Selena + Chef《赛琳娜+厨师(2020)》第一季第二集完整中英文对照剧本_第1页
Selena + Chef《赛琳娜+厨师(2020)》第一季第二集完整中英文对照剧本_第2页
Selena + Chef《赛琳娜+厨师(2020)》第一季第二集完整中英文对照剧本_第3页
Selena + Chef《赛琳娜+厨师(2020)》第一季第二集完整中英文对照剧本_第4页
Selena + Chef《赛琳娜+厨师(2020)》第一季第二集完整中英文对照剧本_第5页
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1、大家好 我是赛琳娜Hey, guys, it's Selena.认识我的朋友都知道我喜欢烹饪People who know me know that I love to cook但我完全不知道该做什么或怎么做except I have no idea what to do or how to do it.老实说 我不是很自信Honestly, I'm not confident enough.所以过去几个月So while I've been stuck at home我在家隔离的时候 我就想these past few months, I thought,这真是个我练

2、习厨艺的"What better time to improve大好机会啊my skills in the kitchen?"然后我就请了几个顶尖大厨So I've asked some of the best chefs来教我to school me.天呐 这真的有点难Oh, man. This is a lot.他们在家教我 我也在家学习They're at home, I'm at home,然后我们的目标是一起做一顿饭and we're gonna see if we can make a meal together.好了 我数 一

3、二Check, check, one, two.线上合作的那种Apart.我没有剧本I don't have the script.好尴尬Oh, it's so awkward.赛琳娜和安东尼娅 第一镜Selena and Antonia, take one.好 我们试试吧So let's try this.我都有点紧张了Oh, I'm getting nervous.努力 努力 我在努力* Oh, tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin'我已经迫不及待* With my feelings on fir

4、e安东尼娅Hey, Antonia? Ah!可算看见你了I finally see you.赛琳娜Hi, Selena.你怎么样啊How are you?我很好啊I'm so good.你呢How are you?这还是我的荧幕首秀This is my first television show就这样拍但我周围一个人也没有being filmed via nobody near me.今天 我要和大厨安东尼娅·洛法索一起烹饪Today, I will be cooking with Chef Antonia Lofaso.她是洛杉矶三家美味餐厅的She is the exec

5、utive chef and partner行政总厨和合伙人of three fantastic restaurants here in LA同时还是一本料理书的作者and a cookbook author.这其实很奇怪This is a very weird thing to do,但我还是很开心but I'm very, very happy很感激你能来到我的节目and grateful that you decided to do it.天呐 我当然要来了Oh, my goodness. Absolutely.我是说 不然我还能说什么呢 难道要在我的厨房♥

6、I mean, what are we gonna say, no to Selena Gomez拒绝赛琳娜·戈麦斯吗in my kitchen?话虽如此 但我还是让我最好的朋友一起来That being said, I actually have my best friend,这期间我一直跟她在一起隔离who I have been quarantined with during this,是我从高中开始就认识的who I've been friends with好朋友since junior high.这不 她来了This is her, right here. Hi!你

7、好啊How's it goin'?我也是在这边跟我的朋友I've actually quarantined here丽兹和拉奎尔一起隔离with my friends Liz and Raquelle.你好啊Hey, girl.都是跟自己的好朋友一起Aww, it's, like, best friend and best friend.没错Whoo! Yas!朋友万岁Friends! Whoo!好了 你今天要教我做些什么呢All right, what are you gonna teach me to cook?我想做一道海鲜玉米圆饼 这肯定很有意思So I

8、 thought making a seafood tostada would be a lot of fun.是来自达玛餐厅的食谱It's a recipe from Dama,这是我在洛杉矶开得第三家餐厅which is my third restaurant in Los Angeles.是拉丁人的口味 但不用紧张It's Latin-inspired. But don't get nervous.我们会处理完整的生章鱼We're gonna deal with whole, raw octopus.我觉得我得让我朋友来抓它了I think I'l

