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1、v v深深基基坑坑工工法法桩桩与与加加劲劲桩桩围围护护土土方方开开挖挖施施工工方方案案Good is good, but better carries it.精益求精,善益求善。盛世豪园基坑围护施工方案2implemented. Some localities and departments, encountered difficult issues, some intractable contradictions or simple to submit, or waiting for the parent to resolve, some things just drag a few yea

2、rs; some leaders legacy walk around as much as possible, leaving for another term, finally add up to a big problem the contradiction. Now, XX rise accelerated after the direction has been set, for leading cadres, the key lies in grasping the effective implementation. A firm clear implementation. An

3、undertaking with zeal, also have a firm position, a clear mind, a clear direction, otherwise, it could get half or even diametrically opposed. Leading cadres must follow Central, provincial, city and county levels in new developments, understand the spirit, to grasp the basic requirements, clarify t

4、he focal point, the starting point and the ending point, effective and clear way where to go, how to do it. Especially for acquiring new thoughts, new ideas and a new judge requirement of General Secretary, to hold in practice, to carry out to the letter, to ensure that all work in the right directi

5、on, toward the established target. Second, good well into implementation. Officer is a passion, officers is the ability, dry is the pursuit and purpose. Evaluation of a cadre of the party and people both work and work harder, more to catch the final results and the actual results. In any job, anticl

6、imactic and quit only in vain, a waste深基坑工法桩与加劲桩围护土方开挖施工方案深基坑工法桩与加劲桩围护土方开挖施工方案目 录1 工程概述2 编制依据3 工程地质情况分析4 施工组织管理体系5 施工总体部署6 围护工程施工技术方案6.1 测量方案6.2 SMW工法桩施工方案6.3旋喷搅拌加劲桩施工方案6.4钢筋混凝土压顶梁及腰梁施工方案6.5现场排水系统、护坡及土方施工方案6.6基坑围护施工监测方案7 深井降水施工方案8 施工工期管理目标及保证措施9 施工质量管理目标及保证措施10 施工安全管理目标及保证措施11 文明施工目标及保证措施12 施工用电方案13

7、主要施工机械设备及劳动力配置一览表14 应急预案盛世豪园基坑围护施工方案3implemented. Some localities and departments, encountered difficult issues, some intractable contradictions or simple to submit, or waiting for the parent to resolve, some things just drag a few years; some leaders legacy walk around as much as possible, leaving

8、for another term, finally add up to a big problem the contradiction. Now, XX rise accelerated after the direction has been set, for leading cadres, the key lies in grasping the effective implementation. A firm clear implementation. An undertaking with zeal, also have a firm position, a clear mind, a

9、 clear direction, otherwise, it could get half or even diametrically opposed. Leading cadres must follow Central, provincial, city and county levels in new developments, understand the spirit, to grasp the basic requirements, clarify the focal point, the starting point and the ending point, effectiv

10、e and clear way where to go, how to do it. Especially for acquiring new thoughts, new ideas and a new judge requirement of General Secretary, to hold in practice, to carry out to the letter, to ensure that all work in the right direction, toward the established target. Second, good well into impleme

11、ntation. Officer is a passion, officers is the ability, dry is the pursuit and purpose. Evaluation of a cadre of the party and people both work and work harder, more to catch the final results and the actual results. In any job, anticlimactic and quit only in vain, a waste1 工程概述1.1工程名称:XXXX商业广场基坑围护工


13、根据该工程的特点现对本项目的技术性文件(施工方案)作出说明如下:本工程结构0.000相当于绝对标高+22.25,场地平整后自然地面标高为0.000,外墙下反梁底面标高为-10.7,故地下室的开挖深度为10.70m。基底位于第 层粉细砂层中,基坑在开挖过程中,该土层易出4现坑壁坍塌、流砂、管涌等不良地质现象,因此必须采取有效的围护措施确保本基坑工程施工安全。本次围护工程设计采用850SMW工法作为止水围护桩,采用旋喷搅拌加劲桩代替传统的内支撑支护形式,进行主动锚固支撑,通过施加预应力,可有效的控制支护结构的侧向位移。 1-1剖面:850三轴搅拌桩内插48*3钢管+4道加筋桩盛世豪园基坑围护施工方

