



1、四年级人教PEP版英语下学期语法填空专项习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 看图,完成句子。1   Its 8:30.2 Whats the weather like?   2. 看图写单词。1I _ _ last Sunday. 2I _ _ a school trip yesterday. 3I _ _ clothes yesterday. 3. 选词填空。A.is   B.are C.am D.in

2、 E.on1.Sam is going to run _ the park.2.What are you going to do _ sports day?3.Swimming _ my favourite sport.4.We _ going to have sports day.5.I _ the winner.4. 根据汉语提示补全句子。1I usually go to school _(乘公交车).2How do you usually _(去公园)?3Tom usu

3、ally goes to school _(乘校车).4I usually go to the park _(步行).5I often go to cinema _(乘出租车).5. 选择正确的疑问词填空。how much  how many  how old  how  how about1_ is your sister?She is ten years old.2_ scarves do you have?I have four.3_ are these socks?Theyre fift

4、een yuan.4This black dress is too expensive. _ that one?Its cheap.5_ do you like this skirt?Its very pretty.6. 选词填空。1_ books are on the desk. _ are drawing pictures. (They/ Their)2_ (they/their) like to play pingpong. Playing pingpong is _ (they/their) fa

5、vourite school work.7. 用所给词适当形式填空。1Let me clean the _(teacher) desk.2I have _(a) English book.3Is this _ (you) storybook?4Whats _(she) name?5Id like some rice and _(vegetable).8. 选词填空。A. luck   B. What   C. fast   D. do E. train1We are going to _ the long

6、 jump.(_)2Sam is going to run _(_)3_ are you going to do?(_)4Im going by _ every day.(_)5Good _!(_)9. 选词填空。children  take  Tell to in1_ me about your picnic.2He lived _ Washington DC.3I walked _ school yesterday.4We saw some _ in the park.5Will you _

7、 your kite?10. 选择正确的疑问词完成下列句子。(每词只限用一次)How  How many  What  Where  When1_ girls are there in your class?2_ subject do you like best?3_ shall we go on weekends?4_about some pork?5_ do you have English lessons?11. 选词填空。time   apples   climbed of &

8、#160; lovely1. We ate  _.2. We _to the top.3. We had a good _.4. We had a _day.5. And we saw lots _ mountains.12. 根据句子意思, 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Lets _ (go) to the cinema after school.2On Monday afternoon, Jim has a _ (skate) lesson.3What can you

9、60;_ (see) in the picture?Three _ (hamburger).4_ (be) there any cakes in the kitchen?5Its 12 oclock. Its time _ (have) lunch now.6How many_ (subject) does Tom have every day?Seven.7Please help _( I ). I cant make it.13. 写出与下列单词同类的单词。cloudy   circle  

10、 beside   school hungrysad   sunny near library starthirsty   behind windy   rectangle restaurant1happy_ _ _2office_ _ _3under_ _ _4square_ _ _5rainy_ _ _14. 给下列单词或短语分类。A. window B. maths book C. English book D. thinE. strong F. q

11、uiet   G. Chinese book H. doorI. friendly   J. desk K. storybook   L. chair1教室设施_2形容词_3书籍_15. 选词填空。only   quiet   likes   is   people1That''s_  six.2How many_ are there in your 

12、family?3This_ my aunt.4He_ cakes very much.5My sister is_.16. 选词填空。1Look at this_ ( monkey / monkeys) .2I have three_ ( mangoes/ mango).3Look at _( that / those) pictures.4I can play table tennis. But I _ ( can / can''t)skate well.5

13、Let''s _  (play; to play) table tennis.6He can run very _ ( good; well).17. 选出合适的单词填入横线上。heavy in   see   lost   white1May I _ it?2My schoolbag is _.3Put your book _ your desk.4My schoolbag is blue and _.5I _ my notebook.18. 选词填空。Welcome way on have Where1Do you _ a music room?2


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