



1、英语模块一语法填空1Going to a British high school for one year 1.(be) a very enjoyable and exciting experiencefor me.On the first day all of the new students attended an assembly. I sat next to a girl 2._was called Diane. During the assembly, the headmastertold us that the best way to earn respect from the s

2、chool was to devote ourselves to 3._(study) hard and achieve high4._ (grade). This sounded like my school in China.My English improved a lot as I 5_ (use)English every day and spent an hour each dayreading English books in the library. I 6._(usual) went to the Computer Club during thelunch break,so

3、I could 7_(send) e-mails to my family and friends back home for free. Ialso had 8._ extra French Class on Tuesday evenings.I was very lucky that I had 9_ ( experience) that different way of life, and I reallyhope to go back 10_ the same school again in Manchester.1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_10_2Our school clu

4、b Poets of the Next Generationisliterary club that was _(start)by ourEnglish teacher Mr. Owen. We meet2_ the last Friday of every month to talk aboutpoems that we like. In the club meetings, we first select poems 3 _ we love, and then read4_(they) aloud. We also discuss poems in our meetings.When I

5、attended the first meeting, I was 5(require)to write a poem and I had to read itto the club. I was a little nervous at first, but everyone was so nice and 6(friend) that Isoon stopped _( worry) .I once read 8_ poem about nature in the schoolcourtyard. I chose an old tree and gathered everyone under

6、it before I read. The club members saidit 9_( be)one of the best compositions they had 10( hear).1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_10_3Dear Wei HuaI am a high school student in the UK. I have just read your article about what you_(experience)in the UK. I would very much like 2 _( be)friends with you. First of all,l

7、et3 _(I )introduce myself. My name is Daniel Adams. I am 4_(study)at Southampton High. I am really fond of 5._(read)books, and that is why my favouritesubject is literature. At the weekend, I like playing football and surfing the internet. I also enjoy eating sweets, so I never miss dessert at dinne

8、r.I did not realize schools in the UK are so different 6_ schools in China until I read yourarticle. It must have been quite 7_ struggle for you to become 8(use)toacademic life in a British school. I really have respect for everything 9 you have achieved.Next year, I plan on attending a high school

9、in China on a student exchange programme, and I found your article a great 10_( encourage)to me. I would love to meet you when I go toChina.Please write soon!Best wishes1Daniel Adams4When Dad and Mom came home a day 1.( early)than expected, they found the dog wasso 2.(tire)and hungry. The money for

10、dog is gone. There was garbage all over the place.The room was in a mess. Dad and Mom were angry3._ their children. They shouted atDaniel without 4.(give) him a chance to explain. In fact, the dog was sick, so they hadto use the money to take him to the clinic. Daniel and Eric spend all of that day

11、5._(wait) there for him. Thats 6.ey hadth no time to clean the house. Then Daniel andEric shut the door7.( angry)and entered their bedroom. Eric 8._( sit) on hisbed, and Daniel had his arms crossed and looked upset. Eric suggested they should explain to their parents, but Daniel 9._(think)hey didn d

12、eservet an explanation. After that, Mom felt alittle regretful and thought they shouldn bet too hard on Daniel, but Dad was still angry with Daniel_ didn t show respect for them.1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_10_5.Many teenagers feel alone as if no one understands them and the changes they are going1 _ . These f

13、eelings 2_ (be ) a common part of adolescence.They can be thought of as growing pains-the difficulties 3_teenagers face as they grow to adults.During adolescence,teenagers experience great physical changes as well as psychological 44_(one ) . Many boys become risk-takers, while girls want someone 5_

14、( share)their strong feelings. In social world, teenagers have 6 _ (difficult ) balancingtheir needs, they often question who they are and how 7_ (them ) fit in society.However, growing pains 8_ (do ) not last long. At last, everything turns out OK-theteenager 9 _ (become) a healthy adult. and this

15、period of change and challenge is10_( trade)for the changes and challenges of grown-up life.1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_10_6These days, most young women want a slim figure. So many women take weight-loss pills ,not1._ (know) that they can damage their health.Amy, a Canadian actress, took weight-loss pills cal

16、led Fat less, 2._ are quietpopular among young women in Canada. It really worked and she lost 7 kilograms in two3._(month).However, the pills contained 4._ harmful chemical that caused her liver to fail.Amy s mother 5._(send) her to the hospital 6._ (receive) good treatment.It was a really 7._ (pain

17、) experience for Amy, but it is a good lesson8._us to learn from. Most of us don t realize the importance of health 9._ we have lost itthoroughly. We should remember: Nothing is 10._ (important) than health.1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_10_7As a teenager, it is important1_( give) your body the energy it needs.

18、Don t skip mea_you won t get enough energy ,and then you will feelredti. You should eat mostly rice,bread, _ (vegetable) and fruit. You also need to drink a lot of water, _ will2improve your skin and give you healthy hair.Exercise is another way of _ (keep )fit. Take exercise at least 30 minutes a d

19、ay!That s easy to do!Riding bikes _ (count ), and so do school sports. When you exercise,your body _ (produce) some chemicals to make you feel _ (peace ) and relaxedand increase your ability to concentrate .Enough sleep is also important for _ (you )health. It can help prepare you_the day to come.8D

20、ear dr. HealthI m very overweight. Since people often laugh at me behind my back when I ride the underground or go for 1_ walk, I am 2_ (embarrass) and do not like going out any more.Certainly, I do not feel comfortable going to the gym to work out. Instead, I prefer to exercise athome , and it seem

21、s that I am always 3_ (go )on a diet. However, no matter 4_ Ido, my efforts to lose weight always end in 5_ ( fail).In 6_(true ), my friends say that I am an attractive girl just the way I am, and that I shouldnot worry at all about my waist or my figure. However, I do worry that my weight might damage7_(I ) health. I mnot sure whether I should take weight-loss 8_ (pill ). There9_( be) news abouta Canadian actress 10_suffered liver failure because oftaking those pills.What


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