14、案4implemented. Some localities and departments, encountered difficult issues, some intractable contradictions or simple to submit, or waiting for the parent to resolve, some things just drag a few years; some leaders legacy walk around as much as possible, leaving for another term, finally add up to

15、 a big problem the contradiction. Now, XX rise accelerated after the direction has been set, for leading cadres, the key lies in grasping the effective implementation. A firm clear implementation. An undertaking with zeal, also have a firm position, a clear mind, a clear direction, otherwise, it cou

16、ld get half or even diametrically opposed. Leading cadres must follow Central, provincial, city and county levels in new developments, understand the spirit, to grasp the basic requirements, clarify the focal point, the starting point and the ending point, effective and clear way where to go, how to

17、 do it. Especially for acquiring new thoughts, new ideas and a new judge requirement of General Secretary, to hold in practice, to carry out to the letter, to ensure that all work in the right direction, toward the established target. Second, good well into implementation. Officer is a passion, offi

18、cers is the ability, dry is the pursuit and purpose. Evaluation of a cadre of the party and people both work and work harder, more to catch the final results and the actual results. In any job, anticlimactic and quit only in vain, a waste1-1剖面围护结构采用38501200三轴搅拌桩,内插48*3钢管;850三轴搅拌桩有效桩长11.40m,48*3钢管长8.

19、00m;850三轴搅拌桩顶部设1000400钢筋混凝土压顶梁,混凝土等级为C30;基坑3m以外4.8m范围按坡度1:1.2进行放坡开挖,坡面采用厚80mm,喷射混凝土面层,内配6.5的钢筋网片,200200;并沿围护墙面设1道土钉;加劲桩布置参数如下表:桩径桩长倾角间距标高内插件备注30016m151.6m-4.21-15.2钢绞线第一道30015m151.6m-5.61-15.2钢绞线第二道30013m201.6m-7.21-15.2钢绞线第三道30013m201.3m-8.82-15.2钢绞线第四道 2-2剖面:850三轴搅拌桩内插H7003001214的型钢+2道加筋桩850三轴搅拌桩有

20、效桩长13.65m,H7003001214型钢长12.00m;850SMW工法桩顶部设1100700钢筋混凝土压顶梁,混凝土等级为C30;基坑3m以外4.8m范围按坡度1:1.2进行放坡开挖,坡面采用厚80mm,喷射混凝土面层,内配6.5的钢筋网片,200200;并沿围护墙面设1道土钉;加劲桩布置参数如下表:桩径桩长倾角间距标高内插件备注40016(15)m151.6m-4.23-15.2钢绞线第一道40015m151.4m-7.23-15.2钢绞线第二道 3-3剖面:850三轴搅拌桩止水+二级放坡二级坡面平台上施工三轴搅拌桩止水,850三轴搅拌桩有效桩长12.0m,基坑外18.02m范围内进

21、行二级放坡,坡面采用厚80mm,喷射C20混凝土面层,内配6.5的钢筋网片,200200; 4-4剖面:850三轴搅拌桩止水+二级放坡二级坡面平台上施工三轴搅拌桩止水,850三轴搅拌桩有效桩长15.0m,基坑外18.02m范围内进行二级放坡,坡面采用厚80mm,喷射C20混凝土面层,内配6.5的钢筋网片,200200;一级坡面-2.00m处施工一道300加劲桩,桩长9m,倾角15度,内置1-15.2钢绞线;盛世豪园基坑围护施工方案5implemented. Some localities and departments, encountered difficult issues, some i

