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1、management systems and measuresestablishedby,and a numberof pragmatic, combined part -time workforce e ducation information,theprote ction ofthedigitalcampusconstr uctionand sustainabledevelopment.Six Bureau attachesgreat importanceto informationte chnol ogysecurity, i nformation technologysecurity,

2、entrustXX City Centerfor educati onali nformation a nd e qui pment dedi cated to thework.Network securityleadi ng groupwas set up, chaire d bythe Education BureauChief,hea d,forXX educati on Metr o-networka nd i nformation securityemergency response leader shpi.Deputy group leaderforXXeducati onal m

3、etropolita narea networkand informati ttt iil i t hl iSitlil tiy b t tift By - t if tii t C t XX twkwk iyif tiit y ti t it ihli)ilt fi thiftity i ii w k t proci t f ti t )t t t ti l-i t lititmanagement, ad shipeddimensi onma,agemet a nd sevie ouSour cng ma nagement tem; developed has tompUe adthe ne

4、t, of netwk * e sons bim led sytem, sgned has netwrk _iy roponsii iy sie of ifrmain managementpesonnel s esponsi be for cnfdeta l management passw ord ma -agemet on ccmpute e“ indepedetright,User name and password of te computer for is prpr etary a nd reea sinss prohiie d, sucas e , i nv igated for

5、esponsiily Acccdig t o wo s i cage I f wo's i cage, wo s r unnig a I d whots re sponsie for, -houses pri nci plsonsecurityemergency response coordination,command.Theteamassistleadera nddeputyleader,responsible fornetwork XX netw orksecurityand information .eam.Informationsecurityw orkConferenceh

6、eldeach semester,and depl oymentof informationsecurity ofdocumentsissue d>> 一 protct on lve s, thout thide iformainsstmsTota educain ifrmain s tms 1 XXiduatoncood plafrm) conais bakes t eGovenment, resure lbry, esdiaabae, mai seVccs, luc - e books al itae seVce sNo for grdeproteci ongad ng rec

7、r d and ealat on of sCool unis, rrquirmes te Ichool unis acordig to i nfmain scu grdepr I ecton aout policy and sandad,or.niatonre dou ifmainle, grde preCt on scu maa - ments> cnntrcton, a nd e cnolog,msue s cnsucina nd ga ealaton, mpl-etainga protct'(e -eb, V de,ludi)to te age, eectoni c w h

8、ie boads muldacasr 00ms rrmote ieacie Vdeotacig systmof mode n e ducainal iqupment i te cais.om. .Wih Ite companyin XX Educain", dmai netw irk of topc caedisig, rekson ,-c cmpa ny tougt Shu ad cua nprjct sf fre proVdds - th as e chnol o.lupport fom 2009bega n, accr dig to h. sandards ad hgh of

9、work thooght a nd ma npo w e pa nni ng a nd poins sepmpeme lain, us ng Ichool eathhuasHou re cnstucin of oppor unies aai pla nni ng eeme ntay ad mi dde Ichooscpusne r. a nd muain cyiducain met“oiaara neork cente ma ci ne rome qui pment i n te M nisty of e ducain sadadizai on mannget plafm, the Centa

10、 Li bray of adi ovi lua educaton esuces, let up a Chiee ea ce e ducain c oud pa.rm, mp e ned lnk s te tw o patorms " pre - c s p - ay and mide sCooI sude nts t cmpuer 3 18, Vialy tha 11; 109 equi pment s troug t he ,ssoom ( prmay ad sconday, of te campus ne r, Ie e salsment of a n avanned pra c

11、lcl Gia bi ld . atona metopol- n aea neor, the clyssCoos have ace ss to e ducatona merpoiaaranetw, , sCoospoit s dgia educainresure s ul coer proje icaton(iugt technial leer (O1* -h, adXX ProVnne DlabetofIduain on isue d X irovice ea ci ng poitsdg - l iducaton re sourcs f ul cve pr ojec m pllmeta on

12、 vi s of noiicain (cua n aught l e - r ,«8h,) rrquirmes I cyI a tacig poi I s mpl ementain tacigpoins dg-lmucain resu s ful coer proje Ct cmbi nnd I cy speCic siuain, d lppd i suudXXiy elu tacig poit s dgia re sucs ul Cove projecof mpementat Esalise d XX, ful Coveage I f dg-l resures imoden dis

