



1、第一单元1. helped people understand how much they behave like humans.2. Everybody sits and waits in the shade of the trees while the family begins to wake up and move off.3. the evening makes it all worthwhile.4. We realize that the bond between members of a chimp family is as strong as in a human famil

2、y.5. She spent years observing and recording their daily activities.6. Jane Goodall has been outspoken about making the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals.7. She has argued that wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisements.8

3、. She is leading a busy life9. Once I stop, it all comes crowding in10. Once you have seen that you can never forget .11. She inspires those who want to cheer the achievements of women.12. I wont wait if it means delaying more than a week or so. 如果那意味着耽误一周左右的时间,我就不等了。13. Sorry,I didnt mean to be rud

4、e to you.对不起我没有想对你不礼貌。14. mean doing 意味着 mean to do 打算;去做某事15. By chance I came across an article about a doctor16. It seemed that she had been very busy in her chosen career17. It was still not too late for me to improve my studies18. Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months

5、was she allowed to begin her project.第二单元1. for whom he has struggled for the past five decades.2. This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields.3. the great need for increasing the rice output.4. At that time, hunger was a disturbing problem

6、in many parts of the countryside.5. increase rice harvests without expanding the area of the fields.6. Dr Yuan is now circulating his knowledge in India7. Thanks to his research, the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world of hunger.8. Dr Yuan is quite satisfied with his life.9. He would mu

7、ch rather keep time for his hobbles.10. each grain of rice11. to export his rice12. They focus on keeping their soil rich and free of disease.13. every other + 单数可数名词(year) 每隔一(年) 14. Using his hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before.15. 第三单元1. up to now nobody has been

8、able to do this better than Charlie Chaplin.2. through two world wars and the hard years in between.3. so they could feel more content with their lives.4. leaving the family even worse off5. act the fool doing ordinary everyday tasks.6. No one was ever bored watching him -his subtle acting made ever

9、ything entertaining.7. As time went by = With time going by 随着时间的流逝8. to overcome all difficulties.9. The acting is so convincing这个表演使人十分信服10. he was given a special Oscar for his outstanding work in films.11. He eats each mouthful with great enjoyment他每一口都嚼的津津有味1. representing our university's

10、student association代表我校的学生会第五单元1. There are various kinds of theme parks2. Whichever and whatever you like, there is a theme park for you! 3. As you wander around the fantasy amusement park, you may see Snow White4. With all these attractions, no wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland.有这么多充满吸引力的事物,旅游业在无论何处的迪斯尼发展都不足为奇5. If you


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