中考英语专题 倒装句_第1页
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1、二轮复习之倒装句倒装句倒装句:1,倒装是指为了强调某种成分而进行的主语和谓语的倒装。2,倒装分为全部倒装和部分倒装。3,全部倒装是指把所有的谓语动词放到主语之前。4,部分倒装是指把部分的谓语动词提到主语之前。be动词,情态动词,助动词,动词,情态动词,助动词,have/has全部倒装:1 1,herehere,therethere,now, thennow, then等放在句首时。等放在句首时。eg. Here comes the bus.eg. Here comes the bus. There went the bell. There went the bell. Then came th

2、e chairman. Then came the chairman.2, 2, 表示运动方向的副词(表示运动方向的副词(up/down/in/out/away.up/down/in/out/away.)放在句首时。放在句首时。eg. Out rushed the boy.eg. Out rushed the boy. Away went the young man. Away went the young man. Down jumped the cat. Down jumped the cat.3, 3, 表示方位的介词或介词短语放在句首时。表示方位的介词或介词短语放在句首时。eg. On

3、 the top of the mountain stands a eg. On the top of the mountain stands a school.school. In the forest lies a lake. In the forest lies a lake. In the river lived a special type In the river lived a special type of fish.of fish.注:注:当句子主语是人称代词时不倒装。当句子主语是人称代词时不倒装。eg. Away he went.eg. Away he went. Out

4、he rushed. Out he rushed.部分倒装:1 1,little, few, no, not, hardly, seldom, never little, few, no, not, hardly, seldom, never 等否等否定或半否定的词放在句首。定或半否定的词放在句首。eg. I will never forget the experience.eg. I will never forget the experience. Never will I forget the experience. Never will I forget the experience.

5、2, only 2, only 放在句首时。放在句首时。eg. I realized the truth only then.eg. I realized the truth only then. Only then did I realize the truth. Only then did I realize the truth. I recognized him only when my friend told I recognized him only when my friend told me.me. Only when my friend told me did I recogn

6、ize Only when my friend told me did I recognize him.him.3, so / neither / nor 3, so / neither / nor 放在句首表示相同的情况时。放在句首表示相同的情况时。soso表示表示“也是也是”neither / nor”neither / nor表示表示“也不也不”。eg. Tom has ever been to the Great Wall.eg. Tom has ever been to the Great Wall. - So have I . ( - So have I . (我也是我也是) )

7、I dont know the answer. I dont know the answer. -Neither / Nor does he.( -Neither / Nor does he.(他也不知道他也不知道) )注:若表示对所说内容表示肯定的情况时,则不需要倒注:若表示对所说内容表示肯定的情况时,则不需要倒装。装。He will be late again. So he will.He will be late again. So he will.He is really hard-working. So he is.He is really hard-working. So he i

8、s.She never smiles in public. Neither does he.She never smiles in public. Neither does he.若表示相同的情况超过一项时用:若表示相同的情况超过一项时用:It is the same with.It is the same with.eg. He worked hard and won many prizes. eg. He worked hard and won many prizes. It is the same with Linda.It is the same with Linda. I am ve

9、ry tired and want to go home I am very tired and want to go home now.now.Its the same with my friends.Its the same with my friends.4 4,否定词放句首,但无否定意义的词放在句首。,否定词放句首,但无否定意义的词放在句首。如:如: not only. but also. not only. but also. 不仅不仅.而且而且 Not until. Not until. 直直到到.才才 Hardly . when. Hardly . when. 一一.就就. No

10、 sooner . than. No sooner . than. 一一.就就.eg. Not only did he know the truth but eg. Not only did he know the truth but also he told everyone what he knew.also he told everyone what he knew. 他不仅知道真相还把它告诉了他认识的每他不仅知道真相还把它告诉了他认识的每个人。个人。 Not until it was 10pm did his mother Not until it was 10pm did his mother go to bed.go to bed. 直到晚上十点钟他的妈妈才去睡觉。直到晚上十点钟他的妈妈才去睡觉。注:注:only / not until only / not until 等倒装应倒装主句。等倒装应倒装主句。 eg. Only when he went out did he eg. Only when he went out did he find the secret of nature.find the secret of nature. 只有当他出去才发现了自然地奥秘。只有当他出去才发现了自然地奥秘。 Not until


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