13、ane e_caiesu cs cveig pre Ct or,Pro,ecsinXX Ciy Ichool dg,l resu s in moden di sance mucat 0ntechigtulColeage projct ea dig gr oup, dgia resures imode.isan e _cain techi I g, a nd XX ul cvergepr oe c goup ledesi a nd ogaizai n,i n a_or n tte uniid aragment of te hoe pr , esons be fr unveriy mucat on

14、 dg-lresu scover ngprtctmang-et ad mpementainccding to prov n s aragme nts I Ce nte has ara ngements Gong辽宁省劳动经济学校授课计划2 0 13年9月2 0 13年12月第一学年第一学期专业汽车运用与维修班级 汽修 13-2、3、4、5、6、7课程汽车发动机构造与维修教师总课 时讲授实验实习习 作其他周课 时1144452186审核 批筵2013年9月1日mprove se _riy preveti on pa cty obv I usy eha nced, iy hiddea id scu

15、iy iccdet obvousy edujd elecie g uaantes ifrmain healh -v elpmetXX E m atonCe nte egulay Cay outddyt o-yne o. ry moniori ng ifmainad e qui pmet. ” te a pproprae tecnicl saf XX ne s- managme nt ad maintea nce on a reula bas s sce _e d ve ng of ne o.sly ms, d.Ise and sciatd e qu pmet o peaig condtions

16、, ad m»e aecd.C.mpue a bmlitea tanngesrIgulay run a>a - yof v_s i t he scool i nfmain sstm parmees,leve sstms t ndtarsus d.Ic.up, so tat thee s a hadae fauei a . stm Crsh ca n rrse quCyad efcie n, Compuer ab maintean mannges e salsh a netrb a ntvius systm, Avva Virus sstm on a egula bass, an

17、d ativr us sfae -ry asesme nt, tme t upgademucaina - a (ndiv - ul lad. To extbroa da nd iers. Taiig ClsSiicaiaiaton , the cy e sallhd t he scool r unnig leve of -pevsin and ss-ent .sem. .format on e .caini n scool perormace evuai on, e,caina-s-eti nfmain or. moe ta t_t ght !scool eaces a-ddmc la -s

18、i nfmain te cnol ogy tta Cher tai ning ad ne orl manggme it pesnne fomte Cunty thin te a C t-hool tani ng on- tai ning s cmpeteThrough this mode ofP tice s a egula room-pevsion, e_cain iformain sterng, Seei ng, Seei ng ih t he ed pricpas of mucaton iformaton ito perormance ss-ent ad scool lve monior

19、iCasSiiat on ta lig i nfomain te cnol I gy apl cain Ca paiiy tanig of taces in ou ciy eachd XX s of effeCiemainng ad l t on, t o -ve op a sie ntific opeainal mucaton i nfmain Se eing ss-e I t metods tacig manng-et oflduucaiin informain a nd a pplcains. ”Ma c*6 of tetta ches, I pat ciatd i n a nat on

20、a e ducatona teCnolgy taniI g for primay a nd secnday sCool eaCes the eaCeshhae made to cut prmay ad mdd e - hool taces ' e _cai onal echnolgy prfCe ncy teS rifcae " pre -nt, al -hooS ha - a management systems and measuresestablishedby,and a numberof pragmatic, combined part -time workforce

21、 e ducation information,theprote ction ofthedigitalcampusconstr uctionand sustainabledevelopment.Six Bureau attachesgreat importanceto informationte chnol ogysecurity, i nformation technologysecurity,entrustXX City Centerfor educati onali nformation a nd e qui pment dedicated to thework.Network secu

22、rityleadi ng groupwas set up, chaire d bythe Education BureauChief,hea d,forXX educati on Metr o-networka nd i nformation securityemergency response leader shpi.Deputy group leaderforXXeducati onal metropolita narea networkand informationsecurityemergency response coordination,command.Theteamassistl

23、eadera nddeputyleader,responsible fornetwork XX netw orksecurityand information . ttt iil i t hl iSitlil tiy b t tift By - t if tii t C t XX tw k tw k iyif tiit y ti t it ihli)ilt fi thiftity i ii w k t proci t f ti t )t t t ti l-i t iti t h hl )b wk iytyttehl ) it thi i t It blh himaa.ment, ad ship

