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1、第二章 水2. 水的结构F 混合式 :分子间氢键瞬时地浓集在水分子中F 连续式:分子间氢键均匀分布在整个试样中F 填隙式:水以一种笼形物结构存在F 占优势的结构:在短暂和扭曲的四面体中液态水通过氢键而缔合F 氢键键合排列的高度动态性导致了黏度低。持水力(Water holding capacity):F 由分子(以低浓度存在的大分子)构成的基体通过物理方式截留大量水而阻止水渗出的能力。5. 水的分类F 食品中水的存在形式F 食品中的水: 结合水和体相水F 结合水:构成水 邻近水 多层水 F 体相水:截留水 自由水结合水(bound water)定义 :存在于溶质及其它非水组分邻近的水。 构成水

2、(constitutional water) 结合最强的水,已成为非水物质的整体部分 邻近水(vicinal water) 占据着非水成分的大多数亲水基团的第一层位置 多层水(multilayer water) 占有第一层中剩下位置及形成了邻近水外的几层 7.水分活度:Aw=f/f0, f is the fugacity of the solvent and f0 is the fugacity of the pure solvent.At low pressures, the difference between f/f0 and p/p0 is less than 1%, so defin

3、ing Awp/p0, pure water: p=p0, Aw=1; in food, p is less than p0, so Aw<1. 在低压下,与相对蒸汽压之间的差别非常小,小于1%,因此AwP/Po,纯水:P=P0,Aw=1;食品中P总小于P0,故Aw<1F 水分活度的意义:First, at above-freezing T, Aw is a function of sample composition and temperature, with the former factor predominating. At subfreezing T, Aw become

4、s independent of sample composition and depends solely on T. F 首先,冰点以上水分活度是样品组成与温度的函数,且样品组成起着重要的作用;冰点以下水分活度与样品组成无关,仅与温度有关Second, Aw above-freezing temperature indicate the available water content of the sample, and describe the food stability, whereas, Aw subfreezing temperature cannot. F 第二,冰点以上水分活

5、度可反映体系中可利用的水的含量,可描述食品体系的稳定性;冰点以下水分活度仅与冰的稳定状态有关,不能用以描述食品体系稳定性。8.Moisture Sorption Isotherms (MSI)水分吸附特性曲线F Definition: A plot of water content of food versus Aw at constant temperature三个区间水的性质F The properties of water from Zone:constitutional water; 这部分水属于构成水 00.07g H2O/ g dry matter; Aw: 00.25;在-40不

6、结冰;不能作为溶剂,含量很小,不足以产生对固体的增塑效应unfreezable at -40, no ability to dissolve solutes, and no effect on the solid. stability, various rate of reaction is very low. 这部分水很难发生物理、化学变化,含此水分的食品的劣变速度也很慢。 F The properties of water from ZoneRange: 0.070.38g H2O/g dry matter, Aw=0.250.85 Less mobile than bulk water;

7、 流动性比整体相水稍差 Most of it is unfreezable at -40; 大部分水在-40不冻结 Cause incipient swelling of the solid matrix.Water in Zones and constitutes less than 5% 区和区的水最多占5%F The properties of water from Zone>0.40g/g dry matter; Aw=0.850.99Bulk water is physically entrapped; 体相水被物理截留 Dissolution and dilution act

8、ion; 这部分水起到溶解和稀释作用 可结冰;可作为溶剂 化学反应也易于进行;促进微生物生长 Freezable and solvent;Chemical reaction and microorganisms is rapid; 区的体相水占高水分食品总水分的95%以上 Constitute more than 95% of the total water.9. 滞后现象 Hysteresis: Isotherm prepared by resorption does not be superimposable on isotherm prepared by desorption. 水分回吸

