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1、西北工业大学专科毕业设计论文论文题目: 二级直齿圆柱齿轮减速器 学生姓名: 王国强学 号:学 校: 西北工业大学 专 业: 机械设计及其自动化指导教师: 陈国定2010年4月1日毕业设计(论文)任务书院(系) 系 机电工程 专业 机械设计及其自动化班级 成教班 姓名 学号 1.毕业设计(论文)题目: 二级齿轮减速器2.题目背景和意义: 本次论文设计进行结构设计,并完成带式输送机传动装置中减速器装配图、零件图设计及主要零件的工艺、工装设计。综合运用机械设计、机械制图、机械制造基础、金属材料与热处理、公差与技术测量、理论力学、材料力学、机械原理。掌握机械设计的一般程序、方法、设计规律、技术措施,并

2、与生产实习相结合,培养分析和解决一般工程实际问题的能力,具备了机械传动装置、简单机械的设计和制造的能力。 3.设计(论文)的主要内容: 带式输送机传动总体设计;带式输送机传动总体设计;主要传动机构设计;主要零、部件设计;完成主要零件的工艺设计;设计一套主要件的工艺装备;撰写设计论文;翻译外文资料等 4.设计的基本要求及进度安排(含起始时间、设计地点):,地点: 主要参 :转距T=850Nm,滚筒直径D=380mm,运输带工作转速V=1.35m/s 工作条件:送机连续工作,单向运转,载荷较平稳,空载起动,每天两班制工作,每年按300个工作日计算,使用期限10年。 具体要求:主要传动机构设计;主要

3、零、部件设计;设计一套主要件的工艺装备;撰写设计论文;选一典型零件,设计其工艺流程;电动机电路电气控制;翻译外文资料等 5.毕业设计(论文)的工作量要求: 设计论文一份1.0万1.2万字 装配图1张 A0,除标准件外的零件图9张 A3 设计天数: 四周 指导教师签名: 年 月 日 学生签名: 年 月 日 系(教研室)主任审批: 年 月 日带 122.1、组成22.2、特点22.3、确定传动方案253.1、电动机类型选择53.2、电动机功率选择5、传动装置的总功率5、电动机所需的工作功率53.3、确定电动机转速53.4、确定电动机型号674.1、总传动比74.2、分配各级传动比775.1、计算各

4、轴转速75.2、计算各轴的功率75.3、计算各轴的扭矩8126.1、1212131415167.1、16161617217.2.1、选择轴的材料,确定许用应力22、估算轴的基本直径22、轴的结构设计23八 。 减速器 箱体结构 319.131313233 333434343434353535353638十四、外文翻译 39 464748计算过程及计算说明 要求:输送机连续工作,单向运转,载荷较平稳,空载起动,输送带速度允许误差±5%,滚筒效率096,每天两班制工作,每年按300个工作日计算,使用期限10年。2.1组成:传动装置由电机、减速器、工作机组成。2.2 特点:齿轮相对于轴承不

5、对称分布,故沿轴向载荷分布不均匀, 要求轴有较大的刚度。2.3 确定传动方案:考虑到电机转速高,传动功率大,将V带设置在高速级。 其传动方案如下:1)外传动为V带传动。2)减速器为同轴式二级圆柱齿轮减速器3) 方案简图如下:该方案的优缺点:减速器横向尺寸较小,两大吃论浸油深度可以大致相同。结构较复杂,轴向尺寸大,中间轴较长、刚度差,中间轴承润滑较困难。电动机型号额定功率 满载转速 启动转矩 额定转矩 最大转矩 额定转矩Y132M-6 4KW 1000r/min2.22.2一 选齿轮类、精度等级、材料及齿数1 为提高传动平稳性及强度,选用直圆柱齿轮;2 因为运输机为一般工作机器,速度不高,故选用

6、8级精度;3 小齿轮材料:40 Cr调质 HBS=280接触疲劳强度极限 (由图10-21d)弯曲疲劳强度极限 Mpa (由图10-20c)大齿轮材料:45号钢正火 HBS=240接触疲劳强度极限 MPa (由图10-21c)弯曲疲劳强度极限 (由图10-20b)4 初选小齿轮齿数 大齿轮齿数Z4=3.4×30=102 二 按齿面接触强度设计计算公式: mm (由式10-21)1确定公式内的各计算参数数值初选载荷系数 齿宽系数 (由表10-7) 材料的弹性影响系数 Mpa1/2 (由表10-6)计算应力循环次数计算接触疲劳寿命系数 (由图10-19)计算接触疲劳许用应力,取失效概率为