24、-dimes onma,ag-et and - vie ouSour cig ma na.ment .op- has tompUe ad the new, of netwk * e sons bim hed sat, sgned has netwrk ., r - ponsii iy sie of ifrmain maag-etpesonnel s ponsi be for c n“t>,manag-et passw ord ma ,aget oncmpute e" ind.edet right,U r name andpassword of te compubr for is

25、 prpr eay a nd r a sinss prohiie d, sucas e , inv iga- fr esponsim. Accdig t oWo s i cage I f Wo' s ijag* WoS r unnig a I d whots re sponsie for, who pri nci p- of Wo i s ica. of manae nt scoos (uiS) . theroes and ronsilt of ifrmain-curiy assurance ronsiblt t scoos. XX ii:eam.Informationsecurity

26、w orkConferenceheldeach semester,and depl oymentof informationsecurity ofdocumentsissue dmmang-.nt, a nd euipment mang-et and m-a manaement, ad new o. 一cnsucinch wee not ,sie d seui, proe ci asesme c1(X e duat on a nd re su ce network) fr c ie.scuh protct on es, wt hout t hide informainsstmsTota edu

27、caion ifrmain s tms 1 XXIduatonc o_ plafrm) conais ues wt eGovenme nt, resuce I bry, es daaae, mH seVcs, lucise books al itae seVce sNo for .rdeproteci on gadi ng recr d and ealat on of sCooI unis, rrquirmes te uhool units acording to i nfmain scuiy .rdepr I ecton aout policy and sandad, organizat o

28、nre dou ifmai I se -ry .rde prect on scuiy managgmetsstm cnstucton, a nd e cnolog,mlasues cnsucina nd gade ealat on, impl -etain gade pr otct on.sem of te re quirment* m»ls infrmaton s tm scuiy ma ,. et eveobviu ii,up t o 160 mil on Yua n, aorigto t he stanad, high Lialy planing XX e-caina meto

29、poltaaranetw. relzs Wan Zhaokua to scool s, hudrds of m,a-sof bra dband tte ta ble ' wie'(e Web, V de,<udi)tote age, eejtoni c whie boads mutmldajasr 00ms rrmote ieacie Vde o tajig systmof mode n e ducainal iqupment i te caisrom Wtlte compay in XX E ducain Ciy man netw irk of topc cae dds

30、ign, rrles on Ciic cmpa" touggt Shu ad chuanprjct sf fre proVdish isth as echnol ogylupport fom 2019bega n, accr dig to high sandards adhig h of work t hooght a nd ma npowe pa nni ng a nd poins sepimpeme lain, us ng uhool eat h_aSHou re cnstucin of oppor unites aai pla nni ng eeme ntay ad mi dd

31、 eIchooscpusne rk a ndIduain cy dmai .ewo« ad local broadcasig nltwork company coopeain, usig bra djas TV nltwo., w, | hyi cal ie ayngtod - ain met“oiaara nntwork cente ma ci ne rome Lui pment i n te M nisty of e ducain sadadizai on mannget plafm, the Centa Li bray of adi ovilua educaton esuces

32、, letup a Chiee ea ce e ducain c oud pa.rm, mp e ned lnk s te tw o patorms " pre - cys p - ay and mide sCool suue nts t cmpuer 3 18, Viaiy tha 11; eLui pment ,ses trougt he - ssoom"ay ad sconday, 36 of te campusne rk Ie e salisment of a n ava need pra Gia biad - atona metopol- n aea nntwor

33、k the>I,sscoos have acess to e ducatona merpoiaaranetwk , scooshale compuer”, cosadHrui t Vsin new ork, brood s newo iit the clssoom s, reaie t he tile paypoit s dgia e ducainresure s ul joer proje ijaton.lu,t technial leer"" ,adXX ProVnne lelametofIduain on isue d - irovice ea ci ng po

34、itsd、-l aducaton re sourcs f ul cve pr ojeC m pllmetai on view s of noiicain (jua n aught l e - r ,«8h,) rrLuirmesI jy6 a tajig mpl emetaton eajig poins dg-lIducain resu s ful coer proje ct cmbi nnd I cy spe Cic siuain, ddeelppd i suudXX Ciy reuI n tacig poit s d”a re sucs ul cove projeCof mpem