9、和解吸等温线之间的不一致就称为滞后现象 10. 脂肪氧化速度与水分活度的关系F At Aw=0.750.84, lipid oxidation in strained meat from chicken and pork proceeds much more rapidly by desorption. 将鸡肉和猪肉的水分活度调至0.750.84,用解吸方法时脂肪氧化速度要高于用回吸的方法F Aw:0BET , the rate of lipid oxidation decreases; overdrying of samples; less than optimum stability. A

10、w在0BET范围内,氧化速度逐渐下降,试样会过分干燥会导致食品稳定性下降 F (原因是水与氧化产物结合,阻碍分解,阻止了氧化进程) F AwBET, increasing rates of oxidation. AwBET时,氧化速度增加,因为水分提高了氧的溶解度,促使大分子肿胀,从而暴露更多的催化部位,加速了氧化进程。 F Aw0.80, retard rates of oxidation, and the dilution of catalysts reduces their effectivenessAw0.80,加入的水能阻滞氧化,催化剂也被水稀释,从而降低了氧化效率。(一,水是一个产

11、物,水含量的继续增加会导致产物的抑制作用; 二,当试样中水分含量已达到一定的水平时,促进反应速度的成分的溶解度,可接近性和流动性不再是速度限制因素,进一步加水将稀释速度限制成分,从而降低反应速度 )第三章 碳水化合物 1 糖的分类:单糖、低聚糖、多糖Monosaccharide单糖: not be broken down to lower molecular weight carbohydrates by hydrolysis.Oligosaccharide低聚糖: contain 2 to 10 sugar units joined by glycosidic bonds.Polysacch

12、aride多糖: are polymers of monosaccharides. 2 单糖: 结构:链式、环式; 物理性质:溶解度、吸湿性、结晶性、粘度等 化学性质:碱、酸、氧化还原作用、糖的成苷 作用、酯化和醚化、非酶褐变(要素)、焦糖化。 葡萄糖、果糖 3 低聚糖: 性质:褐变、发酵、粘度等 蔗糖、麦芽糖和异麦芽糖、乳糖、海藻糖、棉籽糖、纤维二糖。 功能性低聚糖:低聚果糖、低聚木糖、低聚异麦芽糖、大豆低聚糖、低聚半乳糖、甲壳低聚糖、环状低聚糖4 多糖: 性质:溶解性、粘度(假塑性和触变性)和稳定性、凝胶、水解、风味结合功能。 淀粉:结构、糊化、老化、水解(高果糖玉米糖浆、葡萄糖当量)、改

13、性、预糊化 纤维素:羧甲基、甲基、羟丙基甲基纤维素。 海藻胶:海藻多糖、卡拉胶、琼脂 植物多糖:果胶、瓜儿胶、刺槐豆胶、魔芋葡甘露聚糖、阿拉伯胶。 微生物多糖:黄原胶、膳食纤维。作业 Maillard反应的基本因素和反应机理?影响Maillard反应的因素有哪些?如何控制Maillard反应形成良好的色泽和风味?F Maillard reaction美拉德反应: reaction between reducing sugars, mainly D-glucose, and a free amino acid or a free amino group of an amino acid that

14、 is part of a protein chain.Three primary elements: nitrogen-containing compounds, reducing sugars, and water. Characters: producing flavor and color. Desirable: milk chocolate flavor, candy flavor; Undesirable: nutrition loss, noxious, and mutagenesis materialCondign condition of Maillard reaction促

15、进条件D-xyloseL-arabic gumhexosedisaccharide D-fructoseD-glucose Middling water contentpH 7.89.2Metal ion:Cu and Fe are accelerant, Fe+3Fe+2Restrain method of Maillard reaction抑制条件Dilution or reduce water content Lower pH Low temperatureAccede to glucose transform enzymeAccede to reducing agent (sulfit

16、e) before pigment forming. F Lactose intolerance: 乳糖不耐症the ingested lactose is only partially hydrolyzed, or is not hydrolyzed at all.Deficiency of lactase result in lactose remaining in the lumen of the small intestine, producing abdominal distention and cramps.乳糖不耐症:某种原因,摄入的乳糖仅部分水解,即部分被消化,或不是全部水解如