9、l have one of my friends grab that.我很激动 想马上跟你分享如何烹饪这道菜I'm excited to show you how to cook this.我们先准备一个锅 放到炉子上烧开水So we've got a pot for boiling water on the stove.- 我这里有几个锅 - 很好I have a few pots in here. That's perfect!接下来去把锅里装满水So go ahead and fill that pot with water.我的烹饪方式非常的直截了当My sty

10、le of cooking is very, very straightforward.所有东西都做好 完美的原材料Everything done well, incredible ingredients,能让人们产生共鸣的东西something that resonates with people.能让你感觉开心的东西Something that just makes you feel good.现在在你刚才的其他锅里Now in the other pot that you just had,倒入大约八杯的橄榄油you're gonna pour roughly 8 cups of

11、 olive oil.这怕是要花上不少时间This might take me a minute.我想你得对我有点耐心了You're gonna just have to be patient with me, I guess.慢慢来 不著急Take your time. Don't worry.我的已经倒好放在炉子上了Mine's already on the stove.好吧 你这么快就把我打败了Oh, well, didn't you just beat me to it?作为一个厨师 我们总是要把料理的食材As a chef, we always hav

12、e our mise en place提前准备好ready to go.你刚才说的什么What's the word again?其实就是三个词So it's actually three words.就是餐前准备It's "mise en place."来自法语餐前准备面和牙线"Meese and floss."大概翻译就是Roughly translates to所有东西各就各位"everything in its place."很喜欢那句话Love that.你把锅放到炉子上You're gonn

13、a get that on the stove,然后在锅里and you're going to put放一个the temperature thermometer温度计in the pot.我们想让油温And we want the oil to read不高于120度no more than 120 degrees.- 这个吗 - 嗯 可以This is it? Oh, yeah.好了 把温度计扔进去Okay, so throw that in there.你可以把东西留在那里加热就好You can leave it in there as long as it sits.如果不行

14、我们可以随时放进去测一下If not, we can put it in and out.或者我们可以Or we can just bring it过段时间再测in there later.好吧 我觉得我可能要那么做了Okay, I'm gonna maybe do that.好 接下来拿一瓣大蒜Okay, so grab a clove of garlic还有几根香菜and, like, a-a couple of sprigs of cilantro.然后我向你展示一下And I can show you.她走了 她不见了Wow, she-she left-she-she'

15、s gone.我在这 在这 还在这呢I'm right here. I'm right here, I'm right here.她去拿东西去了She's got her groceries.好了 大蒜 拿个小刀Okay, garlic. Take a small knife.好 然后你把刀侧面Okay. And then you're gonna放在大蒜上面put the knife on top of the garlic,然后手心用力拍一下and then hit it with the base of your hand.用点力Harder.猛地

16、拍一下Actually hit it.就像是 用力打一下你的刀侧面You're, like, punching the top of your knife.没错Yes.没错没错 很完美Yes, yes, yes, yes. Perfect.好了 然后把拍好的大蒜放入油中 然后是香菜Okay, so throw that inside the oil, and then the cilantro,来给橄榄油做一些to season a little bit调味of that oil. Oh.接下来就是玉米饼里的So it's three different kinds三种海鲜了o

17、f seafood in the tostada.我们要用橄榄油过一下We're basically olive oil poaching鱿鱼和虾仁the calamari and the shrimp,然后我们需要快速and then we're going to just do a quick翻炒一下章鱼braise to the octopus.你现在面前摆满了原料You look like a real cook now看起来更像是一个大厨了with all your ingredients laid out like that.当然了 谢谢你I know! Thank

18、 you.你准备好处理章鱼了吗 该处理章鱼了 朋友You ready for octopus time? It's octopus time, lady.先做个深呼吸Just take a deep breath.想象一下它的样子 呼吸一下Think about it. Breathe it in.味道在你的嘴里翻滚 就像是Swirl it around your mouth for, like-别说了 感觉更糟了No! That made it worse.- 拉奎尔 - 出什么事了Raquelle! What is happening?这是我朋友拉奎尔This is my frie