35、entat Esalise d XX, ful cov ae ' f dg - l resures imoden disane educai on ea chi ng pr oec ledi I g goup,XX, cha - d the Secetay fraducaton. Esaishd, d“a e souccs i I moden dsanne eesu cs cveig pre ct workProjeCs in XX ciy uhool dg,lresu sin moden disance Iducaton techigtulColeage pr ojct ea dig

36、 gr oup, dgia resures imode.disan e ducain techi I g, a nd XX ul cvergepr oe c goup ledesi a nd ogaizai nt na_ordance tte uniid aragment of te w hoe prVi, esons be fr uiVeHy Iducatondg-lresu - sCov» ngprlctmang-et ad mpementainccding to proV n s aragme nts I Ce nte has ara ngements Gong授课计划mpro

37、ve se _rh prrveti on pa Ciy obv I usy eha nced, iy hddea id sju uCdet obVousy edd»d efejie g uaantes iformain healh dev _pmetXX E atonCe nte egulay cay outddyt o,new o. ry moniori ng ifomain ad e Lui pmet. ” te a pproprae tejnijl saff X news- managme nt ad maintea nce on a reula bas s sje due d

38、 vieW ng of new o.s ly ms, d-.Ise and sci atd e qupmet opeaig condti ons, ad mike a ejd.C.mpue a bmlitea tanngesr(gulay r un a larey of delUs i t he scool i nfmainsstmparms,leve sstms t nd tarsus daa I uk up, so tat thee s a ha dwae fakei a . stm crsh ca n rrse Lucky ad eke n, Compuer ab maitean - m

39、annges e salsh a newrka ntv - s systm, Avvaius sstm on a egula ba ss, and a ntivi us sftv ry asesme nt, tme t upgadeIducaina . a indiVdualav. Toex|Idie educaton infrmaizton wk, the cy e salilhd the scool r unnigleve oflupevsin and ss-ent .sem. .format on e ducaion i n scool perormace evuai on, e duc

40、aion ase s-eti nfmainw ork moe ta t_t g ht Pracice s a egula roomiupeVsion, educaion infrmain sterng, seeing, seeing wth t he ed prinjpas of(d atoniformatonito perormance ss-e nt ad scool lve monitoritbroa da nd,ew-Taiig Clssficaion ta nig of tejhes,scool eaces aca ddmc la ders i nfmain te cnology t

41、ta Cher tai nig ad new ork manggme it pesnne fomte Cunty wthi te a ck t uhool tani ng once tai nig s jmpeteThrough ths mode ofcasiiat on ta I ig i nfmain te jnol I g, apl jain ca paii,tanig of tajes in ou ci, eajhd XX -res of efeCiemainng ad ealat on, t o devI op a ss ntij, operaina (duaton i nfmain

42、 se eig ss-e I t metods tajig manng-et ofldu iin informain a nd a pplcai ns. ”Ma jll, of tettaches, I patiiatd i n a nat ona e ducatona teCnolgy triiI g fr prmay a nd secnda,sCool tejhes, te tejhes have made to cut prmay ad mdd e uhool tajes ' e ducai onal e chnolg, prf-nny tes cerijae. " p

43、relent, alIchoos hale a 周次课时分配教 学内容作业讲 授实 验实 习其 它第一周2绪论2第一章、发动机总体构造与维修 第一节、发动机构造和工作原理P41.1-42实训1、发动机结构及工具使用第一 周2第二章、曲柄连杆机构的构造与维修 第T、曲柄连杆机构的作用及机体组2实训、机体组的拆装2第二节、活塞连杆组第三周2实训1、活塞连杆组的拆装2第三节、曲轴飞轮组P90.1-42实训、曲轴飞轮组的拆装第 四 周2曲柄连杆机构的整体拆装2本章总结复习P135.1-7第 五 周6放假休息management systems a nd measuresesta blishedby,a

44、nd a numberof pragmatic, combined part -time workforce e ducation information,theprote ction ofthedigital campusconstr uctionand sustaina bledevelopment.Six Bureau attachesgreat importanceto i nformationte chnol ogysecurity, i nformation technologysecurity,entrustXX City Centerfor educati onali nfor

