续位于工件表面,而缺陷则位于工件内部24. The welding process possessed with very high amount
26、 of heat and heat conversion is: ()a. brazing b. plasma welding c. pressure welding d. submerged welding 具有大量热和热转换的焊接方法是: a.钎焊b.等离子焊c.压力焊d.埋弧焊25. If anticorrosion is necessary, which property of the material should be mostly considered ? ()a. processing propertyb. mechanical propertyc. physical prop
27、ertyd. chemical property如果材料要抗腐蚀,应主要考虑它的哪一个特性? a.加工性能b.机械性能c.物理性能 d.化学性能26. A bar with 12 inches in length, 2 inches in width and 1 inch in thickness is under tensile testing with a load of 36,000 pounds in the direction of its length. What is the tensile stress in the bar?()a. 1,500 psi (pound per
28、square inch)b. 3,000 psic. 12,000 psid. 18,000psi一根棒长12英寸、宽2英寸、厚1英寸,用长方向36,000磅的力做抗拉试验,棒中的拉 伸应力是多少? a. 1,500 psi (每平方英寸磅)b. 3,000 psic. 12,000 psid. 18,000psi27. The elastic modulus is used to measure the of material:()a. tensile strengthb. pressure stressc. yield pointd. ductility弹性模量用来测定材料的 : a.抗拉
29、强度b.压应力c.屈服点d.韧性28. When strength of pressure stress is only required in application, which material is typically to be Considered ?()a. low carbon steel b. high carbon steelc. cast irond. magnesium应用中只要求压应力强度时,通常考虑哪一种材料? a.低碳钢b.高碳钢c.铸钢d.镁29. The process for recovering the ductility of low carbon st
30、eel which has been cold worked, is called:()a. separationb. recrystallizationc. crystallizationd. austenization恢复经冷加工后低碳钢韧性的处理方法称为: a.分离b.再结晶c.结晶d.奥氏体化30. Recrystallization as a process can of steel:()a. improve ductilityb. reduce grain sizec. reduce hardnessd. all of the above再结晶作为一种处理方法能够对钢 : a.提高
31、韧性 b.降低晶粒尺寸c.降低硬度d.上述全对31. The NDT method that can measure the change in conductivity due to heat treatment, is: ()a. MTb. AEc. ETd. VT能够测量热处理后导电率变化的无损检测方法是:a. MTb. AEc. ETd. VT32. Metal corrosion which is accelerated under loading, is called:()a. rust corrosionb. electrical corrosionc. electro-chem
32、ical corrosiond. stress corrosion金属腐蚀在受载下加速被称为: a.锈蚀b.电腐蚀c.电化学腐蚀d.应力腐蚀33. Which of the following can be used to prevent corrosion ?()a. stress relief b. anodizing c. electroplating d. galvanizing e. all of the above 下面哪一种可用来防腐蚀? a.应力释放 b.阳极化 c.电镀d.镀锌e.上述全对34. The percentage of carbon in low carbon s
33、teel is within:()a. 0.6%-2.5%b. 0.06%-0.25%c. 0.5%-1.6%d. 5%-16%低碳钢中碳的百分比在:a. 0.6%-2.5%b. 0.06%-0.25%c. 0.5%-1.6%d. 5%-16%35. Which of the following is the most important non-ferrous metal used for construction ? ()a. copper alloy b. nickel alloy c. zinc alloy d. aluminum alloy 下面哪一种是建造中所使用的最重要的非铁素体
34、金属? a.铜合金 b.馍合金 c.锌合金 d.铝合金Part C Questions relating to other appropriate NDT methods36. Which of the items listed below is not an advantage of the liquid penetrant method ?()a. the method can find all types of discontinuitiesb. the method is simple in principle and relatively easy to understandc. t
35、he method is essentially simple in applicationd. there are few limitations on the size and shape of the article that can be tested by this method下面所列中哪一条不是液体渗透方法的优点?a.该方法能发现所有类型的不连续b.该方法在原理上简单并且相对容易理解c.该方法在应用上是相当简单的d.用这种方法检测工件在尺寸和形状上很少有限制37. When conducting a penetrant test, spherical indication on
