



1、新托福口语模板创制的可能性系列文章:Question 3.B朗阁托福考试研究中心l 谈模板在上篇中朗阁托福考试研究中心口语组的专家讲到,考生在Question 3的阅读和听力局部首先需要记录下一些要点,再将这些要点内容按一定的逻辑顺序和最后的问题要求组织好并表达出来便是完成了任务。下面我们以一个题目为例,分为三个局部讲解:先分别确定阅读和听力中的要点内容填入相应的笔记模板,再来探究一下具体作答时的框架和表达的模板。Example Part 1 - Reading考生首先接触的是阅读文章,正式的题目从下面的话题简介开始,考生会听到:NarratorCity University is plann

2、ing to increase tuition and fees. Read the announcement about the increase from the president of City University.事实上,考生从这个简短的介绍开始便可以做笔记了,因为它已经大致说明了整个题目的核心话题:城市大学正方案增收学费,请阅读城市大学校长就此发表的公告。公告如下:Announcement from the PresidentThe university has decided to increase tuition and fees for all students by ap

3、proximately 8% next semester. For the past 5 years, the tuition and fees have remained the same, but it is necessary to increase them now for several reasons. The university has many more students than we had five years ago, and we must hire additional professors to teach these students. We have als

4、o made a new commitment to research and technology and will be renovating and upgrading our laboratory facilities to better meet our students needs.阅读中,以上红色字体的内容就是关键参考本文上篇内容,考生应当善于开掘这些主要信息并用最简练且有条理的方式加以记录。朗阁托福考试研究中心在此提醒考生们,事实上,笔记也是有固定的框架模板的:Reading Note-takingTopic: increase tuition & fees (8%)Main

5、Reasons: a. more students additional professors; b. new commitment to research & technology renovating & upgrading laboratory facililties Part 2 - Listening接下来是听力,考生在听对话或独白时应当留意说话者的语调、重音和一些词汇的选择,因为这些往往是考生判断说话者观点和态度的关键因素。此题是一段对话,内容如下:ManOh great, now we have to come up with more money for next semest

6、er.WomanYeah, I know, but I can see why. When I first started here, classes were so much smaller than they are now. With this many students, its hard to get the personal attention you needManYeah, I guess youre right. You know, in some classes I cant even get a seat. And I couldnt take the math cour

7、se I wanted to because it was already full when I signed up.WomanAnd the other thing is, well, I am kind of worried about not being able to get a job after I graduate.ManWhy? I mean youre doing really well in your classes, arent you?WomanIm doing ok, but the facilities here are so limited. There are

8、 some great new experiments in microbiology that we cant even do here there isnt enough equipment in the laboratories, and the equipment they have is out of date. How am I going to compete for jobs with people who have practical research experience? I think the extra tuition will be a good investmen

9、t.从对话中我们可以听出两人对该方案的态度是一致的,并且是肯定的。而中间他们所讨论的理由也是后面答复以下问题的关键信息。在不知道最后问题的情况下,考生要针对上面红色字体的局部即两人各自的观点和理由都做好简要记录。笔记的框架模板如下:Listening Note-takingMan:a. get a seatb. take the math course full when signed upWoman:a. many students hard to get personal attentionb. worried about job limited facilities; no enough

10、 equipment & out of datec. extra tuition good investment (key point)说明:听力局部主要是记录说话人的观点及理由,有可能是对话,也有可能是独白,所以如果是独白就只有一人发表观点,框架就更简单了。 Part 3 - Answering最后出现在屏幕上并被朗读出来就是问题。此题的问题如下:3. The woman expresses her opinion of the announcement by the university president. State her opinion and explain the reason

11、s she gives for holding that opinion.Preparation Time: 30 SecondsResponse Time: 60 Seconds题目很明确地指出,女生对大学校长发布的公告表达了自己的观点。考生在答题时需要总结女生所持的观点,并说明相应的理由。所以在讨论答题框架和表达之前朗阁海外考试研究中心先强调考生在准备答题时需注意的几点: 阅读和听力中所给的信息可能较多,考生在读或听的时候所记录下来的信息有时并不会全部用到答题过程中。考生应当严格依照问题的要求来答题。如此题中题目要求阐述女生的观点及原因,那么男生的就可以略过; 考生的答复必须完整,要能使没

12、有看过该公告或听过该对话的人能够从考生的口中了解到学校新政策的内容、女学生的观点以及理由; 对话中女生所持的理由同公告中大学校长的理由是根本一致的,但不同的是她是从自己亲身经验的角度来阐述的,所以考生在答复时要注意把阅读和听力中的信息结合起来。Opening Statement:The materials include an announcement from the university president and a discussion about it between two students.引子Reading:In the reading passage, the announc

13、ement tells that the university has decided to increase tuition and fees because additional professors should be hired to teach more students.总结公告内容及原因一The announcement also says that the laboratory facilities should be renovated and upgraded for research and technology in order to better meet stude

14、nts needs.总结原因二Listening:In the listening, the woman agrees with the announcement and thinks that the university is right to increase its fees.说明女生对公告的观点-赞同She feels that classes are really getting so crowded that it hard to get personal attention from her professors. So she mentions more teachers a

15、re needed and the tuition increase is necessary because the university can then hire more teachers.阐述赞同的原因一:同公告中的原因一She also approves that the money should be spent to improve laboratory facilities because they are out of date, and that this has made it hard for her to get the practical laboratory e

16、xperience she feels she needs to get a good job after graduation.阐述赞同的原因二:同公告中的原因二上面七句话有效地将阅读和听力中的信息表达出来并相互联系和照应,答复完整,条理清楚,在语速适中的情况下能很好地掌控时间。答复中红色字体的局部就是可供考生们参考的模板之一,内容上的丰富那么依赖前面的笔记。标注下划线的是在总结和阐述别人观点时考生可以灵活替换的一些表示观点的词汇。除了上面用到的tell, say, agree with, think, feel, mention, approve等,其中表示支持或反对的词语还有: support, disagree, disapprove等;直接发表强烈看法或论述原因的词语还有:consider, be


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