19、nd Raquelle,我一直跟她一起隔离who I've been quarantining with.- 你们好啊 - 拉奎尔Hi, hello! Hi, Raquelle.- 嗨 - 嗨Hi! Hi.- 很高兴见到你 - 你先去拿章鱼吧Nice to meet you. You go get it.天呐 我好害怕 它在哪Oh, my gosh, I'm scared. Where is it?在冰箱里It's in the fridge.我进来的时候还是热的 看著你呢 拉奎尔I'm coming in hot, watching you, Raquelle

20、.天呐Oh, my God.我的天呐Oh, my gosh.给你Here you go.接下来我会拿出来放到一个碗里So I would take it out and put it in a bowl这样我们就方便和它玩一玩so that we can play with it.为什么我们会想和它玩啊Why would we wanna play with it?接下来 赛琳娜 看好了So, Selena, watch.你要这样处理它You're gonna just do this.这样 用你的手把水分Like, get the water off带下去with your hand

21、.对 就是身体部位 就是这样Yeah, the body. There you go.没错Yes.现在把它放到砧板上 很好Now put that on the cutting board-excellent.她连看都不敢看She can't even look at it.你做得很好 做得很好You're doing great, you're doing great.你要用右手把它的头抓住You're holding its head in your right hand.要把它的头部去除You wanna cut its head off.好了 把头部放回

22、碗里All right, put the head back in the bowl.我们不需要那部分 你做的很出色了We're not gonna use it. You're doing great.谢谢Thank you.现在 赛琳娜Now, Selena,看到它尾部的长须了吗see these long pieces in the end?我们不需要这些We don't need these.你要把它们剪掉You're just gonna trim those就像是这样off so it looks like this.- 我要做什么 - 就这样Wha

23、t do I do? There you go.- 把它们都剪掉 - 用剪刀吗Just cut them off. With scissors?剪刀可以的 剪吧Scissors are fine. There you go.很好 现在Perfect, so now,你要去除you're gonna remove这些触手 就像这样these pieces, just like that.我的天呐Oh, my gosh.你能做到的You got it.这种呕吐感就是我最喜欢的环节了The gagging is my favorite part of this.好了 现在干什么Oof. Ok

24、ay, now what?好的Okay.把所有的章鱼触手Put all of your octopus legs放到密封袋里 你可以的inside of a Ziploc bag. You got it.全部放回密封袋后Once they're all inside of a Ziploc bag,你要给一个柠檬去皮 就像削苹果一样you're gonna peel the lemon like an apple.然后这些都要加到密封袋里And then those are gonna go inside the bag.香菜还有一瓣拍碎的大蒜Cilantro and anot

25、her clove of smashed garlic.所以你明白这些调味料So you see how all the flavors都是在相互影响的吧are kind of echoing each other?厨师喜欢把这个叫做回味Chefs like to call this an echo.所以之后如果你吃这个的话 如果你感觉到So later when you're eating this, you're gonna be like,天哪 你尝到那回味了吗"Oh, my God, do you taste the echo?"你尝到那个的回味了吗

26、 这话我要用起来"Do you taste the echo?" I'm gonna use that.现在尽量把气放出去So now take as much air out as you can.你要把这个You're gonna actually put this放到炉子上的水里inside of your water on the stove.好Right.现在看到你是怎么把它压到水底去了吗Okay, so you see how you're pushing it down?拿块布Yeah. Take a cloth,把它放到锅里and y

27、ou're gonna put that inside the pot.现在我让你放到锅里的东西So now I'm telling you to put things你以前可能从来没有放进去过that you've probably never put inside of a pot before.等一下Wait.找个东西把它压下去Get something to push it down.都放进去 都放进去Put it all in, push it all in.- 你确定吗 - 不要用手指头Are you sure? Not with your fingers.