36、the surface of the part could be interpreted as:()a. Fatigue cracks;b. Porosity;c. Weld lap;d. Hot tear.在进行PT检验时工件表面上出现的圆形显示可能代表何种缺陷?a.疲劳裂纹;b.气孔;c.未熔合;d.热裂纹。38.The tendency of liquid penetrant enter into a discontinuity is primarily related to()a.Viscosity of the penetrant;b. Capillary force;c. Chem
37、ical inertness of the penetrant;d. Specific gravity of the penetrant.液体渗透剂进入缺陷中的倾向主要取决于下面哪种因素?a.渗透剂白粘度;b.毛细作用力;c.渗透剂的化学稳定性; d.渗透剂的比重。39. Most commercial penetrants have a specific gravity of:()a. less than one b. 1.1 c. more than one d. 0.9大多数商业渗透剂具有的比重是:a.小于 1b. 1.1 c.大于 1d. 0.940. The best type of
38、 penetrant for locating wide, shallow discontinuities is:()c.水乳化着色渗透d.溶剂去除着色渗透a. water-washable fluorescent penetrant b. post emulsification fluorescent penetrant c. water emulsifiable visible dye pentrant d. solvent removable dye penetrant 探测宽而浅的不连续,最好的渗透探伤方法是: a.水洗荧光渗透b.后乳化荧光渗透41. Which of the fol
39、lowing is not a recommended method for cleaning a surface prior to a liquid penerant test?()a. acid etching b. vapor degreasing c. liquid solvent d. sand blasting 下面哪一种不是推荐的用于液体渗透前清洗表面的方法?a.酸洗b.蒸汽除油c.液体溶解d.喷砂42. Which of the following discontinuities could produce a penetrant indication of a series
40、of aligned dots:()a. a light crack b. a wide or gross crack c. an open seam d. random porosity 下面哪一种不连续会产生一系列成直线的点的渗透显示?b. 一条紧密裂纹b. 一条宽或粗大的裂纹c. 一条开口的裂痕d.任意分布的气孔43. The change in direction of an ultrasonic beam when it passes from one medium to another whose velocity differs from that of the first me
41、dium is called()a. refraction;b. rarefaction;c. angulation;d. reflection .当声束由一种介质进入第二种声速不同的介质中时,方向将发生变化,这种现象叫做什么?a.折射;b.膨胀;c.角度调整;d.反射。44. Generally, the best ultrasonic testing method for detecting discontinuities oriented along the fusion zone in a welded plate is()a. An angle beam contact method
42、 using surface waves;b. A contact test using a straight longitudinal wave;c. An immersion test using surface wave;d. An angle beam method using shear waves .通常检验板焊缝熔合区缺陷最适宜的超声波探伤方法是什么?a.斜射波接触表面波法; b.直射纵波接触法; c.表面波水浸法; d.斜射横波法。45. The process of adjusting an ultrasonic instrument or device to a refer
43、ence standard is referred as:()a. angulation b. scanning c. correcting for distance-amplitude variations d. calibration 把超声仪器或装置调整到参考标准的方法是指: a.测角 b.扫描 c.距离一波幅变化修正d.校正46. An electron tube in which a beam of electrons from the cathode is used to reproduce an image on a fluorescent screen at the end o
44、f the tube is referred to as:()a. an amplifier tube b. a pulse tube c. a cathode ray tube d. a sweep tube电子管里从阴极出来的一束电子在管子末端的荧光屏上产生一幅图像,这个电子管被称为:a.放大管b.脉冲管c.阴极射线管d.扫描管Basic Examination for NDE Level m第11页共11页47. A grouping of number of crystals in one search unit, with all contact surfaces in the sa
