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1、英语流行口语对话:Talking About Sports 谈论体育运动相信很多人都会去学习有关谈论体育运动的一些常用的短语及类似英语情景对话,以下是小编给大家整理的英语流行口语对话:Talking About Sports谈论体育运动,希望可以帮到大家is .taking the lead?.领先吗?A:Is the Chinese team taking the lead?A:是中国队领先吗?B:No,it's the Japanese team.B:不,是日本队。A:Japanese teams always play a dark horse.A:日本队总是出人意料。B:Wel

2、l,their team owrk is well worth learning.他们的配合值得我们学习Can you tell the result?能告诉我比赛结果吗?A:Can you tell the result?能告诉我比赛结果吗?B:It's love all.Now the score is in our favor.B:零比零(平局)现在比分对我们有利。A:Can you tell which team seems to win?A:你猜哪个队会赢?B:Hard to say.Now the score is in our favor.很难说,现在比分对我们有利A:Y

3、es.Our guest team is really tough.A:是啊,客队打得很顽强B:They're still fighting hard.Let's wait and see.他们打的正紧张,我们等等再说。What's the score?比分是多少?A:What's the score?A:比分是多少?B:The Ukraine team took the lead by 3 to 1 at the end of the first half.上半场乌克兰队3比1领先。A:The Russian team needs to tie the Ukr

4、aine to get the pass for the final.若能踢平乌克兰队,俄罗斯队就能出现了B:It doesn't seem to be so easy.B:不容易呀!.overpowered their counterpart.to.队以.比.战胜对手A:The Phoenix team overpowered its counterpart 86 to 50.A:凤凰队86比50轻胜对手。B:They're absolutely right to get a replacement for 21.他们把21号换下来是非常正确的。A:If the Phoeni

5、x beats the Rocket,it will enter the final.如果凤凰队能打败火箭队的话就能进入决赛.B:No way, if it still has 21.B:有21号就不可能。They manage a 99:80 victory.他们以99: 80获胜。A:Which team won?A:哪个队赢了。B:The Spur.B:马刺队A:What was the score?A:比分是多少?B:They managed a 99:80 victory.B:他彳门以99: 80获胜The game ended in two all.比赛结果二平。A:Which t

6、eam has won?A:哪个队赢了 ?B:Neither.The game ended in two all.哪个队也没有赢,比赛结果二平。A:But I still think AC milan's defence seems better organized.但是我还是认为AC米兰队防守组织得更好.B:But the Brazilian is tougher.B:但是巴西队更顽强。I think he favors the host team.我觉得他偏向主队。A:I'm sure he was off-side.A:我感肯定他越位了B:But the ref didn

7、't whistle.B:但裁判没吹哨A:I think he favors the host team.A:我觉得他偏向主队。B:Anyway, the host team seems to fight for the gold.不管怎么说主队好象是志在夺魁。I think he deserved.我认为他的.当之无愧A:I think he deserved his gold.A:我认为他的金牌当之无愧。B:Did you see his last dive?他的最后一次跳水你看见了吗?A:Yes, it's perfect!A:看了,太完美了。B:He's div

8、ing for the gold.B:他是志在必得呀。Is this your best score?这是你的最好成绩吗?A:In the discus throw,you scored 30 meters at the final throw.How did you make it?铁饼项目的最后一掷你投了 30米,你是怎么投的呢B:Well,I've been practising for 5 weeks.B:我已经练了五个星期了。A:Is this your best score?A:这是你的最好成绩吗?B:No,once I did 32.B:不,有一次我投过32米。He wo

9、n the first place!他得了第一。A:No.164 in lane 3 achieved 11'16" in the 100 meter dash.Isn't that something三道164号在百米塞中庖厨了 11'16的成绩.真了不起B:Yeah.He's the most experienced athlete in the field.B:是啊,百米赛他最有经验。A:He won the first place!A:他跑了第一 !B:Good boy!太棒了!It was so perfect that it won a u

10、nanimous 10.太完美了,裁判全给了满分。文章来源网,仅供分享学习参考A:Too bad you missed Jane's performance.你没有看上珍妮的表演太遗憾了。B:How's it?B:怎么样?A:It was so perfect that it won a unanimous 10A:太完美了,裁判全给了满分It's one fo the highlights of the match.这是比赛最精彩的场面之一A:It's one of the highlights of the match.A:这是比赛最精彩的场面之一。B:Wh

11、at?B:什么?A:The wonderful passing Meladona did.马拉多纳的那记传球太棒了。B:Too bad I missed it.B:我没看到太遗憾了。What do you think of.?你怎么看.A:What do you think of the Olympic motto "Higher,faster adn stronger"?你怎么看“更高、更卡、更强”的奥林匹克口号?B:Well, it's better than "Friendship first, competition second".比”

12、友谊第一,比赛第二“强。A:Why?In myopinion,it doesn't matter whether you wonor not.The most important thing is participation.为什么?在我看来的不得名次并不重要,重要在于参与。B:I still think nobody plays for nothing.我还是觉得参加比赛无所求的人没有的A beautiful.!好漂亮的.!A:A beautiful center (comer-kick/heading)!A:好漂亮的传中(角球、头球)!B:And good shot!B:好球!A:

13、A goal!进了!I hope .我希望.A:I hope the host team loese.A:我希望主队输掉。B:That all depends on how the visiting team shapes.B:那要看客队表现怎么样?A:According to the papers, the visiting side is a strong team in America.根据报道,客队是美国得一只强队。B:But two players of the team have been booked and one is out.但是两个队员被亮了黄牌,一人被罚下.I supp

14、ose he's not in top form.我倒觉得他发挥不正常。A:What do you think of the former champ?A:你觉得上届冠军怎么样?B:There were some bad misses in his defence,so he lost it.但在卫冕中有些失误,所以他失败了A:No champion can remain at the top for ever.A:没有常胜的将军。B:I suppose he's not in top form.B:我倒觉得他状态欠佳。They aren't evenly matche

15、d.他们的实力不相当。A:What do you think of AC milan and the team of Argentine?你觉得AC米兰队和阿根廷队怎么样?B:They aren't evenly matched.B:他们的实力不相当。A:Yes,I think AC Milan's foot work is much better on the whole.我同意你的观点.但是米兰脚下的工夫从总体上来看要好一些B:Yet the Argentine attacker is worth a bet.但是阿根廷的前锋值得一赌。I'm amazed我真奇怪A

16、:Did you watch the old-fashioned wrestling game last night?昨天晚上的旧式摔交你看了吗?B:Yes,of course.And I'm amazed the those karate and judo boys were so heplless before the wrestlers.当然,我真奇怪空手道和柔道队员在摔交手面前竟不堪一击A:You bet.The wrestlers had got sound defences and they simply couldn't make it.就是嘛,摔交手防守严密,无

17、懈可击。What's your favorite sport?你最喜欢彳f么运动?A:What's your favorite sopot?A:你最喜欢什么运动?B:Swimming.What about you?B:游泳。你呢?A:Indoors activities,such as chess and gymnastics.室内运动,象棋类拉,健美体操啦。I like.very much,but I can't play well.我很喜欢.,但是我打不好。A:Table-tennis is our national game.A:乒乓球是我们的国球。B:Yes, I like ping-pong very much,but I can't play well.不错,我很喜欢乒乓球,但是我打不好.A:I can't,either.I like watching.


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