28、- 赛琳娜 用铲子 - 什么Selena-with a stick. What? Oh.你可以做到的 用铲子You can do it. With a stick.赛琳娜 看一眼我 很好Selena, look at me. There you go.好的 把所有的边也放进去Okay. Put all the ends in.做的好 很好There you go, there you go.这什么鬼啊What the heck?那些抹布在里面起什么作用啊Wait, so what do the towels do?目的是为了让章鱼袋子被压到水底It's weighing the oct

29、opus bag down这样才能充分的入水so it's fully submerged.很好 现在水开了Perfect, and it's boiling.把锅盖盖上 然后调到中火Put the cover on and lower it to medium.节奏太紧张了That was stressful.不撒谎 我看著那个I'm not gonna lie, I was watching that,都出汗了and I started sweating a little bit.现在我得用铲子And now I'm just gonna, like,给我自

30、己扇扇风fan myself off with my spatula.你做的很棒You're doing great.天哪 看看她那套刀具多漂亮Oh, my God, look how beautiful her knife set is!你真的喜欢这刀吗You really like my knife?真喜欢 就像是柯契拉刀I do, it's like-it's like a Coachella knife.天哪Oh, my God.谁能想到这些刀会成为节目的明星呢Who knew these knives were gonna be the star of the

31、 show?真是Honestly.现在去冰箱里So why don't you grab your calamari把鱿鱼拿出来吧out of the fridge?- 好的 - 还有虾Okay. And your shrimp.亲爱的我知道了* Baby, you got it你冰箱里好多鸡蛋啊You got a lot of eggs in there.我要学习如何用芝士I got to learn how to make做蛋奶酥a souffle with cheese还有法式煎蛋卷and a French omelet. Oh.这两个菜式超级经典的Those are two v

32、ery classic但里面的技术含量可不低but probably some of the hardest techniques there are.是啊 真不知道当初为什么选择这两个Yeah, I don't know why we decided to do that.好了 鱿鱼要把身体和All right, calamari is separated触手切开了into tubes and tentacles.这触手其实就是个小型章鱼Basically, then tentacle, okay, is a mini octopus, okay?所以你要把这部分剪掉So you&#

33、39;re going to trim this,还有这部分and then you're gonna trim this.所以只留下一小部分中间的部分So that you're just kinda left with a little body.- 这样吗 - 对Like this? Yeah.捏一下上面 确保So squeeze the top, make sure it feels- 捏起来是软的 - 好kind of nice and soft. Yeah.里面没有任何软骨 很好There's no cartilage-perfect.赛琳娜 确保你把所有的

34、软骨都挑出去Selena, make sure you're cutting all the cartilage off.如果我吃到的话会吐的If I taste a little bit of cartilage, I will puke.你的观众们可真难搞啊Tough audience you got over there.那当然Oh, yeah. Wait.谁教你做蛋奶酥的Who taught you how to make souffle?- 卢多 - 哦 卢多啊Ludo. Oh, Ludo!是 他一直冲我嚷嚷Yeah, and he kept screaming at me.

35、卢多有一次在飞机上也吼我来著Ludo yelled at me on a plane once.特别逗It was pretty funny.我们当时要去卵石滩饭店We were going to Pebble Beach Food & Wine,我很聪明 自己带了食材 放在冰柜里and I was the smarter chef who brought all of my food冰柜带上了飞机in coolers and was in the plane.然后空姐过来了 她就说And the stewardess got on, she was, like,由于行李超重 我们不得

36、不请"Due to overweight luggage, we're gonna have to ask前排的三名乘客"three people from the front坐到后面去to move to the back of the plane."卢多跳起来说And Ludo jumps up and is, like,都怪安东尼娅和她的牛油果"Antonia and her avocados."- 天哪 - 不得不坐到后面去Oh, my gosh! "Are making me move!"我就回他说 赶紧到

37、飞机后面来I was, like, "Get to the back of the plane- 和我们坐一起 - 喜欢你这么对他with us and sit down." Love that.但卢多真的是个超级赞的厨师But Ludo's the best.我做好了Okay, I got it.管状的部分看起来So the tubes sometimes look like就好像是翅膀似的they have these little, like, wings on them.你拿的那部分我好像没有I don't have what you're

38、holding.那去冰箱里再找找Look inside your fridge again.- 必须得有这个 - 好吧You have to have these. Okay.你一会肯定会说 我在冰箱里找到了You're, like, I found it in the fridge.哦哦哦 你的锅扑出来了Oh, oh, oh! Oh, the pot's overflowing!- 快去帮我一下 - 天哪Okay, well, go-go help me. Oh, my God.- 快拿灭火器来 - 天哪Get the fire extinguisher! Oh, my go