22、ntractable contradictions or simple to submit, or waiting for the parent to resolve, some things just drag a few years; some leaders legacy walk around as much as possible, leaving for another term, finally add up to a big problem the contradiction. Now, XX rise accelerated after the direction has b

23、een set, for leading cadres, the key lies in grasping the effective implementation. A firm clear implementation. An undertaking with zeal, also have a firm position, a clear mind, a clear direction, otherwise, it could get half or even diametrically opposed. Leading cadres must follow Central, provi

24、ncial, city and county levels in new developments, understand the spirit, to grasp the basic requirements, clarify the focal point, the starting point and the ending point, effective and clear way where to go, how to do it. Especially for acquiring new thoughts, new ideas and a new judge requirement

25、 of General Secretary, to hold in practice, to carry out to the letter, to ensure that all work in the right direction, toward the established target. Second, good well into implementation. Officer is a passion, officers is the ability, dry is the pursuit and purpose. Evaluation of a cadre of the pa

26、rty and people both work and work harder, more to catch the final results and the actual results. In any job, anticlimactic and quit only in vain, a waste具体规格型号和数量详见下表:序号围护工程工作内容工程量(暂估)备注1850三轴搅拌桩6369m3水泥掺量不小于20% 2H700*300*12*14型钢154根3300加劲桩9298m4400加劲桩3820m548*3钢管3144m备注:具体工作量以正式设计施工蓝图及结合现场实际施工为准。本

27、次围护工程为敞开式垂直开挖及放坡开挖二种方式,因此施工相对传统的内支撑工艺比较简单、方便、快捷,即可大大缩短工期又便于土方开挖。2 编制依据2.1本工程基坑围护设计电子版图纸;2.2有关规范、标准:2.1.工程测量规范GB50026-1993;2.2.建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范GB50202-2002;2.3.建筑机械使用安全技术规程JGJ33-2001;2.4.施工现场临时用电安全技术规范JGJ46-2005;2.5.建筑地基处理技术规范JGJ79-2002;2.6.软土地基深层搅拌桩加固法技术规程YBJ225-91;2.7.建筑基坑支护技术规程JGJ120-1999;2.8.建筑地基

28、基础设计规范GB50007;2.9.型钢水泥土搅拌墙技术规程DGJ08-116-2005;2.10.混凝土结构设计规范GB20010-2002;2.11.加筋水泥土锚桩支护技术规程 CECS147:2004;2.12.国家、建设部及江苏省颁布的其他施工规范、质量标准和文明施工规定;盛世豪园基坑围护施工方案6implemented. Some localities and departments, encountered difficult issues, some intractable contradictions or simple to submit, or waiting for th

29、e parent to resolve, some things just drag a few years; some leaders legacy walk around as much as possible, leaving for another term, finally add up to a big problem the contradiction. Now, XX rise accelerated after the direction has been set, for leading cadres, the key lies in grasping the effect

30、ive implementation. A firm clear implementation. An undertaking with zeal, also have a firm position, a clear mind, a clear direction, otherwise, it could get half or even diametrically opposed. Leading cadres must follow Central, provincial, city and county levels in new developments, understand th

31、e spirit, to grasp the basic requirements, clarify the focal point, the starting point and the ending point, effective and clear way where to go, how to do it. Especially for acquiring new thoughts, new ideas and a new judge requirement of General Secretary, to hold in practice, to carry out to the

32、letter, to ensure that all work in the right direction, toward the established target. Second, good well into implementation. Officer is a passion, officers is the ability, dry is the pursuit and purpose. Evaluation of a cadre of the party and people both work and work harder, more to catch the fina

33、l results and the actual results. In any job, anticlimactic and quit only in vain, a waste2.13.本公司有关企业管理、施工技术、生产经营等管理条例、制度及标准,现有机械设备、施工技术力量状况,往年对此类工程的施工经验及创造成果。3 工程地质情况分析3.1场地工程地质条件根据XX汇金商业广场岩土工程勘察(详勘)(XX水文工程勘察研究院)。拟建工程位于XX市XX路与XX西路交汇处东北角,地貌地貌属淮河级阶地地貌类型区。场地地面标高约为21.35m23.03m,现场地已经开挖至自然地面下4.0m。3.2不良地