45、mation a nd e qui pment dedi cated to th ework. Network securityleadi ng groupwas set up, chaire d bythe Education BureauChief,hea d,forXX educati on Metr o-networka nd i nformation securityemergency response leader shpi.Deputy group leaderforXXeducati:.L I . I id - a>n met, a”, po»- -books,

46、 all intranet .L . II . . L sevc sNo for grdeprot-ion gadI . .L I.c vde o cigsystm of modeWt ew n prt sf .- prov fom200lain. uS ng -hool 一 inJ-::.”一oud pafrm, -p - en_L Inks UIn L o ” Ciccmpa ny loLigt Shu ad cuaury grde pre -.lt,ru- li b., esL I . . .L- - th as es,-t up a Chi - ea ce e Lucain c L L

47、.onic -hie bo.d* m uld.c - r oom* r-ote .nework cente ma ci ne rome quipment i n Ie Monsecurityemerge ncy response coordinati on,command.T heteamassistlea dera nddeputyleade r,responsibl e fornetwork XX netw orksecurityand information .eam.Informati onsecurityw orkConferencehe ldeach semester,a nd d

48、epl oymentof informatio nse curity ofdocumentsi ssue d . . . _ L . _on systm -u- manew g -Lt-n n orkbr ood" new fre-caisaashd, lV te - L . .授课计划tpreveti on -pa.yob"u- -iy hdde a .L -u. .cdet obvousy eLued felie gu - nt- ”rma-he.h levelpmet XX E-.onCe nte egula.cay out LLyto-y ne- or - e-i

49、pmet. tejni I XX ne-ok e. ante"”, ons. manae eu-ba- s e-e L ors. - ms, L and -ci atd e qupmet Li m_e a ecd.Cmpue bm-teane -n.es r.u” r un a . of -v-in pa-ees,e . nL -s a haLwae fakeia .s_c_h can -enne manngese antvius , Av. Virs son a egua ba ss, and ativr us sf - e - cur. ad.ce t hupevs on,to

50、eu- on L_on_aiondon a -a oi nLivlual -d. To ex一. wk,the c. esalshd t he sceveof lupev-n and entat on e lucaion i n sc lucaionas. s_.t i nk.aionw ta Icut - ig ht OPracice isa e- room .upevsion, elucatonsterng, seei ng, seei ng wth t he ed princpas of int nt .L scool Ive ng.L lev.op a si. nt" ope

51、ain. tmains. eing tag man - et of -tons." Ma c.6 ches,I pat cp.td i n a nat on. eLLcmn. tecnoloy tanitbroa da nd l.wrs. Taiig clssficaion t. nig of teches, scool .aces aca .- c la lers i nfmain te cnolog. tta cher tai nig ad new ork mano-e it pesnn. fomte Cunt. wthi te a c thool taii ng once ta

52、i nig s cmpleteThrough ths mode ofcasliat on t. I i. i nfmain te cnol I g. apl c.in ca pailt. t.nig of taces in ou c. eachd XX -resof mainma. a ndsecn.,scool techers, te teches have maLeto -t80 prmar. ad mdde ihool tacers ' e tes-rfcaeApre -nt,alIchoosha. accs周课时分配教 学内容作业次讲实实其授验习它第 六6假期休息周2第三章、配

53、气机构的构造与维修 第一节、配气机构的结构、工作原理P135.2-9第七 周2实训1、配气机构的拆装2实训、配气相位的检查与调整2第二节、配气相位及可义的配气相位第 八 周2实训1、气门间隙的检查与调整2第二节;配气机构常见故障与调整2第四章、汽油机燃油供给系统第第T、汽油机燃油供给系统构造九 周2第二节、电控燃油喷射系统2实训1、汽油机燃油供给系统的认知management systems and measuresestablishedby,and a numberof pragmatic, combined part -time workforce e ducation informati

54、on,theprote ction ofthedigitalcampusconstr uctionand sustainabledevelopment.Six Bureau attachesgreat importanceto informationte chnol ogysecurity, i nformation technologysecurity,entrustXX City Centerfor educati onali nformation a nd e qui pment dedicated to thework.Network securityleadi ng groupwas set up, chaire d bythe Education BureauChief,hea d,forXX educati on Metr o-networka nd i nformation securityemergency response leader shpi.Deputy group leaderforXXedu


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