45、me plane,and vibrating in phase with each other to act as a single transducer is called:()a. a focusing crystalb. a crystal mosaicc. a scrubberd. a single plane manipulator一组晶片在一个换能器里,与同一平面接触,振动时在相位上就像一个换能器一样:a.聚焦晶片b.晶片镶嵌式 c.拖板刷式 d. 一个单平面控制器48. A short burst of alternating electrical energy is calle
46、d:a. a continuous waveb. a peaked D-C voltagec. an ultrasonic waved. a pulse交变电能的短的发射被称为:a.连续波 b.多峰的直流电压c.超声波 d.脉冲49. A form of thickness measurement testing in which ultrasonic vibrations of varying frequency are introduced into the material being measured by means of a suitable transducer is calle
47、d()a. angle beam testingb. magnetostrictive testingc. resonance testingd. through-transmission testing频率变化的超声振动通过适当的换能器进入被测材料,这种形式的厚度测量检测被称为: a.斜声束检测b.磁致伸缩中测c.共振检测d.穿透式检测50. Discontinuities in plate, sheet, or strip caused by pipe, inclusions or blowholes in the original ingot which after rolling ar
48、e usually that and parallel to the outside surface, are called: ()a. seamsb. cracksc. laminationsd. laps板材、片材或带钢中缺陷,其由原坯料中缩孔、夹杂或砂眼经轧制后产生,通常是平面且 平行于外表面,通常被称为: a.缝隙b.裂纹c.分层d.折叠51. Where magnetic particles are attracted to a site on the surface of a part by a magnetic leakage field which is due to a co
49、ndition such as a crack, lap or other condition not acceptable to the applicable standards for the part, then we have a:()a. discontinuity b. defect c. indication d. none of the above 当磁粉被漏磁场吸引到工件表面某一位置,该漏磁场是由诸如裂纹、折叠或其它按工件 所用标准为不合格状况引起的,那么就具有:a.不连续b.缺陷 c.显示d.上述都不对52. Which of the following discontin
50、uity is usually not found in castings?()a. seamsb. hot tearsc. gas pocketsd. shrink下面哪一种不连续通常不会在铸件中发现?a.缝隙b.热撕裂c.气体空穴d.收缩53. To alleviate the problem of the cold working MT indications, the part should be()a. Demagnetized and then re-tested;b. Re-tested after stress relieving;c. Re-tested in the opp
51、osite direction;d. Re-magnetized at a higher amperage.为消除冷加工引起的MT显示,工件必须:a.先退磁后检验;b.消除应力后再检验;c.用反向电流磁化后再检验;d.用更大的电流磁化后在检验。a. clear lacquer;c. photography;54. Which of the following is a commonly used technique for preserving MT powder patterns?b. transparent tape;d. all of the above.下面哪种方法是常用保存磁粉图形的
52、方法?a.清漆;b.透明胶带;c.照相;d.上述几种方法都是。55. Check the discontinuity you would most likely be looking for when magnetic particle testing a part that had been in service:()a. hot tears b. fatigue cracks c. cracks or burst d. shrinkage 用磁粉探伤检查在役运行的工件,检查不连续时最有可能看到: a.热撕裂 b.疲劳裂纹c.裂纹或破裂d.收缩56. You will magnetize a
53、 solid round bar in a coil. The bar is 250mm in length and 75mm in diameter. The coil has 5 turns. How many amperes will you use:()a. 14000Ab. 1500Ac. 2700Ad. 27000A在线圈中对实心圆棒磁化,棒长250mm,直彳至75mm,线圈5匝,应使用多少安培的电流:a. 14000Ab. 1500Ac. 2700Ad. 27000A57. Low voltage X-ray tube are generally fixed with windo
54、ws made of:()a. plasticb. berylliumc. glassd. lead低压X射线管一般安装由 制成的窗口。a.塑料b.皱c.玻璃d.铅58. A nonochromatic X-ray beam:()a. is a narrow beam used to produce high-contrast radiographb. is also referred as a heterogeneous X-ray beamc. is a beam containing only characteristic X-radiationd. is a beam consisting of a single wavelength 单色X射线束:a.是用来产生高对比度射线照相的窄束b
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