39、sh.- 起火了吗 - 把锅盖拿下来Is there a fire? Take it down.拿下来 快拿下来Take it off, take it off, take it off.- 不 把锅盖拿下来 - 天哪 天哪No, don't-take it off. Oh, my God, oh, my God.- 天哪 - 拿下来啊Oh, my God! both: Take it off!- 你们可吓坏我了 - 好了 没事了You guys are scaring me. Got it, got it, got it.这弄得也太吓人了That was so scary.章鱼没事吧

40、The octopus okay, first?我得先确认一下I just wanna make sure that水没有都被蒸发掉all the water hasn't evaporated,还有塑料没有被烧掉and that the plastic isn't burning your pot,然后把你房♥子点著了and then we set your house on fire.- 没有 - 好No, we're good. Okay, cool.好的Okay.你的朋友们刚才跑过去Can we just talk about the fa

41、ct就跟消防员似的that your friends, like, ran in there like firefighters?我们是好搭档Girl, we're good teammates.好 好So good. Good, good, good.- 你找到那片鱿鱼管了 - 找到了You found your tubes? Yes.你看到它们好像有小翅膀似的了吗You see they look like they have, like, little wings?- 是的 - 我们不需要它们Yes. We don't want those.- 把它们拽下来 - 把它们冰

42、起来吗Pull them off. Cool them?- 拽下来 用手拽 - 哦Pull them, with your hands. Oh-oh.我喜欢干这活I like this part.你看上去还挺专业的嘛You look like a pro, Sel.- 赛琳大厨 - 嘿Chef Selly. Hey.你要把它们切成小环状You're going to cut them into little rings,差不多半寸宽的样子1/2 inch thick.烹饪学校都是这么教的Now this is what they taught in culinary school.就像

43、一个熊爪子似的It's almost like a little bear claw这样你的手就不会被切到so your hand is protected.但是你需要割一下But you want to saw.先向下 然后再把刀拉回来Push down and pull back.- 就像这样 - 好Exactly. Cool.然后你把切好的And you're gonna place them放到油里面into the oil.- 好 - 在它做好的这段时间里Okay. As that's cooking,我们来收拾虾we're gonna clean t

44、he shrimp,然后我想and then I think it would be fun如果我们能来个if we have, like, a little收拾虾竞赛的话肯定挺好玩的shrimp cleaning contest.我以前总和我老爸去猫头鹰餐厅I used to go to Hooters all the time with my dad.没错Yes!因为所有的漂亮姑娘都会那种Because all the pretty girls would be, like,天哪 看她 因为那时候我还很小"Aww, look at her," 'cause I

45、was so young.他们当时就有那个剥虾吃虾竞赛But anyway, they had this peel-and-eat shrimp.绝对是我最喜欢的部分 他们用That's my absolute favorite, and they have, like,黄油还有上面撒那种酱汁 特别butter and this Cajun, like, seasoning on top, but it's so-你参加过剥虾吃虾竞赛呢Yeah, you had, like, a peel-and-eat shrimp.我是不是 应该 等一下你Oh, wait, I'm

46、 supposed-supposed to wait for you.不 你做的没错 非常好No, no, you're good. You're doing it 100% right.我们要定时吗 丽兹Should we set a clock? Liz?我来定 我来定 Siri 启动计时器I got it, I got it. Siri, start the stopwatch.好了 开始All right, go.我们好认真啊We're, like, so serious.我们都想说 我要打败她We're, like, "I'ma be

47、at her!"- 你还有多少没剥呢 - 我不知道How many more do you have? I don't even know!加油加油Go, go!- 我都不知道还有多少虾 - 我数乱了I don't even know how many more shrimp-I lost count!- 一分钟了 - 我都出汗了It's been a minute. Oh, I'm sweating.我也是I'm sweating too.- 你剥了多少个 - 9 10 14How many did you do? 9, 10-14.14个1

