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1、2021/3/91地点介绍写作方法地点介绍写作方法基础写作之二基础写作之二2021/3/92常用词组及句子常用词组及句子1. 1). 地理位置地理位置:1) 位于:位于:2) 在山脚下:在山脚下:3) 在校园的中心:在校园的中心:4) 在宁静的河畔:在宁静的河畔:5) 在中国的西部:在中国的西部:be located/situated in; lie inat the foot of the mountainin the center of the campuson a quiet riversidein the west of China2021/3/93常用词组及句子常用词组及句子 2).

2、 地位地位: 政治政治/经济经济/文化中心:文化中心: 2) 在在上发挥重要作用:上发挥重要作用:3) 是是的省会的省会/首都:首都:4) 世界第二大国家:世界第二大国家:the political/economic/cultural centerplay an important/essential role inis the capital of the second largest country in the world2021/3/94常用词组及句子常用词组及句子 2. 人口人口: 拥有拥有的人口:的人口: 2) 大约三千五百万:大约三千五百万:3) 大多数的人口是大多数的人口是:h

3、ave/with a population of; is home toabout/approximately thirty five milliona/the majority of the population are2021/3/95常用词组及句子常用词组及句子 3. 面积面积: 占地占地: 2) 九百六十万平方公里:九百六十万平方公里:cover/with an area of9,600,000 square kilometers2021/3/96常用词组及句子常用词组及句子 4. 气候气候: 干燥的干燥的/潮湿的潮湿的/温和的:温和的: 2) 雨量充沛:雨量充沛:3) 平均温度平均温

4、度:4) 气候宜人:气候宜人:dry/ humid(damp) / mildhave/with adequate rainfallthe average temperature is; with an average temperature ofwith agreeable/pleasant climate2021/3/97常用词组及句子常用词组及句子 5. 历史历史: 有五百多年的悠久历史:有五百多年的悠久历史: 2) 起源于:起源于:3) 追溯到追溯到:have/with a long history of more than 500 yearsoriginate from/in; hav

5、e its origin indate back to/date from (只用于主动态只用于主动态)2021/3/98常用词组及句子常用词组及句子 6. 旅游旅游: 交通便利:交通便利: 2) 秀丽的风景:秀丽的风景:3) 旅游景点旅游景点/历史遗迹历史遗迹/文化古迹文化古迹:with/have convenient transport; be easy to access fantastic/splendid scenerytourist attraction/ historical treasure/ cultural relics2021/3/99常用词组及句子常用词组及句子7. 资

6、源特色资源特色:1) 盛产盛产:2) 自然资源:自然资源:3) 是是之乡:之乡:4) 因因而闻名:而闻名:5) 享有享有的盛誉:的盛誉:6) 位居世界前列:位居世界前列:7) 有有的特色的特色:be rich/abundant innatural resourcesbe home tobe well-known forenjoy/win the fame/reputation of; be honored asrank first/stand in the first rankshave the feature/characteristic of; be featured/characteri

7、zed by; feature; 2021/3/910 1) Sp. is located in (on/to) the east/ north/center of 2) Sp. is situated in (on/to) 3) Sp. lies in (on/to) the top/foot of 4) Sp. neighbors (v.) 介绍地点常用的短语和句型:介绍地点常用的短语和句型:Location:2021/3/911 A + lies/ is + to+ the + 方位名词方位名词+ of + B。表示表示“A地与B地领域相对或相望”,属外部位置关系。Ireland lie

8、s to the west of Britain A+ lies / is+ in + the +方位名词方位名词+ of + B。表示表示“A地在B地领域以内”,属于内部位置关系。Shanghai lies in the east of China. 2021/3/912 A + lies/ is + on + the + river/coast。表示“A地在河畔或海滨”. Foshan No.1 Middle School lies on the River Fenjiang. A+ lies/ is + on + the +方位名词方位名词+ of + B 。表示“A地与B地领域接壤”,