17、果缺少乳糖酶,乳糖保留在小肠肠腔内,由于渗透作用,乳糖有将液体引向肠腔的趋势,这种液体会产生腹胀和痉挛。Two ways to overcome lactose intoleranceRemove the lactose by fermentation.Reduce lactose by adding lactase to it.Lactose 乳糖- pyranose galactose combined with D-pyranose glucose by-1,4 glycoside.F 特证:white or light yellow crystal;F low solubility;F

18、 tiny sweet (1/6 of sucrose);F reducing sugar;F cow milk: 4.6-5.0%, human milk: 5-7%.F 作用:Lactose stimulates intestinal adsorption and retention of calciumF D-glucose and D-galactose are rapidly absorbed and enter the blood stream作业 What is starch gelatinization and retrogradation? Which factors are

19、 related to starch gelatinization? How to prevent starch retrogradation? 淀粉的糊化和回生是什么?哪些因素对淀粉糊化有关吗?如何防止淀粉回生吗?Starches Gelatinization淀粉的糊化the disruption of molecular order within granules, irreversible granule swelling, loss of birefringence, loss of crystallinity, loss of polarized light cross, most

20、amylose dissolution in solution, viscosity increase, and starch granule cracking. 糊化:加热破坏了结晶胶束区弱的氢键后,分子中的有序排列破坏,淀粉颗粒开始水合和吸水膨胀,双折射消失,结晶区消失,偏振光十字消失,大部分直链淀粉溶解到溶液中,溶液黏度增加,淀粉颗粒破裂F Factors dependence :structure : amyloseamylopectinwater activity:;salts:alkalinityacidity: pH=10 Amylase:结构,直链淀粉小于支链淀粉。水分活度,水

21、分活度高的淀粉糊化程度高。糖类,高浓度的糖水分子,使淀粉糊化受到抑制。盐类,高浓度的盐使淀粉糊化受到抑制,低浓度的盐存在对糊化几乎没有影响酸碱度,pH<4时,淀粉水解为糊精,粘度降低;4<pH<7时,几乎没有影响;pH=10时,糊化速度会迅速加快。淀粉酶,淀粉酶活性高,会降低最高黏度,使得淀粉糊化速度加快。F Starch Retrogradation淀粉的老化As starch pastes are cooled and stored, the starch becomes progressively less soluble. Linear molecules assoc

22、iation and arrangement newly, starch molecules will precipitate. P198,27淀粉的老化:当淀粉糊冷却和贮藏时,淀粉溶解度逐步减小,减小过程中线性分子发生了重新缔合排列,糊化的淀粉形成了沉淀或凝胶的过程。F Dependence factors: P198,913the molecular ratio and structures of amylose to amylopectin, amylose undergoing retrogardation at a much more rapid rate than does amy

23、lopectinwater content: 30%-60% temperature: 2-4 surfactant: presence and concentration of other ingredientsalkalinityacidity: 4<pH<10淀粉的种类,直链淀粉由于其空间三维网状分布,相对支链淀粉易使微晶束氢键生成,一般比较易老化,直链淀粉含量愈多,老化愈快。老化后的淀粉与水失去亲和力,并且难以被淀粉酶水解,不易被人体消化吸收。含水量,淀粉含水量为30%-60%时较易老化,含水量小于10%或大于60%时则不易老化。温度,最适宜温度在2-4,大于60或小于-2

24、0都不易发生老化。因此在速冻熟面制品时,要使其快速通过易老化的温度区,并且在-18以下贮藏表面活性剂,蒸馏单甘酯与直链淀粉形成稳定的复合物,会抑制淀粉的老化。酸碱度,食品在偏酸(pH4以下)或偏碱的条件下,不易老化F Staling of crumb: increase in firmness and a loss in freshness. Reason: gradual transition of amorphous starch to a partially crystalline. Polar lipids, GMP and SSL, retard crumb firming.原因:淀