7、1%,取安全系数 2计算(1)试算小齿轮分度圆直径=81.53mm(2) 计算圆周速度 (3)计算齿宽b及模数mnt b/h=13.33(4)计算载荷系数 使用系数 <由表10-2> 根据电动机驱动得 动载系数 <由表10-8> 根据v=0. 807m/s 7级精度 直齿轮, 由表10-4用插值法查得7级精度,小齿轮相对支承非对称布置时,根据b/h=13.33,查图10-13得,故载荷系数= (5)按实际的载荷系数修正所算得的分度圆直径 (6) 计算模数m三 按齿根弯曲强度设计<由式(10-5)> 1 确定计算参数计算载荷系数(2)弯曲疲劳系数KFN <

8、;由图10-18>得 (3)计算弯曲疲劳许用应力 取弯曲疲劳安全系数S=1.3 <由式(10-12)>得 (4)查取齿型系数YF 应力校正系数YS <由表10-5> 得 (5)计算大小齿轮的 并加以比较 比较 所以大齿轮的数值大,故取0.016052 计算四 分析对比计算结果对比计算结果,由齿面接触疲劳强度计算的法面模数大于由齿根弯曲疲劳强度计算的法面模数,取=3.已可满足齿根弯曲强度。但为了同时满足接触疲劳强度,需按接触疲劳强度算得的分度圆d1t=90.07mm来计算应有的齿数。于是由 五 几何尺寸计算1 计算大小齿轮的分度圆直径d1、d2mm mm2 计算中心

9、距3计算齿轮宽度b =取 十四、外文翻译Gear:Is the use of gear teeth of two gears meshing each other transmission of mechanical power transmission and sport. According to the relative position of the gear axis parallel to axis of cylindrical sub-gear drive, bevel gear axis intersect and cross-axis helical drive gear.

10、Compact structure, high efficiency, long life and so on.Gear refers to the main, driven wheel gear direct, transfer and exercise of the power devices.Of all the mechanical transmission, the most widely used gear can be used to transfer between any two-axle and exercise power.The characteristics of g

11、ear is: a smooth gear transmission, the transmission ratio accurate, reliable, high efficiency, long life, the use of power, speed and size range. Such as transmission of power from small to almost 100,000 kilowatts; speeds of up to 300m / s; gear diameter from a few millimeters to more than 20 mete

12、rs. However, the need for specialized gear manufacturing equipment, the meshing noise transmission.Many types of gear.(1) According to the relative positions of the two-axis and the direction of the tooth can be divided into the following types:<1> column <3> <2> bevel gear drive;

13、<3> cross-axis helical gear drive. (2) According to the working conditions of gears can be divided into: <1>-type open gear drive gear drive, gear exposed, does not guarantee good lubrication. <2> semi-open gear drives, gear oil immersion pool, has shields, but not closed. <3>

14、; closed gear transmission, gear, shaft and bearings are installed in the closed, good lubricating conditions, Sha easy access, installation of precision。Gear has a good working conditions, is the most widely used gear.Criteria for the design of gearGear failure for the five forms, should be the app

15、ropriate design criteria established. However, tooth wear, plastic deformation and so on, has not yet been established because of the wide and effective use of engineering calculation methods and design data, so the current design of gear, it is usually only on the guarantee that the tooth root bend

16、ing fatigue strength and tooth surface to ensure contact fatigue strength calculation of the two criteria. For high-power high-speed gear transmission (such as aero-engine main drive, drive turbine-generator unit, etc.), but also by the tooth surface to ensure that the criteria for anti-bonding capa

17、city is calculated (refer to GB6413-1986). As for the ability to resist other failure, although generally not at present be calculated, but the measures to be taken to strengthen the tooth's ability to resist these failures.1, closed gear transmission.From the practice of that gear in the closed

18、, usually to ensure that the main tooth contact fatigue strength. Tooth surface hardness for high strength and low core-tooth gear (20,20 Cr steel such as used by the quenching of carburized gears) or a more brittle material of the gear, usually at the tooth root bending fatigue strength to ensure t

19、hat the main. If the two gears are hardened and the tooth surface hardness as high as, then as the case may be.closed for more than gear, heat, easy to bad lubrication and cause injury, such as tooth bonding, in order to control the temperature rise, but also for calculation of cooling capacity.2, open (semi-open) GearAccording to tooth surface is supposed to be based to ensur


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