34、质现象根据地质资料,拟建场地内不存在对工程安全有影响不良地质作用; 3.3地质特征值拟建场地在影响基坑开挖范围内的地基土主要由有杂填土、粉质粘土、粉土、粉细砂、粉质粘土、全风化花岗片麻岩层组成,各土层分布规律及工程性质自上而下描述如下:杂填土:灰褐色,粘性土为主,含碎石、砖、炉碴等,疏松。层底埋深1.25.2m,层底标高17.3021.14m,层厚1.25.2m。粉质粘土:褐黄色,可塑-硬塑、局部坚硬,含铁锰质结核,见铁锰质浸染,无摇振反应,稍有光滑,干强度中等,韧性中等。静三轴剪力试验:内聚力(Cu)19.8-49.6KPa。层底埋深3.85.8m,层底标高16.1718.44m,层厚0.4

35、4.3m。粉土:褐黄色,稍密-中密,很湿;摇振反应中等,无光泽反应,干强度低,韧性低。层底埋深5.28.5m,层底标高13.7517.19m,层厚0.84.2m。盛世豪园基坑围护施工方案7implemented. Some localities and departments, encountered difficult issues, some intractable contradictions or simple to submit, or waiting for the parent to resolve, some things just drag a few years; some

36、 leaders legacy walk around as much as possible, leaving for another term, finally add up to a big problem the contradiction. Now, XX rise accelerated after the direction has been set, for leading cadres, the key lies in grasping the effective implementation. A firm clear implementation. An undertak

37、ing with zeal, also have a firm position, a clear mind, a clear direction, otherwise, it could get half or even diametrically opposed. Leading cadres must follow Central, provincial, city and county levels in new developments, understand the spirit, to grasp the basic requirements, clarify the focal

38、 point, the starting point and the ending point, effective and clear way where to go, how to do it. Especially for acquiring new thoughts, new ideas and a new judge requirement of General Secretary, to hold in practice, to carry out to the letter, to ensure that all work in the right direction, towa

39、rd the established target. Second, good well into implementation. Officer is a passion, officers is the ability, dry is the pursuit and purpose. Evaluation of a cadre of the party and people both work and work harder, more to catch the final results and the actual results. In any job, anticlimactic

40、and quit only in vain, a waste粉细砂:浅黄色,中密、局部稍密,饱和,颗粒均匀,分选性较好,夹软可塑状粘土薄层。层底埋深10.817.7m,层底标高4.7611.69m,层厚3.110.4m。3.4水文特征拟建场地地下水主要赋存在第工程地质层粉土和第工程地质层粉细砂之中,第工程地质层杂填土也有少量地下水,场区地下水类型属松散岩类孔隙微承压水。勘察期间测得地下水位埋深2.44.5米。第工程地质层粉土和第工程地质层粉细砂微承压水水头高度1.50m左右。地下水动态变化主要受大气降水和蒸发因素的影响,地下水位丰水期多出现于59月份,枯水期多出现于上一年的12月至翌年1月和5

41、月份。年水位变幅2.0m左右。地下水主要接受大气降水入渗补给及侧向径流补给,蒸发、人工开采及径流排泄为主要排泄方式。基坑开挖深度范围内涉及粉土、粉细砂层渗透系数较大,在外力及水动力作用下,易产生流砂等现象。因此在主要应采取有效的止水措施,以确保基坑施工安全。3.5环境状况本工程位于XX市XX路与XX西路交汇处东北角。基坑南侧:南侧东段基坑开挖边线距离XX西路立交桥约19.40m,南侧西段为绿化用地;基坑北侧:北侧基坑开挖边线距离用地红线约13.67m,用地红线外有一条铁路线,铁路线北侧为煤场,铁路线距离基坑开挖边线最近距离为16.60m;基坑东侧:基坑东侧现为空地;3.4 围护施工可行性分析本

