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1、2022年人教新起点五年级英语下册专项阅读理解班级:_ 姓名:_1. 阅读短文,判断正误。It''s mineA woman finds a seat on the train, but there''s a bag on it. So she asks the man beside the seat, “Is it occupied?”'Yes, she will soon be back.' the man answers.The woman is very tired. She sits down and says, 'I will

2、 sit a while till she comes back.'Ten minutes later the train starts.'Oh, the poor fellow. She loses the train, but she can''t lose her bag.' After these words, the woman throws the bag out of the window.'It''s mine.' the man shouts out. But it''s too late

3、.() (1)The woman is looking for a seat on the train.() (2)The man asks the woman to sit down beside him.() (3)The woman throws the bag out of the train.() (4)The bag is the man''s.() (5)The man puts the bag on the seat.2. 阅读短文选择最恰当答案。Today is August 17 th. The sun is shining. The wind blows

4、gently. It is very hot. The Lis are at the beach on holiday. Look, Peter is swimming in the sea. He swims very fast. His lather shouts to him: 'Don''t swim too far. The sea is very deep.' Peter''s sister Jenny doesn''t like to swim in the sea. She is collecting shells

5、 on the beach. She has a lot of shells in her bag. There is a little boy beside Jenny. Fie is eating a banana. Then he puts the peel on the sand. 'Hey, boy. Don''t throw the rubbish on the sand. It''s dirty.' Jenny says. The boy''s face turns red.( )(1)What''s

6、 the date today?A.On the 17th of August.B.It''s fine.C.The 17th of August.( )(2)How is the weather?A.Sunny and windy.B.Sunny and hot.C.Hot and windy.( )(3)Can Peter swim too far?A.Yes, he can.B.No, he mustn''t.C.No, he can''t.( )(4)What does Jenny like to do?A.Say to the

7、 boy.B.Swim.C.Collect shells.( )(5)What can''t the boy do on the sand?A.Eat a banana.B.Peel the banana.C.Leave rubbish.3. 看图,回答下列问题。(1)What''s the weather like?(2)Is it raining heavily?(3)Do the people go home quickly or slowly?(4)Does the wind blow strongly?(5)Can you go out and pla

8、y?4. 阅读短文,判断正误。Tom had a busy weekend . On Saturday morning , he washed his clothese and went to the park . He did his homework and went fishing on Saturday afternoon . On Sunday morning , he cleaned his room and visited his grandparents . He played football and watched TV on Sunday afternoon . He w

9、as tired but happy .( )(1)Tom had a busy Tuesday .( )(2)Tom went fishing on Saturday afternoon .( )(3)Tom visited his grandparents on Sunday morning .( )(4)Tom watched TV on Sunday morning .( )(5)Tom was very happy .5. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Lili''s aunt lives in Beijing. Lili went there with her pare

10、nts last National Holiday. They went there by train. It was a long trip. It took them 8 hours to get to Beijing. The next morning they arrived. Her aunt went to the train station to meet them. Lili played happily and ate a lot of food. They visited the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and many other in

11、teresting places and took a lot of pictures. Lili sent some pictures to her friends by email. They enjoyed themselves in Beijing.() (1)Who lives in Beijing?A. Lili. B. Lili''s uncle. C. Lili''s aunt.() (2)How did they go to Beijing?A. By bus. B. By train. C. By plane.() (3)How long d

12、id it take them to get to Beijing?A. 5 hours. B. 8 hours. C. 10 hours.() (4)Was the trip long?A. No, it wasn''t. B. Yes, it was. C. Yes, there was.() (5)Did Lili and her parents play happily in Beijing?A. Yes, they did. B. No, they didn''t. C. Yes, they were.6. 阅读判断。Last summer I wen

13、t to Qingdao. Qingdao is in the east of China. I went there with my mother and my grandma. The weather there was very hot. I swam in the sea every day. We ate lots of fish. We had a lovely time there.( )(1)I went to Qingdao with my parents.( )(2)The weather was cold in Qingdao last summer.( )(3)I sw

14、am in the sea every day.( )(4)I ate lots of fruit there.( )(5)I had a lovely time there.7. 阅读短文,判断下列句子与短文内容是否相符。Miss Tailor is a primary school teacherAll the students like her very muchToday is November 1stIn the eveningMiss Tailor gets two letters One is a birthday cardIt''s from her stude