9、属毗邻位置关系。Guangdong lies on the south of Hunan. 2021/3/913 1)The area of + Sp. is 2) Sp. covers/has an area of. 3) with an area of 4) Sp. takes up k Area:2021/3/914Population: 1) Sp. has a population of 2) The population has grown/ increased/ decreased to 3) It is the home to people 4) The city, with

10、a population of, is 2021/3/915Location: in the east of AsiaArea: 9.6 million KPopulation: 1.3 billionLocated in the east of Asia, China covers an area of 9.6 million kilometers with a population of 1.3 billion.2021/3/916Location + area + population Located in (to/on), Sp. covers an area of with a po

11、pulation of 2021/3/917 1) has/owns/enjoys a long history of 2) with a long history ofHistory + symbol + cultureWith a history of , Sp. , whose symbol is , is famous for History:2021/3/918History: over 4,000 yearsSymbol: Five GoatsCulture: Lingnan CultureGuangzhouWith a history of over 4,000 years, G

12、uangzhou, whose symbol is Five Goats, is famous for its Lingnan Culture. 2021/3/919climate:1) It is very/quite cold (hot)all the year round.2) Sp. has a warm/cold climate with plenty of 3) The average temperature of is 4) It is neither too cold nor too hot.5) Its climate varies from place to place.

13、2021/3/920 Climate: warm, plenty of sunshine The average temperature: 2530 Sanya Sanya has a warm climate with plenty of sunshine and the its temperature varies from 25 to 30 .2021/3/9211) is well-known for/asscenery:2) win its fame for3) win its reputation for4) tourists are attracted by its 5) Wha

14、t attracts visitors from all over the world is that6) With its fascinating charm, tourists will be deeply impressed by2021/3/922Conghua Cityhot springs从化以温泉为名,吸从化以温泉为名,吸引众多游客周末于此引众多游客周末于此度假。度假。Conghua City, which wins its reputation for its hot springs, attracts countless visitors to spend their hol

15、iday and enjoy themselves here.2021/3/923Conghua Cityhot springs从化以温泉为名,吸从化以温泉为名,吸引众多游客周末于此引众多游客周末于此度假。度假。Known for its hot springs, the city of Conghua attracts numerous visitors to spend their holiday and enjoy themselves here.2021/3/924 Local products: 1) Sp. is rich/ abundant in 2) be famous/wel

16、l-known for 3) be home to 2021/3/925seafoodriceLocal products:Taishan is rich in rice and seafood. Taishan2021/3/926 写一篇介绍广州的文章。写一篇介绍广州的文章。【写作内容写作内容】城市名称城市名称 广州,广东省的省府广州,广东省的省府地理位置地理位置 广东省中部广东省中部面积面积7434.4平方公里平方公里人口人口近一千万近一千万历史文化历史文化 不仅历史悠久不仅历史悠久,还是中国古代还是中国古代“海上丝绸之路海上丝绸之路(Silk Road on the sea)”的发祥地的

17、发祥地;以以“五羊五羊” 为象征为象征,以岭南文化以岭南文化(Lingnan culture)著称著称.气候特征气候特征 气候温暖,阳光充足,雨水充沛,年平均气气候温暖,阳光充足,雨水充沛,年平均气温为温为21.8 。风景名胜风景名胜 享有享有“花城花城”和和“美食天堂美食天堂”的美誉,的广的美誉,的广州以其迷人的姿态迎接四方游客。州以其迷人的姿态迎接四方游客。2021/3/9271. Distributing into 5 sentences2. Find out the key words3. Grammartically-correct sentences.4. Trasitions 5

18、. Handwriting 2021/3/928Linking1) 面积面积/人口人口/历史:历史: With /非谓语动词作状语非谓语动词作状语2) 天气:天气: Speaking of its weather. Owing to its particular location, it has3) 特色:特色: Its worth mentioning that; Its surprising/amazing that As2021/3/929 Located in the middle of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou, the capital city of Guangdong, covers an area of 7434.4 square kil


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