48、4.- 我们平局了吗 - 没错Did we just tie? Yes, ma'am.你在猫头鹰餐厅还真学了不少呢You learned a lot at Hooters,因为你剥虾的速度特别快'cause you peeled that shrimp really fast.可不是嘛 猫头鹰餐厅给你锻炼出来了So true. Hooters worked out for you.去看一下鱿鱼Check your calamari,因为鱿鱼很快就熟了'cause the calamari cooks pretty quickly.如果鱿鱼看上去又漂亮又白净If the

49、calamari starts to look nice and white,就是弄好了 我觉得这些好了that's what we want. I think these are done.- 是的 它们看上去很不错 - 好了Yes, they look great. Okay.我们的海鲜大菜已经做好四分之三了We are three quarters of the way there with the seafood,章鱼还在锅上 鱿鱼做好了'cause the octopus is cooking, the calamari's done,我们现在来做虾and n

50、ow we're gonna do the shrimp.你要把油留好And you're gonna leave that oil因为我们虾的做法because we're gonna basically基本上一样do this same exact thing to the shrimp.好哒Okay, cool.你 你的虾已经放进油里了吗You-are your shrimp in the oil?- 是的 - 很好Yup. Okay, nice.我们都知道虾好了的时候So we all know when shrimp is ready就会变成漂亮的粉色when

51、 it starts to turn a beautiful pink.我总喜欢说And then I always like say it, like,- 它们像蜗牛样卷起来 - 可爱curls up like a little snail. Cute.生虾就好像在晒太阳一样 特别伸展Shrimp when it's raw, is, like, "I'm in the sun."然后一煮熟And then all of a sudden, when it's cooked,就好像说 冻死我了 缩成一团it's, like, "I

52、'm freezing."太逗了That's funny.挺棒的That's pretty great.我还挺喜欢你这么用温度计的I love that you're using the thermometer都用成棒子了as, like, a spike now.- 我知道 很抱歉 - 不 我很喜欢I know, I'm sorry. No, I love it.- 这挺好的 - 你的虾怎么样了It's legit. How's your shrimp?你的虾冷却下来了吗Are they all nestled and col

53、d yet?我的已经好了Mine are actually already done.这样如何Okay, what about this?- 让我看看 - 怎么样Let me see. How's that?对 都熟了Yeah, it's cooked all the way.尝尝看Take a little nibble.- 我的天 - 好吃吗Oh, my gosh. Is it good?- 好吃 - 好吃吗Yeah. It's good?- 它那个油 - 没错'Cause it has all that oil. Yes!现在把你的虾拿出来So now g

54、o ahead and take your shrimp out,放到那个放了鱿鱼的盘子里put it on the same calamari pan,然后整个放进冰箱and then you'll put that whole thing in the fridge.我饿了I'm hungry.我的天Oh, my gosh.难以置信It's unbelievable!赛琳娜 你是个大厨了Selena, you're a chef!橄榄油煮出来的海鲜是最棒的Yeah, olive oil poached seafood is the best.这是我吃过最好吃

55、的虾That's the best shrimp I've ever had.我能清理一下我的砧板吗Can I clean my cutting board? Uh.噢 我有个主意 看好了Oh-oh, I have an idea, watch this.把它翻过来Flip it over.再见 你好Goodbye, and hello.等等 上面有个标签Oh, wait. There's a tag.拿下来拿下来Take it off, take it off, take it off.你应该要砧板两面You should always be able to use都

56、能用才行both sides of your cutting board.好的 了解了Okay, good to know.我们可以晚点再弄这个I mean, we can do it later.我直接换个新的砧板吧How about I just use a new cutting board?好 用新的砧板Okay, use the new cutting board.但下次 记得把标签撕了But next time, get the tag off- 翻过来用 - 好and flip it over. Okay.我们要来炸玉米圆饼We are going to fry tostadas,然后来处理一下这些辣椒and then we're gonna do a hot pickle to these fresnos.然后来拌色拉And then we'll build the salad.你有没有那种Do you have, like, a-能炸的 炸锅something to fry in? Like, a pan to


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