15、ntJack,It is a big surprise,because her birthday is in next monthThe second letter is also from JackIt says:'Dear Miss TailorI''m sorry for the birthday cardIt is a mistakePlease read the birthday card next month'( )(1)Miss Tailor is a teacher( )(2)Miss Tailor gets the letters in the

16、 evening( )(3)Miss Tailor''s birthday is in November( )(4)The birthday card is for Jack( )(5)Jack makes a mistake8. 阅读理解。A mother and her young son get onto a bus in a city and sit down. The bus conductor comes to them for their money. The mother says ,'I want one ticket (票) to the zoo.&

17、#39; Then she gives the conductor the money. The conductor looks at the small boy for a few seconds and says to him, 'How old are you, young man?' The mother wants to say something, but the conductor stops her, and the boy says, 'I''m four years old at home, but two in buses.'

18、; The mother''s face turns red. She has to give the money of another ticket to the conductor.( )(1)The mother and her young son want to go to      .A. a small city B. the zoo C. the cinema( )(2)They go there by      .A. bike B. trai

19、n C. bus( )(3)What does the word 'conductor' mean?A.司机 B.售票员 C.乘客( )(4)The conductor asks       how old he is.A. the mother B. the little boy C. the bus driver( )(5)The boy is        years old.A. four B. two C. six( )

20、(6)       tells a lie.A. The mother B. The boy C. The conductor9. 阅读理解。Helen: What can you do, Yang Ling?Yang Ling: I can sing. And I can dance. Can you sing Chinese songs, Helen?Helen: No, I cant. But I can play the piano. And my mother can play the piano, too.Yan

21、g Ling: What can Mike do? Can he play the piano?Helen: I dont think so. But he can play the guitar.Yang Ling: Oh, my friend Gao Shan can play the guitar, too. He learns how to play the guitar from his father.Helen: How about David and his sister, Nancy? What can they do?Yang Ling: David can ski and

22、skate very well. Nancy can skate but she cant ski. They and their parents often go skating on Sundays.Helen: The family all like skating, right?Yang Ling: Yes, they do. Look, Liu Tao is coming. What can he do?Helen: Liu Tao is very quiet(安静). He can make a model plane.Yang Ling: Hes a clever boy.阅读对

23、话,回答问题。1. What can Yang Ling do?2. Can Helen sing Chinese songs?3. Who can play the guitar?4. Can Nancy ski?5. What do David and his family often do on Sundays?6. What can Liu Tao do?10. 看图,判断正误。( )(1)There is a river in the park.( )(2)There aren''t trees in the park.( )(3)There are many boa

24、ts in the park.11. 读短文,判断下列句子是(T)否(F)正确。Hi, Im Amy. This is my bedroom. Look, this is my big bed. I like it very much. There is a desk near the bed. There are many books on the desk. Where is my schoolbag? Oh, its on the chair. The chair is near the desk. Look, there is a photo of my family. Its on

25、the wall. I like my bedroom very much!1There is a desk and a chair in Amys bedroom.(_)2Amys bed isnt big. (_)3Amys schoolbag is on the desk. (_)4The photo is on the desk. (_)5Amy likes her bedroom very much. (_)12. 阅读对话,判断正误。Cindy: Hi! I''m Cindy. I''m in the USA.

26、 It''s seven. I''m having my breakfast. I have an apple pie, an egg and some bread. The orange juice and the banana are my favorite.Kate: Hi! I''m Kate. In Japan(日本), I often have rice and soup for breakfast. And I love fish best. After breakfast, I often drink tea.( )(1)Cind

27、y is in China.( )(2)Cindy''s favorite drink is orange juice.( )(3)Cindy has breakfast at seven.( )(4)Kate often has noodles and fish for breakfast.( )(5)Fish is Kate''s favorite food.13. 看图表并判断,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。People Shopping Mall3Sichuan RestaurantRed Star CinemaMen''s Toilet2

28、Longjing Tea ShopClothes ShopWomen''s Toilet1Toy ShopXinhua Bookshop B1Underground ParkingOpening Hours(营业时间):10:0021:00 1You can eat Sichuan food on the third floor. (_)2A girl can go to the cinema on the first floor. (_)3Children can buy some toys on the second floor.&#

29、160;(_)4You can park your car on the first floor. (_)5You can''t go shopping in People Shopping Mall at 9:00 am. (_)14. 阅读理解。Today is Sunday. We don''t have classes at school. Look! Zhang Peng and Mike are playing football. Sarah is drawing a picture. Chen Jie and Amy are r

30、eading books in the library. Wu Yifan is cleaning the blackboard in the classroom. What are Tom and John doing? They are playing computer games in the teachers'' office. What am I doing? I am talking to you. We are all very happy.1What day is it today? () A. Sunday.   B. 