42、工程基坑开挖深度为10.7m左右,基底位于第 层粉细砂层,且地下水含量较高,基坑在开挖4过程中,该区域土的渗透性相对较大,在外力及水动力作用下,易出现坑壁坍塌、管涌、流砂等不良地质现象,基坑开挖面积较大,因而开挖时必须采取适当的基坑围护措施。本围护工程设计采用850三轴搅拌桩对基坑进行封闭式挡土止水,为增加桩体的抗弯能力,内插7003001214的H型钢或48*3的钢管,增加了挡土效果;同时采用旋喷搅拌加劲桩代替传统的内支撑支护形式,增强了基坑的安全性。根据工程地质情况及周围环境分析,工程施工深度范围内主要为粉砂性土层,土体内摩擦角相对较大,对钻杆、钻叶的磨损较为严重,施工时要加以重视;另外粉

43、砂性土中含水量大,水压力大,盛世豪园基坑围护施工方案8implemented. Some localities and departments, encountered difficult issues, some intractable contradictions or simple to submit, or waiting for the parent to resolve, some things just drag a few years; some leaders legacy walk around as much as possible, leaving for anothe

44、r term, finally add up to a big problem the contradiction. Now, XX rise accelerated after the direction has been set, for leading cadres, the key lies in grasping the effective implementation. A firm clear implementation. An undertaking with zeal, also have a firm position, a clear mind, a clear dir

45、ection, otherwise, it could get half or even diametrically opposed. Leading cadres must follow Central, provincial, city and county levels in new developments, understand the spirit, to grasp the basic requirements, clarify the focal point, the starting point and the ending point, effective and clea

46、r way where to go, how to do it. Especially for acquiring new thoughts, new ideas and a new judge requirement of General Secretary, to hold in practice, to carry out to the letter, to ensure that all work in the right direction, toward the established target. Second, good well into implementation. O

47、fficer is a passion, officers is the ability, dry is the pursuit and purpose. Evaluation of a cadre of the party and people both work and work harder, more to catch the final results and the actual results. In any job, anticlimactic and quit only in vain, a waste在旋喷搅拌加劲桩施工时,容易出现流沙现象,要做好防流沙准备,同时加强周围环

48、境监测,做到信息化施工。施工场地情况良好能够满足大型设备的施工要求,整体施工可行。 本工程施工重、难点及相应对策为了便于对工程进行质量、技术工作及进度计划的控制、加强对周围地下管线、道路等的保护,针对本工程施工重点、难点例举及相应对策如下: 本工程重点及难点1、由于本工程位于XX市XX路与XX西路交汇处东北角,基坑南侧东段的XX路立交桥,基坑北侧为铁路线,周边环境等情况相对复杂。施工前弄清场地周围地下管线位置、走向等,施工过程中加强保护,同时防止注浆过程水泥浆液流失,影响施工质量,从而导致管道堵塞。2、如何保证加劲桩的成桩质量及锚固力也是本围护工程的重点之一;3、拟建场地主要为砂性土,如何确保

49、工程围护桩的成桩质量也是本围护工程的重点之一;4、施工期间,在确保工程质量、安全的前提下必须满足甲方工期要求。 相应的对策措施1、正式施工前,积极配合参与业主、监理单位等组织的管线交底工作,对于不明位置的管线但距围护结构较近的应开挖样洞、样沟进行探测具体位置,量测出其埋深及距围护结构的净尺寸,以避免施工时遇到不必要的麻烦,更好的对地下管线做好避让、有效的保护;同时对于废除的地下管道在水泥土搅拌桩及加劲桩施工前对管道口进行有效的封堵;加强对南侧东段的XX路立交桥,基坑北侧铁路线的监测频率,实现信息化施工,发现监测异常,及时采取调整施工区域及速度,挡土加固等措施加以防护。2、根据地质资料显示,拟建