25、粉的无定形部分转变成结晶的老化状态。实际上在烘焙结束冷却时,老化已开始。当烘焙食品冷却到室温时,直链淀粉大部分已老化了,而支链淀粉的老化则需较长时间才能完成,支链淀粉的老化是由支链缔合引起的极性脂类能够和淀粉形成直链淀粉-脂的络合物,改变淀粉糊的流变性质以及抑制淀粉分子的结晶,最终推迟了淀粉的老化。因此,将具有表面活性的极性脂如甘油棕榈酸一酯(GMP)、其他的甘油一酯及其衍生物以及硬脂酰乳酰乳酸钠(SSL)添加到面包中,可以延迟面包心变硬,延长货架寿命。面包老化表现在面包心变硬,面包新鲜程度下降。F Dextrose equivalency (DE): reducing sugar as a

26、percentage of the solids. 淀粉的水解程度用DE表示,DE是葡萄糖当量,用来衡量淀粉转化为D-葡萄糖的程度。定义:还原糖(按葡萄糖计)占干物质的百分比第5章 蛋白质1 蛋白质的组成、分类、一般性质、化学性质2 蛋白质的结构体系:四个结构体系的骨架、肽键;稳定蛋白质结构的作用力3.蛋白质的变性F Protein Denaturation蛋白质变性Denaturation: major changes in the secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures without cleavage of backbone pept

27、ide bonds. 蛋白质的二级、三级和四级结构上的重大变化,但不涉及主链上肽链的断裂。 F 变性因素的八个,对蛋白质的影响理解F Tm or Td: temperature at the transition midpoint where the concentration ratio of native and denatured states is 1.Tm4080 P356,2835熔化温度Tm或变性温度Td:是指当一个蛋白质溶液被逐渐加热并超过一个临界温度时,蛋白质开始从天然状态转变为变性状态,在这个转变中点的温度就称为熔化温度或变性温度,在此温度下蛋白质的天然和变性状态的浓度之比

28、为1。 4.蛋白质的功能性质Functional properties of Protein蛋白质的功能性质 概念those physical and chemical properties which affect the behavior of proteins in food systems during processing, storage, preparation and consumption.是指在食品加工、保藏、制备和消费过程中影响蛋白质在食品体系中的性能的蛋白质的物理和化学性质。例如:乳制品蛋白质的功能性质:乳化、黏度、发泡、胶凝、凝结、对脂肪的保留。肉制品中乳化、胶凝、内

29、聚力、对水和脂肪的吸收和保持等。Size, shape, amino acid composition and sequence, net charge and distribution of charges, hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity ratio, etc. P365,3540决定功能性质的物化性质包括:大小;形状;氨基酸组成和顺序;净电荷和电荷的分布;疏水性和亲水性之比;二级、三级和四级结构;分子柔性和刚性;分子间相互作用和同其它组分作用的能力。 水合性质(影响因素)Definition of hydration capacitydefined as gr

30、ams of water bound per gram of protein when a dry protein powder is equilibrated with water vapor at 9095% relative humidity. P367,1314水合能力的定义:当干蛋白质粉与相对湿度为90-95%的水蒸汽达到平衡时,每克蛋白质所结合的水的克数定义为蛋白质结合水的能力界面性质:乳化、起泡 interfacial properties of proteins界面性质Concept: proteins migrate spontaneously to an air-water

31、 interface or an oil-water interface. 是指蛋白质能自发地迁移至气-水界面或油-水界面的性质。蛋白质在界面区域的浓度总是高于体相。Three attributes: (a) ability to rapidly adsorb to an interface; (b) ability to rapidly unfold and reorient at an interface; (c) ability to form film that withstand thermal and mechanical motions. 影响乳化因素,对乳化的影响Foaming Properties Concept: refers to its


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