31、Saturday.   C. Sunny.2Zhang Peng and Mike are _. () A. drawing a picture   B. playing football   C. playing basketball3_ is cleaning the blackboard. () A. Chen Jie   B. Sarah   C. Wu Yifan4Tom is in the _. () A.

32、0;classroom   B. library   C. teachers'' office15. 根据短文内容选择正确答案。Hello. Im Li Dong. This is my new classmate. He is my good friend, John. He is very funny. I have a new maths teacher. Her name is Ms Chen. She is from the UK. She is kind. Sometimes she is strict.

33、I also have a new PE teacher, too. He is Mr Li. He is very tall. He is a good basketball player. He often plays basketball with us after class. We all like him.1. Li Dong is Johns _. () A. friend     B. teacher     C. brother2. Whos Li Dongs maths teacher

34、?() A. Mr Li.    B. Ms Chen.    C. Ms. Li.3. What is Ms Chen like?() A. Hard-working.  B. Funny.    C. kind4. Is Mr Li tall?() A. Yes, he is.     B. No, he isnt.     C. Yes, he does.5. Mr. Li often plays _ with

35、 us.() A. basketball    B. football     C. ping-pong16. 读对话,填空完成Ken和Henry周一的课程表。Henry: Good morning, Ken. How do you come to school?Ken: By school bus.Henry: What''s that in your school bag?Ken: It''s my sports clothes. My sixth class is PE.Henry: I

36、s that your triangle?Ken: Yes. It''s for my Music class. It''s my fifth class. Do you have a Music class today?Henry: Yes. It''s my third class. But I don''t like Musi C. I like Art. It''s my second class.Ken: What''s in your hand? Is that a photograph

37、?Henry: Yes. It''s for my IT class. It''s my fourth class.Ken: I like my fourth class. It''s English.Henry: I have an English class too. It''s my sixth class.17. 阅读理解。It is four o''clock in the afternoon. The students are in the classroom. What are they doing?

38、 Bobo is reading a picture book with John. Coco is sweeping the floor. Lucy is cleaning the blackboard. Cathy is doing her homework. Emma is helping her. Miss Zhang is their teacher. She is in the classroom too. What is she doing? She is talking with Jack.( )(1)The students are in the _.A. playgroun

39、d B. library C. classroom( )(2)_ are reading a picture book.A. Bobo and John B. Bobo and Coco C. Coco and John( )(3)Lucy is _.A. sweeping the floor B. cleaning the blackboard C. doing her homework( )(4)Emma is helping _ with her homework.A. Jack B. Coco C. Cathy( )(5)Which sentence(句子) is not right?

40、A. Miss Zhang is a teacher.B. Miss Zhang is in the classroom.C. Miss Zhang is talking with Mike.18. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。Paul and Peter are good friends. At school they are good students. Today they help their teacher Miss Li clean their classroom after school. What a messy classroom! There are some pieces

41、 of paper on the floor. The desks are not in a line. The windows are dirty. Paul and Peter first clean the floor and windows. Then they tidy the desks. Now the classroom is clean. 'You are great, Paul and Peter. Thank you, 'says Miss Li.( )(1)Paul and Peter are good friends and they are good

42、 students at school.( )(2)After school, the classroom is clean and tidy.( )(3)Paul and Peter help the teacher clean the classroom.( )(4)Miss Wang is their teacher.19. 阅读短文,判断正()误(×)。Hello! My name is Zhang Peng. Im twelve years old. Im helpful at home. I can sweep the floor. I can water the flo

43、wers. I can cook the meal. My favorite food is fish. I have lunch at school. I like Wednesday best, because we have English classes on Wednesday. We all like our English teacher. She is very kind. She is from a village.() (1) Im helpful at home.() (2) I cant sweep the floor.() (3) My favorite day is Wednesday.() (4) Our English teacher is very strict.() (5) Our English teacher is from


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