50、场地水系发育,地下水位较高,且开挖范围内均为粉砂性土层,渗透性较好,在地下压力水作用下,施工桩锚时,孔口流水如不能有效封堵,将导致浆液流失及孔内地层的水土流失,从而影响成桩质量及锚固力,或引起地面沉降;加劲桩预应力张拉施工时会产生部分应力消散,从而影响围护体的整体稳定性。为此我们采取如下措施: 采用防喷护筒施工工艺,1盛世豪园基坑围护施工方案9implemented. Some localities and departments, encountered difficult issues, some intractable contradictions or simple to submit

51、, or waiting for the parent to resolve, some things just drag a few years; some leaders legacy walk around as much as possible, leaving for another term, finally add up to a big problem the contradiction. Now, XX rise accelerated after the direction has been set, for leading cadres, the key lies in

52、grasping the effective implementation. A firm clear implementation. An undertaking with zeal, also have a firm position, a clear mind, a clear direction, otherwise, it could get half or even diametrically opposed. Leading cadres must follow Central, provincial, city and county levels in new developm

53、ents, understand the spirit, to grasp the basic requirements, clarify the focal point, the starting point and the ending point, effective and clear way where to go, how to do it. Especially for acquiring new thoughts, new ideas and a new judge requirement of General Secretary, to hold in practice, t

54、o carry out to the letter, to ensure that all work in the right direction, toward the established target. Second, good well into implementation. Officer is a passion, officers is the ability, dry is the pursuit and purpose. Evaluation of a cadre of the party and people both work and work harder, mor

55、e to catch the final results and the actual results. In any job, anticlimactic and quit only in vain, a waste钻穿止水帷幕后,在防喷护筒的掩护下,可将钻孔内的水、砂、土及浆液封堵在孔内,从而可解决在较高的水压下,施工加劲桩钻孔后引起的孔内水土流失及浆液随水流走的难题。这对保证加劲桩的质量非常有利,在高地下水压的流砂层地区,该施工工艺已在多个工程中应用,取得良好效果; 锚2筋张拉锁定在斜锚桩桩体施工结束养护57天后进行,锚具为QVM锚具,采用专用张拉千斤顶、电动油泵加荷锁定。锁定张拉机具事


57、实际情况控制水灰比,调整下钻与提升速度。 施工关键工序及特殊过程控制1、SMW工法桩施工1)施工关健工序为:桩位及型钢定位、导杆垂直度控制、钻杆直径控制、型钢插入垂直度控制、型钢插入标高控制。2)喷浆总量控制:根据设计水泥掺入量、桩长、水灰比计算确定注浆流量或施工速度等施工参数。2、旋喷搅拌加劲桩施工1)施工关健工序为:桩位定位、钻进倾斜角控制、注浆量及返浆量情况。2)喷浆总量控制:根据设计水泥掺入量、桩长、水灰比计算确定注浆量,注浆量与返浆量的差值为实际注浆量。盛世豪园基坑围护施工方案10implemented. Some localities and departments, encoun

58、tered difficult issues, some intractable contradictions or simple to submit, or waiting for the parent to resolve, some things just drag a few years; some leaders legacy walk around as much as possible, leaving for another term, finally add up to a big problem the contradiction. Now, XX rise acceler

59、ated after the direction has been set, for leading cadres, the key lies in grasping the effective implementation. A firm clear implementation. An undertaking with zeal, also have a firm position, a clear mind, a clear direction, otherwise, it could get half or even diametrically opposed. Leading cad

60、res must follow Central, provincial, city and county levels in new developments, understand the spirit, to grasp the basic requirements, clarify the focal point, the starting point and the ending point, effective and clear way where to go, how to do it. Especially for acquiring new thoughts, new ide


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