



1、Rev.版本Released date生效日期Originator文件更改人History变更履历A2013-11-8Henry ZhangInitial Doc1.POUPOSE目的1.1 Rescue or continue injured or sick employees life.挽救或延续受伤或患病员工的生命;1.2 Improve the disease of injured or sick employee, decrease his pain. 改善受伤或患病员工的病情,减少员工的痛苦;1.3 Prevent the exacerbation of injury or dis

2、ease condition, prevent complication and sequela.防止伤情或病情恶化,预防并发症或后遗症的发生。2.SCOPE范围This specification applies to all of employee.本文件适于所有雇员。3.DEFINITION定义First-aid:The emergency care and first aid before doctor havent arrive company or employee havent be sent to hospital, when employee is injury or ser

3、ious disease suddenly, 急救:当员工在公司遭受意外伤害,或突发严重疾病时,在医生未到达公司进行治疗或未将员工送到医院前,给予受伤或患病员工现场立即进行的临时紧急救护措施。 4.DUTY职责First aider: Employee who receive the first aid training organized by company and get first aid certificate, responsible for emergency aid and treatment for injury or disease employee.急救员:接受公司组织的

4、急救培训,并取得急救资格证,负责急救过程中,对伤病人员进行紧急处理。Human resource department: Contact first aid center or send the injury or disease employee to hospital, go through the procedures of occupational injury. 人力部:出现紧急伤病员时,负责联系急救中心或送伤病员工去医院进行治疗,办理工伤相关手续。Facility department: Organize the first aid training, and supply the

5、 medicine for all the safety medicine cabinet.厂务部:负责急救培训的组织,公司各医药箱药品的维护与补充。 All of employees: Anyone see anyone is injury or disease, he should notice nearest first aider to care him, and notice human resource department and his leader.全体员工:任何时候发现有员工遭受意外伤害或突发严重疾病,应立即通知最近的急救员进行急救,然后通知人力部门和主管领导。Depart

6、ment manager: Hear of someone is injury or disease, he should maintain the order of scene, and help first aider to rescue the sick or wounded. 各部门负责人:获悉有员工遭受意外伤害或突发严重疾病时,维持现场秩序,并协助急救员进行急救。5.MATERIALS材料 N/A6. HARM IDENTIFY危害识别 N/A7. HARM CONTROL危害控制 N/A8.MAINTENANCE维护N/A9.PROGRAM程序9.1 Management of m

7、edicine cabinet药品箱管理 There are medicine cabinet in changing room of workshop I&II, changing room of workshop III and ware house on 3rd floor, for detail please see the attach file < ×××××× Optoelectronics Co. Ltd. medicine cabinet instruction> and < Common

8、medicine list>, the position of medicine cabinet is public, and medicine is free to employee. 公司在一二车间更衣室、三车间更衣室、库房,分别设有常用药品箱,详见附表××××××有限公司药品箱使用说明、常用药品清单,药品箱的位置分布与各箱内药品实行公开化,免费供员工在公司内使用。 Medicine in cabinet is managed by facility safety man, he should check the medic

9、ine period of validity, supply and changing.箱内的药品由厂务部安全员管理,检查有无过期和需要补充、更换等情况。 <Common medicine list> should be kept in the cabinet, safety man should check it every week and fill the < Medicine checklist>.箱内配备常用药品清单,安全员每周清点一次,填好药品检查记录表。 Medicine should be supply in time, safety man shoul

10、d record it.药品要按实际情况及时补上,并在做好记录。 9.2急救程序First aid procedure Human resource should prepare revolving cash for 5000 RMB, and kept by Human resource manager.人力部准备应对紧急情况的备用金(现金5000元),由人力经理保管。 Any employee is injury or disease, witness should notice the nearest first aider in first time, and notice his l

11、eader and human resource, explain the sick or wounded name and his condition. First aider should stop his work at once, provide first aid for sick or wounded, and leader of scene should provide help. Human resource employee is responsible for the procedure of occupational injury. At the same time, h

12、uman resource leader should call 120 at once, and send the sick or wounded to hospital, notice his family member, explain his condition and the name of the hospital.任何员工在公司内遭受意外伤害或突发疾病,应第一时间通知本班组或距离最近的急救员,然后通知部门领导和人力部(说明伤员说明伤员姓名及受伤或疾患情况)。急救员接到通知后立即停止本职工作,赶赴现场,针对伤患情况进行处理,现场部门负责人协助急救人员进行急救,人力部负责工伤相关手续

13、的记录和处理。在救护的同时,人力资源部负责人应立即拨打120请求支援,并由人力部人员护送伤患员至医院接受治疗,同时通知伤患者家属相关情况(说明伤患者情况及送往的医院名称)。 Task and order of first aider急救员的任务和次序 Safe: Confirm there is no new danger.安全:确定伤患和救援者无进一步的危险。.Check sick or wounded: Include his consciousness, breath, pulse, pupil, injury, bleeding, etc.检查伤患:包括伤患

14、意识、呼吸、脉搏、瞳孔、有无外伤、出血等。 Ask for help求援:a Command calmly, ask for help of others.冷静现场指挥,请旁人协助。b Ask human resource leader call 120, ask doctor come to first aid at once, explain the address, injury condition, number of sick or wounded, name and other issue need help.告知人力支援部负责人拨打电话120,请专业急救人员立即到场进行急救 (应

15、说明地点、伤情、人数、姓名及所需支援事宜等)。.4 Priority of first aid急救优先次序:a. Keep the respiratory tract unimpeded.维持呼吸道畅通。b. Rebuild breathing: If not breathing, begin artificial respiration immediately.重建呼吸功能:呼吸停止时,施与人工呼吸。c. Rebuild circulation: If no heartbeat, begin external chest compression. For the injury who is

16、bleeding seriously, should try to stop the bleeding.重建循环功能:若心跳停止,施与胸外按压;对于严重出血者,应设法止血。d. Prevent shock.预防休克。e. Prevent injury again.预防再次受伤。.5 Principle of the first aid急救应把握的原则:a. Put sick or wounded in the correct position, prevent the exacerbation of injury or disease condition将伤患置於正确舒适的姿势,防止病情恶化。

17、b. Keep warm, but avoid heat and sweet.保暖,但避免过热而出汗。c. Give psychological support to the sick and wounded.给予伤患心理支持。d. Record the procedure, and observe the sick or wounded condition in all time carefully.详细记录,并随时观察伤患病情的变化。 Ask 120 first aider come or send the sick or wounded to hospital as soon as po

18、ssible.尽快联系120急救人员到场施救或将受伤或患病员工送往医院。9.3 Key point of first aid:急救要点 When there is serious injury or disease occurred, first aider should notice key points below during call for help: 在发生严重伤害或有人突然生重病的情况下, 在紧急呼救的同时,要特别注意以下急救要点: Move the sick or wounded to safe area as soon as possible.尽快将伤患者转移到安全区域。 Sick or wounded must be put in ventilated area and be gave mouth-to-mouth resuscitation一定要把伤病者放到通风处并进行口对口人工呼吸。 Avoid seriously blood loss. Stop bleeding by tourniquet or oppression.控制严重失血。使用止血带或压迫止血。 For employee who toxic or br


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